Chapter XX

Magnus Bane had settled on his comfortable armchair for the late evening, his gaze dazed off, unfocused, as the crackling of his fireplace blurred any sound. Lost in his thoughts, Magnus felt limp for a moment, the dim dull light emerging a sea of silent turbulence within him, of rage and distain, of hopelessness and disappointment.

Magnus of course would never admit openly the fuming state the Clave tends to bring him to. For the time being he remained still, wanting to stay there for a bit until the storm subsides. Ignoring the recently brewed tea that soon will come to turn cold, of the cat that kept rubbing itself between his legs.

His temper had reached it's boundaries, the slightest thing to set him off could lead him to go on a spiral. Instead of lashing out his anger however, he took a deep breath, relaxing his nerves. "How... Immature and snobby of them."

In his hand a letter from the Clave stood, declining a meeting with him after days of ignorance. "They rather have blood on their hands than cooperate with me... How rude of them, isn't that right Chairman Meow?"

The cat let out a purring sound in response, agreeing with his owner.

"What should I do about this?" Magnus contemplated with a sigh, what is there to be done to the nephilim council? A highly skilled organization that it's quite kin to keeping everything inside their sacred walls.

Magnus chuckled, reminding himself of the past gossip. There is still uproar from the council's accidental slip, somehow the very carefully structured fortress got a hole, a tiny spot from which information got spilled into the rest of the Downworld.

Despite that, it was not enough.

What could he do when he barely knew anything at all about the nephilim kind? Idris is a fictional place for all he knows. "Sneaky angels."

Magnus lowered his eyes to take a long look at his small cat who stared up at him eagerly. Making space on his lap, his pet didn't hesitate to jump on, quickly getting comfortable. Out of instinct Magnus let his hand brush his cat's fur gently, relaxing as time went by.

"...How about I kidnap that hunter they have on trial? He did help our sweet Madzie after all." Magnus spoke lowly, seriously considering his options. "It will drive the Clave in disarray as well... Alas, I sadly have no clue where they have hidden him... Is he even alive?"

The cat unbothered by his owner's words, didn't mind his rumble and instead focused on getting his soothing pats. "If so, it will be a great pity... I would love a chat with him... Maybe it's good to stand for the hope of a future encounter? It certainly would help if I could ask another hunter about him... If his trial made it out to the Downworld I bet it's old news for the nephilims, they must know what happened."

"... Now, how do I find myself a shadow hunter? A nephilim that won't feel threatened by my mere presence and be open for conversation." Magnus asked out loud, not bothering to find an answer, there was no other way than pure luck.

To stumble upon a nephilim that somehow will be the right person to know of the latest chaos, all the facts including his hunter's identity, with the right personality that will allow such conversation to happen in the first place.

"Why are they so secretive? I don't understand." Magnus complained with another sigh, taking their stance to be a bit of an exaggeration. "What on earth are they hiding in their institutes? The power to destroy the world?"

Magnus felt goosebumps at that, could they?

His endless wonder would not cease as even those he once was accustomed, shadow hunters of the past, never shared anything too private about their kin. "What do they do to them in there?"

Magnus Bane never got himself all too concerned about the nephilim kin, too focused on himself and his people who were still suffering after Valentine Morningstar taunting era. A man, a shadow hunter, that kidnapped downworlders to accomplish wicked experiments on them.

The rage and hatred towards the nephilim kin was never as intense as during that time. The Clave didn't make a proper apology, rather refused any blame, casting their own wicked hunter completely away to take the blame.

Valentine Morningstar suddenly became a foreign source of evil that appeared out of nowhere.

For the Clave the fact that they took care of it was enough of an apology, going as far as to call themselves heroes, ignoring the death and mourning of the other side they refused to call equal despite their involvement in the battle.

And now, treating any downworlder as something below them, something evil simply because they have demon blood running through their veins. Their unchanging stance only lead the gap between them to grow, yet somehow, there still stand relationships between them.

Magnus thought back at Lorenzo Rei, how he had found him on a fancy romantic restaurant with quite the handsome nephilim on his side. "... He will never help me."

After mocking his hypocrisy, Lorenzo Rei would rather starve than open his mouth and assist in any way Magnus Bane, like introducing him to that nephilim. "... He is the only shadow hunter I have seen the past decades..."

Magnus staid there bothered for a while before he frowned in realization, a fact that somehow took too long for him to process. "How did that egocentric lunatic found a date?"

His surprise was cut short at the sudden firm knock at his door, just one making him question if he had heard right. However having Chairman Meow turn tense on his lap, indicated that he did hear correct.

Magnus placed carefully the cat down heading to the door, he wasn't expecting anyone which was all a bit confusing with the thunderstorm going on outside, who would come all the way here? Catarina and Ragnor would teleport if need be.

Opening the door with a raised brow, Magnus found himself surprised at the person standing behind that door. "Reika?"

Reika Panthon is an old witch, a woman who gave everything to the people who seeked help, for the ones that felt future danger. Reika always visited when something big was ought to happen.

Back then, at the coming of Valentine Morningstar, she stood behind that very door, letting Magnus Bane know that dark times were approaching.

