Chapter XXI

Alec remained still, his body unfazed by the harsh rain, the frozen winds that kept making his hair stand on edge, alert of his surroundings. His eyes didn't blink despite the droplets lurking at the cliffs of his lashes, his gaze unwavering.

It has been one year since he stepped foot back at his home, despite that, New York had remained the same. Smelly and busy, the people kept roaming the alleys with a hustle unaware of the beasts that lurked in every corner, they were after all used to viewing their own kind in such disfigurement.

Mundanes didn't have to possess pointy fangs, fur, magic or even blissful tattoos to be called monsters. The philosophy of actions being the primary judge that defined each individual, Alec preferred that than the way of the Clave.

The distasteful way that claims blood to be the compass that points to who is worthwhile and who isn't. Such ways his kin followed, sacrificing everyone who might question, who might take a seat on their table and dare take the bigger piece.

In Alec's perspective, the Clave heads felt like siblings that grew up under the same beliefs and rules, yet still arguing of who will get the bigger fill.

The thought that everyone could take the same fill, unimpressed the greedy minds, too preoccupied with the paranoia that their chair on the table is built with legs that could break at any moment. In the end, their solution being how to break the chair of the others first, so they remain above, thriving at the feast in front of them.

Alec Lightwood, once a pawn of importance, a hunter that was so close to reach the goods on the golden table, touch the godly light that they named power. Now, he hides in the very same shadows their prey lays, unbidden by eyes of mortals and the opposite alike.

His worth similar to a brainless demon spawn that managed to escape Edom. The hunter had become prey for his own kin to track down and execute with a blade twin of his own. Clashing swords with the intention to kill instead of practising purposes, the change is more than upsetting.

Alexander Gideon Lightwood escaped that night, bringing dishonour to his bloodline. The nephilim world did not grieve over a young man of their own, of a person of many prosperities other than his strength. For them, Alec Lightwood was just that, a promising heir that went mad over greed, the light supposedly blinded him before he even had the chance to grasp it.

Alec Lightwood, the fallen archer, the madden heir.

His family now monitored as failures by the other heads, making Maryse lose her position and call Robert to fill her chair. "..."

Alec had many thoughts over such move, how obvious they were. "They are not as smart as they think they are..."

His thoughts on this matter are however needless, of no use to fuss over. His family turned their backs at him, not considering him... Not believing him.

Alec rested his back against the hard wall with a sigh, the pain that once made his entire being ache and his insides to twist has now become a feeling numbing, a paralyzing breeze over his soul.

How long has he been gazing over his home with such meaningless concerns? On top of the church with the green triangular roof the hunter had found refuge, where the architecture is complex creating hidden spots among the statues of angels that watched over the people.
Men and women mundanes who didn't spare a glance at the ones above, the ones that remained unmoving yet their eyes followed the figures bellow with a care of complexity.

Alec remained on the slippery rooftop for a long time, contemplating his next move, trying to push away memories that warmed and pained his heart. Never before did it work the way he wished, a year certainly has not been enough to make him forget and overcome.

The mere thought that he might meet with his siblings one day brought him in a state of panic and utter fear. What if they hated him for leaving them? For spouting nonsense.

For Alec his words remained unchanging and important but for Izzy and Jace, that might not be the case. Alec sighned deeply, so much time he had spent thinking over the situation that broke them apart.

The conclusion remained the same, both parties thought dissimilarly and felt pain and anger for different reasons, in the end it truly was because non of them wished to compromise that lead to their separation.

Jace and Izzy needed Alec with them despite the cost, the sacrifice being Alec's ideas of change. Alec on the other hand could not compromise and return to their old life where they kept ignoring the problematic behaviour of the Clave.

Alec could not demand of his siblings to abandon everything and join him, despite how desperately he wishes they did. Such a selfish request, he could never...

Regardless of all, Alec still finds the fact that Jace and Izzy didn't listen to him, didn't follow him somewhat reassuring even though it hurt him greatly.

It was okay, he can bear it for them.

Alec couldn't bring himself to speak aloud how much he missed them, their lost figures in his new life created a void, a black hole that only seemed to grow as days passed.


Alec got up suddenly, believing that he had enough of fresh air, his mind still buzzed and remained chaotic, his attempts to find a moment of fulfilling peace was futile.

