This is My New Home

I don't know where they're bringing me. Everything feels hazy. I can't even thing straight. The longer we walked though, my visions slowly started to come back. Pain slowly swelled up in my wings, feeling the feathers getting plucked off as we walked. I opened my eyes a little, squinting up to see Jack carrying me. I could see a couple more scars on his neck. They looked more like bite marks.

Are there dogs down here?

I heard doors open, them sounding big and heavy. Metal clashing around us as we walked further.

"What is this?" A deep and distanced voice spoke.

"Heya Shadow!" Sparrow called out.

Wait a minute... Shadow? As in the King of all Shadow Demons? I'm so dead!

A faint growl came from the deep voice. "What have I told you Sparrow!"

"To call you King." Sparrow sounded defeated.

"Well; King." Jack stepped in. "I found a little treat that me and the boys would like to keep." I froze, feeling Jack's grip tighten. "And it seems that they are finally awake."

With that, I was thrown onto the ground. I groaned, lifting my head up. The room was dark, only lit by candle light. Under me was a red mat leading up to the throne, where a tall dark figure sat. His hair was like smoke, his glowing white eyes being the only other fiture I could see from so far away.

I wrapped myself in my wings, seeing the patches of missing feathers. *I don't think I can fly with them for a while*

"Where did you find her?" Shadow asked, sitting a little taller.

"At the diner. She had the scent of an Angel all over her. Rockie move." Jack said.

I looked back at them, seeing that Jack had crossed his arms. Sparrow had hid behind Drake, and Surgeon looking the other way.

I turned back, only to see those glowing white eyes staring at me, being inches away from my face. I jumped back, wrapping my wings tighter around me.

"You're younger than the other spys we've captured. Maybe you'll be useful." A dark claw came from the shadows under the glowing eyes, gripping onto my chin. I watched as the eyes scanned over me.

"So we can keep her?" Sparrow called out from behind Drake. Shadow looked past me back at Sparrow and then back at me after a moment.

I couldn't take my eyes off of Shadow. Terror filled me. I tried to back away, but Shadow kept pulling me back into place.

"Are you terrified little one? Wish you could run back to Heaven and tell your ruler what you found? What would they think if you told them you came face to face with me. You would be called a hero. Just from surviving a monster like me." He spoke, taking his claw away.

I shrunk into my wings, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"You may take her. But I would like her alive for a bit longer." He looked at me for one more moment before walking back up to his throne.

Thousands of thoughs raced though my head. Fear making me shake under my wings. My thoughts were quickly cut off by Drake picking me up. He wrapped his large wings around me. Somehow it made me feel a little bit safer. I clinged onto his shirt under his cloak, crying into his chest.

They took me out of the throne room, and down an endless hallway. As we walked, I could see that the castle looked very old. The bricks were cracked and chipped. The candles beind so small and yet still burning bright.

The hallway soon came to a staircase that dug deeper into the castle.

A basement maybe.

It got darker the deeper we went. Jack even had to grab a candle to be able to see.

"So! How did you like Shadow?" Sparrow jumped in, grabbing onto Drake's arm to be able to see me.

I looked over at him for a moment, but just turned away.

"Sparrow. Not now." Drake said, reajusting his grip.

"We're here." Jack called out, putting the candle up on a holder next to a large wooden door. The lock opened, even with Jack not touching it. The door slowly swayed open, opening up a decently lit room. Jack and Surgeon went in first, then me and Drake, and then Sparrow. After we were all in the door closed and locked itself back up.

It was a decently sides room. There were four beds in every corner, a table in the middle with food still on it, and then in the back there was a large set of grey feathered wings hanging on the wall.

Drake slowly put me down, making sure I had my footing before moving his wings away.

"It's not what you Angel's have, but it's home to us." Surgeon said, walking over to a bed right of the wings.

I think they noticed me staring at my wings, becuase I heard Jack chuckle. "Don't worry sweetheart, Those aren't Angel wings. They're mine." I looked over at Jack in shock.

"Yeah! Angels captured Jack and cut his wings off. He still has the scars to prove it." Sparrow said, jumping onto a bed in front of Surgeon's.

Nothing really happened after that. I just sat at the table as the others sat on their beds. Jack was to the left of the wings and Drake was in front of him. I found out their personalities easily. Drake is the quiet one, Sparrow is the loud fun one, Surgeon is the smart ass, and Jack is the calm one or the leader out of all of them. Drake is the only one I like. He didn't have to comfort me after meeting Shadow, but he did.

It was still nerve wracking; I don't want to die. I felt myself start to cry again. I wrapped my wings around myself tightly, feeling my body shake under them.

"You cry a lot." Surgeon said, getting past my thoughts.

"Surgeon!" Sparrow yelled. "That's not nice!"

"I'm just saying. And since when are we nice?" Surgeon shot back, crossing his arms.

I kept my head down. "At least you didn't get your freedom taken away from you in one day."

The room went quiet for a minute. Then I heard a bed squeak like someone had gotten off of it. I heard footsteps approach me, only to feel someone grab the back of my wings. I yelped, looking up to be inches away from Jack.

"So you think we never had the same hardships as you have. Well think again. We were all slaves to your kind. I got my wings taken away from me. They took Sparrow's horns. They've broken Drake's spine hundreds of times. And they almost starved Surgeon."

I looked up in shock at Jack, wincing in the pain of him gripping harder onto my wings.

"Let her go." Drake spoke up. With that Jack let go of my wings, backing up a bit from me.

"If it was up to us, you would already be tortured, wanting to die. So the next time you think we don't know what pain feels like, look back at your own kind." Jack said, turning and going back to his bed.

"Why don't we head to bed. We can have a new start tomorrow." Sparrow said, looking around the room. The others nodded.

Drake gave me his pillow and blanket, them both being very big compared to me. "Thank you." Surgeon kinda look surprised that I said that. Guess the other Angels they capture don't really thank them for anything.

A couple of hours passed; Sparrow and Surgeon were snoring away. I couldn't sleep. I looked around the room, my eyes going towards the wings.

I hesitated as I moved the covers off of me. I slowly got up, trying not to make any noise. I walked up to the wings, slowly gliding my fingers over the feathers. To my surprise, they were soft. I looked over towards Jack, his back facing towards me.

How could Angels do this?

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