Chapter XVI
The nephilim kind anticipated as they waited outside the court, the day of the trial against the Lightwood heir has arrived. Such turn of events were not to be expected, a possibility has arose, an opportunity for the hungry that could only starve so long, outshined by the glorious son.
Alec walked in the courtroom, a very spacious and elegant place that had always inspired him even before when he was still new to the blade. The golden details on the walls, their amazing complicated structure, it always left Alec wanting to look more. After all, the court of Idris is a temple of justice, of truth.
The highest of values his kind oaths to.
"Alexander Gideon Lightwood please enter the stand." Imogen Herondale, one of the most powerful and fearful heads spoke, her tone full of authority.
There were six Clave heads, Imogen Herondale, Maryse Lightwood, Lydia Branwell, Victor Aldertree, Andrew Blackthrone and Jia Penhallow.
All but one council member didn't seem to stand amongst them, his mother. The nephilim could only think of the possibility that she is closely related to him thus her absence, having been denied access. However in past cases nothing short of thing happened, the family members of the convicted remained and were even the ones to say the declaration of the consequences.
Was his mother too ashamed to make an appearance?
Alec had kept his head high, his demeanour professional and determined despite his heart feeling heavy. He, a liar, is standing in court to face punishment of actions of no cruelty, dragging down his entire family with him.
Alec knew, he is the first to stand in court on the stand amongst his family throughout centuries... He knew how his family's reputation will be if he fails them.
His heart throbbed, how is he going to protect everyone?
"Maryse Lightwood will be absent due to your close relation." Imogen spoke, shuffling through the given paperwork, unbothered by the gravity of the situation, for her it was just another trial.
Alec stared at her for a moment, Imogen Herondale, if she took lead in this case, the odds are not in his favour. All cases assigned to her lead to drama, punishments too grand for minor acts. "I understand."
It's best to move under her flow, to not give any signs of discomfort.
"It's time." Imogen sighned, putting down any papers she was previously interested in. "Bring the sword of truth."
Alec remained stoic, calm even, on the outside despite his inner turmoil. The sword of truth came out only for criminals of the wicked, he betted on his previous excellence that the sword would remain in it's sheath.
Now, nothing was certain.
Alec just focus on two things at such announcement, his picture and the faces of the rest of the council.
The hunter tried his best to not break into sweat, for his pupils not to tremble at such fearful news. Alec had to remain strong, at peace with what is happening, unafraid.
Alas, the hunter is terrified more than anything, he is to face death if a lie is detected by the holy sword which won't hesitate to slash him open into two if not pierce him right in the middle of his skull.
As for the rest of the council, Lydia Blackthrone who was in the same training grounds with Alec growing up seemed to harden under such demand, evidently believing it to be too much. Yet she didn't speak, not daring to be open and have the possibility to loose a position she had managed to gain so early in her prime. Despite her achievement, she had yet to close a year as a council member, leaving her still in a vulnerable position.
Victor Aldertree shook his head with a small smirk plastered on his face, either finding the situation amusing or ridiculous. Alec was close in age with him as well, but despite that their paths had never crossed up until now. How unfortunate, Alec had no idea what to expect of him.
The remaining ones who had more experience due to their age didn't fold under the demand, masking their thoughts well. Jia Penhallow did leave a comment though, her authoritative demour inspiring a strictness of a commander. "If you keep using such serious means in minor situations it's value will start to loose it's strength..."
"Any who would not fear the sword of the holly is doomed to be a dead fool." Imogen simply answered, a coldness spreading throughout the place. Two heads clashing was not that uncommon, rather a constant state the council tended to be.
"The Lightwood child has done nothing to deserve such harshness." Andrew Blackthrone said, leaning back in his chair. It was clear that for him Alec was a responsible and overachieving hunter that happened to fail this once, placing him in court seemed rather unreasonable to him.
"We will see about that." Imogen put simply, not loosing her confidence. "Do I need to guide you Alexander Lightwood under the protocol of the arrival of the sword?"