Most didn't listen to her, thinking of her as a lunatic. Many even considered her to not even have powers as they were subtle, nothing of a show. Magnus however had trained eyes when it came to magic, he never doubted that Reika was not one of them.

"For you to be here.... Should I worry?" Magnus said with a bitter smile. He truly ached for that woman, she originally was from a prestigious family before she was shoved out into the streets because she simply couldn't control her power.

Making her seem like a crazy person who spoke nonse.

A person of tragedy, a bearer of bad news. No one wished to cross paths with her, afraid she is going to say something that they would rather not hear.

Reika despite Magnus's warnings used her magic frequently, in exchange of such grand gift of future telling, her life force kept getting thinner and thinner. "Have you been taking care of yourself?"

Magnus let her in, showing her the way to the living room, a new set of cups with freshly brewed tea leaves appearing in the middle of the table. "You didn't walk all the way here right? It's pouring."

The woman settled down slowly, taking the teacup with a slight tremble due to old age. "You know why I am here Magnus.... I don't have much time... After that, I don't have enough time to stroll through this earth."

Magnus tried his best not to show any sadness washing over him with such news. He knew there would be a day that Reika would vanish, alas, it still didn't feel right.

The gift to see the future at will, to be able to read fate. Such grand gift came with such big price, it was almost unjustified. She had never asked for it, yet she used it endlessly knowing that's her purpose in life.

Magnus nodded in understanding, they weren't that close but Magnus had kept an eye on her. A woman who ended up on the streets telling fortunes for a living, at first clumsily as her power was tricky. Magic without guidance could take many forms, confusing the new learners.

"Is there anything to be done? Any possible way to save you?" Magnus asked gently, giving his last attempt already knowing she would decline.

Something that Magnus soon found out about Reika was that she didn't care for her life, always putting herself on the line of sacrifice. She had taken it upon herself to save everyone on her own, bearing the pain of loneliness all by herself.

She had no one, she didn't let anyone approach her.

Such personality Magnus found praiseful yet saddening. To live like that is to not live at all, turning yourself as a mean of a shield, without expecting anything back. Such people were rare and fated to live in sorrow and tragedy.

"No. This will be my last reading... After this I will live my last days peaceful at the lake." Reika always mentioned a lake house as her only good memory, refusing to say anything more of her upbringing. Her past remained secret, she will remain a tale of which only the title will be remembered.

The fact that she came from a rich background was something Ragnor had guessed back at the day when she only had one line of white hair across her scalp. Reika back then had confirmed it without much of an explanation or thought.

"... Reika, truly if you want, I can give you-"

"No. I wish to depart as soon as possible..." Reika let her youthful eyes stare at Magnus Bane, somehow hidden behind a mask of the old. "I lived my life in isolation for that exact reason, I know my time would come eventually... I have been seeking it ever since I found out it will take away my immortality."

For some reason Reika always despised her immortality, perceiving it to be more of a curse than a blessing.

"... Is there anything I can do for you Reika? A last wish perhaps?" Magnus softened eyes let Reika take a moment to consider. "I don't like being pitted on Magnus... As surprising as it may sound I didn't always live like that."

Reika hesitate but Magnus let his hand fall on hers, encouraging her. "I am here to listen."

She shook her head. "It's best if I say what I came here to say, I wouldn't want to throw my burdens on you... Not when there is a lot to come your way."

Magnus nodded, there was no need to pressure her, it's best to let her be. "As you please dear friend."

"Change is coming Magnus, a tremendous one." Her voice turned stern, serious.

"Like Valentine's time?" Magnus felt tense, awaiting dreadfully her response he could feel his heartbeat go faster by the second.

"Yes." She let that hang for a bit before proceeding. "You aren't going to be alone though, the entire shadow world will unite for this battle."

"Will we succeed?" Magnus asked, keeping himself in check, he mustn't panic.

"The change will have a good outcome in most cases... In every version of success he stands alive, so make sure the nephilim won't perish before the end."

"... What nephilim? Do we know the name?"

"A nephilim who is already gathering his strength for the change to come... Someone whose fate is aligned with yours." Reika took a sip of her tea at that, allowing Magnus to express his confusion.

"Wait ... That nephilim we are talking about, could it be the shadow hunter from that night? The one who saved Madzie?" Magnus could only wonder despite the chances to be slim.

To his surprise, Reika nodded in reassurance. "The Lightwood heir soon will awaken and move alone to build the shadow world from scratch.... Be there for him Magnus, you won't regret it."

"The Lightwoods? Awaken?"

"A family high in rank, capable and historically speaking, very righteous... Yet very arrogant." Reika spoke with a glint of recognition as if recalling an old story she long had forgotten. "He is different."

"My fate is... Aligned with his? What do you mean by that?" Magnus was trying his best to remember the witche's statement but there just stood too many questions, his brain taking in the wonders of the most interest. "Do we lead this change side by side? Are we-"

At that Reika got up, it was best not to spare too many details of what is to come, she learned that the hard way.
"You will treasure him greatly, he will cherish you even more."

