Chapter XI

Alec breathed with great difficulty, his form turning haggard. He had grown exhausted of the long distance between the city of New York and the outskirts where a deep dark forest took place, Deer Avenue 0 was not an address but a code name to indicate the proximity in which laid his target.

In this situation, his target being Catarina Loss, a warlock who is known for her healing capabilities, her caring personality against the wounded of any kind. Alec thought of her as perfect candidate, not only will she help Madzie physically but also mentally.

Most importantly, she was chosen by Andrew Underhill, a man Alec trusts. The reason Alec got along so well with Andrew is because they think alike when it comes yo certain things, they handle situations similarly.

Catarina is a warlock just like Madzie, she will teach her the right ways to yield and control magic, she will help the younger find her place amongst their kin and eventually in the world.
Madzie should learn among her own people, she must not be afraid of what she is but proud, just like the shadow hunter who proudly lifts his blade for what he believes is right.

Catarina was exactly what Madzie needed, that's why Alec had to make sure his proposal will sway the  warlock.

One of the many things Alec had to look into was the protection Madzie will live under, Catarina is an impressive figure, but what's more is her friendly connection with no other than the high warlock of Brooklyn. Even if the Clave did find of the existence of the little girl, they would not approach her without caution, knowing she is fostered by Magnus Bane.

He is known to have taken care of his kind during the dark times of Valentine, Madzie is one of the many kids he won't refuse to help.

The plan in the hunter's head kept evolving, finding obstacles and overcoming them, the flow of the future moved in a natural pace in his head.

And that made Alec find peace within his heart, Madzie won't wither alone, there a lot of people she can still rely on, until she grows up blooming in confidence and strength, until she can stand on her own two feet.

The deeper the hunter went the more confident he became of having made the right choice. This place is ideal for Madzie, a forest of such felt like a maze even to him who was trained since young to track down his targets and eliminating them.

"... That didn't sound so good."

This of course, is not his purpose... To hunt the warlock as if she were a demon.

Alec stopped, trying to catch his breath, readjusting the little girl on his back. His gaze high up, grazing the sky who was slowly accepting the morning sun. "... It's been too long..."

By now, he should have gone back and recoup with Jace and Izzy. The damage had already been done, he is too far in, it's not like he could rush it. "Are you okay Madzie?"

The little girl nodded against his back, the hunter signed in relief.

Ever since Alec managed to break the magical barrier on the door he has been able to see magic, spells that traveled through air, enchantments of protection spalttered across doors and windows.

As to right now, he could see in the distance a huge gathering of magic, as if forming a bubble over an entire area. Alec was getting closer and closer, his heart raising as the time was coming, he will soon come across Catarina Loss.

A constant reminder of how well hidden is this place and how horribly wrong could this go was the several traps bounded to this forest by magic,  with a grand difference, they were not meant to catch animals.

Even if Alec did find his new vision odd and weird, he was more than thankful to have it.

Alec having stabilised his breathing started to walk again, almost loosing his footing in the slippery mud for the hundredth time.

His clothes had came to be muddy, dusty and bloody. Dirty as he had crossed rivers and hills, bloody to have ran through thorny bushes and tall grass... Having been blasted by the explosive dragon flies added to the injury.

Maybe it was all that along with the ticking time, the failure of catching such cruel beast, letting it loose to act upon it's wicked desires.
Having disappointment his team, hurt them by not handling rightfully the obstacles on their way.
The little girl on his back has remained still for too long, what if she gets worse because of him? Who took too much time to get her help.

Alec let out a heavily felt sigh, his breath trembling under his lips who curled, trying their best to not let out a sound as his eyes watered and shed, unpleasantly admitting their defeat.

Alec found himself feeling desperate and exhausted.

He could no longer run, he could barely walk.

Dragging his feet, he started again. His hands despite the light weight of the child, had started to quiver, aching uncomfortably.

