Chapter XIII
Alec woke up feeling oddly good. He felt light compared to past weeks, his body no longer ached in pain, his eyes no longer stung. His head somewhat clearer, his thoughts no longer in disarray, all over the place. Alec felt like he was back on being his usual self.
'I almost forgot how it felt like...'
Alec moved through the morning crowd seeking the peace and quiet of the west wing, today feeling more alive than ever, Alec wished to keep it that way.
There was slight fear in the depths of his mind, the hunter rarely had nice days without any unexpected issues coming up, making him have doubts, paranoia of something happening amd dragging him down the rabbit hole.
Jace had come by earlier this morning to check on him, later it was Izzy and finally Andrew, who reassured him about their plans today. He will be waiting for him at his "shabby" place. It took some convincing but Alec managed to lure Underhill into his little escape place.
Andrew just hadn't seen how of a gem the west wing cafeteria actually is.
The closer Alec got the more anxious he became, he had to tell Andrew of Madzie, he has involved him after all. Knowing Andrew, he will have questions, rightfully so. But how far in details is Alec allowed to say without getting him in even more trouble?
Andrew being punished on his behalf, against actions that weren't his, is something Alec couldn't let happen. Especially knowing Andrew well enough to be aware that he will try to take equal blame, his attempt to lighten his friend's sentence.
Finally, reaching the west corridor, it became easier to walk. Letting out a deep breath Alec kept his pace slow, enjoying the feel of a healed body, the energy that came with it.
Alec wasn't naive, he knew all that wasn't due to the ointments Izzy had used the previous day. He remembers how things turned for him that night, how the fallen entity had helped him sleep, even healing him.
What Alec still could not understand however was that sensation he had, he had felt something moving under his skin that night, it didn't hurt dramatically but it did feel unpleasant.
Under the flesh of his back, something surely was there, wanting to emerge. Falling into deep fever Alec can't remember if it did eventually made his way out or not.
Alec blamed it on his fever at first, hallucinations often happens under such conditions. What changed his mind was something he saw on his reflection, his back was completely fine, no longer scarred with odd wounds that tended to appear and disappear, rather, two small moles. They had appeared at the exact same spot, mirroring it's other, side by side.
Alec had some moles, but he knew he didn't have those two.
Something was happening to him, physically. Still not quite sure of what could it be that he is suffering from, Alec felt frustrated, time was ticking down, he had a week to figure it out. If only there was someone he could ask about it...
Only the fallen knew, cruelly keeping the nephilim in the dark.
"Hey Helen, how was your date with your vamp?"
Alec moved out of the way, not wanting to encounter the youngsters.
"Non of your business."
Though, they didn't look that much younger than him. Taking a better look, Alec even started recognising them.
Jenkins being the first, then Fred and René, advanced shadow hunters heading to the main hall from the west wing, he thought he was the only one to pay visits there. He never expected of Jenkins or the twins with their arrogance to step on ground of the untrained, lower ranked hunters.
"Why? Are you embarrassed?" Rene teased another hunter Alec hadn't taken note of. He titled his head slightly, to see the hunter the three had circled.
Helen Blackthrone, what a surprise, she must be back from her mission in France. But what is happening right now?
Helen is a strong figure among the new generation of shadow hunters, her capabilities exceeding expectations and admirations. With her background, no one would think otherwise, the daughter of a Clave head is destined for greatness.
"Maybe, you shouldn't have let yourself kneel before such blood sucking creature, was eating her out really all-"
Fred got more than what was coming for him, a smack on his throat got him gasping for air, losing his voice.
Jenkins pushed Fred onto his sister's arms, taking the lead. "Why so offended? Isn't it the truth?"
Brad went close, too close for comfort. "Halfbreed."
Helen's eyes flared with rage, trying to restrict back her fists. Eventually she spat on the brat, a sign to demean him as dirt, as nothing, a lower life.
Before Brad could make his next move, Alec stepped in, knowing full well it was a matter of time before the two jumped at eachother. "It's not wise to keep it up... You are aware of your positions, are you not?"
Helen looked at him with a bitter expression, as if betrayed.
Jenkins on the other hand smiled eagerly. "Lightwood! Have you fallen that low, you are dining at the west wing?!"
Alec didn't say anything at that, he just signed and went to move on.
"Aren't you going to say anything?" Helen asked, her tone harsh.
