Chapter IX
Alec jumped out of the window, landing with grace. In hiding from his gathered comrades Alec moved through the dark alleyways, searching for his team, his family.
Despite ordering Jace to pass on his words, the emergency team still stood outside the house, gathering itself, awaiting new orders.
'I told him to tell them to go search for Iris...' Alec could only complain in his head, though truthfully, he doubted it will be possible to catch her by now.
Her powers were ought to be repressed by his poisonous arrow, almost bringing them to nothing. Alec didn't expect such turn of events, magic to be displayed like that.
Alec doesn't interact with warlocks much, not when compared to the rest kinds of the downworld. Creatures of such rather keep to themselves than meddle with mundanes, their main priority their own statues and epicurean life style.
Iris Rose was a grand exception, engrossing herself over gruesome experiments, the nephilim council wasn't sure what exactly drove her into that path, being it some short of vengeance or something entirely different. It wasn't his job to wonder the reasoning of the wicked, only to stand against them, bring justice, righteousness.
Alec sometimes wondered, why has he been designated with such power, such responsibility... The answer was rather simple, because he can.
He can lift his bow and shoot, he can open his mouth and speak the law, as long as he breathed and lived in the shadow hunter way, it was settled, he is to take such responsibility as he is born to accomplish it.
Standing against the beasts of his world, keeping balance, peace.
But how does he serve justice in this situation?
Despite Iris' involvement in such gruesome acts there is no one to take responsibility for her actions other than herself. The system the warlocks follow is much different from the nephilim. Alec could not go to the high warlock of Brooklyn and demand for him to take some form of responsibility or action of one of his own.
The high warlock of Brooklyn is someone among their kind that has proven themselves, their strength and leadership. Magnus Bane is known to protect his kind but he is also known of how far he is willing to go according to his own wishes.
Magnus Bane won't meddle in such matter, rather he will turn his back entirely to both Iris and the Clave in order to assist his loyal fellows who actually need him.
Warlocks lived independently, rarely seeking alliance with others.
Alec signed, he wouldn't be able to get the help he needs, even if he did wish to contact Magnus Bane for cooperation, the Clave would not allow it.
Such display they would call begging, a disgraceful act upon their kind.
And Alec had a name he wasn't allowed to tarnish. The Lightwood name sometimes felt like a burden, something short of a suffocating feeling. Sometimes he truly believed his parents would rather let him drown than accept he can't swim, that he is not perfect, a true Lightwood.
Alec moved slower when he felt Madzie tensing in his arms, probably having fully awoken, her mind full of fearful wonder. "It's okay, you are safe... I will take you somewhere safe." Alec tried to reassure her but he knew his words will be meaningless to a child of such trauma. Why would she even believe him?
"Here..." Alec with one arm managed to pull something out of his jacket's pocket, something he took note of just before he made his escape. "... You should give her a name."
Madzie stared at the plain doll for a minute, accepting Alec's offer, she hugged the toy tightly, trying to hide with it in Alec's embrace. The hunter could only let out a soft smile, his concerns eating him alive. Can he really be of help to this child?
Even when he does find somewhere safe to place Madzie, he still will have to check up on her. After all, how can he trust that the other person won't be as bad? Alec bit the inside of his cheek as he switched his pace back to how it used to be, quick and smooth, his footsteps barely audible.
Alec glanced at the little girl now and then, she seemed out of it, trembling with a dull gaze. Not shedding a single tear even in such situation made Alec worried, can he provide Madzie what she needs?
Alec stared forward determined to stop with the doubts, this child had no one other than him right now, he must remain strong for her. Madzie is young, too young to know how to control her abilities. She needs to be with her kind, with people who understand her, who can teach her.
Giving her up to the institute would only make her another prisoner, another cause for the gap between the nephilim and the downworld to grow. Another way for the Clave to express their dominance upon the downworld.
Alec reached the meeting spot, hesitating for a bit, unsure if he should step forward with Madzie in his arms. When he tried to let her down the girl just gripped him tighter, letting go of her won't do. "Everything will be okay... Just hold into me."
With a deep breath and a last reassuring saying, Alec stepped into the flickering street light. Izzy and Jace already waiting for him, behind them another figure stood, Clary Fairchild. All three seemed agitated, confused and uneasy.
"There is a lot to disclose." Alec revealed himself, his demeanour strict, determined. "We need to move quickly."
Izzy nodded, immediately taking note of the little girl in her brother's grasp. "Is she a survivor?" She questioned, careful. Her gaze softening, being gentle.
Madzie dared take a glimpse of the soft spoken woman, only to burry her face into Alec's chest a moment later. There were too many people around, it made her anxious. Alec soothed her, bringing her closer. "Madzie is a child warlock... I'm planning to hide her, somewhere safe, with her people."
Jace shook his head. "It's too dangerous, what will you do when the Clave finds out? Because we both know, they will."
They have eyes everywhere, despite that Alec wasn't afraid, not right now at least. The hunter wasn't sure what it was that boosted his confidance, his bravery. It was an oddity he couldn't explain...
"I will take responsibility." Alec put simply, Madzie's situation was undebatable to him, a child should live like a child, not a lab rat or some prisoner the Clave will presume her as.
"Alec..." Jace could only sign, his parabatai is being stubborn. "I don't think it's a good idea to go this far... Maybe it will be safer with the Clave."
"... What is the Clave?" Clary asked, confused of who that might be, seemingly a powerful figure in this newfound society that keeps being mentioned. "I mean, she is a child... Who would harm a child?"
Her attempt to include herself was cut short, Alec ignored her, rolling his eyes he continued. "How can a downworlder be safe under the eyes of the Clave?"