'Is there a rune of restoring strength and will?' Alec could only think, telepathically trying to reach the fallen, not wanting Madzie to notice of his dismay more than she already had.

Due to the high humidity Alec had started to sweat, his clothes stuck on his skin uncomfortably. His face and exposed flesh were handled roughly while navigating through the forest, receiving endless small and big scratches. His eye stang as sweat had made their way into them, his vision blurry with tears of frustration, his body trembled under all this pressure.

'I can't... No more..." Alec spoke in his head, his lips and mouth too dry to say his pain. He fell to one knee, attracting the notice lf the little one on his back, who made an attempt to get down.

Alec adjusted his grip, holding her more steadily, secure. With a deep shaky breath, he stood on his own two feet and started walking again, more slowly this time.

'I cannot worry the child, she is already under high level of stress over her own situation...'

Alec kept on moving, at times his vision blured and his head got dizzy, making small breaks he kept looking up to trace the distance between him and Catarina Loss.

Somehow the gap kept getting smaller, yet the day wouldn't rise, the sun still hidden in the east, letting the cool of the previous night linger for a little more.

Alec hissed, cursing in his head. He felt as if trapped, unmoving. The sky remained the same, the scenery as well, he kept hearing the same wolf howl, the same birds chirp their early morning songs, he still could hear somewhere in the distance the deers hit the ground with their hoofs.

Their gallops driving him mad.

It wasn't until the hunter finally got to stand at the edge of this giant barrier that he found his body and mind relax, he is finally here, he had found Catarina Loss.

Looking up at the sky, still with it's dim morning light, maybe he had managed to come here much quicker than he felt. Alec was relieved at that fact, blaming his tired body and mind to have confused him, to have turned him all doubtful.

In front of him the barrier looked like a bubble, thin yet majestic. With blind eyes, mundane ones, there would not be standing such thing, magic is rather a trick for them. Alec knew better than to touch it with bare hands.

Within the shield stood a blue cottage, surrounded by small gardens, each sectioned by seed. The trees within the barrier were oak ones, their stump large, old. Catarina had spent time and energy into making this open space into a small heaven among the darkness and eeriness of the forest surrounding it.

Alec slowly let the girl slid off his back, carefully landing on solid ground. "We are here."

Alec still remained standing under the shadows of the tall trees, his presence well hidden, fitting with what surrounded him. If someone saw him from a distance they would think he is the beast, lurking within the darkness of the forest.

His beaten tall figure, his face devoid of any warmth and his eyes who kept piercing with their own glint of suffering, bloodshot from the hardship, anything that stood before him.

Madzie seemed to not be frightened by his appearance, instead she went to lean on Alec, hiding behind his tall legs, she kept her own grip tight, clinging on the hunter's clothes, not caring to get dirty herself.

"Madzie..." The shadow hunter called, his voice gruff, unintentionally coming out harsh.

Alec coughed, trying to sooth his throat, to make his voice softer. "I'm sorry about that... Here lives a person I know."

Alec didn't want to confuse the girl and bring Andrew, a man she had never seen, into it.

"Catarina is her name... She is like you Madzie." Alec spoke with gentle eyes, not wanting to overstimulate her already full head. "She can yield magic."

At that the little girl gave a fearful look across the blue cottage, as if seeing something that didn't exist, something invisible.

Maybe it was her own fear of what she is, of what Iris is and what they could do... She must think Catarina is the same.

Alec hadn't forgotten when Madzie had taken forcibly all the air out of his lungs... How Iris had commanded the little girl, a child, to act cruelly for her stead.

The identity of a warlock must be so flawed in her head, to think of yourself a monster when you are not... Alec could only wish for her healing journey to be her upbringing, to bring her happiness and acceptance.

"Do not be afraid... She is a doctor, she will look where you are hurting and will help take the pain away..." Alec moved to kneel before Madzie, his hand patting her head with care. "She will help you with anything you need, ask away and she will be there for you... She will keep you safe."

