Guardian Angel
(Name) skipped down the steps of her school, dancing about in happiness. She grinned from ear to ear, clutching onto a piece of paper as if it was gold.
She got an A on her math test that she had been long studying for and couldn't wait to tell her parents of it. They'd be so proud of her.
As she walked home, she didn't notice a figure hiding in the trees watching her, smiling softly.
She reached home and excitedly exclaimed to her parents about her lucky day. Her mother hugged her and kissed her on the forehead and went off to another room. (Name's) mom pushed her father in on a wheelchair. After the crash nearly 12 years ago, (Name) and her mother were both knocked unconscious, but not seriously hurt, whereas the father was injured so severely he lost both legs in the crash. (Name) was somehow spirited out by a male of about nineteen. Witnesses said that he was there one second and gone the next. No one knew who he was. Blood was found near the cite, but it didn't match to any of the people there. It still remains a mystery twelve years later.
(Name) and her parents always joked that her savior was a fairy or an angel, but (Name) didn't believe in all that.
(Name) opened her eyes. Squinting in the dark, she looked at her little clock on her bed. It was three in the morning.
Groaning at the fact that she woke up a little too early. She turned around in her bed so her back didn't face the outside anymore.
And she was met with a pair of eyes staring at her.
(Name) gasped and immediately sat up, which seemed to scare the creature. The creature let out a "Whoa!" and knocked off the figurines on (Name's) desk. It fell backwards and onto the floor with a muffled thump.
Quickly, (Name) switched on a light and saw white wings and feathers all jumbled up in a writhing mass.
(Name) shrieked and the thing immediately jumped up and put a hand on her mouth.
"Dude!" he whispered-yelled "Calm the fuck down!!!" (Name) looked into the person's eyes in fear.
She also noticed that his eyes were a beautiful shade blue.
The young man kept his hand on her mouth for a while more, and when he was positive that no one was outside, he lifted his hand and stared intensely at her.
(Name) stared back uneasily as an awkward silence permeated the air.
"Who the hell are you?" She asked.
The male grinned back, his glasses reflecting light off of it.
"Well," he said " You could say I'm your-" He paused and flirtatiously winked at her.
(Name) stared blankly at him for another moment.
"What?" He asked "Am I too handsome for you to ha-" His sentence was cut off as a pillow was slammed onto his face.
"Mmmph!!!" He yelled, muffled under the pillow as he fell backwards once again.
"Get out of my room!!!" She yelled "I'll call the police!"
"Okay, okay!" He said, trying to stand up. "Lower your voice, bro. I don't want anyone to know I'm here-"
"I can prove it!" The guy said, panicking. The next second, (Name) saw the pure white wings unfold behind his bomber jacket, taking up most of the room. Shimmering white feathers fell onto the floor. Then the clothes he had on disappeared to show off the tunic and sandals.
"What..." (Name) stared at the scene in front of her in disbelief "What are you?"
"Like I said," the creature said "I'm your guardian angel." He winked at her again.
"An angel..." (Name) sank onto her bed. The angel jumped onto the bed and sat in front of her, Indian-style, grinning that same grin.
"...Can I touch your wings-" (Name) asked.
"Alfred," he said "Alfred Foster Jones."
"Alfred..." (Name) cautiously reached over and gently touched the wings. They were soft to the touch and light. (Name) soon found herself getting caught up in the activity.
"O-oh, yeah, " Blushing, (Name) snatched her hand back.
"So now do you believe me?" asked Alfred.
Alfred gave a small laugh. "That's a relief, " he said.
"So........" started (Name).
"Yeah Alfred, okay. Um...what makes you my guardian angel?"
He leaned forward and his wings encircled the two.
"I was the one who saved you twelve years ago."
(Name) stared up into his sky-blue eyes, now bright inside the darkness within the shelter of his wings.
"Yup, and I've been watching over you since."
Alfred must have noticed the blank face on her, so he waved his hand in front of her.
"Hellooooooooo," he said "Earth to (Name), earth to (Name)."
"Okay you're still on this planet, dude" he leaned back and light poured through as the wings folded back.
"I'm sure you have a lot of questions, " he said.
"Well go on and ask! I'll answer anything you throw at me!" He leaned back as if he were relaxing.
"Alright..." (Name) still didn't really feel comfortable with this angel in her room.
Alfred looked expectantly at her as she tried to think up a question. His blonde hair gleamed and seemed to have its own source of light, with an ahoge bobbing up and down as he squirmed around excitedly. This was an angel. Of course she was curious about him. Thinking back to the crash gave her an idea.
"At the scene of the crash, where you saved me, there was blood at the scene that didn't match anyone else's, " she felt quite proud of herself for thinking up with that question. To tell the truth, she still didn't fully believe that this guy was an angel. Blood will mean that he was human because...angels can't bleed...?