"...No need." Alec responded in short, taking the stance he ought to with great bother in his pride.
When the sword is to be called the one to stand trial has to fall to his knees and keep his hands on top of his thighs, his head's position in a straightforward manner, looking across over nothing. A reminder he is not one to stand tall and proud, one to see what's right and wrong, the upper ones who speak from above taking the form of god who would lead him to light or darkness.
The council stood in tall seats while he kneeled, he is now standing in soil, clutching towards it while falling from the skies.
Will the nephilim crash or will he be redeemed? Flying back up to the devine, Alec could only fight his way up yet it still remained a choice not of his own.
Alec took a deep breath when he heard a silent brother slowly making his way to him, the hunter could only imagine the sword in his hands, the heaviness of it. "..."
He couldn't look as the sword was placed, floating above him, it's sharp end right on top of his skull.
Alec took another breath, it was much more horrifying, chilling to not know exactly where or how close the sword is to him. Like an itching feeling that made him want to desperately look but knowing he shouldn't.
"Afraid child?" Imogen called, her face remained serious but the glint in her eyes told a different story.
Alec looked up without moving his head, feeling a flare building up in his chest. Deeply hurt he is to see how she watched him, how much Imogen Herondale enjoyed this, his shame.
The fall of the Lightwood name.
"... Afraid of the truth? How can I?" Alec despite his stoic tone didn't hide his rage, his eyes having a glint of their own. "I say bring it lower."
"Enough." It was Aldertree who ordered him, his brows turning into a frown at such insolence.
Alec wanted to roll his eyes, how can they not see her? That she is the one provoking him and doing whatever she wants?
As the oldest member who had managed to survive and fight against Valentine back at the dark times, Imogen Heronda had earned respect equal to a Messiah's.
No one dared to disobey her orders, she was praised but feared.
Her cruelty at times was concerning at times, it would have been alarming if not for her determination to keep the balance between words, to rule the nephilim kind as the angels wished. Her behaviour was passed as if too harsh yet justified, a leader that is simply too focused on following the righteous path again any odds.
"No, it's alright... I will follow the Lightwood's wishes of dare." Imogen spoke with dignity, her head high and her glare sharp. "Lower it."
The silent brother did as she said, lowering it to the point where it pricked the head of the young heir, drawing blood that slid down to his chin. "..."
Alec clenched his jaw, it was painful more than anything but he had to remain strong. If he were to get caught and spoke a lie, this would be his last words, dieing immediately. "What am I being accused of to be brought in such position?"
"Imogen, would you like to take over this one as well?" Andrew Blackthrone asked with a smile that didn't met the politeness ought to, his intentions a mocking scolding.
Jia Penhallow spoke instead, cutting the interaction between the two heads short. "There has been an unknown source spreading information about your case... Private and sensitive information."
"What we seek is to interrogate you over what exactly happened during your mission... And possibly analyse your involvement in this matter." Jia finished with a face unreadable, stern. "Let's start by the footage video..."
Alec's eye twitched at that, what video? What had they caught?
While escorting Madzie to Catarina he had passed several buildings and cameras but he had made sure to remain hidden within the shadows. Had he slipped and got caught?
A big screen appeared in the middle of the room, showing the inside of the institute. Alec frowned at that, unsure what they got on him...
Soon, his questions got answered.
He saw himself walking to the exit, the gadget Underhill had given him in hand, ready to head out.
He stopped suddenly and remained like that for three hours or so. Alec stared at himself who simply stood there, not moving a muscle.
Alec hadn't forgotten that night, when he got chosen by the fallen's statue embodiment, it's words still striking his body like a wave of winter.
"I choose you."
Alec also hadn't forgotten how he had a blackout episode. Ever since he got lured back in Idris the hunter has been experiencing oddities of horror, one being those black out moments where he would loose himself to an illusion, lossing track of time alike with his sanity.
"Why was I not informed the trial had begun?"
