The Angel's assignment
I don't know which cover is better. Any thoughts??
This is an excerpt from my favorite Christian singer Carmen from his song revival in the land. It helped inspire the story a little bit.
In the center of the caverns of hell, hidden under layers of evil that have thrived for centuries, sits the morbid domain of the prince of the power of the air. Suddenly, a scaly creature disrupts Satan's ghastly existence with an urgent message. It reads, "Code red problem, conference needed, disaster forecasted!" With a disgusted annoyance this general of evil agrees to confer with his chief demon lieutenant. This is the story of that encounter.
Guardian Angel POV
"Today you will each be assigned a charge for guarding. It will be your job to see to it that your charge is protected and to provide guidance when needed."
"Who did you get?"
"My charge's name is Julian. You?"
"Her name is Catherine...."
Time skip to a few years later. Catherine is now three.
Today Catherine's step father was in a good mood, which didn't happen very often. I was pleasantly surprised when he took her to the nearby park to play. I frowned when I saw some older boys picking on a boy a few years older then Catherine.
"Oh look, it's the big baby."
"Don't respond." I heard the angel whisper in his ear. The boy frowned but to my surprise, he actually listened to his Angel's advice.
"Hay look, the big baby still sucks on a binky." One of the boys sneered. I shook my head as I noticed that the older boy's guardian angel made no attempt to stop his charge from bullying this small boy. "I think your father would be interested in knowing that his son is still a whiney baby who needs a binky and a bottle." The older boy said with a scoff as he snatched the binkey from the boy's mouth. "It's time you grew up! It's pathetic that the heir to the boss's kingdom is such a wimp." The older boy said as he shoved the boy to the ground. He then proceeded to take a seat on a nearby bench.
I watched in curiosity, as my charge frowned and toddled over to where the older boy who had taken the pacifier had sat. "Dat was not nice. Dat is no youwas. Gibe it back and pologibes." I heard my charge telling the boy and I groaned. I knew that this wouldn't end well.
"Aww what are you going to do about huh?" The older boy mocked shoving Catherine causing her to fall. He then proceeded to kick her. I growled clenching my fist in anger as I resisted the urge to yell at the kid. Instead, I glared angrily at the older boy's guardian angel who yawned seemingly board by the whole situation.
"What?" The angel demanded indignantly.
"Aren't you going to do something?"
"Nope. The boy is a lost cause. Besides, shouldn't you be more concerned with protecting your charge? Based on those bruises on her body you're obviously not doing a very good job."
Best friend/ Julian's Guardian angel POV
I frowned as an older boy began picking on my charge once more. At first, I thought that Julian was going to cry, but to my surprise, for some reason, today he chose to ignored the older boys. That is, until he saw one of the boys shoving a little girl to the ground and kicking her.
"Hay! Leave her alone!" Julian yelled at the boy. I smiled I was proud of him. Until Julian hit him.
"Julian violence is not the answer." I whispered in his ear.
"You little brat! You think that just because your the boss's son that you can get away with anything but you're wrong." The boy yelled at him before storming off. "I promise you, you'll regret this!" The older boy hisses as he storms off.
"Are you ok.?" Julian asks as he helps the small girl up and she nods.
" Him a big meanie. Him took you binky. You can habe mine if you want." Catherine offers handing the boy her pacifier.
I groaned. This act of kindness would cost him dearly upon his return home. I had no doubt the boys had already gone to his father and tattled on him.
Catherine's Angel POV
I groaned this was a bad idea. She would be punished for losing her binky and even more so, if her step father learned that she given it away..
"Thank you." With that, he gave Catherine a peck on the cheek causing her to blush. "My name is Julian. Do you want to be my friend?"
Now I realized why the boy had seemed so familiar. He was the boy that had been assigned to my best friend. "Hay, how is it going?"
"My charge is quite a handful. I am ashamed to say, that his father is the head of a mafia family. So he's being raised to be cold hearted and cruel. In fact, he's often punished if he does anything that his father considers to be weak. Those boys who were picking on him, they are paid to do so by his father. It came as a pleasant surprise that he defended that small girl. He's not supposed to care." My friend replies with a sigh of disappointment. "How is your assignment going? Better then mine I hope?"
"In all honesty? I don't think I'm cut out to be a guardian angel."
"How so?"
"I am continually struggling with the desire for vengeance. If her so called quote on quote step father lays a hand on my charge one more time...."