Yes, he is glad that his siblings are safe and sheltered at the institute despite how sorrowful and lonely it has been for him. In the end, he truly couldn't be mad at them.

For now there was only one thing he wished of them, to open their eyes and gain courage. His last words to them, to be observant of the world around them, be brave when living and righteous.

To not withstand any injustice and always to find balance.

Alec wished for them to grow into true warriors, even without him there watching over them. "I might regret that later."

He had always watched over them as they grew, as they developed into their petty personalities and troublesome habits. Alec could still remember Jace and Izzy small and vulnerable when they had yet to slice the neck of a demon, he still smiled at the memories of the academy and later on their first missions.

The hunter's bottom lip trembled lightly as he kept recalling the most precious of memories. Alec could still recall Izzy and Jace as they fought eachother and competed with one another for who would wish happy birthday to their big brother first.

Birthday had always been insignificant for the heir that grew with nothing but pressure and high standards. Seeing two people who cherished him be excited for him, wanting to celebrate him...

Alec's jaw tightened as he pushed away the thoughts of the past. Indeed, his heart still bled and hardened in regret, in loneliness and bitterness.

Alec moved soundlessly, standing over the end of the remarkable rooftop, his eyes devoid of any glint of life.

The hunter squinted his eyes as clouds moved out of the way, revealing the moon at it's fullest glory. Taking in a deep breath he lifted his chin to woe over the stars that he could now see more clear than ever.

The sky felt alive, moving according to the wind, the stars will be hidden sooner than Alec would like to, wishing to gaze over them for a little while more.

His breath left his lungs as he stared, how breathtaking... He wondered, did Madzie watch them too? Did she wish upon them? And if she did what kind of wishes did she had? Whatever it was he would make sure to grant them.

He shook his head, she had Catarina, someone who could summon magic and turn imagination into reality. She didn't need him...

Even so, Alec couldn't deny his worry, his need of seeing her again, even if it meant for it to be their last encounter. The future he chose too unpredictable to know for sure if he will ever get to see the people his heart yarned for, of the sights he wished to admire endlessly.

Alec stopped his stream of thoughts once again with a deep frown as people kept piling up in his head, first Max then Underhill... "Even if I apologise to them, will they forgive me?"

It was a mumble unheard due to the strong rain, the thunders that soon started to erupt right after the clouds covered the night sky with a grim and agitation temper. Such sight made Alec tremble slight, the cold finally catching up to him.

'I abandoned them without any warning.' Alec despite the circumstances still poked himself, scolding his rush and unfixed mistakes he has yet to pick up on.

Now he is back with hands full, there is too much to do without a clear clue of how to start.

The hunter took a step, falling into the empty space. The weather didn't allow people anymore to walk around and the lights of the city flickered as they hardly withstood such harshness. Today is clearly not a good day for the people of New York with multiple warnings of extreme weather conditions.

Alec Lightwood closed his eyes as he fell, unbothered by the speed of his fall or how the impact will tear his body. That was something that might have concerned him once but not anymore.

The hunter fell even when he reached the ground, slipping through his own shadow he had disappeared without a trace, without a sound that indicated his existence. Even the ones that may had taken notice of something big falling off the giant church's roof, reaching the bottom they would see nothing out of the ordinary.

Alec Lightwood had grown accustomed to such newfound strength among the many things The Fallen had whispered to him. So many secrets that arose so many questions, it took him a while but surely now he had a grasp of what was going on despite not knowing why was this happening.

Alec flattered his eyelashes, getting used to the dim light his hideout provided. He stepped out of a shadow in the corner of the room, a shadow casted by a big closet he had purposely placed in such way that it would come in contrast with the sun, creating a dark corner big enough for him to use as a portal.

It's night time however so there was no much effort needed to create his path of teleportation. Even so, Alec didn't move the closet and let it be.

Stepping through the wide space, the hunter walked pass the round table covered with maps, marked with colours and notes, pin points placed neatly on the side.
The walls that were filled with pages of sayings for everything that concerned him, that made him wonder and paranoid. The building is old and abandoned, somewhere at the outskirts of the city, hidden away among tall trees, in a forest forgotten from both the mundane and shadow world.

A house of two floors from the Victorian era, Alec tried his best to keep it clean but it still needed a lot more dedication. The wooden floor creek under the pressure of his feet, the large carpet dusty and hard on the touch, old just like the molded walls.

