Chapter XVII
"This is a trial to question your loyalty to the Clave as you were the only gone missing for three hours. You are the only possible leak of our embarrassment." Aldertree spoke with suspicion, eager to prove the Lightwood heir wrong. "Or where you doing something else? Have you picked up your sister's habits?"
Alec had to restrain himself at that comment. "Why are you bringing my sister's name out of your mouth?"
"I'm just using an example that will be easier for you to understand." Aldertree mocked, not hiding his venom.
"Please refrain from childish behaviour, this is a court." Lydia Branwell spoke with her voiced raised, having had enough of such play.
"Is it true Alexander? Did you go off to find pleasure or a lover?" Jia asked with sincerity, her gaze piercing yet not judgmental.
"I didn't leave for such things." Alec confirmed and by the sword's position it seemed he was speaking truth.
"Did you had another episode then?" Jia proceeded to ask.
Alec sighned, finding it harder to remain calm and collected. "I left without informing the others personally and that was wrong of me... But I did leave to do good, to fix-"
"Define good in this situation." Imogen interrupted him.
"If you didn't cut off the kid so often when he is speaking you would not have to make that many unnecessary questions." Blackthrone sighned, unbothered by the glares of his elder.
"Maybe it's due to your inexperience but this is how interrogations work." Imogen mocked, her scrutinizing gaze over the young nephilim, taunting him.
"That's what people do in police stations not in courts." Blackthrone argued back. "For angel's shake he stands below the sword of truth if you have to accuse him of something do it already."
"... Alexander Gideon Lightwood, were you the one who spread information about the case you were assigned to?" Lydia took lead, asking the question they were here for.
Alec felt as if time went slower, his heart loud in his chest, dragging his breath down. "...I seeked the help of a warlock that night."
There was no other way out, either he gets slashed by the devine sword above or he speaks another truth to distract the council.
Fabricating his truth with another, diverting attention elsewhere. The priority of this situation was how can he make that attention sway to his advantage, earning him the upper hand.
Alec knew from the beginning that he wouldn't, couldn't get away with everything that has happened. It was only a matter of time, how long would it take him to understand the fallen and it's purpose. Explaining something he hasn't fully grasped was not a good idea, especially with a sword that demanded only sincere and determined answers.
Being called cursed or possessed was another alternative that the nephilim found just too complicated to handle at the moment.
Alas, he had something else in mind.
It would strike his reputation greatly but only if the council would dare speak openly of it. So Alec had to speak truth that would not simply be astonishing but also threatening. "I seeked a warlock's help because I believe of fixing our mistakes by any means possible."
The council alongside his mother remained quite for a moment, the silence tense and eerie, as if a soundless explosion had went off.
The first to speak was Andrew Blackthrone, his puzzled expressions turning into an eager smile. "Oh? Please speak freely."
"The women died because I and my comrades couldn't detect magic... We couldn't sense that there was another person right in front of us because we have not been blessed to be able to." Alec spoke with his voice loud amd steady, ignoring the warnings of Underhill had given him.
Alec knew he was in a bad spot, he could either allow it to get worse from there or make it worse for his opposition as well.
"There are is a sum of nephilim children hybrids, yet instead of letting them explore their downworlder side, letting them reach their full potential, we discriminate against them, tying them down. We tell them that despite being accepted by the devine who gives them the strength to mark their bodies with runes, they ought to be just that." Alec made a pause, facing his target. "We tell them to be half of what they are."
Blackthrone let his back rest in his chair, finding the Lightwood heir interesting enough to make him smile at such claims. "Go on..."
Alec knew he couldn't earn the favour of most heads but at least one would be enough, who else stood better than Andrew Blackthrone who has wed a seelie, his daughter a hybrid, a living example of his point.
"If we had let the hybrid shadow hunters reach their full power, then would they not be of significant help in situations like Iris Rose?" Alec let his words sink in, after are they seemed too heavy to bear for some. Imogen kept silent, simply observing him while Aldertree and Branwell still stalled, shocked by his words.
"That is an interesting saying youngling... But it still doesn't explain why you went to Warlock's lair for help." Jia Penhallow broke the silence, listening carefully as Alec spoke, taking notes in her head.
Alec nodded, she will be the hardest to sidetrack. "There is no one of the moment that can give that help other than downworlders themselves."
The nephilim hybrids of now have no clue how to use their powers, some who don't have a parent to teach them how to control their downworlder strengths are left to bear the burden all alone. In cases like this, where they are unable to match their pace with regular nephilims hybrids are thrown out of the institutes and stripped off their runes, having to start from the beginning.