"Yup, that was my blood-"
"Ha! You're not an angel then!"
Alfred looked at (Name) with a perplexed look. "I so am an angel, bro"
"Wait," (Name) was confused "Angels can't bleed-"
"The older ones can't bleed, but younger ones can because we're still partly human."
"How?!" She began to voice crack in disbelief "Humans can't become angels-"
"Very few can though," he laughed at her confused face.
"Okay, okay, if you are a young angel, exactly how old are you?"
Alfred grinned smugly, as if he was expecting this question.
"In Angel Years or Human years?"
"SSSHHHH, BE QUIET" He whisper-yelled.
"Yeah, told you I'm pretty young."
Alfred winced a bit at that comment "Ouch, that hit pretty hard"
"Sorry, sorry...What are Angel Years?"
"The time since you died till now."
"So you died..." (Name) paused and did the math "...1777?"
"Bingo! You got it right!"
"So you died in the Revolutionary War?"
"Battle of Saratoga to be exact. Ain't that cool?"
(Name) blinked. Once again she was dumbfounded. A Revolutionary War soldier has become an angel and is now sitting on her bed right in front of her. Sounded like something out of a cheesy, teenage love story.
This was too much to take in.
"Hey hey, you know what else is cool?" Alfred made a ":3" face which, (Name) admitted to herself, was very adorable.
"This" Alfred lifted up his hand, palm facing towards her. A small ball of blue light emerged from his hand and formed from blue light to a silvery-blue ball of metal, and that piece of metal morphed into a gun, pointing upwards.
(Name) sat mystified at the item. The silvery-blue metal of the gun reflected light in all directions.
"Ain't she a pretty thing?" He dropped the gun onto the pal of his other hand and smiled at his treasure.
"What kind of gun is that?"
Alfred huffed "It's a pretty cool contraption though."
"Why do you need it anyways?" (Name) asked "Don't angels have super powers or something?"
"I'm too young to have powers, that's why I have a gun."
" what does it shoot?"
"So there's more creatures than just angels?"
"Yeah. Demons, fairies, pixies, Elves, gnomes. It's the fairies that are annoying as heck. Steal you things and pull your hair and just run off. It's guns like these that scare them off. Could kill them. Plus demons are scared of this. They like to go after us. 'Us' meaning all the young angels."
"We don't have our own powers, we're not strong enough to fight them, too vulnerable, like little chicks, but one shot of this baddie and they'll be cryin' home to mama. That is, if I miss, but I never miss a shot. I never do anyways. They'll already be dead the moment they see me."
(Name) thought that Alfred thought quite highly of himself and it was kind of annoying.
Alfred stopped fantasizing "What?"
"Are you going to leave?"
"Wha- Do you want me to?"
"It's three in the morning Alfred, I got to go to sleep."
"Oh okay," the gun dissapeared into a ball of blue light. Alfred spread out his wings, as if preparing for flight.
"I'll be back soon, okay (Name)?" Alfred hopped off the bed and opened the window next to it. So that's how he came in.
"I'll be looking forward to it," (Name) sighed and pulled the blankets onto herself, but then she felt a hand on hers, stopping it. She looked up and again saw those eyes.
"Just remember that I'll always be there for you, alright?" He was now sounding serious "Just call me, alright? I'm your guardian angel and I will do anything to protect you..."
The two stayed still for a moment longer and (Name) found herself slowing believing in him.
Two worlds. Two different beings. But they somehow met each other in a twist of fate.
(Name) groaned and slammed her palm on the clock. She turned and squinted in the morning sun.
"Darn it, that was such a great dream." (Name) sighed. Some angel came into her room and started spewing imaginative nonsense that she couldn't believe. And at the end, when he said those words, her heart skipped a beat. Those eyes. That face. He was so handsome-
"Haha, nope!" (Name) laughed to herself for thinking like a romantic, lovestruck teenager. This was so not the time to be thinking of such things. Gotta get ready for school.
As (Name) swung her legs over the bed to get up, her eyes spotted something small and white on the ground near her.
It was a white feather. And it was bigger than the feathers in her pillow.
Curious and excited, she reached over and picked it up. Small and bright, clean and white, she knew it was an angel feather.
The dream was real.
(Name) didn't know how to feel.
Helloooooo, an angel appeared in her bedroom last night! This was just like it appeared right out of fairytale.
She sat there, surveying her feather when her mother's shouting from downstairs snapped her out of her trance.
"(Name), are you awake yet?! You've been up there for awhile already!"
"Yeah I'm awake, Mom!" (Name) got off her bed and quickly did her morning routine, then bounded down the steps toward the kitchen.