The nephilim chose that room to use alone, abandoning the rest, after all the house is too big for him. Hiding this room with runes wasn't hard, he felt rather confident that even if his kin indeed found his place his secrets would be safe.

Either by the room not being discovered or by the traps being activated, burning everything into a crisp of no redemption.

Alec stopped in front of the only other furniture he had laying around, other than the table and some chairs, a bookcase and a rug Alec used a couch to rest. Laying his body across the sofa that barely fitted his height Alec let out a low groan, feeling tired yet not exhausted enough to sleep well.

He hadn't had much of a good sleep for a long time, it is important to admit however that the last two years have been the hardest. "And here I thought after fulfilling your order I would finally be able to sleep at peace... No longer secret messages hunting me at night."

Alec always had suffered from insomnia even during his childhood due to stress, it was later on that he rather grew dull of it and didn't think much about it. "What would I give for a twelve hour black out deep sleep."

Alec could only complain, having grew irritated by the taunting nightmares that kept pestering him every nightfall. First it was his transformation, dreams that were hard to separate from reality, the Fallen's call surely made him feel ways he rather forget.

"That's right... Didn't they call me insane? Hadn't the Clave claimed I have lost my mind?" Alec could only chuckle bitterly, too accustomed talking to himself by now. "Maybe I am."

The Fallen despite the hurtful words remained at the sidelines, watching over it's champion with an odd tension.

Alec noticed of course, he had learned to pick on things like that lately. "...What are you going to show me tonight?"

The room grew darker in response, the wind outside whistled loudly through the cracks, screaming out. The Fallen hasn't appeared again in body and blood as it did back in at the silent brothers' lair. For the past year it had been sticking around, watching over him, guiding him.

Alec had found the cave... He had learned of the truth.

But what should he do with it?

Telling anyone will make him seem like a lunatic, let alone his current position of a fugitive. "What is my next mission?"

"Salvation." The growl was heard from every corner, the room boomed at it's call. "You, my champion, will bring balance and justice upon the fallen, the wronged ones."

It's voice made Alec get goosebumps every time he heard it, the Fallen's voice was rough yet somehow gentle, it's care sacred but rigorous. "...I know that... But how? I have nothing."

"Then make everything yours!"

Alec winced at the volume, such confidence when talking about things that can be considered a life's worth of challenge...

'...I guess I have the time.'

"Be the head of the nephilim kin and choose your comrades wisely... Be the bringer of the new law, lead the world with pride and fairness."

Alec let out a sigh, sometimes the Fallen is being inconsiderate. "Yes, I got all that... How do I accomplish such task?"

"Leave it at fate." The Fallen whispered, letting a soft breeze ruffle the hair of it's precious hunter. "Fate has carved your paths, it's up to you to make the right choices... I do not fear your criticism."

Alec felt himself relax under such words of comfort, not that it completely vanished his anxiety but for now he could rest. "... So it all has been predestined."

Alec lowered himself, covering his body with a blanket. "When you say that I feel like I have no control over my life."

"Only the naive would think that Alexander, you are no such."

Alec flattered his eyelids, feeling the weight of sleep taking over him. His body exhausted from the long trip and the challenges yet to come, he needed to gather strength. "You still didn't answer me... How will I be able to take down the Clave?"

"... Your journey has already started, you will meet people of importance, they will be your comrades... You can not bring change alone."

Alec let out a bitter laugh, mocking his situation. "Comrades?"

Alec's voice held poison, still stuck with his previous teammates, not believing anyone is able to fill their place. "My comrades are Izzy and Jace."

"And where are they now?"

The words harsh but truthful, they hadn't followed their leader and instead begged him to stay and live a life of hiding. "..."

"They are disloyal..." The Fallen kept on, making Alec's eye twitch in rage and his heart to thumb in agony.

"That's enough." Alec no longer felt like sleeping, his craving of rest now undesired.

"Dear child, you must feel wronged, angry for the way your people treated you... Make that rage your strength."

"I am not going to go on a rampage and seek vengeance. You must know that revenge only leads to more sorrow... I do not want to be feared." Alec's voice moved in a soft tone, despite his heated mind his body still needed rest, it was only a matter of time before Morpheus would come and take him.

"You want to be respected..." The Fallen corrected his nephilim with a gentle demeanour. "To accomplish such and take the role you are destined, you must save them... That's the way to win over the people and make the failures of the previous heads noticeable. The people will seek you as their leader... Your part is critical to the change of the shadow world... You are important."