Such cruelty due to ignorance, Alec was clearly making a point on that. Calling the council lacking for not embracing gifted shadow hunters and letting them perish in their own dismay.
Offended Imogen stood. "You don't know anything yet you speak of big words."
"Did the warlock agree to help you?" Jia cut through the line, ignoring her higher up.
"They did to an extent I allowed them to... They wished to bring in the high warlock of Brooklyn, it was then when I stepped out knowing I can't make such choices by my own." Alec spoke confidently, not wishing to expose the identity of the warlock.
Jia Penhallow frowned in understanding, thinking over everything that has been said. "Did you speak of the mission to the warlock?"
Alec nodded, he could not deny that. "But only briefly, I highly doubt it was them who spread the information as I only mentioned Iris Rose in name and that she conducts experiments... Not what kind of course but nevertheless it seems the entire downworld knew to some extent that Iris Rose is someone they should not approach."
In truth Alec indeed only spoke briefly, only mentioning Iris Rose in name and Madzie to be a result of her doing. The rest was left for Catarina to structure together, indeed he hadn't given any details whatsoever.
Jia nodded calmly, speaking only to clarify better his sayings. "In the end, you did not speak what Iris Rose had done or anything other than-"
"So you did speak of the mission to a warlock... Do you not know that they have the ability to get into your head Lightwood?" Aldertree spoke with a sigh, faking disappointment.
Imogen stood, her mind having gather her thoughts. "Such responsibility, to head out mid mission for something like that... Quite absurd... Considering you don't have the authority to make such decisions."
"It was very out of place for me, I agree... Thus why I didn't agree upon anything in the end." Alec started, feeling somewhat bitter, did he really regret it? Maybe he regretted not having the power to do what was right due to his lower standing.
Yes he is an heir but not a Clave head that can make such decisions, maybe it was that that gave him such bitterness.
"If you could, would you?" Imogen asked, making Maryse tense. She had no idea her son had thoughts like these, it made her afraid.
What Alec so bravery spoke of was something many had thought of as well... Only that they didn't got to spread their ideas further than the courtroom.
Maryse was afraid of the sword that hang above her son's head, the previous threat that she had to step in still taunting her. The blood that had spilled and slipped over Alec's face due to the previous prank Imogen pulled, it still remained a reminder of how easily her son could leave this world.
But Alec had not lied once so far, leaving the sword unmoving.
With such question being said, if he would actually agree to cooperate with the warlock if it wasn't for his lower standing, it made Maryse's heart flatter in a bad way.
As if her son was stuck in a trap where the walls kept closing bit by bit, now finally reaching him.
"I would... Maybe then the women back in Iris' loft would still be breathing." Alec spoke without hesitation, after all such thought tormented him.
There was something that could have been done but wasn't, all that because of blinded hatred.
"So you don't agree with laws that have been settled by our higher ups? Nephilim that had even witnessed the coming of Raziel!" Imogen cussed, fury evident in her voice.
"It's people like you that disrespect our history! Lessons that were learned with cruelty, do you think boy there is no reason for the hatred?" Imogen glared down at the fellow, finding him unreasonable and brainless. "I thought you were praised for you intelligence."
"I am." Alec reassured her without an ounce of mockery or irony. "All I am saying is that we should move on just like time... Evolve just like nature and all beings within."
"Your ignorance and determination on delusional ideals, it will be your ruin." Imogen warned with pity among her silent rage, after all, the Lightwood first born was truly an heir of achievement and worthwhile praise.
Which is exactly what Alec betted on, his reputation.
"A ruin I will not be the one to determine." Alec insisted, his slight arrogance ached the pride of some within the court.
"Actions bring consequences, the matter relies solely on the person's willingness and doings... Are you saying that responsibility is not to be expected?" Aldertree questioned, amused.
"I am not the one standing tall, facing the ones who kneel and bend." Alec explained, trying to edge the man in front of him.
"And you will never be, rest assured at that Alexander." Imogen slithered, walking over to him. "You will be punished by serving at the catacombs within the silent brothers... Chained and scarred with runes of the dammed."
"Is this your final decision?" Alec asked, titling his head with confidence.
Confidence that made even Imogen Herondale stop in her tracks, taking a moment to study him. Why is he being so cocky?
"Even though I disagree that it was me who spread such detailed information of the Iris Rose case, let's think if indeed it was me who had opened their mouth for too long and take a moment to consider what would have happened.