"Why would I? People like them, whose heads are empty and inept, there is nothing that can possibly woe them more than themselves." Alec was in no mood to handle the three airheads, not when Helen is more than able to protect herself against such flies.
Helen took a moment to stare at the Lightwood heir, her eyes wide but unreadable. "You think they are incompetent morons?"
"We are still here!" Rene hissed, not daring to make a move on her own. Her brother is still on the floor, helplessly gasping while Jenkins stared at the two hunters with great distaste.
"Isn't it obvious? Look at their childish behaviour, a laughing stock out of nephilims." Alec let that one drag out, finally moving along to his original purpose. Ignoring the hawking eyes of Helen and Jenkins, Alec didn't think how his words will effect him later in the future, after all, how further can he fall?
Jenkins remained quite, clicking his tongue to cue his comrades, it was time to leave.
Jenkins and the twins did horribly to pick a fight with Helen Blackthrone, remembering how she handled bullies back at their camping days, Jace being her primal victim, they didn't stand a chance.
To Alec's surprise even someone as great as Helen had to deal with such abrupt behaviours. Though it made sense, she is half nephilim, half seelie making her something that didn't quite fit in the Downworld.
Shadow hunters treat her like any other downworlder while downworlders treat her like any other nephilim, leaving her somewhat in between.
The only thing keeping her in the institute, her father's position. Otherwise Alec highly doubted they would allow her to be one of them.
Helen is a half nephilim, her father other than being a Clave head is known for his kindness regarding the two worlds, the people stuck in the middle. His wife, a seelie nymph Nerissa, her beauty unmatched but other than that, nothing much else is known.
Her family situation caused prejudice against Helen from a young age, thanks to her father's power and love for both his wife and daughter, no act against them went unpunished. Jace who loved meshing with people with silly pranks had to pay a high price for targeting the wrong kid.
Helen followed the tall hunter with her eyes until he no longer stood visible, she had heard of Alec Lightwood, how fair of a young man he has grown to be. She remembers him back then when they were children, always by his sister's side, doing her every demand, guiding her on as the older sibling.
A very reliable, responsible young man he had become, her father had praised the little Lightwood more than once.
Back then she was too shy to talk to the Lightwood siblings, even if she really wanted to. Now, having returned, a lot of rumours about them traveled, sayings that made her think she might have a lot more in common with them than she originally thought.
She needed allies, things with the Clave were shifting in directions that could threaten her and her family, having both or just one heir of the Lightwood house on her side might be enough to secure a safe route.
The world was changing, as it seemed, for the worse.
Alec walked into the cafeteria in relief, it's exactly as he had left it. The lighting remained dim, dull as the only source came form the natural sunlight the windows and sloppy curtains allowed to pass through.
Only a handful of people stayed around, speaking loud enough to blur all sounds together, whispers and laughter, yawns and the relaxing music on the radio.
It was the same song over and over again, the same instrumental version of it.
Greatest of all, the smell of baked goods that made the hunter's stomach growl in hunger, he hadn't eaten since yesterday noon.
After fetching something for himself and Underhill the nephilim headed to where his friend had settled.
Andrew was sitting comfortably, just below the long window, where the morning light warmed his face, his body spread under the sun, his eyes closed, he looked as if he had fallen asleep under it's grace.
"Andrew?" Alec called, softly taking a seat beside him. "Are you asleep?"
"Let my body get some vitamin B Lightwood." Underhill groaned, stretching his feet.
"Vitamin D." Alec corrected, placing the goods in the middle to share. "So, do you like it here?"
"It's okay... Better than I thought. The colour exposure was more needed than I originally thought..." Andrew said, his eyes still closed as he attempted to find the food with his palm spread out, his plan to feel where the source of steam was coming from. Successful in his tactic, he slid a small croissant over to his mouth, devouring it.
"Someone's hungry." Alec pointed out, his brows having rose, Underhill is not the type to have morning appetite.
"It's my recently broken up era that I find myself into a constant state of hunger." At that Andrew jumped from his lazy posture to bend over, as if remembering an important secret to tell. "I have gained five pounds Alec, get. the. croissants. away from me!"
Alec tried his best to keep in a laugh, dragging the baked goods towards him. "So it has been hard."
"... Harder than yesterday... Generally as days go by it's harder to bear! Shouldn't it be the opposite? Time is medicine, that's what they say."