"Morning Dad!" (Name) sat on her chair and began scarfing down her breakfast.
"Woah, slow down there," her dad grinned from his wheelchair "You seem extra pumped this morning, (Name)"
"I am?" said (Name) as she swallowed her remaining bits of breakfast and wiped her mouth, getting up to head for the door.
"Honey?" Her mom called out.
(Name) turned and looked at her mother, who was pointing at her hand. (Name) looked down and saw that she was still clutching the feather.
"Why are you bringing a feather to school, (Name)?"
"Uh..." She tried to think of an excuse "It's for a school project, Mom"
(Name's) mother stood there, pondering what she said, then she seemed to accept the excuse for she waved her hand and said "Alright, well goodbye dear!"
"Bye Mom!" (Name) walked out the door with an air of excitement.
As (Name) walked down that familiar road, seeing the everyday, familiar sights, and there was that one oak tree-
(Name) screamed and was met with two big arms engulfing her in a hug.
"Awwww bro I missed ya" Alfred pressed his cheek on hers and laughed.
"A-Alfred?!" (Name) blushed at the close contact.
"Hey you actually remembered my name dude"
(Name) finally pried Alfred off of her and looked at him. He wore the same trademark bomber jacket from last night, but gone were the sandals and tunic. He looked like a real human.
"What you're doing here, Alfred?"
"Don't you remember what I said last night, (Name)?" He seemed slightly disappointed "I'm your guardian angel" Then he broke out into a silly grin "Or you could call me your hero!"
(Name) sighed at his child-like personality and proceeded to walk to her school.
"Hey wait up!" Alfred ran to catch up.
"Are you going to walk with me?"
(Name) sighed and walked, with Alfred tailing behind, spouting some story that he thought was cool. Something about dragons and knights.
"Why are you walking with me?"
Alfred looked at her and smiled softly.
"Don't you know? The world is a dangerous place, (Name)," Alfred grabbed her on both shoulders and stopped her "You're gonna need a hero, (Name) and that's going to be me."
(Name) blushed because his face was uncomfortably close to hers.
She glared at him, blushing slightly "People are staring at us"
Alfred paused and looked around. They were near the school area and some students were looking at them.
And some of them knew (Name).
"Hey (Name)!" called out one of the students "Who's that?"
"Just a friend, Kelly" (Name) shook off Alfred's hands. "Could you please leave now, Alfred?"
A look of hurt flashed across Alfred's face, but then was replaced by a grin as quickly as it came.
"Alright, well, later (Name)" Alfred began to run off "You know you could just call me whenever you feel like it! I'll be there!" He laughed and disappeared behind a building.
(Name) just stood there in a moment of disbelief. Did he really just say that out loud? With all these people here?
Someone tapped (Name) on the shoulder and she turned around. Her friend's face looked questionably at her.
"That your boyfriend?" She asked
(Name) snorted "That guy? Not a chance, Liz."
"But he seemed interested in you" (Name's) friend winked slyly "And he's not that bad lookin' either. He go here?"
"No he doesn't" (Name) ignored the stares of other students and proceeded once again to walk to the school alone.
"Well where does he go?" Asked her friend, who began following like what Alfred did.
"Looks like he's old enough to be in college. Oooooh (Name), picking on the older ones, hmm?" She leaned closer "You like your guys old, dontcha?"
"Elizabeta Hérderváry you better shut your fucking mouth right now" (Name's) cheeks were a light shade of pink.
Elizabeta blinked. It was rare enough for (Name) to cuss. And she called her by her full name, instead of a nickname, so she knew that (Name) was definitely pissed.
But she couldn't ignore the blush dusting across her friend's face.
Elizabeta grinned smugly "Fine, I won't speak of it no more" She then whispered into (Name's) ear "But if ya ever need some advice, you could just ask me, okay?" She punched her shoulder playfully.
"C'mon, we're gonna be late to class"
When the last class was over, (Name) went out, and lo and behold, Alfred came bounding from behind the building, with that same smile on his face.
And it was always like that, everyday.
Alfred always visited her at night, chatting and keeping her awake. She learned some interesting things about him. Turns out he got his "Hero" thing from watching some superhero shows in the human world. Guess he thought they were cool. And he learned to talk like that from some of the shows. Said he had a British accent before.
It was tough to imagine Alfred with a British accent.
But him walking with her to and from school made her happy, like she wasn't alone. And those midnight chats always left her trying to keep her laugh down. She was starting to enjoy his company. And sometimes, she would find herself thinking of him when she daydreamed. It was usually about her favorite actors, but now he was all she thought about.
And (Name) couldn't help herself.
She just couldn't stop thinking of him..
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