Every head turned at that, to the one who dared walk during a trial by the council without reason and warning. Imogen was the one to address the issue, her tone bitter. "Maryse... You shouldn't be here as you have such close relations with the -"
"He is my son and I have been denied a position on making a vote... Shouldn't I at least represent him? Our book of laws says so, yet no one seem to have made the move to accommodate?" Maryse was speaking with her back straight, her voice booming inside the open space, obviously not having taken kindly what is going on without her knowledge.
Alec froze against his mother's voice, not having expected her to show up. His mind already taking for granded that the scene he created would embarrass her beyond to the point she would not be able to look at him.
"... It seems you treat my son like a criminal before even proven one." Maryse hissed lowly, not liking one bit how her child was made not to just kneel but also have a sword going through his skull.
"We have decided he will face the sword of truth." Imogen spoke with slight tension, getting up to stare down at them.
"...Lift the sword appropriately." Maryse order, feeling slight relief to see the sword float higher, her son's back relaxing a bit at that.
Alec never questioned that Maryse was never protective of him or his siblings but during the past years she had proven to be too strict and sometimes he did wonder if she held any affection for him. "I don't want you here." Alec could only whisper, his heart thumped bitterly, not used to his mother's interference.
Not accustomed to his mom standing next to him, saying she is here for him. Maryse was not ignorant she knew all too late of her position, for what is worth, she wanted to change that.
Alec, her son who never failed, never got tired and most of never got into trouble on his own now stands on his knees, exhausted and hurt. Did it really have to get to this point for her to realise her mistakes?
Maryse held her head high, her son is no criminal, he shouldn't be kneeling. "Alec, please stand up."
Imogen despite her grimace didn't speak a word, her stare on the Lightwoods resembled one when coming across a pest. "..."
Alec hesitated but slowly lifted himself to his feet, still not daring to look the sword above him.
"Now that's settled, what was it you were saying?" Maryse sighned, feeling asured now that Alec is more comfortable.
"The Lightwood boy before heading out for his mission was caught standing still for hours before waking up from his dazing state... What I am asking is, what's happening Alexander?" Imogen took lead again, her tone passive aggressive, as if toying. "Or should you mother answer to your stead?"
To tell the truth, Maryse had no clue of what was happening to Alec, what he was struggling with the past months. Her position as a defendant would be of no help, maybe if Alec had talked about it with her, then maybe the situation would have been different.
"... My son has admitted to feel exhausted both in mind and body... He seeked some time to gather his strength but was denied by the institute head." Maryse spoke calmly yet collected, admitting your heir to be worn out was not an easy thing, it left gaps that rats could slither in.
"Is it true?" Jia asked, facing the youngling that kept his gaze low. It was no surprise as all heads had took note of the Lightwood heir's shape, it was as if the hunter had not slept for far too long.
Alec gulped down his anger and frustration. "Yes... I had wished to rest for some time back in the motherland after the mission but was denied so."
"Why after the mission?" Imogen demanded, suspicion evident in her voice.
"That's due to-"
"You are not the one with the sword above your head now are you?" Imogen spoke, cutting Maryse off. "You can intervene only to support his claims, otherwise you keep your mouth shut."
The tension grew significantly after that, Lydia Branwell being the one to break the ice. "Please explain what is happening Alexander Lightwood."
"I have been having... Black outs where I loose track of time." Alec put simply, trying his best to put on a performance. "I... Before the mission, I had such episode and have been having them lately."
"Why would you say they happen? Have you gone to a doctor?" Jia asked, her demeanour remaining stoic.
"I didn't... It's not a good look for my family when it could essentially demolish what they had built so far." Alec was not speaking of lies so far, in truth he did keep all that a secret mainly for his family's shake, no one would take seriously the future of a family where it's heir has lost their mind.
"So you thought it's better to put people at risk than take a break to cure yourself?" Jia spoke in the same tone despite the harshness of her words.
"... It dawned on me later of how harmful were my actions. My fears flawed my judgment and for that I will forever be reminded of my biggest mistake..." Alec didn't continue, there were a lot that went wrong that night, regardless he was fully aware of his actions.