At that, sudden alarms went off in her eyes, as if the hunter had spread panic within her, Madzie shook her head, tightening her grip on him.

"Madzie, it's going to be all right. I will make sure of it." Alec reassured her, getting up on his feet he let the girl wonder behind him again. If it meant she felt safe, then Alec is more than fine with having a little fawn stalling behind him.

Alec took a subtle deep breath, drawing out his stele. "Catarina isn't... Too close with me." He admitted with slight hesitation, unsure how to explain the upcoming hostile welcome, if not hostile then it would be him to turn paranoid.

Alec is not expecting Catarina Loss to be friendly and welcome him with open arms, the gap between nephilim and Downworlders is the obvious fault for that. But another thing he considered is his appearance, a mad man in the woods fully armed... Not a trusting image.

Especially having by his side a warlock child, it's inevitable.

The shadow hunter moved his stele close in contact with the barrier, just enough to allow the warlock be aware of his presence. The angelic crystal will come in contrast with the magic, creating an imbalance the sensitivity of a warlock is more than capable to notice.

"She is a kind person, we just need to give her a moment." Alec spoke softly of what's to come, in a subtle unclear manner.

Not a moment's worth later, the sky grew darker, a heavy grey cloud covering the entire proximity they stood under. Alec wanted to take a step back, get defensive, but that would give in to fear... Fear he didn't want to spread to the little girl.

Seemingly on the outside Alec stood unbothered by the sudden whistling winds and the distant storm, Madzie followed his example.

A portal, silver and blue appeared behind the protective barrier, a woman close to the hunter's age stepped out, her slithering eyes, seizing him. "A shadow hunter at my doorstep?"

'It is not really a doorstep if you think about it.'

The more Catarina glared at him the more she analysed him, a light frown decorating her cold features, confused of something. "How did you manage so far into the forest? Does the Clave know not to step-"

"I am not here by Clave's orders." Alec interrupted her, his eyes searching for any sudden movement that might lead to his death. "... I need your help... Please."

Catarina titled her head, taken aback.  "You... Are not?"

"I am not." He reassured her, taking it a step further to reveal Madzie. "We... We need your help."

Catarina instantly softened at the sight of the youngling. "Oh dear... Hello."

"Can we talk?" Alec spoke lowly, placing a protective arm over Madzie who attempted to hide again. "Privately."

Catarina hesitated but soon, with a movement of her finger, the barrier opened, just enough to let them in. "No funny business shadow hunter." She warned, letting them walk first, refusing to turn her back to a nephilim.

'Same goes to you too.' Alec thought, biting his tongue, he should be thankful Catarina is willing to listen.

Walking over the small distance towards the blue house, Alec relaxed a bit, knowing he had managed that far. The door Catarina opened with a sway of her hand, inside appeared a pretty warm and cozy environment. Alec held back from staring too much, she might think he is checking her layout for other purposes.

Madzie on the other hand watched with great wonder, such place was drastically different of what she was used to. "..."
Everywhere laid colours of yellow, red and green, mixing well to the eye. Warm lighting along with the open fire place, pillows and beautiful paintings, this place indeed felt very welcoming.

"My name is Catarina, what's yours?" The warlock lowered herself to Madzie's level, a friendly genuine smile on her face, her tone exciting as if seeing a friend.

Madzie looked at Alec, unsure of how to handle the situation. The hunter in response lowered himself as well, nodding. 'It's okay.'

Madzie glanced back at Catarina, she still kept on her smile and positive attitude, patiently waiting for her response. The little girl turned to face the shadow hunter again, only this time she walked even closer to him, tiptoeing to reach his ear, before secretly whispering something.

"... She says her name is Madzie." Alec said, a smile spreading on his face, finding Madzie's shyness adorable, she reminded him of Izzy back when she was little.
The hunter turned to whisper at her this time, "You know... Catarina here will be very happy to hear your thoughts on..."