Alec stared at the ceiling with a hardened expression, feeling oddly touched by such claim. The hunter closed his eyes before the tears could form and fall, he needed to sleep and awake with bravery.

He had however one last question, with a voice still as ice but calm as a comforting breeze Alec spoke. "Am I destined to die?"

The Fallen kept speaking of his champion's accomplishments of winning over the upcoming enemy, how he will bring balance and justice. How people will see the wrong after his presence and involvement to the change of the world. "Am I the sacrifice?"

It only made sense as that was the way of change, for greatness many sacrifices needed to be made. Was that Alexander Lightwood's purpose? To be the one to shake the world into evolution, giving up himself in the progress?

The Fallen didn't respond immediately, taking it's time. Alas, when the divine being decided eventually that it shall speak, it said something that made the hunter frown, not understanding or expecting such response. "He won't let you perish."

"Who?" Alec asked quickly, curious and confused. Who could it be? Is it a person? Or is it another divine being having taken a liking to the young hunter?

Could it be Jace? His parabatai?

"He will care of your existence more than anyone, considering you part of his soul. He will feel wronged when you are being treated unjust and feel delighted when your heart beats in joy." The Fallen spoke of such person that the nephilim could not fathom to exist. "He is the one who will serve vengeance upon the ones who hurt you my nephilim... A match I cannot deny I am looking forward to."

Alec remained speechless, sighing and turning his face against the back of the sofa, hiding. "...Comforting lies."

"I am not one to lie child." The Fallen left it at that, lurking in the dark corners watching over his champion as he slowly came to breath slower and deeper.

The Fallen kept on lingering, it's presence turning sorrowful as it knew once the sun rose in the sky it must leave, abandoning his nephilim. "I might not be with you anymore but I will always watch over you... Alexander Gideon Lightwood, the archer."

As if coming out of the walls it stepped forward from the shadows, allowing the moonlight to caress it's flesh. Towering over his chosen one he let a tear fall from it's stoned face. The teardrop was the colour of the depths of it's home, the dark tear landed gently on the cheek of the sleeping hunter, blessing him. "You shall hold my favour."

"May this be your last message from me... I wish you happiness child." The Fallen whispered, unwavering as it watched the nephilim below frown and twist in his sleep, clearly being tortured by another nightmare.

"You shouldn't fear them, dreams are prophesies you have the power to change... Learn from them, use them... Just like your grandmother." The voice distant yet persistent, Alec started sweating and puffing in horror, waking up only once the first sunlight managed to sneek in through the windows.

"..." As if feeling the absence of the higher power Alec let out a staggering breath, now he truly is alone.

The loneliness overbearing, Alec reached out to his heavy heart. "... How cruel."

How long will he be able to take it? Being abandoned one by the other. Alec held his buzzing head, feeling like it's about to break. "Ughh..."

How long will he have to bear the pain alone? The heaviness of the responsibility he is ought to carry till the end.

The nephilim sat there, trying to catch his breath, forgetting already about the Fallen's last words, instead focusing on the dream he had.

And what a horrendous dream it was.

Alec with a slight tremble stood, feeling his legs weak. "I need to get my bow."

The day had just started but the nephilim didn't leave his hideout, instead writing down what he had witnessed in the world of dreams and nightmares, taking notes of how could it come to this. "A war is coming... A war of the fallen."

The shadow hunter remained as such until late, until the sun had already started to drift into sleep. Brewing over the future that has yet to come, wondering how could he change fate, how can he bring change.

It wasn't only the nephilim however that dawned over worries and concerns out of his control, in the central of Brooklyn a warlock lived, fussing over similar issues, troubles that are out of his reach.

His time of despair and frustration did not last long as his guests arrived earlier than expected, distracting him from his work. Ragnor arrived first, Catarina and Madzie making an appearance just little later, it has been decided a long time ago that it should be best if all lived in the same building, meeting regularly to plan their next move and take care of Madzie, they are her family after all.

Which had made Magnus feel a lot more at ease knowing his closest people are under the same roof, safe under his protection.

Reika's words still haunted him whatsoever, so the moments of peace were rather specific.

"How is my little sorceress doing?" Ragnor asked full of warmth, lifting the little girl in his arms with a beaming smile. "Any mischievous acts lately?"

