Chapter V

Alec jumped from roof to roof, trying to surpass the frustrating thoughts clouding his mind. The day where he can finally breath with a light heart, seemed so far away... For the time being he just had to bear it, endure the exhaustion, the let down of feeling alone in all this.

Alec didn't want to let anyone in, not if it meant that thing could go attach itself elsewhere. For now, it's better to keep it all a secret, at least for the time being, until he figures out what's happening to him.

The air felt warmer than before, brushing through his face and hair, was quite a comfort compared to the previous chill. The sound of people below him, cheering, yelling, talking, added to that comfort. Alec felt safe, aware... Oh, how much he needed that. To be able to breath just a bit clearer.

Alec came to a halt, looking down at the alleyway they had decided to meet, a hiding place among the tall, collected buildings and the crowded streets. The hunter could see his team already waiting for him, frowning, he took note of three figures instead of two. There is no way Jace would bring the red head... Right?

Alec made a soundless leap, startling two of his comrades. "Lightwood, sir." Matthias greeted him, composing himself. Brad on the other hand took a step back out of fright, almost loosing his footing. "Lightwood!"

Alec glanced at Izzy, she gave him the look, they needed to speak privately.

The hunter took a note to get a minute with his sister before anything. Where is Jace? Alec could only wonder what kind of trouble must have the blonde tangled himself with last minute be.

"Something came up, it won't happen again." He excused his late arrival.

"It's fine, we have all night after all." Matthias shrug off, indifferent yet understanding. "Ten minutes isn't that long."

"Fifteen." Brad corrected with a sigh, speaking under his breath. Izzy glanced his way with a raised eyebrow and a mocking laugh. "Are fifteen minutes long for you, Brady?"

Cut off guard Brad had to avert his gaze before building up the courage to look at her straight in the eye again. "Well, w-we do have to look for downworlders afterwards. I don't want to spend too much time fooling around."

Alec glanced at Izzy, did she tell them about the new law? She seemed stiff, pale even, at the mention of it. No, it wasn't her.
Had the Clave already made it official? When did they announce it?  Based on Mattias' knitted brows of confusion, it mustn't be the case.

Feeling relieved at some extent, Alec contemplated of what to do. He wasn't planning on looking for downworlders or making anyone follow such order, but his team ended up different, the circumstances have changed.
Jace was no where to be seen, Izzy was accustomed with two shadow hunters that neither of them have ever worked with in the past.

Alec was still the head of this operation thankfully enough, he will just have to use a loophole, an excuse if he must.
"Our mission is clear, we get in to arrest Iris Rose, search the apartment complex and get back to the Institute for further instructions."

"..." Brad titled his head, something of a glint in his eyes. "Lightwood... I thought the Clave favoured you? How haven't you heard of the new law?"

Matthias exchanged glances between the two, Alec Lightwood and Brad Jenkins were both favoured by the Clave, with the only difference, one family name outweighed the other in both history and experience of success. "..."

Izzy stepped forward, ready to put Brad in his place but stopped under the lifted hand of her brother, he had it covered. "The law hasn't been officially permitted... Under the Job description it doesn't say anything of such. We will not act without direct order."

In truth, Robert had informed Alec about the new measures, enforced him to look into them and act upon them on today's mission. However, Alec couldn't bring himself to do such clear injustice based on a theory of discrimination and prejudice, he just couldn't.

"Wow... I never expected Alec freaking Lightwood to be this nitpicky!" Brad exclaimed with fake excitement, his mocking tone turning the atmosphere tense.

Mattias' awkwardness was noticeable for miles away, stepping back, he gave them space to talk things out, feeling like he is intruding. "..."

"Watch yourself..." Izzy warned, her tone sharp, the wip around her wrist, sharper.

Alec nodded, stepping forward, Brad responded similarly, trying to intimidate his opponent.

Alec signed, closing the proximity between the two of them, his voice remained steady, stern as he spoke. They don't have the time to be childish, he should handle the situation and move on, on the actual mission as quickly as possible.