Magnus was for a long time shaken by what the witch was implying, finding her words unbelievable yet knowing they are true. "..."

"Listen Magnus... Change isn't always bad and neither does it come without any cost." Reika spoke with strength and determination, they are after all her last words.

"My advice to you is to keep that shadow hunter close by any means possible... Keep him safe... He is more important to you than you know." Reika smiled as she watched the high warlock of Brooklyn in a state on shock, unable to say a word.

She walked herself to the door, taking a moment to glance back at the only person that ever cared for her, at the only human being that was there for her. "Magnus Bane, you are the most lovable being in the whole wide world, you deserve it... You deserve love."

Magnus awoke from his shaken state as Reika made the first step out of his door. He can't let her perish like that, not when she still hasn't lived for herself. "No! Wait!"

"Don't let him end up like me Magnus Bane, that's my wish."

Magnus yanked his door open, a mere second after Reika had closed it. Yet, nothing stood on his hallway, Reika the witch of fate had disappeared to live her last days by the lake.

Magnus felt great grief run over his soul and body. Closing the door with a gentle click, the high warlock of Brooklyn walked over to his armchair, taking a seat with an expression of sorrow. Suddenly everything had grown too quite for his liking.

It was as if Reika had never passed by, her presence not having left a mark other than her empty teacup. Magnus took a hold of it, of the last remaining thing of hers and stood, walking over a wall that split open, revealing a secret compartment.

Heading close, he let the teacup rest with other objects on the multiple shelves, so many things that reminded him of so many. "... Just for how long will that pain follow me?"

To think he is fated with someone mortal, was his heart meant to bleed as all his lovers ashed with time while he remained the same? Was it some kind of curse? A lesson by an upper being that had decided to pick on him?

"Can I allow myself this one more time? Will I ever overcome the grief? To loose someone dear, to slowly forget them... To guilt over a forgotten face I once promised love... I don't think I can live through that again." Magnus let his forehead cool against the wall, his hands not daring touch all those treasures he held so close to his heart.

He didn't know what to do with the information Reika had given him, unsure if he wants to find that hunter for his own good or not.

Alas, it was a choice he didn't have the right to refuse. "Change is coming, the nephilim is bearing the burden, he is the one to lead to success."

Magnus didn't have the right to ignore Reika's wish to find the Lightwood heir, to protect and assist him into the making of a new world. "I can't be selfish this time."

This doesn't concern just him, he shouldn't hold back because he is afraid of future heartache. "After all, I own him a favour."

The Lightwood heir did save little Madzie, the least Magnus could do is help him. "As long as I don't fall for him and keep it professional... It should be fine."

Magnus tried his best to keep himself busy after that, trying to push away any thoughts regarding the nephilim. Instead, Catarina's words of the hunter's description kept popping in his head, persisting on the creation of possible images that could potentially fit the hunter's looks.

"Come on Bane, you are not a teenage kid anymore... Stop fussing over a man you haven't even met." He could not deny that description including tall dark and handsome was as fine as he could ever get, alas, the high warlock of Brooklyn had greater responsibilities than to daydream of fateful faces.

"Danger is approaching, I should be prepared for it this time... As for the nephilim... Maybe the werewolves could help? But, how do I convince them?" Magnus stalled, thinking. "... Things ought to get messy from now on... What challenging times."

Challenging is one way to put it. In such times of upcoming chaos it was not just the warlock who struggled for answers... The nephilim too had a test of his own, a dare of loyalty when the risk of his heart crashing into pieces was high and frightening.

Alec Lightwood still remained on his cell waiting, he has been doing so for the past days. "..."

He didn't say a word as his eyes kept sharp at the only passageway outside or inside the cave. If someone entered there was no possible way to miss them, especially now that his eyes had grown accustomed to the dark, adjusting well enough for him to see.

He waited and waited until the day had come.

No, not the day of his second trial, that was rather a mock trial for the people's eyes, an excuse to hide his punishment. His memory being treated was something no one thought possible, the Clave would prefer to keep it that way.

'To hide their ace of brainwashing they made up a second trial... They never were planning on going through with that.' Alec thought with a long tired sigh, exhausted of his overbearing feelings and the constant stress of his life. 'They plan to clear me off when they use the sword to fix my head... Since when did my home came to this?'

Despite the anger Alec could also feel grief... The loss of the idea he had over his proud kin, to be a shadow hunter was his joy, his home.

Now, they are throwing him away just like he is nothing. All his efforts gone down the drain simply because he chose to differ, to speak opposite words. "... We are being lead by the thirsty, by the sinful ones."

His shadow grew slightly deeper at that, sharing whispers of encouragement. Alec remained still yet alarmed as he listened, the fallen spoke of the current heads with a snickering jest, viewing them as puppets who wish to wear gold.

"You are right... We could still change that and make things as they ought to." Alec agreed, his voice low, almost without any strength left as it had been days since he last ate. "... I wonder..."

'Will it be just I who will stand against them? Everything that I once considered familiar, the feeling of nostalgia and remorse are suffocating me... Sometimes, just once or twice, I wish to not have to struggle my way through.' Alec felt exhausted even before the fight had started. He could only hope that despite his rough start, things would lighten up a bit.