First of all, I was careful and didn't share any further details that may have lead to such mess... It has been proven so by the sword above my head.
The warlock I met with wished for the involvement of their leader yet... Magnus Bane hasn't shown up, has he?
All I did was seek another prospect, using the hybrid nephilim appropriately so mistakes like this won't happen.
As for my health, rest assured, I merely need my denied request for vocation redeemed." Alec took a deep breath and exhaled, feeling his chest tight with intensity.
"Are you claiming innocence?" Imogen asked for the last time, scowling up at the youngling.
He stood tall now that they stood on the same soil. "What I am saying is that it would be foolish to lock away a Lightwood without proper reasoning."
Imogen's left eye started to twitch at the young hunter's words, slowly understanding his ploy, she found herself displeased. "Are you sure about that?"
"But of course... If I am not mistaken the reason you want me to serve punishment is because I went against old laws? Questioning authority." Alec made a pause, glancing at the judges above. "I am part of this authority."
"I may not stand like you Imogen, but I assure you, seats like yours and mine can either rise or grumble." Alec spat out the words, feeling his blood boil.
"Alexander!" Maryse warned, already fearing of what's to come.
Blackthrone exchanged silent glances with Jia Penhallow, both speechless at the youngster's dare and arrogance. Branwell as well, could not find a words or ways to handle such situation, never before had there been such display of disrespect.
Aldertree on the other hand was burning in rage, not enduring any of it. "Let's vote."
"... Truly Maryse, you are the first of the Lightwood generations to produce such rotten things." Imogen hissed, lifting her hand, two silent brothers came to her aid, chaining the nephilim.
Alec took in a discrete shaky breath, he had done it. He had spoken clearly of his intentions and his position, Alec had said what should have been implied long ago while managing to keep Madzie's existence and Catarina's name hidden.
The heads he wished to shake was no other than Andrew Blackthrone and Jia Penhallow, Lydia Branwell wasn't someone he could rely on while Imogen Herondale and Victor Aldertree were out of the question. All he needed was one vote supporting him, that alone will be enough for a second trial.
Blackthrone and Penhallow are obvious choices as both are known for their reasoning, they actually listened and take their time to make the right choice.
They will listen...
Blackthrone has an open relationship with a fae and a hybrid daughter in the system while Penhallow always is know to strike for what is justified. They are people he can relay on, people who understand.
As for those who aren't willing to give their favour, Alec had that covered as well.
There was nothing more dangerous than someone young of promising future going against an already questionable power. Imogen must be fully aware that hiding away such strong name would be the answer to the uproar that will follow.
Many nephilim his age shared his ideas, it was their fear that didn't allow them to express them.
It only took one person, of reliability and might, to sway the crowd into a rebellion.
Thus why Alec went to such extent to show his teeth.
There was no other way he could protect himself without exposing Madzie and the fallen. Seeing how fired up Imogen was to embarrass him and shove him out of the way for her grandson, Alec had to use the same method back at her.
Alec didn't look at his mother. Maryse was never afraid, it seemed only today did she grew to tremble, untrusting her own son and admitting defeat before she would even listen to him. "Today... I wanted you beside me today... Not across me."
Maryse remained quite under her son's softly spoken words, their gentle yet bitter demeanour left her heart to sink deep within, aching in heartbreak. 'Since when did he look like that? Sound like that?'
Maryse watched her son with anew eyes, almost not recognising him. The damage she and Robert was caused was clear, her son is in pain because of them... But it was not only pain she saw.
Something dark lingered behind his eyes, something dangerous and eerie. Maryse frowned concerned, feeling off.
Her eyes kept playing games on her, moving along with her instinct to find the threat. Her gaze stopped behind her son, it was as if Alec's shadow had darkened, growing in an endless depth.
Her attention was however drawn back to reality under Jia Penhallow's call. "Whoever believes Alexander Gideon Lightwood should not serve his sentence, raise your hand."
Alec stared at them in patiently, feeling as any colour within him was left drained out of his soul and body. He waited and waited but no change was made, not a single arm had risen.
No one believed or supported him, not even the ones that were involved on the matter discussed. It didn't make sense to him, why was not Blackthrone at least giving him his favour?
He of all should understand him!
Yet, he kept standing there, his gaze elsewhere as if daydreaming.
Alec felt his breath caught on his throat, how is this possible?
Why is no one listening to him?
He wasn't actually speaking nonsense, was he?
Alec turned his puzzled gaze over to his mother, she wasn't even looking at him. Had time frozen? Why is everything so still?