"I wouldn't know." Alec could only shrug at that, not having experienced it himself to know the answer. "Maybe it's something else you are hanged up about?"
"Maybe... I feel angry at him for dumping me with such ease." Andrew signed, drained with all that emotional drama he has been facing for the past week. Just how long does a break up last?
"Why did he broke up with you? Because you are a nephilim? Must be more on that."
"As soon as one of his acquaintances saw us on our fancy loving date and came to say hello, Lorenzo turned all cold and wanted to leave." Andrew started, his gaze unfocused, recalling the memory with a bitter expression. "This jerk threw me some bucks to get a taxi, snapped his polished fingers, and disappeared into a golden portal."
Alec shook his head in disbelief, signing in union with his friend. "The all mighty tucked his tail between his legs and left you stranded... What a dick."
"...He had a great dick."
Andrew took a breath, smiling, laughing against Alec's face of disgust and embarrassment. "What about you Lightwood? If I recall, you ought to tell me what's your type in men."
Alec made a small pause, thinking. "I don't think I have one."
In truth, Alec could not imagine himself with anyone really. Having a partner was a distant fantasy, to have someone who loves and appreciates you despite your odds, Alec wasn't sure if he will ever find that.
"Come on Lightwood! You must have preferences, standards... Don't be shy! Open up to your buddy." Underhill tried to encourage his fellow nephilim, stealing the last croissant in the progress.
"... I guess, someone reliable? Someone I can count on..." Alec tried to find the words, giving up at the sight of a very unimpressed Underhill. "Alec, you're describing the bare minimum."
"I really don't know." Alec came to that conclusion, feeling somewhat sad, before he had never considered it. Is he really seeking for basic needs? What did that even mean? Shouldn't everyone search those aspects in a partner?
"It's fine, don't overthink it. When you see the man of your dreams, then you will know." Andrew smiled, taking a long sip of his coffee. "So... What did you do with the information I gave you?"
"Are you sure you want to know?" Alec asked hesitantly, Underhill nodded calmly, as if already aware of what's going on.
"Iris Rose, as you probably have heard, was kidnapping women and experimenting on them using a low demon spawn." Alec begun, his words earning nods of acknowledgment from the other hunter, he had indeed heard of it.
Alec took a breath. "Iris Rose using black magic managed to burn her entire estate... The women were burned alive, I hadn't seen or heard them when entering their prison cells."
"I think it was said that their were unable to be seen or heard?" Andrew recalled of some information he had read on the reports given to pass through the system.
"Iris used an invisible barrier over them and had cut their tongues and vocal cords, even their music box." Alec had read the reports, every single one made his stomach turn, if he could have seen them, if the fallen had given him the gift to see magic just moments earlier... Maybe all that wouldn't have happened.
"Lightwood, you can't possibly blame yourself over that." Rather than a question it was more of a statement, he did know Alec well enough to tell when something bothered him deeply. "I hope you know it's not your fault."
"I could have stopped it."
"Unless you are a warlock yourself then I highly doubt so."
Underhill spoke with a light jest, but Alec took his words very seriously, if there was a warlock there, with them, their mission would have been successful, based on the access points they would gain.
Calculating the possibilities, Alec found the idea inspiring.
"What are you thinking about? You have that evil glint in your left eye, you always get that when your brain comes up with something." Underhill faked fear, laughing eventually.
His laugh was cut short.
"What if downworlders and shadow hunters collaborated?" Alec spoke with such surprise, wondrous of how no one had thought of it before.
"Cooperate for what? Killing demons? They are half demon, downworlders won't be able to touch our seraph's blades, neither shoot out bows." Underhill found Alec's idea lacking and somewhat frightful.
"If we had a warlock with us the women would have been safe." Alec spoke with eyes of determination, not accepting to simply move on.
"When I was at my first rounds on duty, I came across several blood driven vampires... One of them was my age, having turned mere hours ago.
He begged for answers, unsure of what was happening to him..." Alec made a pause, feeling his heart rate rising, the feelings of guilt and frustration building up within his chest.
"He drove himself in my blade, proffering death over the fear of becoming something he didn't know."
"It's not your responsibility." Underhill spoke lowly, warning his friend with his eyes. He seemed wary of anyone overhearing them, they were still after all inside the institute.
