Chapter Twenty-five

Time flew by quickly and in the blink of an eye,spring passed away.During the season,the greatest sports festival, the Super Star Sports or in short, the Triple S, was held in Japan. As the winners of the Triple S decisive concert, HEAVENS performed as the opening artist in the Triple S, thus making their international debut.

The day after the whole sports festival is finished,

HEAVENS and Catarina were relaxing in the lounge.The month has been hectic for them,with their busy schedule and practice for the Triple S.

"Man!I feel like we didn't get a whole off day like this in a long time,"said Nagi while stretching his arms above his head as he leaned on the couch.

"You're right,Nagi-Chan.When was the last time we got off time together?" Van looked up from his phone.


"No,Yamato.It was after your White Day concert."The only female present in the room corrected after taking a sip of her extra sweet morning coffee.

"It has been really busy months."Eiji sat beside his brother and gave him his mug of coffee.

"No kidding!You wouldn't get a single moment to rest."Nagi sighed .

"That just shows how much we are wanted."

"...Eii-chan, you make us sound like wanted criminals."


". . .I agree too." Catarina joined forces with Van and Yamato. "But you guys did great to last on your busy schedules. Congrats on surviving."

She sighed softly. "But I still have my problem to face."

"Are you talking about your brother?" Eiichi asked.

"Who else but him?"She asked back.

"Don't worry,Rin-chan. You will handle it."

"Yeah,I might....But I still don't want to face him alone...Heck,I feel more comfortable being alone with the rest of Quartet Night than with my own relative!"

"Wow.I can relate." Yamato commented."Except the Quartet Night part."

"Don't forget you have us now,"Kira finally spoke from his place by the piano.

"Yes,I know.."She gave a small smile.

At that moment Nagi switched on the Tv. Something about the news of the upcoming summer festival was displayed on the screen.The news took everyone's attention.

"Come to think of it,the summer festival is approaching," Eiji stated.

"Hey Eiichi,can we go?" Nagi excitedly asked. The said brunette began to think about it when Catarina interrupted.

"But won't it be crowded?It'll be bad if you get spotted."

"But I wanna go!"Nagi whined childishly. "We didn't go last year,and the previous year too.Even you never had the opportunity to visit a festival, Rinna. It's such a shame because festivals has SO MUCH sweets!"

Something flashed across the blonde's eyes as she began to rub her chin.
"Mah, it can be possible. . .I remember Haruka telling me about a time when she and STARISH went to a festival just before the Utapri award without any disguises. Even so,nobody recognized the STARISH."

"Without any disguises?!"Van shrieked."How come they didn't get caught?I mean,if it's during the time of the Utapri award,they must've been pretty popular."

"Don't ask me."Catarina shrugged.

"They sure are bold to roam around without disguises."Yamato remembered the time when STARISH ran all the way to the music festa without any disguises.

" Catarina said,there will be chaos if people recognize us,"Eiichi finally decided to speak."But I think it will be fine if we are wearing disguises.Plus,people will be too busy enjoying the festival to notice us."

"Yay!"Nagi's cry of joy woke the sleeping Shion up.

"What do you say,Kira?"The brunette leader asked the mother.

"I will be fine if we're cautious."

"So it's settled.Everyone on board?"

All of them agreed with the bespectacled man;even Shion who didn't even know what they were talking about.

Nagi jumped from his seat.He turned to everyone."Then that means you'll get to see the cosmically cute idol wearing a yukata!. . .Oh but not just me.Everyone has to wear a yukata."

"Do we have to?"Yamato groaned when Nagi replied back with an 'Of course' to his question. "What a pain."

"Now now Yamato-chan, it's a nice change of pace.Right,Eii-chan?"

"Yes.Like that we can enjoy the festival to its fullest."

"Ah, actually count me out of it," Catarina suddenly requested."I don't know how to wear a yukata,much less own one."

". . .It's not surprising,Na-chan. You never visited a festival before.So,why not bu-"

"No.I don't think a yukata would suit me."The blonde waved her hand in front of her.

"Why do you say?I think you'll look cute in it.Not as cute as me though."

"I don't know,Nagi...Perhaps it's just embarrassing for me...Anyways something like that won't suit me," she mumbled.

She got up and went to the kitchen to wash her coffee mug.Their discussion ended there.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .


Silence enveloped the Permafrost siblings.

"Uh...s-so, is there any specific direction you want to take the song to?"Catarina asked with a straight face. Masking her uneasiness was simple for her after all the years of experience in Permafrost.

"...Yes,for that," Camus handed her a notebook,"I have thought of a few lyrics.I would like a song to match these."

"Hmm."Accepting the papers, the girl looked through it.

'The memories with you,who gave me an unstoppable passion,I've put them into songs.This new world is not bad at all.

Dreams are light,I want to give warmth as well.' !!Beautiful.Did he write these lyrics because of. . .Haruka? Is he another member of her harem?In that case..

"A bright melody?Only that can express the feelings of your lyrics," Catarina states while looking at the lyrics. "Or do you prefer your usual elegant style of music?"

"No,the former option is more fitting."

"So,a bright melody.."She bit her lower lip in thought."Is there any other trait you would like to add?"

"Well yes,there are quite a few..."