Alec tried to recall anything Madzie could possibly like, he remembers seeing a lot of dolls in her room but... Dolls might not be appropriate for now. "... Drawing."

Catarina could hear Alec well enough from where she had settled, with a snap of her fingers she made appear paper and several colorful markers. "Should we-"

Madzie however, at the summon of sudden magic stumbled backwards, rushing to hide behind the tall man. "Don't!... Be more careful please." Alec cut himself off, he should explain Madzie's situation a bit more detailed later when the adults will be left alone.

For now he believes Catarina picked up on Madzie's fear of magic.

Catarina frowned at that, she had taken care of many children before, non of them got this frightened when seeing such subtle way of magic. "Oh It's sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

Madzie remained behind the tall hunter, only daring to peek.

"Do you know perhaps... How our magic appears in our hands?" Catarina asked with a smile of eagerness, as if she is about to expose the greatest secret.

Madzie shook her head, no.

"Well, it's because we wished once upon on a flower, which grew to be a fairy's house. In return, the fairy blessed us with magic." Catarina explained with a tone of amazement, as if she spoke of the greatest.

Catarina continued, "We can do a lot of things with our magic, we can make animals talk, even blossom a withered flower."

Madzie turned to whisper to Alec, who in return kept in a laugh. "Madzie is asking if the fairy will double bless you with magic if a flower is revived."

Catarina laughed, "Would you like that?"

Madzie shook her head, no.

Catarina nodded, still with a smile on her face. "Don't worry, the fairy can bless us only once."

"..." Madzie obviously wanted to ask something but was uncomfortable to do so, Catarina having taken a note of that and her previous answers, somewhat knew what the little girl was seeking to know.

"The fairy gifted us such power... But in the end it's up to us what we are going to do with it... I for example, was gifted the power of healing." Catarina felt appeasement seeing how the little girl had came out of her hiding spot, wanting to listen.

"I... I was desperate to keep my friends alive... They tended to get hurt... A lot." Catarina spoke with her eyes traveling to the shadow hunter, her tone having turned bitterweat.

Alec looked down, feeling perplexed. Was that a sign to show she had lost her friends due to his kin? Alec had grew tired of feeling shame and prideful all together of his nephilim side, maybe that's how it's supposed to be? Alec was still figuring that out.

"I healed them for every little thing... And that was my biggest mistake." Madzie titled her head at that, not understanding how healing magic can be bad.

"Their bodies had gotten so used on getting healed by me, they forgot how to do it themselves." Catarina said, adding with a sigh. "Healing something when it can heal on it's own... I was taking their strength from within."

"So, Madzie... There is no such thing as good or bad when it comes to magic... But who yields it, that's what we can consider good or bad." Catarina spoke calmly, smiling when noticing how the little girl looked on the floor with a face of guilt.

"For an example," Catarina started, knowing that look all too well. "When we are little, around your age and more, we tend to do mistakes... I still have regrets from back then."

Madzie didn't seem to feel better at the remark, her shoulders did ease up a bit though. "..."

"Now, you must be tired... How about a warm meal, a shower and some sleep?" Catarina offered, happy to see the child's eyes glow at the sound of food.

She got up to follow the warlock but stopped when Alec didn't follow. "...?"

"It's alright Madzie... I will be here." Alec wanted to give some space between the two, if Madzie was to stay with Catarina Loss, she needed to warm up to her.

Catarina taking not of what he was doing nodded, "We will talk in a little bit."

Well, it took a lot more time than a little bit.

Despite feeling like hours had passed the sun had yet to rise from the east, without a phone or a clock by him, Alec could only blame his imagination.

After a while Catarina returned empty handed. "Where is Madzie?" Alec asked alarmed, unsure how to explain his sudden panic.

"She is in the bedroom, she is sleeping." Catarina informed him, settling on the armchair. Taking a better look, the hunter had not moved a single step more, standing at the entrance, dirty and crouched.