My friend placed a hand on my shoulder and I calmed down slightly. "Remember, it is our job to guide and protect our charges not seek vengeance. That's Michael's job. Our Father and Master has even said vengeance is mine... We must not do anything that we haven't been assigned to do least we become like our enemy. And you don't want to become like our enemy do you?"
"I didn't think so. By the sounds of it, it's a wonder she's remained as pure and innocent as she has. It means that you are doing a good job..."
"Thanks." I mumble. To me, it didn't seem like I was doing a good job at all. My charge was constantly being punished for her acts of self sacrifice and I couldn't do a thing to stop it. With that, I turned my attention back to my charge.
Step father/ mother's boyfriend POV
"Where is your pacifier girl? Don't you dare think about lying to me." I hissed at her.
Catherine looked down at the ground in shame. "Me gabe away."
"You did WHAT?!" I snarled at her. "You are going to go take it back this instant, or I'll tan your hide."
"But Daddy...."
"How many times do I have to tell you, not to call me that before it will get into that thick skull of yours? I am not you're father! Now go get your pacifier back this instant or you can forget about dinner." I replied smacking her across the face.
"Excuse me?"
"Me said no. Me not take back, that would be mean."
When that good for nothing little brat said no to me, I almost lost it. Grabbing her roughly by the arm I dragged her towards the sandbox where she had her pacifier last. There playing with a dump truck, sat a small boy, with the brat's pacifier in his mouth. "You there boy!" The small boy looked up at me.
"Yes? Which came out sounding more like "wes" because the pacifier.
"That pacifier isn't yours, give it here." I demanded snatching the pacifier from his mouth. I then turned to the little brat and slapped her across the face once more. "Don't you ever say No to me again! After the stunt you pulled You don't deserve to own this pacifier! When I'm done with you, you won't be able to sit for a week!" I said as I grabbed Catherine roughly by the arm and began to drag her towards the car.
Nanny POV
Upon hearing little Julian begin to cry, I frowned. Were those boys horrid boys picking on him again? To my surprise he sat there alone. I immediately walked over to where he sat and picked him up. "What's wrong my little prince?"
"Mean man." He replies through sobs pointing towards a man who was dragging a girl by the arm. "He took me the new binky that my new friend Cathy gave me."
"Why did the little girl give you her binky?"
"The boys took mine and she didn't want me to be sad."
"I see. Well, don't cry my little prince, you have plenty more binkies at home. I'll give you a brand new one when you lay down your nap."
"I don't want a new one. I want the one Cathy gave me." Julian muttered under his breath. I shook my head and sighed.
Julian POV
I frowned when I saw the mean man slap my new friend across the face. I don't know why, but seeing that, filled me with rage. I wanted him to suffer for hurting my friend. Perhaps the boys were right. Perhaps it was time for me to take a more active roll in my father's gruesome line of work.
"Yes Julian?"
"Can you tell my daddy's second in command that me want to talk to him when we get home?"
"Don't worry about it. Just do as I ask please and then leave us."
"As you wish."
"Don't do it". I heard a voice whisper in my ear but I shrugged it off. One way or another, I would make that man pay for hurting my new friend.
"Julian your father wishes to see you in his office immediately." Nanny said with a concerned look on her face. "He didn't sound happy."
"But I was going too..."
"It will have to wait. You know your father doesn't like to be kept waiting."
"You asked to see me?"
"I thought I made it clear that you were not to have this any longer." Father said holding out my binky.
"Yes father..."
"The boys tell me that they saw you sucking on it earlier today. That when they took it away you began to cry like a little wimp."
"That's not what happened...."
"Oh. Do enlighten me."
"Yes, I had a binky. It's the one mama gave me before she...."
My father cleared his throat in irritation. "I don't care that it was a gift from your mother. No child of mine is going to suck on a binky at your age. Would you care to explain Thomas's black eye?"
"Yeah, I hit him and I'd do it again."
"Oh yeah? Why did you do a thing like that?"
"He bad mouthed mama and he was bullying a little girl. He can pick on me all he wants, but when he started bad mouthing mama that's where I draw the line. He called mama really bad names and said that she deserved to die. I ignored him but when he started picking on my new friend hitting and kicking her that's when I snapped. No one should ever hit a girl. Father, may I have a word with Tiny."
"I made a friend at the park today. I want her father taken care of if you catch my drift...."
The father cocked an eyebrow at me seemingly amused by my request. "Really? What did this man do to earn such hostility towards him?"