'I highly doubt so, knowing my luck.' Alec let any positive thought vanish instantly, not believing it could go better for him, it was never easy for him.

It wasn't just for him though, the change that needed to be made, it was for every nephilim that wished to breath and run, for every downworlder that wished to speak and be listened to, for any hybrid that wished for a home.

And that is exactly the reason why Alec Lightwood is willing to take the fall, he is tired of waiting.

Waiting for the right person to make him feel safe, heard and important. He no longer needs that, Alec couldn't wait anymore.

But the nephilim remained still, expecting his last bits of hope to walk though this very same cave he has been trapped in, starved and mocked, threatened and tortured. "When will they finally come to me?"

Alec felt his eyes zone out, his eyelids to flatter as his body screamed and ached for some sleep. The circumstances didn't allow him comfort, ease that he was used to. Thus why he tended to come in and out of consciousness, his body taking regular breaks in attempt to not fall apart without the proper care it requires.

Alec awoke in what felt like seconds later, but this time not on his own accord. Something kept poking his arm, a long thin pointy stick, whispers, soft and blurry could be heard, almost missing the echo.

"Alec! Alec can you hear me!"

"Shh! They will hear us!"

"At most we knock them out and steal the keys." Jace prompted without an ounce of fear or hesitation.

"Aelc! Are you okay? What did they do to you? Oh please all angels above, let us not be too late!" Izzy tried to call on her brother, squinting her eyes as the the cave was too dark for her to see clearly.

Alec felt blinded by the blue glowing stone Jace held, the blonde's face having grown into a deep frown, trying to make out anything through the dark. "Is this even Alec? I can barely reach him with that damn stick! I told you we needed a bigger one!"

"We are not going to fight over stick sizes right now Jace." Izzy hissed, running her stele over her runes in desperate need of assistance.

"Despite where and when you guys are, you always find the time to bicker." Alec smiled, feeling light hearted after so long.

"It is him! Hey buddy, how are you holding up?" Jace spoke with a soft smile, eagerly trying to fit through the bars, his bulky figure not helping one bit.

Alec lifted his gaze over to his sister who smiled with relief, her eyes watering of tears of worry. She nodded, letting him know she is now here for him.

"What if we use a rune on the lock? They don't look enchanted." Izzy spoke her mind, unsure which rune to even use. She suddenly shook her head as logic overcame her panic. "Right, Alec please can you come closer? Let me heal you with my stele."

Alec did as he was told, he got up and made his way to his siblings. Both of them took a moment to study the oldest brother, taking in how much more pale he had gotten, how dehydrated and worn out he looked.

"Don't worry Alec, you don't look half bad." Jace encouraged him, locking hands with him. Izzy didn't waist more time as she run her stele over his healing rune.

His irritated and inflamed skin softened, his muscles relaxed under the angelic power, his body feeling stronger, his thirst and hunger didn't completely vanish, they still lingered but it was enough for now. "Does mom know what you are up to?"

"She is smart enough to have figured it out by now." Izzy rolled her eyes, still mad at Maryse from their previous encounter.

"But it's all going to be fine Alec, as long as you are out of this dump, everything is going to be fine." Jace kept repeating, his eagerness to get his brother out, his desperation and need to make sure Alec is safe fogged his eyes, his pupils trembling holding back tears.

"Don't worry brother, we will get you out no matter what." Izzy promised as she headed for the lock, struggling to get it open as nothing seemed to work.

Alec stared at them for a moment, his face devoid of any overwhelming emotion as it should be at such reunion.

The hunter kept still, collected. "... Then what?"

Izzy and Jace looked at him in union, taken slightly aback. "We will figure out something, as long as you are away from them you are going to be... Fine."

Alec kept his eyes over at them, titling his head slightly, a pitiful expression on his face as if viewing something sweet yet naive. "Will I?"

Jace and Izzy exchanged glances, as if it slowly dawned on them what could happen later, how worse it could get, how dangerous things turned.

"They are going to call me a fugitive, a traitor and will have all shadow hunters looking for me." Alec let them know of how their actions will effect his and their future. "As for you, depending if they find out that you helped me, you will be of an equal standing as me."

"It doesn't matter Alec! What? Am I supposed to let you rot in here? Because I rather die than not be able to see you again!" Jace didn't hold back his voice this time, this weeks have been hard for him, to be left in the dark while his parabatai suffered... Not knowing if Alec was being hurt or not, breathing and not... It was hell.

"Is that what you have not been telling us? Your ideas of equality? Because screw that if it means to set you behind bars like that, being punished for them, do you actually think downworlders will give a flying fuck about you?" Jace went closer, his words harsh in contrast of his pleading eyes that begged for his brother to see the light of the sun again.

For Alec to live, to stay by his life.

"... You say to live in ignorance? I can't do that anymore Jace." Alec spoke softly, feeling his own heart ache in discomfort, bitter to have to fight with his brother.

"Alec..." Izzy started and trailed off a bit, finding the words. "I rather you alive."