"But it is. To claim we are the guardians of the shadow world does not mean to just slaughter demons... It's to make balance between the two worlds, as we help mundanes so should we assist downworlders. I don't-"
"Sadly Alec, you might be one amongst the less to think like that." Underhill interrupted his friend, trying to shush him, to stop this conversation.
"Do you know how many young vampires are killed by us because they have been turned against their will and naturally lost control? What if we just had to hand them over to vampires that would actually help them. We could stop killing them and instead help them! And about seelies-"
"Alec." Underhill cut him off again, whispering. "This is not the place to talk about it."
Alec despite understanding his friend's intentions felt somewhat dull, angry to not be able to speak his mind out of fear.
Alec is aware, his thoughts will not be preserved in a golden light by most, but he can't see the fault in them, it will resolved many issues, mainly the gap between nephilim and downworlder.
Even the Clave, if they listen, they will understand how reasonable his idea is.
Alec knew Andrew didn't hold any prejudice against downworlders, but it would have been comforting to have him by his side on this one.
Andrew didn't miss Alec's discouragement, but they were in the open, such matters were not for the Clave's ears.
"How did you use the information I gave you? You asked of a warlock close to Magnus Bane, someone reliable, a healer." Underhill changed the subject back to what they were discussing, Alec accepted that.
"... There was a little girl who survived Iris Rose. I didn't want to hand her over to the Clave." Alec admitted with a sigh, his shoulders falling as he remembered the pressure of it all.
"So you hid her with Catarina Loss... Oh Alec, what did you do?" Andrew expression softened, as if pained to see his friend's fate unfold before him. "The Clave will tear you apart when they find out, I hope you are prepared for that because there will be nothing to hold into."
"Is that what you believe?"
"That's what's going to happen." Underhill spoke with such certainty, despite not wanting things to follow such pattern, everyone know how the Clave functioned. "Lightwood, listen carefully... Your position is tight right now. Don't. Blow. It."
Alec titled his head, since when did Andrew became so fearful?
"Do you agree with me?"
Underhill signed, thinking. "I don't even know how that would work. Sure it worked this time with Catarina Loss, handing over the little girl to someone more experienced with such matters, someone who knows how it's like to be a warlock, helping the girl find her identity and feel safe to do so...
It will help the girl build confidence, she may mention information related to Iris Rose at some point, helping with the investigation.
Vampire attacks will also fall in ratings as they will be taken in, learning how to control themselves and function in society under the eyes of the experienced.
Maybe they will reach a state eventually that will help them recall who did this to them, help us find the vampire who went against the law and serve justice.
Who claims that every warlock will come to help us and not blast us away to Edom?
Who says that the vampires will not use our new tactic to build gangs and make things worse?"
Alec nodded, that is his biggest set back, who can he possibly trust among the Downworlders?
The gap between the nephilim and downworld is too grand, hate crimes tend to happen on the regular, too often to even give a chance to mend. "We can never be sure until we try. There are a lot of downworlders, I am sure they can be reliable."
Another sign left Underhill, worried. "I don't know what else to tell you other than be careful... A dead man cannot achieve the dreams of a living one."
"I will be fine." Alec reassured his friend, he will make sure of it, just like he promised his little sister.
"Fine is not good enough for me." Andrew looked at his comrade with a longing look, concerned where his ideas will lead him. "I have noticed how tired you have grown to be the last weeks. At first, I thought it was because you were pushing yourself, but lately you looked... Looking at you made me feel horrible."
"... I can't say for sure what's happening to me... But maybe you can help me?" Alec wasn't too proud of himself to have to involve Andrew in his mess for one more time.
"Of course, whatever you need." Underhill spoke quickly, his need to give his friend peace, to help him with whatever he might be dealing with, engulfed him.
"...Can you look for historical texts or anything related to the relationship between nephilim and the divine? Maybe even remarks of how to differentiate the all mighty ones amongst themselves."
"Are we talking about the bond between us and the angels?" Underhill questioned, not having expected of all things that to be his burdening suffering.
"And information of how to differ each angel?"
"Don't you already know all that?"
"Anything hidden or forgotten would be great."
Underhill blinked, that felt like out of the blue. Somewhat at loss of both words and thoughts, he couldn't help but agree. "Okay... Sure, I will look it up... And tell you what I find."
"Thank you, it means a lot."
The two friends stayed like that for a bit, enjoying the silence before the storm.
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