Madzie could only giggle as she was lifted off the ground into the air, spinning with great speed accommodated with helicopter sounds.

"Except from summoning chocolate muffins in her rooms every night there isn't anything else..." Catarina sighned with a smile, not really mad at the child. Her gaze however did throw the horned man a glare, a knowing look of disapproval. "And I wonder, how can she even do that when I haven't taught her."

Ragnor without a sweat of guilt responded proudly. "What could be said? We have a charismatic and creative child in the house."

"Right... Did you by any chance taught her how to make a bunch of her classmate loose the ability of speech? Instead communicating with donkey sounds?" Catarina added, her gaze steady at her suspect.

Her sharp eyes detected an unexpected movement as Ragnor's eyes darted to Magnus for a split second. The high warlock of Brooklyn looking up from his busy desk froze momentarily. "Ehh..."

"Are you serious?" Catarina shook her head, defeated.

"She must have her reasons." Magnus pondered out loud, not finding the depth of such silly prank. "Whatever they are I support her, Madzie is good at heart, she would not act out unreasonably."

"...They were being mean to my friend." Madzie softly said without any remorse. "Uncle said rudeness is not to be forgiven."

"... Seriously?" Catarina turned at the high warlock of Brooklyn with a stern look, judging.

"You are assuming false, Madzie calls me Papa." Magnus pointed with his chin back at Ragnor who rolled his eyes in response. "You know what they say about snitches."

"They get stitched!" Madzie exclaimed with excitement, crossing her hands over her chest.

"Exactly little one!" Ragnor encouraged, lifting the young warlock over his shoulder. "Shall we escape before Auntie starts her long boring lectures? How are we feeling about ice cream?"

"Ice cream!" Madzie clapped her hands with joy at the mention of the delightful dessert.

"And uncle Ragnor will also teach you how to summon red velvet cupcakes or maybe vanilla." Ragnor kept on mumbling, ignoring the protests of the other two warlocks.

"Wait isn't it too late for ice-cream?!" Catarina made an attempt that lead to nowhere.

"Ragnor stay close, be aware." Magnus warned not feeling best for letting Madzie eat dessert so late or about letting them roam New York this late in the evening, especially knowing Iris Rose is still out there.

"He is such a child." Catarina complained as she watched Ragnor disappear with Madzie, teleporting to the usual ice-cream shop they both so adore. "He insists on passing down his bad habits to our sweet Madzie."

"... Let them be for today." Magnus said under his breath, exhaustion evident in his voice.

"... Magnus, you haven't been well for some time now. Can we finally talk about it?" Catarina asked gently, somewhat expecting to get rejected.

"Yes... It's best if we talked." Magnus agreed reluctantly.

"Okay." Catarina smiled softly, leading her friend to the living room. With a snap of her fingers tea appeared on the coffee table, inviting an enchanted scent of freshly brewed leaves.

"... I don't know where to start." Magnus admitted, taking the cup of tea in his hands yet not bringing it to his lips for a sip.

"Hmm... If you had to name your problems with one word, what would it be?" Catarina tried, her demeanour patient and helpful.

"... Prophesy... Reika left me with quite a prophecy." Magnus started off, letting his back touch the chair for support. "She said a threat is coming to the shadow world, similar to Valentine's time... Maybe worse."

"I know... You told me back then. Magnus if it's about her death, we tried... There is nothing to be done about it now." Catarina followed another direction, thinking that the witch's death is what bothered, among other things, the high warlock.

She still remembers how his face hardened when he could no longer feel Reika's presence. The guilt that dripped off him, Magnus had not taken the loss of her lightly.

"Reika was a woman of sacrifice, she gave everything she had in order to warn the rest of us... She died without the recognition she deserved." Magnus spoke with frowned brows, silently raging over the mistreatment Reika endured during her breathing moments.

"You will always fight and argue in her honour... I think that's beautiful Magnus." Catarina tried to comfort her friend but he shook his head. "I didn't tell you something."

Catarina lightly knitted her eyebrows together at that, rather confused than angry. "What is it?"

Rather worried than hurt.

"... She said something about a nephilim... A nephilim that will bring change. How we should stand beside him and form a comradery with him." Magnus made a pause allowing Catarina to take in the information.

"A nephilim?" Catarina frowned before rolling her eyes. "So what? We helped the shadow hunter kin back at Valentine's time but they seem to have forgotten about it, claiming it was all upon their strength and strategy that the tyrant was taken down."