"... Why do both of you presume that I am going to die?" Alec spoke with an unexplainable calmth in his voice, his eyes showing no fear despite his situation.

Izzy nodded towards Jace, they need to tell him.

"They are planning on either getting your head brainwashed, resetting you, or stripping you off your runes... Which sounds better?" Jace asked with a spat, not understanding why his brother took his sweet time asking questions instead of getting out of here.

"Or... You admit to never speak of it ever again, making a blood contract, and be set free." Izzy had a hard expression, her complexion pale, fearful that Alec will be gone, never to be seen again. "... I don't want to mourn you Alec, not when you have so much to live for."

"What is an unfair and cruel world ought to provide? Another fight with your lover is the starter point... What will you do when the Clave decides to go spiral, start a war against the so called low borns... Will you hold the blade against a warlock child?" Alec asked them, wanting them to know it's something bigger, something he couldn't do alone.

The Clave's actions and clear intentions are not a simple matter to pass on as if were nothing to wary and fret about. It could come to life and death, Alec wished to do something about it before it's too late.

"Alec... You speak of things that have yet to happen." Jace tried to reason, desperate to get some sense into his parabatai. "... Let's say that your words do come true, do you truly believe three shadow hunters could win this fight? We are not up for the task... We will die in vain."

"Then who?" Alec asked, his demeanour not changing since the beginning, after all, all this was a test of loyalty. He didn't doubt that his siblings love him, what he doubted is that they will understand him and be there for him.

Be unafraid to follow him.

"It takes one to step up for the rest to follow." Alec consoled him.

"Can you guarantee it? That it won't be just the three of us?" Izzy questioned, not believing in positive possibilities.

"... You always go against the rules, causing trouble. Why not this time when you have the right reasons? What's the difference?" Alec asked genuinely, remembering how Izzy had begged him to do something about it.

"Alec... Going against the Clave, risking all three of us to be robbed off our runes... Is it really worth it all?" Izzy questioned unsure, yet her goal was clear, for now, she will focus on saving her brother.

"... So you are telling me you find me unreasonable?"



Alec looked at them for a long moment, taking in their faces, their ill complexion and longing stares. He held back a bittersweet smile, recalling fond memories between them during their childhood years. His sweet siblings of chaos.

'I can't clean after them anymore... They have grown.' Alec thought to himself, embraced with nostalgia.

He had decided, the time has come.

Alec let his hand push gently his cell door, making the two remaining nephilims move in surprise as it slid open. "You know... You would already have been de runed if it weren't for me... Bringing in girls for the night, being openly in a relationship with a downworlder..."

Izzy frowned at that, her brother oddly sounding cold towards her, never before had it happened.

Jace too, despite being used to Alec's scoldings never before had he heard tough words from him.

"If you haven't noticed, shadow hunters who are in relationships with downworlders keep it low, so low in fact that it is a secret... Going to bars of the downworld and hooking up with whatever there is, bringing her to the institute. That is enough for getting your runes taken from you... Your privilege has blinded you of how our world actually is..."

Alec took a step forward, outside his cage. "You can blame me for that... I did pamper you and covered for you so you will live your life as you pleased..."

"Alec..." Izzy tried but she didn't have anything to say, she is left speechless. As for Jace, he kept his mouth shut and his eyes wide, the realisation dawning on him by the second.

"The only thing that kept you afloat was my promising position, how close we are. Back then the Clave viewed me as an achievement, as a to be council head... Right now though..." Alec stepped closer to his siblings, towering over them with a hurtful yet warm expression. "They will kill me if they get the chance."

"Why... You could always leave but... Why did... Stay?" Jace tried to understand what was happening, he hopelessly tried to get a hold of his brother, somehow feeling as if this is a goodbye.

"... The truth will be too harsh for you." Alec whispered, walking past them. "The thing is, you two need to see and experience the world with focused eyes."

"Where are you going?" Jace moved himself without realising, naturally trying to stop his parabatai from fleeing away from him again.

"You need to be left alone and find the hard way how it's really like to live as a shadow hunter under the Clave's watchful eyes. Be alarmed, be observant... That's my last advice for you." Alec spoke with his gaze low, feeling all the previous exhaustion coming back at him, his shoulders felt heavier than ever, his heart too felt like it kept crumbling, soon nothing to be left other than sorrowful longing to be filled again with an old warmth.

"You are leaving us?!" Izzy rushed to take a hold of her brother.

"It's a harsh lesson to be learned... Just remember you did things and you got away with it, not necessarily bad of course but things that the Clave simply would not forgive... The Clave rules the shadow world, either you move with it or against it." Alec kept calm and spoke with his tone soothing as his goal was not to cause tragedy.

"Nephilim hybrids didn't even do half of what you have done and they still got thrown away... Are you not the slightest angry for them? Of the unjust laws the Clave pushes?" Alec tried to find anything that indicated they understood him in some level.

"Of course I am infuriated by the Clave! Look what they did to you!" Jace half yelled, his eyes flared with a mix of emotions. Anger, confusion, desperation, Jace Herondale had never before been so overwhelmed.