"He hurt her. He hit my friend and even though she wouldn't admit it, I could tell that he does it a lot."
My father snapped his fingers and his second in command entered the room. "You heard my son."
"Yes. It shall be done."
"Bad idea. That was bad idea... She could get hurt...." A voice whispered in my ear.
"Oh and one more thing, if a hair on my friend's head is harmed in any way, it will be your head on a silver platter. Understood?"
The man looked over at my father who nodded in approval. "You heard my son."
I smiled in satisfaction but felt a twinge of guilt when a voice whispered in my ear "violence is never the answer.. Catherine wouldn't want this...."
"Wait, don't kill him. Not just yet anyway. Bring him to me instead. I want to deal with him personally."
"I'm proud of you my son. You're starting to act like a real man."
Cathrine's Guardian angel POV
A year later,
"You stupid good for nothing little brat! Get your sorry behind in here!" My charge's step father snarled at her as he slapped my charge across the face. It took all my strength to hold back from attacking this man. I glared at his guardian angel who seemed board as they yawned.
"What is wrong with you? How can you let your charge do this anyone, let alone a child? She's done absolutely nothing wrong..."
Surprisingly the angel shrugged "why should I care? I'm doing my job. I'm keeping him safe. If it wasn't for my protection he'd have been killed."
"You're supposed to do more then just protect them. You're supposed to guide them morally."
"Look here you insolent pup, how dare you tell me how to perform my duty! Scripture says spare the rod spoil the child. My charge is teaching your charge a valuable lesson in obedience. Besides, you should be less concerned about the morality of my charge and focus on protecting your charge. You're not doing a very good job you know." The angel replies.
Later, when my charge's mother returned home from work, the abuse only increased. I tried to reason with the mother's guardian angel only to be met with the same hostility as before. How can you let your charge stand by and watch as that man abuses her daughter?"
"Now Listen here you insolent pup! How dare you come in here and accuse me of slacking off in my duties. I'm doing my job. I'm protecting my charge. Which is more then I can say for you. Did you not see what happened to my charge the last time she questioned his punishments? She couldn't leave the house for two weeks. What type of guardian angel would I be if I were to suggest a course of action that could wind my charge in the hospital or worse the morgue? You should spend a little less time focusing on my charge's behavior and more time worrying about the safety of your own charge."
I sighed in frustration. This was getting me no where. I needed to seek council. "Gabriel..."
"How can I be of assistance to you?"
"My charge is continuously being punished for her acts of self sacrifice. I tried speaking with both her mother's guardian angel and the step father's guardian angel as well, asking them why they weren't intervening, but neither one seems to want to justify their lack of involvement. What's worse is,the man's guardian angel didn't seem to think that what their charge is doing is wrong. Either that or he just doesn't care. In fact, he tried to twist our Master's words as an excuse for allowing his charge to hit mine. It's so frustrating. I know part of my job as a guardian angel is to protect my charge from harm. How can I do that when the harm is coming from those who are supposed to care for her?"
"Honestly? I don't know how to answer that question. Perhaps, you should bring this issue to Michael. I am sure that he will be able to shed some light on the subject and if not, then you know who you can go to who will have the answer."
"I don't want to bother our Master with something as trivial as this... I am certain Michael can provide some valuable insight on what to do."
Upon returning from my visit in heaven, I was shocked by what I saw. My charge had bruises and welts all over her small body. I clutched my sword and let out a low growl as I heard the step father laughing with his friends in the other room. Choosing to focus on my charge, I brushed the hair from her face and whispered in her ear. "My poor precious Catherine, You're God's special child, his princess, and you are loved very much." I then took her in my arms and rocked her gently until she fell into a peaceful sleep.
Another year past and Catherine was now in first grade. I sighed in frustration as I watched Catherine walk over to another girl. It was obvious that the girl had been crying. Catherine was extremely naïve. She tended to believe any sob story that she is told. "Be wary Catherine, all may not be as it seems." I warned her.
"Why are you crying?"
"Why do you care?" The girl asked bitterly.
"I hate seeing people cry. Do you want to talk about it?"
"I forgot my lunch at home..."
"Here. It's not much, but you're welcome to have my lunch." Catherine said handing her the small peanut butter and jelly sandwich that she had made.
I groaned now she'd go hungry for the rest of the night.... I was right, upon arriving at home she received a beating for "stealing food." I couldn't take it anymore. I had to find my charge's real father. He was the only one who could stop this abuse. Yet, I knew that without someone to watch over her, she'd most likely die. I was torn. If I remained with my charge she'd continue to suffer abuse. I couldn't disobey the mandate given to me to guard her with my life. Either way I chose I could not win.