"Do you perhaps need to use the restroom?" Catarina asked, taking note of the horrible condition the hunter wa in. His body looked awfully fatigued, worn out by unspoken hardships.

"No, it's better if I left... But first I need to make sure you are going to look after her." Alec stood to his full height,  he needed that, the reassurance that Madzie will be fine here.

Catarina seemed to miss interpreted his words. "And how exactly are you planning on doing that? An oath of blood? A threat I can't overcome? I don't need any of that to do-"

"I'm not naive enough to threaten one of the high warlock's closest... All I need is to know that Madzie is in good hands." Alec spoke with genuine worry, pushing his pain away, showing a face of determination.

"I have fostered many children, warlock and mundane... This girl, I know how to heal her." Catarina spoke with confidence, her serious demeanour assisting Alec acknowledge her as the best choice.

Alec nodded, "I can't stay for long... But I think it's important to let you know of Madzie's background... So you can help her better."

Catarina stared, unexpectedly. "That would be helpful."

"Do you know Iris Rose?" Alec asked, watching as Catarina's face soured, physically reacting. "That woman is a cruel and unbearable."

"I'm guessing bad experience?"

"Anyone who meets Iris Rose is fated to have a bad time... What does this monster of a witch has to do with dear Madzie?"

Alec glanced towards the hallway, not wanting Madzie hear of any that he is about to say. "Madzie is a result of one of her cruel experiments."

He left it at that, it took Catarina only some seconds before she realised what he meant. As if turning into stone Catarina froze, shocked.

Alec let her take it all in, patiently. "I want what's best for her... I want to be as honest with you as I can."

"You did right to tell me..." Catarina still remained bothered by Iris's truth, a pill hard to swallow. "... I should tell Magnus... You should come with!"

"No, I can't involve myself more than I already have."

"... So you are going to abandon her?" Catarina had noticed how the girl acted around the shadow hunter, she saw him as her guardian, someone she could trust. Breaking such trust could harm Madzie, Catarina would like to avoid it.

"I will be visiting... But I can't be sure when."

"I don't understand... Isn't the Clave after Iris Rose for what she did? Do you not want our help?"

"The only thing I can speak of to you is Madzie's background, so you know how to cooparate with her... The rest, is for the Clave to handle."

Alec hadn't thought of the possibility that Catarina would want to get involved in the case of Iris Rose, bringing all together the high warlock of Brooklyn.
Alec had already involved her enough, if he steps over that thin line, it will be his end.
Leaking information to the warlocks of private investigations...

He will loose the Clave's grace and fall into his own shadow, imprisoned and probably executed... Taking down the Lightwood name with him.

"What a surprise, a shadow hunter doesn't want a downworlder's help." Catarina spoke with sarcasm, maybe disappointed.

"I don't care what you think of me. But it's better for both of us to drop it here. Madzie must not be found out by anyone, Iris Rose is still on the loose, meaning she will want her back." Alec spoke harshly, his responsibilities and worries edging him.

Iris did left Madzie in the house to burn alive but once she hears that she is alive and well, there is a high chance if not a certainty, Iris will go search for her.

Time was ticking, passing by, Alec is not sure what to expect once he gets back to the institute at this point. 

He is already in big trouble, any excuse won't be enough to cover him. What if he said he just kept looking for Iris Rose? But leaving his team behind without adding any further instructions other than go find the warlock... That's a move Alec will be criticised for by the Clave and his parents... It's better than telling them the turth.

"All I'm asking of you is to keep Madzie healthy and safe." Alec let his last words flow with a demanding tone, he was done pleading.

"I don't understand you... You act like a classic shadow hunter, scared of the Clave. Yet, you help a warlock child... Why?" Catarina just couldn't figure this man out, how can he ask for her help and refuse it at the same time?

"I am not going to have a conversation with you about prejudice between our kins." Alec signed, he has to leave.

"I am not asking for that!"

"... Then what did you mean by classic? No, it does not matter... You job in all these is to help that little girl,  Thats. It."