"The Clave is dysfunctional in more than one way, but please brother, come with us, let us hide you for now until we figure something out." Izzy pleaded, tugging on his arm to follow her to safety.

"I don't want to hide Izzy... I can't, I am sorry." Alec gently pushed her hand, letting it slide off him.

Alec had wished for them to stand up with him, to trust him just as much as he does them. It had always been like that, one of the trio getting tangled up in a mess, while the other two followed without really knowing or caring how things came to be.

They are afraid, for the first time Alec sees how his siblings could be afraid of life and the responsibility that comes with it. He could feel slight anger for their ignorance and selfishness but he still couldn't bring himself to hate tthem, he could never.

He didn't blame them either, that's simply how they were raised, all three of them. For now, it is the best to give them space, allow them to be on their own.

It didn't take many steps before something had made it's way around Alec's leg, tugging him back. Alec turned back, his gaze softening as his sister cried, her hands having a trembling grasp around her silver whip. "Don't go... Don't leave us!"

Alec slowly turned his gaze forward again, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before grunting in pain. Izzy and Jace stared in terror as they watched something move under their brother's shirt, eventually ripping it open.

Blood is gushing out of their brother as something large kelt emerging from within him. The sound of crackling bones filled the cave making the nephilims feel their hearts and stomachs drop down to their feet.

Jace stumbled, falling back, gasping for air at such atrocious and sudden sight. Izzy froze as she watched a living nightmare of images she didn't understand, she truly felt trapped and haunted.

Their expressions of mutual shock and horror, confusion and worry. "What's happening to you?!"

Alec threw his head back, breathing out, feeling after such a long time relieved, as if something uncomfortable, broken, inside him had now moved back to it's original place. His dark wings that shined in the dark just like a crow's reached the top of the cave, spreading wide.

Alec didn't answer their call, instead he made a slight bow, his giant wings preparing for a flight. Izzy tried to reach him but it took only one movement of his wings, a flap that tossed him forward, taking lead on the air he ought to roam from now on, leading him to the night sky that ought to be his realm.

Such strength caused harsh winds to push back the remaining hunters, making the gifted unreachable. They fell back, rolling and struggling to hold on, their efforts not enough to keep them afloat, steady on the solid ground.

They were pushed into the darkness, left to get lost amongst the shadows. The blue light the angelic rock provided fell out of the nephilim's hand, cutting contact. Any source of remaining light was gone, letting them be engulfed.

Their brother had stood before them a second ago, now completely vanishing, his traces unreadable. "Alec!" Izzy could only yell as she dag her nails into the dirt, fighting against the chilly thrill that turned into a breeze.

Jace too had managed to stand when the winds calmed, gathering himself. "I can't believe... He just... disappeared like that." He immediately searched for the angelic rock, desperate for some light. When his fingers did grace it the nephilim picked it up with a firm hold. "I can't believe he left like that!"

Izzy stood, walking carefully over to him as they analyzed their surroundings that seem to have suddenly changed, shifting into something more defined than the cave. "... What just... How are we...?"

Jace looked around, heading over to turn on the lights. "... I don't know."

They had somehow turned up in Alec's room, in a matter of a second they gad traveled from the silent brothers den back to the institute.
"... What is happening?"

"... I am not sure but it certainly has to do with Alec... Did you see..." Jace trailed off, unsure how to describe what he had witnessed.

"Wings... How did he... There are so many oddities... And he is gone." Izzy could only name all the things she found confusing that night, the most wretching thing of all being the leave of her brother.

"What are we going to do now?" Jace sighned deeply, resting his shaken face on his hands for support, they mission had failed, Alec is gone. "I... Don't know what to do."

Jace was panicking, his act of anger having warned out leaving only sadness and sorrow to deal with.

Izzy settled next to him, her cheeks stained with tears, shaken. "I do... We are going to find him."

Izzy moved her brother to her side, embracing him. "We will fix this, we will find him and make him tell us everything he has been hiding from us... Everything that lead him to this point. We will save him."

Jace held her too, his sister was all he had left for now. "I will bring him back, I promise."

A mournful yet fateful separation of the three faces, the sun, the moon and the star carved the beginning of change. The moon disappeared, making the stars the only light in the night sky, while the sun grew lost, aimlessly calling for it's moon to come back.

The sun always got praised, outshining the moon that was too dim to be noticed. Jace Herondale would give everything for Alec Lightwood to return and look at him, be his parabatai for the rest of their life.

Jace Herondale and Alec Lightwood are a duo with many differences yet the deep love they hold of one another kept them close. In the public's eye Alec is an achievement of their current time, but Jace Herondale is more captivating, his charm can woe crowds.

The star that settled in the sky close to the moon never could compare to the moon's glory. Izzy Lightwood would let herself burn and die that to never get to see he brother, safe and mighty.

Izzy Lightwood despite not being the heir of the Lightwood family still held a very popular image, she too is very beautiful and charming, her fierce personality adding to her fame, a glowing personality.
Nevertheless, her glow wouldn't reach its potential due to her open relations with downworlders. The only thing allowing her to keep going, the promising and reliable brother who ought to take position as a Clave head.