Demon POV
"I have a special assignment for you. It seems that one of the Angel's assigned to a human is getting frustrated with their charge. I want you to go relieve him of duty. Convince them that they have been reassigned and then do your worst... Oh, and you had best do a good job. Or the boss won't be happy and you know what happens when he's not happy."
I gulped and then nodded. When I saw my new assignment I knew that this would not be an easy task. She had willingly fallen for a sob story and had given her lunch away. I smiled as I saw her guardian angel groan in frustration. "Looks like you're struggling with you're assignment. Is there anything that I can do to help?"
"Oh hay. I'm at my wits end. I don't know what to do anymore. I can no longer stand by and watch my charge suffer. The only thing I can think of to end her suffering is to locate her biological father. However, I am duty bound to watch over her. I can't just leave...."
"Well, then I have good news. It just so happens that I'm in between assignments right now. If you'd like, I could watch you're charge while you go in search of her father..."
"Really? Oh thank you! Your a lifesaver!"
I chuckled as I watched them leave. "If you only knew the truth." I smiled. "With them out of the way this aight to be a piece of cake." If only I had known how wrong I was. I'd have never taken the assignment... This girl did nothing but selfless acts of kindness.
With a disgusted annoyance, I knew that if I was to succeed in my assignment , then I'd need to confer with the boss's chief demon lieutenant. So against my better judgement I sent a message that read "Code red problem, conference needed, if the issued is not solved disaster is forecasted."'
"Why have you sent this letter? I have more important things to do then to waste time codling an Incompetent demon who can't complete a simple assignment."
"Sir, I'm having problems of cataclysmic proportions with my assignment..."
"I fail to see the problem. The boss's pet project, television violence should be helping with that. It's covered from videos games to cartoons, by the time you're charge graduates high school, they will have seen 70,000 murders. It's proven to be quite effective."
"She doesn't like to watch violent shows or play any type of violent game ."
"Well, I know for a fact that there are more then million or more teenage run aways. Why not convince your charge to do that?"
"Believe me, I've tried... She evidently doesn't want to do anything to make her mommy and daddy sad. Besides, it's not safe for a child her age to be out on the streets alone."
"That kind of thinking will get you into big trouble. There's a teen suicide every ninety minutes why not use the abuse she's being put through to convince her that her life is meaningless? That the world would be better off without her in it."
"First of all, she's not a teen and don't you think that I've tried that? For some reason, she refuses to give up. Sir, I feel like jumping out of a window with all this self sacrificing stuff that she does. For example, yesterday, We watched a boy drop a wallet filled with $980. I told her to go head and keep the wallet. I tried telling her that We needed that money for food and clothes. Instead, she walked over to the wallets owner and gave it back to him without touching a single dime. The other day, while she was in class and they were learning about poverty in other counties, she pulled out all the money she had in her wallet and asked the teacher what would happen if she gave all that she had. What could that gift do? The teacher smiled and replied a gift like that could change the world. It could feed a multitude. She's always doing stuff like that. Her teacher has no intention of sending that money to a third world country. They plan on spending the money on an expensive car. I tried telling her that we needed to keep that money in order to buy new toys, food and new clothes, but she put all the money she had into the jar."
"I can see a pattern here."
"Today, despite the consequences, I managed to convince her to make herself some food to take for lunch despite knowing the consequences should her step father find out and instead of eating it, she gave it away... All this self sacrificing is... Well, it's driving me insane!" I replied with an irritated groan.
At this my boss chuckled in amusement. "Unfortunately, it sounds like this case is a lost cause. Which means, there's absolutely nothing that I can do for you..."
"There has got to be something...."
"Well... There is one thing that you could do but it will cost you..."
"Please. I'm desperate. I'll do anything."
"Find her father and leave clues leading to her whereabouts. From what I understand, her biological father is one of the most feared men on the planet. Perhaps, all your charge needs is to be introduced to his world.. Then her true colors will show... The sweet innocent naïve Catherine will be gone, and the world will be introduced to Catrina. A cold blooded cold hearted girl, who will do anything in order to obtain her goals. Good luck..."
Will Catherine's sprit and behavior truly change if she is introduced into the cutthroat world of the mafia? Or will she continue doing acts of self sacrifice? Why does it seem as if this demon actually cares about Catherine?
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