But his condition and fears at that moment, Alec knew the one that should have been discarded was him. The mission could have escalated for the worst if he had another episode mid fight, the possibility of messing up was high but it didn't stop him. His fear of failure and disappointment did not allow him to... And that was his biggest mistake.
To be afraid of such.
Alec should have stepped out the moment he had that episode even if last minute...That's what he should have done.
Yet, he could not bring himself to regret it not even for one bit.
'Madzie is worth the trouble, any kid is worth such trouble.' Alec felt suddenly determined to stay afloat, he had to see her at least once more, make sure she is okay and being fed well.
Imogen huffed at his words, unimpressed. "Reminded by who? The women you killed?"
Such cruel words fell so lightly put of her mouth, as if they didn't hold any weight. Alec held his gaze steady despite his guilt, he didn't let himself drown in such words despite feeling like he deserved to.
"That's harsh Imogen." Jia warned, her glare sharp. "You can't possibly blame the Lightwood child of doings of another."
"I mean... Maybe if he was in his right mind, Alexander Gideon Lightwood over here would have made another success in his achievement board." Aldertree spoke with a pitiful expression, a sarcastic tone to add more of his insult.
"... Do you agree with that statement Alexander? You failed due to madness?" Andrew Blackthrone asked patiently, waiting for the younger nephilim's answer.
Yet it wasn't Alec who spoke but his mother, her voice cold trying to mask her devastation."He did."
Alec almost twisted his neck to look at her with wide eyes, how can she agree to something like that. "..."
"That's your stance? You failed because you are unwell mentally and physically?" Aldertree laughed, finding it ironic. "After centuries of such impressive heritage, your family finally produced a fool."
"... My son has been pushed by both me and Robert Lightwood. It all caught up to him-"
"Is that your excuse?" Imogen asked, gathering her papers. "Do you think he is the only one under such pressure?"
Maryse kept silent at that, refusing to look at her son who had been staring her way, she couldn't bear the betrayal she had shown but what other choice did she have?
It may hurt the pride of the Lightwood name but Alec will leave this place harmless... Her son will be safe.
Alec's pupils trembled, the feeling of his overbearing heart having become too much. "I am not mad."
His voice was low, making the council quite down to hear him. "What did you say boy?"
"You push the blame on me because I handled the situation poorly...Yet you haven't asked me how I handled the situation." Alec begun, his eyes flaring the more he spoke.
No one would protect him, defend him other than his own self.
"It seems so easy for you to decide who is at fault yet no one has made a single attempt to find where the difficulty lays and how we could be prepared for it next time."
"Are you trying to slither out of your punishment Lightwood, how lower will you drag yourself into the mud?" Imogen huffed, finding the situation unbelievable.
"I am not insane." Alec stated.
Maryse placed her hand on his shoulder to reassure him. "Sometimes sacrifices need to be made Alexander..."
Alec felt his back get goosebumps at his mother's words, they were so softly spoken, so quietly yet they made him shudder like thunder.
Was it betrayal he felt? That bitterness to have a person who ought to protect you... Let you down like that?
His mother had openly admitted that her son is insane, unwell mentally.
A weak heir.
Alec turned his gaze to Imogen, her satisfaction was blandly shown without shame.
It irked him... What had she said to his mother for her to admit such claim and where did his mother's brav went?
Maryse was a person who would rather die than hurt her pride and image. What had that sullen woman said that had shaken such person like Maryse to go as far as to dimenis her own successor.
'So it's her who set this trap.' Alec couldn't stop himself but recall how the case of Iris Rose was handed to Jace Herondale, his parabatai.
Alec knew Jace was not one who wished to be in the lead, he preferred to do his own thing without bearing responsibility for others. Thus why Jace Herondale was considered a weak heir despite his greatness in the field.
Jace Herondale had no desire to take a leading role, leaving the only possibility for his upbringing an open position.
Imogen Herondale knew there was no spot for her grandson among the dedicated heirs, so she had to make one.
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