Their story however has gone off the rails, sudden change has erupted, their development for now wondrous, their future encounters complex as it is a matter of the heart.

Reika Panthon knew of their tale well, she had seen it in her dreams. She had seen how the moon and the sun, the star and the mighty fire will all align to defeat the cruel prince. How so many more will stand together despite their differences. "..."

She let out a breath, a long tiring one.

The end was uncertain but not completely dark, she had to give Magnus Bane hope, that shadow hunter is his hope, the shadow world's chance to greatness. "... Hope..."

Reika smiled at that word with a pitiful expression, despite her gift she can't remember herself ever feeling hopeful. "... Hope dies last... Isn't that right Alec?"

"You are blubbering again old witch?" A woman scoffed with annoyance, her brows pulled together in irritation. "Why couldn't we just seal her mouth? It's not like she says anything useful."

Reika gave her no mind, her words didn't hold any strength upon her. The witch looked up, her gaze unfocused as the blurring image of the only light in the room stood above her, a flickering lightbulb. It's glow lures her in, everything else turning dark. "... My last sun..."

What a sad realization.

"There you go again! If you have something to say, SAY IT!"

Reika looked down at them again, her eyes devoid of any will, of any fear or worry. She had done her part, that's all that mattered to her.

Her heart however still howls in rage, of regret. Reika had lived a life of betrayal and sorrow, the only thing that remained was a small delight, the satisfaction of knowing that nothing is over. "...How is it Imogen? To see history repeat itself?"

"Are you laughing? What is so funny?!"

Reika laughed and giggled until tears rolled down her cheeks, her mouth wide leaving loud sounds of humourous appeasement. "Hahaha!... Hahahaha!"

There she was, an old woman who was dieing but kept laughing over ancient grudges, of hurtful memories of her youth. "Haha... Ha..."

"Do you not understand your position at all crazy old hag!" The woman walked over to the trapped elderly, despite being tied up by harsh rope that worn out her skin, making it bleed. Despite being tortured, that woman would still not give in.

"Should I pull your eyes out? Should I do that? Let you feel as -"

"You are naive Iris." Reika cut in, not the least intimidated by the wicked warlock. "The path you chose will only lead you to your own end. The women of your house are screaming, seeking justice for the atrocities you committed upon them."

Iris stared at her with slight hesitation, her words rubbing her deep regarded doubts and fears. Nevertheless, it was rather a moment of crisis before she came back to her senses. "Ha! Speaking such words when you are in such situation... Help the prince or you will live to regret it!"

Reika chuckled. "I'm already dead."

"Are you? You don't know true death until you are on the floor begging to not be taken away, afraid and miserable... Pathetic."

Reika turned to see the expected, the so called prince was standing there, hidden within the shadows, laughing at her pain through words. "Are you all those things? Do you admit? If so, why aren't you begging?"

"Death is not a concern of mine." Reika answered simply, her voice strong and sturdy. "Is it yours perhaps?"

"You're humourous... I like it." He coed with an eerie cold voice, bothered and angered yet not wanting to give in. "Are you not going to tell me my fate? Is it not your thing?"

"I don't usually offer to people who kidnap and bind me..." Reika stalled, her wrinkled smile turning into a line, her eyes piercing through the dark right into the gaze of the cruel prince. "Hmm... To think a shadow hunter would go against their own, quite a rare sight."

The cruel prince shifted, chuckling. "Iris, our friend here is quite keen on her eyesight... We don't really need it though, just her mouth is enough."

Iris smiled with pleasure as she followed his orders, her cruel sadistic personality didn't shake the witch much. Pressing her finger into the eyes and pulling, slowly and painfully, Iris didn't like how the witch remained stoic.

"I told you, my time is limited. There is nothing you could do to shaken me." Reika spoke with a calm demeanour, as if she didn't feel the agony, the blood that run down her face. "You just cut my lifeline shorter too, I hope you are happy."

"Let's just kill her, I would love to rip off that smirk off her face!" Iris stepped closer, ready to finish off what she started.

"What about an exchange then? You tell me what you want and I leave you free." The prince offered with an expression of generosity, being charitable.

Being cocky. The witch decided to play along, her last game.

Reika raised a brow, finding his claim lacking. "Well, that would be unfair, no? To let me go where? How long will I be walking until I collapse and die? No."

"Hmm, do you have then something in mind? A last wish perhaps."

"You ask me one thing and I in return get to ask you another. Fair trade, don't you agree?" Reika put simply, almost nonchalant.

"I'm amused witch, what is it that you possibly want to know when you can read the future?"

"The past." Reika spoke one word before continuing on with her question. "What you are hoping to achieve is something I already know, who you are too, I am aware... What I don't know is how did you get separated from your mother's embrace."

The prince seemed baffled at first, laughing away his shock and surprise. "Wow! What a question... Though I can't tell if you are insulting me or being sincere."

"... Was it her?" Reika pointed with her chin at Iris. "Who took you in? The woman that found a child of potential, of success... Did she took you away?"

"I- NO! I wouldn't dare separate a mother from her son!"

"Didn't stop you before." Reika mumbled, if she had eyes she would roll them at such blant lie.