"I wouldn't say nitpicky... Rather, careful. After all, when a new law is to be accommodated, there is a time of three weeks before it becomes official. The law hasn't even been introduced to any shadow hunter other than the ones strictly related to the the Clave...

If we do act upon it, what shall we do when downworlders, rightfully so, bang on the Institute's doors, demanding an explanation of why their people are being dragged away for no apparent reason...

What law will we use to defend our actions? There is no such law out yet... Not officially.

So, I am asking you, what are you planning to do when things do go south..."

Brad was left speechless for a moment, embarrassed when the beautiful lady of the group giggled upon his ignorance. "Y-You don't know that... You- We are the nephilim-"

"I do know that... I am aware of the Clave's orders, but I am also aware of what I should do as the leader of this operation... If things don't work out in the end, I will take responsibility. Beforehand though, I will have to ask you, are you going to be a problem in this mission?" Alec pressed, demanding cooperation, obedience. The slightest mistake can lead for heads to roll, looses that could have been prevented.

Alec Lightwood doesn't take grief lightly, he won't allow someone who isn't ready to go get slaughtered.

Brad could only nod, the hatred in his eyes vibrant. Alec concluded this mission will not move smoothly, Brad Jenkins will be a problem in this operation, he will put his personal affairs in the way. If not, it would be a pleasant surprise and a justification why the Clave has favoured him in the first place.

Alec called Mattias over, collecting the team in one place, he began to explain the layout on a 3D projection, all the points of escape, blind spots, possibly hidden rooms. He had to thank Underhill for that. "Remember, Iris Rose is a warlock, quite the powerful one."

"I heard she has unique interest on demons, thus why many of us have caught her lurking around during operations." Mattias added his input. "I myself have caught her once, interrogated her even. Apparently, every time she has a valid reason for being there. Good alibis, it will be hard to pin her down if this doesn't work."

"Doesn't she also lay with the devil's spawns?" Brad spoke subtly with clear disgust. Alec rolled his eyes, spouting rumours instead of facts, how exactly did that person get the Clave's favour?

"Em... Okay." Mattias surprised by the sudden vile words, was left unsure of what to say.

"The allegations say that women in this apartment complex are never seen going out once they settle a deal with Iris, the landlord." Izzy read the report, her brows furrowed in concern. "It is also said that she only accepts female mundanes with troublesome backgrounds, usually runaway women from abusive partners, struggling financially, mentally ill... All together."

Alec didn't hesitate to proceed with the rest, to sum up the information given.
"Tara Lennox has been missing for seven months, last time seen was entering this building... Similar cases of other women also lead to Iris Rose. Some seeking her to ask about fate, mediumship seemed to be her cover up. Those women didn't even intend to rent, yet where also gone from the face of the earth the moment they stepped behind this doors."

"How can we be sure of that? They could just have left without telling anyone... How do we know that those women didn't just move elsewhere?" Brad questioned, his gaze fixed on Alec, his tone challenging, subtly hiding his resentment.

Alec blandly pointed across, over the street stood a flower shop. "Cameras. Our search team hacked in and got to work, skipping through files of videos, up to three years and two months. Thirty four women never made it out."

Before Brad could think of anything to resurrect his pride, Mattias spoke, his tone still, calm. "All we have to do is arrest her? Bring her to the Institute and interrogate her while another team does a check in on the place?"

"Well, I highly doubt she will be cooperative... She will likely build up a barrier and teleport herself away, along with anything that proves our suspicions right." Alec answered honestly.

"Why don't we just knock her out before she does anything?" Brad purposed, Mattias turning his gaze upon him with a light, genuine, frown. "How? If she builds up a barrier, there isn't much we can do."

"This is where I come in, pretending to be a woman in need." Izzy spoke, determined. "Cover up my runes and I am ready... While the three of you get in from the rooftop."