Evidently, the feat between the nephilims and the downworlders is still in motion, the wounds of the fallen and the lack of recognition still fresh. "I lost so many back then, yet they act so arrogantly."

"Reika said he is different... You too, have said so yourself." Magnus watched as Catarina froze, confused before she slowly came to realise the warlock's words.

"Him?!" Catarina almost jumped on her feet, her expression of disbelief twisted into doubt. "But... It's been a year and no one knows what happened to him... Even the nephilim kin Tessa knows, they were told that he is a traitor and must remained locked up... Could he be alive?"

"I have been trying to figure out what has happened to him ever since Reika spoke of him... Of what is to come." It was then when the high warlock of Brooklyn seemed to ease up a bit, taking a sip of his tea.

"Five months ago I managed to get a response from an old friend... Alexander Lightwood escaped the night before his final trial."

"That's... Almost a year ago, precisely fourteen months! Where could he be?" Catarina seemed to be overflowing with concerns and questions. "And how is he supposed to bring change? What kind of change are we talking about? Most of all, what kind of threat-"

"Catarina, deep breaths." Magnus directed her, his friend recovered rather quickly, her expression turning soft. "That's a lot to take up by yourself Magnus, I wish you could have told me sooner."

"I know, I thought it would be fine..." Magnus placed down his cup as he got up, walking over to the balcony with a long sigh. Catarina followed him, standing next to him as they gazed below, the city alive and bright despite the utter darkness of the sky.

"Alas, my progress has been all but pathetic." Magnus started off with another sigh, his pessimism very unlike him, odd against his dazzling and overconfident personality the high warlock of Brooklyn posses.

"I have nothing... I can't track the hunter, I have nothing to base any theories of what could the threat possibly be... Iris Rose is still out there, I can't feel her magic but I can feel her presence. Something is blocking me from reaching her but what could it possibly be!"

"Hey... You are doing the best you can." Catarina placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, shaking away the bad thoughts. "The fact that you managed to find out something that happened at the silent brothers' lair alone is more than just impressive."

Catarina let out a chuckle, her expression bright and proud. "Do you know how many downworlders have no clue how nephilims look like? They have turned their existence into a mystery yet you still got what you wanted despite how thick their walls are."

"I still don't know where is the shadow hunter." Magnus interjected, his face softening, relaxing under his friend's words. "Neither do I know the whereabouts of Iris Rose... Or of the upcoming threat."

"Magnus, you have been busy taking care of everyone... Not just Madzie but other warlocks all over. I think you are being too harsh on yourself." Catarina spoke with a gentleness, firm once she took note of the doubt washing over her dearest.

"Magnus Bane, I promise you, when the times comes and we see the signs of danger, of the footprints of this wicked woman or the hunter Reika wanted us to find... We will not miss our chance."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Please." Catarina scoffed. "Is there anything the high warlock of Brooklyn can't do?"

Magnus kept his gaze locked with Catarina's, slowly his lips turning into a smile. "... Thank you Cat."

"There we go, this is the Magnus Bane I know and love." Catarina nudged him with her shoulder. "So, let's start from the beginning. I believe if we follow Reika's instructions we need to find the hunter first... Of course we must keep our eyes open for any flying rumours or any oddities that may insinuate the threat we ought to face."

"I told you, I can't track him when I have nothing of his to use." Magnus sighned, letting the silence brief them for a while. "... I could..."

"You could what?"

"I was persistent back then to have a chat with the Clave about Alexander Lightwood... They ignored me of course." Magnus went on while Catarina watched him closely, unsuspecting what he could have come up with.

"But... If I showed up at the institute and put pressure, I don't think they could deny me."

Catarina shook her head. "You might be the high warlock but I don't think they would let you in."

"Don't fret my friend, once I start speaking of the exposé of the Iris Rose case, they most definitely will be interested on hearing me." Magnus shrug his shoulders, a mocking smile forming on his face. "After all, aren't they eager to keep their little secrets to themselves?"

"What if this doesn't work? How will you even enter?"

"If you think it's just runes that protect their little hideout you will be surprised to know I helped back at the day to form all those barriers they boost about."

"Lets say you do manage to make it through and be face to face with the head of the institute... What then?"