His heart throbbed, bleeding.
"... Oh come on guys don't be mean, our little fellow here gathered his courage and spoke!" Aldertree feigned bittersweet sadness, openly mocking the Lightwood boy as he raised his hand. "I will love to hear your blubber of incompetence again."
Alec felt his vision trembling and his blood to turn cold. What is happening right now? Is this a joke?
Imogen sighned, annoyed. "Lock the Lightwood boy for further questioning at the catacombs, until then please everyone gather your-"
"What?" Maryse questioned, finding the situation unbelievable.
"Did you not hear? It has been decided, your son will have one more chance to prove himself." Imogen rolled her eyes, gathering her stuff into a pile.
Alec watched as he got dragged away by the silent brothers, no longer protesting. His sadness slowly faded, washing away, coming to it's place flaming hatred.
Once again, he was ignored.
His gaze kept blurring, still in disarray of what had just happened. His heart burned in frustration, drowning under the black sea that kept him frozen, stuck right under the surface, mocking him with the distant light he never seemed to be able to reach.
Alec kelt quite throughout his journey to the catacombs, feeling his head buzzing in silence, all thoughts having come to a sudden stop. All but one, "I will not make it through a second time."
Momentarily the hunter staid still, unwavering despite the hard uncomfortable floor, the bothersome moisture of the wall and the creepy whistling wind that took any warmth left in his body with it's flow, carrying the screams of the dammed.
Time passed or maybe not, the sunlight didn't reach him.
Alec could only imagine how long it has been, his only company the fallen behind him, whispering words the nephilim could not catch, still effected by the shock that unfolded back at the courtroom.
Do they simply not care?
Alec moved his body closer, hugging himself as he let out a breath, it came out like a puff after a cigar. 'Just how cold is it?'
His body had turned numb from the cold, his exposed fingers red. "That can't be good."
"Are you already struggling boy?"
Alec turned his gaze to find Imogen Herondale look down at him, behind the iron bars with a heavy coat over her shoulders. "Truly a pity, considering you are one of pur best."
"... Truly a pity." Alec spoke with a low chuckle, not playing along with her. "Does Jace know of your plans?"
"Your voice trembles yet you speak without fear..." Imogen sighned, eventually smiling. "Truly a pity for such an intelligent heir to go to waist."
"Is there not another trial?" Alec frowned at her words, feeling his body tense, his instincts to scream as five silent brothers appeared from the shadows, standing behind the older woman.
"About that... We took a moment to decide with your mother about what proper punishment should you serve... She didn't like non of them." Imogen spoke with honesty, no longer hiding between words and cryptic sayings.
"..." Alec remained quiet, not ignoring that tug in his gut that alarmed him of something fearful coming his way. He didn't hesitate to discreetly get a hold of a broken shrad, either being it rock or something similar, it was heavy enough to do some damage.
"So we decided it's best to simply start over." Imogen titled her head at that, seemingly proud of it. "It was her idea surprisingly."
"...?" Alec was still unsure where was this heading to, start over?
He doubted it was simply to move on from the case and start anew and fresh.
"In three days time you will face again the sword of truth but this time it will serve another purpose." Imogen spoke calmly, nodding towards the silent brothers who moved according to her unspoken will.
"Your memory will be searched and wiped of any foolishness that will drag you back, distancing you from your glorious purpose." Imogen took a step back, engulfing herself in the shadows, a smile still resigning on her face, edging the hunter even more.
Alec stumbled to his feet as the silent brothers made their way inside his cell, holding out the rock he had picked to protect himself. "I refuse to follow-"
"You don't have a choice Alexander!" Imogen yelled, having had enough of his insolence. "... I guess you are high spirited... Beat him until he is too weak to stand, then proceed as ordered."
It wasn't hard for the silent brothers to weaken the hunter, with a raise of their hand a rune on the floor started to glow, causing Alec to fall to his knees, gasping for air.
It felt as if his body was pierced by millions of needles targeting his bones and muscles. The agony his body went through for the mere ten seconds was so strong and absurd, it had the hunter on the floor with spasms.
His vision dazed and blurry as if drunk, his body no longer feeling his own, Alec could do nothing as he got chained and dragged away like an animal. Blood kept dripping down his lips and tears down his dark blue eyes, he had yet to see true agony.
Alec wasn't sure where he should even focus anymore, to his overflowing mind as he tried to take in everything that has happened or his body that suffered.
The fact that it was his own people who brought him in such position made his heart bleed, discovering a new form of pain he had never before was aware of.
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