"Alec... Iris is still out there, she might come back-" Izzy begun, siding with Jace on this one. Alec moved his hand to his lips, quiet. He could feel Madzie tensing uncomfortably in his hands, scared at the mention of Iris Rose.
He should be more mindful from now on, Madzie must have a stable, safe enviroment, to build her own confidance and strength before opening up about her horrific experiences.
This matter should not be discussed infront of a child that is still suffering. "I am not asking for advice, nor your opinions. This part is well settled." Alec made his intentions clear, he had to be harsh, he didn't have the time to converse.
"I need you to arrange a search party for..." Alec stalled, unsure how to speak Iris' name without actually saying it. He could try to spell it but Madzie seemed old enough to know the alphabet... Or maybe not?
Izzy nodded, understanding what her brother implied. "What are you going to do in the meantime?"
"I need to find shelter for Madzie... I need you to buy me some time before we head back to the institute." Alec spoke lowly, aware of the long night ahead of him.
"What if we catch... Her...?" Jace lost his confidence as he spoke, careful to not trigger the little girl, he too didn't know how to mention Iris without being a burden.
"Then report back to me through fire message. Despite the odds, it's still is a possibility we might trace her successfully... Don't attack her though, keep her under your radar, don't loose her." Alec instructed, covering the gaps. "Main priority, find her new hideout. We don't know what other tricks she might be hiding... We are not ready to face her."
Alec turned to leave but stopped, turning his sharp glare towards Jace and Clary. "What were you doing there is something we will discuss later..."
His words felt like a scolding, a warning, they were.
Clary glanced at the blond next to her, unsure is they should open up about this matter with Alec who seemed to not like her much. How can she be sure Alec will keep his mouth shut about her secretive reasons? A built up anxiety made her stomach turn, can she trust Alec?
Jace nodded with a twist, agreeing with his parabatai's terms. However, he can't let his brother go off alone, it's not safe to walk around with a warlock child in a territory full of downworlders. "I'm coming with you."
"No, I need you and Izzy here to cover for me... Give me three hours." Alec kept his gaze steady, he needed to show his team that he got it covered. He might whine now and then of his lonely way of coping with things, but he would rather that than endanger his loved ones for matters he could handle on his own in the first place.
Jace looked displeased but nodded nonetheless, "I will cover you so good they won't even realise you are missing."
Alec frowned lightly in response, giving a slow jod.
And with that he was gone, activating some runes, the hunter made a leap, disappearing in the shadows above. The remaining three watched as their leader jumped from roof to roof, until he no longer stood visible.
Izzy slowly turned her gaze over to Jace, annoyed. "What the hell was that?"
"I don't know! I had to say something..." Jace protested, frowning. "You weren't any better!"
Izzy let out a sigh, soothing the bridge of her nose, a habit she got from her older brother. "... We will talk to him later."
"Is something wrong?" Clary asked, unaware of the tension until now.
"Alec has been... Weird." Jace tried to explain, ignoring the sharp glare of his comrade, judging him.
"He has been distant, Alec must have a lot in his mind lately." Izzy corrected. Clary and her might have started off well but she is still new, Izzy is not yet comfortable sharing about her family affairs.
"He has been blocking the parabatai rune." Jace spoke lowly, rather to himself than someone else. Such conclusion made him concerned, confused as it had naver happened before. What was Alec trying to hide? Even from him?
Alec kept moving in a stealthy, quick fitted pace. Taking it slower only when he landed in an allay right next to the busy street. "Madzie, it's better to close your eyes for a bit... There will be a lot of people."
Madzie glanced to her left, so many people indeed. The variations of them, their loudness and quietness, their blubber and laughter, Madzie felt uneasy. The crowded sidewalks felt like a strong strim of water, a lake of many harsh currents.
She will drown.
Alec stared at the little girl in his arms thoughtfully, what should he do?
A sudden glimmer of his memories brighten the hunter's eyes, a nostalgic recognition awoke from his body, Alec's brows fell, a fond softness coming across his face. When was it?
He used to hold Max and Izzy just like that when they couldn't sleep, taunted by nightmares.
"Madzie..." He called softly, relieved to see the little girl retract her big black eyes over to him, she might be scared but she is not lost, succumbed to her fears. "Close your eyes please and try to focus on my voice, okay?"
Madzie slowly nodded, resting her head under his chin, to hear him better. Alec adjusted his hands, one arm under the small child, lifting her weight steadily. His other arm came to cuff Madzie's face, creating a shadow over her eyes, blocking her exposed ear, enforcing her to listen to him alone, hopefully it would tone down the surrounding chaos.
Alec started humming a melody, a song he must have heard from somewhere and later on used on his siblings. His mother didn't hum songs, didn't spoke of tales. Alec had found it odd back then, the idea a putting a child to sleep through such methods.
It wasn't until one of his teachers when he was still a kid spoke of mundane tales that Alec realized why parents mention them. They were fun, interesting. Alec felt for the first time ashamed, why hadn't his parents told of him of such adventures?
Why was he treated differently? Unfairly.
Alec passed such unnecessary thoughts away, Maryse and Robert were never the affectionate type. Alec was happy enough that Max could get the warmth a child needs... Sometimes he found himself envious of, embarrassingly so.
He is a grown adult, he no longer needed such things.
His gaze naturally fell on the little girl in his arms, she had a light frown but nothing more to arise concern. Her breathing was normal, steady, her heart was beating a little fast but it slowly came to a calm rhythm.
You still got time... You can still find the family you deserve, I will make sure of that.
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