"My last attempt of reconciliation... And maybe... Even getting them to our side could be a possibility." Catarina felt fear grip her heart as Magnus spoke, his tone unwavering and strong. "Reika's words shouldn't be taken lightly, I believe they should know too that something traumatic is ought to happen."

"What if they don't listen?"

"Then they didn't. I can't beg, I won't." Magnus hissed, finding the mere thought outrageous. "To beg for help? To beg them to do the right thing? They will only laugh and mock."

Magnus gaze pierced the night sky, his cat eyes almost beaming before he shook off the feeling, hiding them. "I will call a meeting with the heads of the downworld. If the angels won't listen then it will be up to the demons to deal with it."

Catarina smiled before breaking into sweet laughter. "A random thought but you look at the stars just like how Madzie does."

"... She does have a fixation on them, doesn't she?" At the mention of the little sorceress Magnus' tension left his body like a soft breeze, his shoulder relaxed, his eyes gentle.

"She... She wishes upon them with the shame raging frown. She never tells me what she wishes for but whatever it is, she is not pleased to not have it." Catarina lifted her chin to watch the barely noticeable glowing orbs of the night sky.

Catarina kept quiet for a while, enjoying the peaceful time with her friend and the stars above. "...What are you going to do when you find Iris Rose?"

"... I don't know but it won't be pretty... Depending on my mood, how much rage and distain will my heart be able to take the moment my eyes lay on her." Magnus jaw tightened at the mention of the cruel woman.

"Madzie sees you as her dad." Catarina softly commented, making Magnus glance her way with an unreadable expression. "She does."

"You never had that happen to you before... You never corrected her either." Catarina pondered out loud with a glint, excited.

"How can I? Madzie deserves the world." Catarina nodded at Magnus' words once again, adding her own remark. "I think we spoil her too much."

"I'm weak when she looks at me with her pup eyes." Magnus admitted his vulnerability, his soft spot for the little child that always manages to win him over.

"... Is there... Anything you are not telling me Magnus?" Catarina asked carefully, trying to take in any smooth facial changes.

Magnus stared off, thinking of Reika's words...

Someone whose fate is aligned with yours.

You will treasure him greatly, he will cherish you even more.

"No." Magnus answered with a tone devoid of any emotion. Catarina knew him too well to know when he lied but pressuring him when he is already in a stressful position...

Catarina decided to let go for now, just humming in response and staying close, silently supporting him. "Okay."

Magnus' thoughts traveled among his many concerns, the Lightwood boy being among the many the most frustrating. Could he really find love with a shadow hunter? A mortal being, someone he has never layed eyes upon?

Is the future heartbreak worth a moment's time of bliss?

Magnus Bane wasn't and still isn't too sure what to think or do about such unwarranted information. For now, he thought best to find the hunter and keep him safe until the threat is gone, until the world gets over the crisis.

Until everything is over.

Reika, he never before doubted her but this time, he isn't so sure about that. Maybe she said all that to give him false hope or to make sure the Lightwood heir is in good hands.

Maybe she was intentionally wrong about that... Maybe not.

Magnus could only await and observe until the time comes. Despite his existence not being threatened by time, he surely felt a rattling impatience washing over him.

"That hunter... You met him once yet you speak of him so highly." Magnus hesitated but continued on the conversation, unsure if he should speak or keep quiet.

"What is it that you are trying to say Magnus?" Catarina placed a comforting hand on top of his own, soothing him. "If you don't wish to say... Please don't feel obliged."

"It's not that... It's just... Reika said something about me and that hunter." Magnus could not be more confused and frustrated over that saying, not knowing the hunter, without a single meeting, Magnus could only let his mind travel down his imagination. "Something that I wish I could forget."

Catarina's frown depend, curious and worried, unsure what to expect. "What was it?!"

"She said... Our fates are aligned." Magnus let that shimmer, his serious gaze meeting the surprised one of Catarina's. She blinked several times as she tried to process the information given.


Catarina covered her mouth suddenly with shaky hand before bursting into laughter. "Magnus, Magnus... You never cease to leave me speechless!"

"So you think so to? She must have read wrong." Magnus felt somewhat relieved, finding equal standing with his friend. He always had trusted Catarina's judgment.

"No it's not that! It's just that Alec Lightwood is totally your type!" Catarina kept laughing, finding the situation humourous. "Actually, the first thing I noticed about him was exactly that!"

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