"... No, you will be found out immediately, you are too... You stand out too much." Brad dismissed her idea easily enough.

Izzy let out a chuckle, "Really? Then do you want to go ahead and play the role?"

"It has been decided." Alec spoke, having formed a plan in his mind. "Izzy will go in first, pretending to be looking for her friend, Alice Terrin, the latest girl gone missing." Alec handed Izzy the gadget of all the given information on this case, including who Alice was, still hopefully is, as a person, her family, how long she has been missing.

Izzy nodded in command, already memorising the information given around Alice, from the date of birth up to which school she went to, her grades, the teachers' reports, her love life, the university she attended etc.
Anything that could help Izzy build a portrait of who is Alice Terrin was more than welcome. In the end Izzy could only hope that the girl was still alive in there, who knows what they must have and still be going through.

Such person as Iris, who used innocent people for whatever she has been doing, people in need, desperate for salvation... Izzy wanted to choke that woman with her whip, burn her in a crisp. "Got it."

"Mattias, you and me are going through the rooftop in search of any survivors, any evidence that might indicate of what has happened to those girls..."
Mattias nodded under his command, "Brad, I need you stay and wait for our signal. In case of an emergency I need a reliable person outside to call for assistance if need be."

"... Are you kidding me? I'm on the shitty look out business?! Is this because I questioned your authority? Very mature Lightwood." Brad hissed, refusing such cowardly role in his agenda.

Alec remained stoic, trying his best to keep himself in check, he can't act out.
"It is actually... We can't go inside a foreign and very much lethal warlock's layer without someone outside, that person will be you Brad, either with a tantrum or without.
I can't have you disobeying orders because of some one sided vedette you have going on."

"Wow... Okay, so I am at fault." Brad spoke with disbelief, throwing his arms in the air. "Sorry to you, your highness, for not laying when you tell me to!"

"Are you done?" Alec asked, feeling his patience running thing. "If you keep this further I will discharge you for this mission."

"You can't fucking do that!" Brad yelled, getting all over Alec's face, his spite firing up. Just who is this man to threaten him like that?! Especially in front of comrades. Feeling ridiculed, Brad had to protect himself.

"I can!" Alec yelled back, adding with a deadly remark, "Either you follow my orders and stand on guard here or you leave right now... I am not going to let someone die because of your arrogance!"

Brad made a step forward, ready to spit out more of his frustration. Mattias stopped him, placing a gentle hand on Brad's shoulder. "It's better to comply, for everyone shake... Please."

Brad turned his piercing gaze over to Mattias, throwing his hand off his shoulder. "You stay and suck his dick. I am leaving." And with that, the hunter started walking, his back on his comrades.

"What an arrogant prick." Izzy signed, somewhat relieved to no longer have to work with him, his absence arising no concern whatsoever. She is pretty confident Alec and Matthias will be enough to pull this operation off.

Brad turned his hill at that, an empty smile covering his twisted face. "Funny to hear that... Weren't you the one who brought shame upon your family's name? After spreading your-"
He didn't get to finish, Izzy had already wrapped her leash around his neck, tugging him over with great force. Brad fell forward, slamming against the concrete.
Izzy looked down at him, dirt, that's what he is to her. "...Speak again my name, I will carve you alive." Her tone eery still.

Brad's pettiness left the moment he saw red, the moment his heart started beating faster, throbbing in intense fear. He had never been attacked like that, by a fellow shadow hunter, however far his sharp tongue took him, he had never received such harassment.

Izzy let go, her face a scowl of disgust. "Leave."

Brad stumbled, rushing to get up, he took a last long look at them, as if seeing them for the first time. "You are crazy..." He let out before walking off, cursing and huffing.

There stood silence among the remaining three shadow hunters. Matthias being the first to speak, "I will stand on the look out, if anything happens, send your signal, I will alert the emergency unit..."

"Thank you Mattias." Alec said softly, turning to face his remaining team. "Let's start over, shall we?"

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