"She was there when I needed her the most." The prince admitted.

Reika nodded, expecting such answer. "Then I will do you a favour and tell you how of a fool you are child... She has no good intentions towards you, time will show you."

"No! I would NEVER betray you my prince!" Iris had already made her way over to the shadow figure in the corner, begging in fear. "Don't you see? She wants to get into your head!"

"Does she now?" He asked, his voice ice cold making Iris Rose recoil back, her eyes mirroring her utter terror, her trembling pupils gave the prince what he wanted.

To rule with fear is a promising path. After all, he had no desire to listen to his objects, he didn't want them to get comfortable with him either, always on their toes ready to give their everything just so not to anger him.

Such power, it is the superior way to rule, it's the excellency of a true heir to have, the right way to show everyone how unreachable you are.

That's how he viewed true power.

"Are you saying she is going to betray me witch?" He titled his head smirking, his brows raised, feigning surprise.

"She will." Reika answered sternly, leaving no room for doubt.

"No-I wouldn't-" Iris tried to clear her position but alas, no one cared enough to listen to her.

"Thank you for being open with me. Then, was that your question? If I was taken away by my mother?"

"You already answered my question." Reika dismissed him, having gotten what she wanted. "Now, it's your turn, consider my previous hint a generous favour out of grudge."

"Hahaha! Iris look at that! You just met the woman and she already holds a grudge against you." The prince laughed at the irony, finding it hilarious. "Everyone you have met wants your head! How do you always do that?! Hahahahaha!"

Iris remained quiet, staring daggers at the old witch. "..."

"Okay... Oof, that was a good one." The prince slowly came back to their conversation. "My question to you nymph of fate is simple, expected and boring. Sadly, I will not be entertaining you."

"Who is it going to be, the person who will fight against me, block my path to greatness." On a more serious note, the prince was being sincere with his question. He knew there will always be someone against a glorious path, a chosen champion of the rotten ones.

"Why do you believe there will even be such a person?"

"Because you talk a lot. Who knows how many already know of my upcoming plans... You ruined the surprise Reika." Calling her by name, the witch couldn't deny the unpleasant goosebumps that run down her spine.

Like a chill wind that pierced her skin. "I didn't spoke a word to anyone... You caught me before I could."

"Reika... I know you are lieing."

"I am no fae, I can speak of lies as well as of truths. It's up to you if you wish to believe me or not."

"... It doesn't matter... Whoever it is he doesn't stand a chance against me." The prince pulled himself away from the wall he has been resting on.

"Do you wanna know why?" He teased but the witch remained quiet, refusing to feed his ego.

"You don't?" He aksed titling his head, taking a step forward, towards the light. "I guess you already know then."

Reika hesitated, trying to keep her gaze low but out of habit glanced up. Her body felt a rush of chill overcoming it as she stared directly into two black holes for eyes. Their depth empty and cold, cruel.

He smiled at her reaction, snickering. "You are lucky, I need your ability... So I will have you injected."

At that the woman winced in surprise, suddenly feeling a pinch on her neck. She hadn't seen it coming, too focused on later more important events. "What is this?"

"In a little bit you will start feeling drowsy... But don't worry, you will live." The prince looked down at the witch with a tight smile. "I am giving you the chance to live a bit longer, you should be grateful."

"... What did you inject me with?"

"It's a popular potion drug that keeps the body stable, stuck in time as it is. Meaning you will remain in your agony until his highness decides otherwise." Iris whispered from behind yet, pulling her hair harshly.

"Iris let her go." The man said nonchalantly, signing. "We will leave you alone for now, it might hurt a while but it will numb eventually."

Iris chuckled, heading to the door, opening it wide for her master.

"Wait." Reika whispered, already feeling the side effects acting up. The man turned to her call, waiting.

"What would happen if I stabbed you with that very same drug? Would it do any damage?" Her weak voice made the man laugh in amusement. "If I was a normal shadow hunter then yes actually."

"As a witch yourself, you must know that certain herbs are not meant to be given to downworlders and nephilim alike. Don't worry though, this is meant for your kind, you will be more than fine." He kept laughing along with Iris as he left the room, letting the elderly witch struggle under the influence, the poison in her body making her tremble profusely.

Sweat kept running down her face, her body twitching at first before having long seizures. 'It hurts...'

It hurts.
It hurts.
It Hurts.
It Hurts.
It Hurts.

Blood started ran down her eyes and ears, her finger nails too started bleeding. "Gah..."

She couldn't breath, she kept coughing blood... Blood that turned black and thick. "...gah... Gah..."

With trembling hands Reika pulled herself together, hugging herself, embracing for the end. Her body started turning cold and grey, lossing all colour.

"My time... Has come..."

Reika closed her eyes, letting tears fall down her cheeks, her breath shaky and pained. "Even in death..."

I am alone.

Reika left her last breath dreaming of her lake house, where her favourite memory laid. Where her family used to live during vocation, where she would dance with her husband and watch the stars with her son. She still remembers her partner well despite years of not having seen him, having grieved him.

"My dear, Gideon Lightwood."

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