"Who do you think you are to tell me what to do in my own house? Who are you to demand of me!" Catarina hissed, keeping her voice low, there is still a little girl who is trying to get some well needed sleep.

"I didn't tell you to do anything! I asked of your help with Madzie, that's it!" Alex started to get heated, the stress and exhaustion shifting his mood and mind.

"Really? Then why are you denying my help on catching Iris Rose? The high Warlock's help? Is it because we are downworlders?"

"No! Its because the Clave doesn't know of me being here!" He had spoken without thinking, the hunter stopped suddenly, feeling as if he blew his cover, as if he told a truth that should not have come to the surface.

"Why would that be a problem?!"

"..." Her question was more complicated that it sounded, Alec had no answer to that.


Alec remained still, his mind suddenly going blank, an intense fear emerged in his chest. "... Is should get going."

The hunter turned to leave, his body suddenly breaking into cold sweat, he hands trembled making it difficult to open the door. His feet had turned cold and ears rung, something... The fallen is near, telling him it's time to leave.

"... But you are wounded, let me at least heal you... Or you won't accept that either?" Catarina was annoyed at first by the hunter's persistence. But, seeing him struggle to open the door, arose concern. "You look very ill..."

She didn't know his name.

"Em, if you don't mind me asking nephilim, what's your name?"

Her question was left unanswered as the shadow hunter managed to open the door, walking out with a staggering pace, slight unfitting of the image of a nephilim warrior.

Catarina felt slightly bad, she had underestimated how hurt he was and left him standing at the entrance without even offering him water, a plave to rest. "Hunter, I think-"

As Alec kept walking away from the warlock he was suddenly hit by an invisible force, blasting him across. His ribs let out an unpleasant sound when they came to collide with the sturdy oak tree, making the hunter wince in pain, spitting out blood.

Catarina was left with a gaping mouth, rushing to check on the hunter on floor. "Dear g-"

"What are you doing Catarina!" A man, stepped in, stopping her from further approaching the nephilim on the floor. "Why is that imbecile here?! Are you okay?"

"Ragnor! What on earth are you doing blasting a shadow hunter?!"

"Me?! What about you! Allowing a shadow hunter inside your house?!" Ragnor just couldn't believe it. He had faintly felt something come from Catarina's house, a prickling feeling, as if a needle chipped on his finger.

Who would have thought, it was a shadow hunter trying to get inside the barrier he and Magnus built in their youthful years. Having completely forgotten about the barrier it took him a moment or two to figure where that feel came from.

While the two warrlocks bickered Alec managed to stand on his feet. Spitting out the blood that had gathered in his mouth, his hand firmly placed on his side, trying to withstand the pain, the nephilim walked at the end, just in front of where the magical wall stood, tall and mighty.

Alec, dazed and dizzy by his aching body and mind, lifted his hand and drew the newfound rune. Just like before, he expected to crack the magical spell, to allow himself through... Just an opening big enough to fit through would be more than enough.

"Magnus will be here any moment now, what are you planning to tell him?" Ragnor dared, frustrated how his friend refused to accept his criticism and move on to do what's right, throw the shadow warrior out of her lawn.

"At least he will listen to me! So quit blabbering and help me fix your doings!" Catarina hissed, afraid a direct attack on a nephilim will cause trouble that even Magnus might struggle with.


"Don't shush me!"

"Is it snowing? Isn't it a bit early?" Ragnor wondered out loud, lifting his hand to feel the glistering flakes that kept falling from the sky. "... Wait a minute..."

As if in union, both warlocks turned to where the hunter previously stood. "His is gone..." Catarina breathed, horrified.

"How on earth did he manage... Oh, Magnus won't be happy..." Ragnor for the first time after so long, found himself speechless, oddly amazed.

The barrier above them had shuttered, turning into small glistering orbs to be consumed by nature, the nephilim no longer seen, having left them in their dismay.

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