This way,Catarina forgot about her uneasiness because she got immersed in her world of music.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Hmm? Catarina took out her phone when she felt it buzzing in her pocket.

Oh,it's. .She answered the call.

"Hello-" She was cut off by a loud voice from the other side, causing her to distant the phone from her ear.

"Why didn't you tell me you don't know how to wear a yukata?!"


The one who called the blonde was Tomochika.She had gotten quite close with the female idol.It was mostly thanks to Haruka though,who frequently used to gather the three together before going on the tour. Because of that,Catarina was able to befriend Tomochika.

"I can't believe you don't know how to wear a yukata."A heavy sigh could be heard from her side.

"Don't blame me.I never wore it before.Remember?I used to live in the kingdom of ice,"the blonde replied.

"Yeah,I guess there's that.But why didn't you ever tell ME about this?!"

"Because you never asked..?"

"Whatever. You should've told me earlier!"

"Why though?"

"Duh.You know I have immense knowledge on fashion.If you had asked I would've gladly taught you!"

"Thanks but no.I don't have a yukata to begin with."

"Then let's buy you one.Or you can borrow mine if you want."

"Again,thanks but no.I just...I don't think it will suit me."

"Oh come on.I'm sure you'd look gorgeous in a yukata."

"No...I can't wear it."

"You won't know unless you try."


"Why are you so against it?"

"Well...eto...I'm scared." I guess telling her would be fine since she already knows about my past .


"Yes...It feels like while wearing a yukata,you have to be prim and proper.Just like a noble lady....I don't want to remember those days when I had to act like one."

". . ."


"It's silly but makes sense since it's you."

"Whatever. . . .Anyways,how did you know about me not being able to wear yukata?"Catarina raised an eyebrow.She had only told Haruka about it when they chatted earlier.

"Oh! Haruka told me when I asked if there was anything on her mind."

Catarina sighed.It's not like I asked her to keep it a secret.So,it's fine I guess.
"Okay. I'll hang up now.Working on a song."

"Alright...And try to get rid of your silly thoughts!"

"See you later." Catarina sighed again.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

I'm excited for the festival! Catarina grinned to herself when she thought about the summer festival. There are gonna be TONS of food stalls!Yay!

It was the day Catarina and HEAVENS will visit the summer festival in the evening.

No wait!I should focus on the work. Catarina snapped her attention back to reality.Even if she was done with the song,she couldn't help worrying.

Is this too happy-lucky for him?He will surely scold me if he doesn't like it...But I'm happy about what I wrote. Taking a deep breath,she entered the meeting room.

Catarina waited for Camus's reply. The room was too eerily quiet, something she didn't feel during the working with other members of Quartet Night .The present air wasn't like the bubbly atmosphere when working with Reiji,not like the passionate atmosphere when working with Kurosaki,nor the serious and calm atmosphere when working with Ai.

The pressure was suffocating Catarina. What does he think..? It wasn't like she wasn't confident about her composition.It was the fact that her brother,Camus was looking at her composition that made her nervous. more confident...Don't let him overwhelm you again ever again! She mentally scolded herself.

"...Is this the song you came up with?"

When he asked her,Catarina replied in affirmative while looking straight at him.

Masking her emotions she asked, "Is it not to your liking?"

"...No.Frankly,it is intriguing,"Camus replied.

"Oh."She was taken aback at his direct praise.

The blonde count continued,"Though it is contrasting to my usual songs,I was anticipating this genre of song."

No way!He likes it!?

". . .Thank you."She didn't know how to respond to him.Unlike previous times during recording of 'Non-Fiction' and 'God's S.T.A.R.' ,Camus always went away after a word of praise.But this time they were confronting each other.

"...A-ano,what about the lyrics?"She asked trying to derive the topic.

"Yes,I finished writing the lyrics." He handed her his notebook where the lyrics were neatly written.

These lyrics,they feel warm.Is this the warmth of his love for Haruka?

"Eto,may I ask the title?"

"Melting of Snow."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

After the nerve-wracking meeting with Camus,Catarina exited the building a heaved a sigh.

At last,it's over.

She took out her phone and found an unread text from Tomochika.

'Quickly come to Shining Agency.Hurry'. .? To Shining Agency? Why? The message was sent just a few moments ago.

Despite her confusion,she did what the burgundy idol requested.

"Tomochi?"Catarina knocked on the said female's door.

The door opened in an instant and Catarina got pulled inside."Woah!"
The door was closed and the blonde looked at the person who pulled her. "Tomochi,what was that for?"

Tomochika smirked."Don't sweat the small stuffs.Come,I have something to show you."


Catarina followed the taller woman only to stop in front of her closet.The latter opened the closet door to reveal a beautiful yukata.

"Ta-da~This is for you!"She grinned.

"To-Tomochi?"Catarina did not expect to be given a yukata.

"You're going to a festival tonight. Let's get you dressed up!"Tomochika grinned excitedly.

"B-but Tomochi,I already told you that I-"

"You're afraid?Once you wear it,then tell me how you feel.You won't have to act like a proper lady."She held the composer by the shoulder. "You can just be yourself.No one will say anything if you jump and run around in it.Nothing says that you have to be prim and proper."

"Tomochi. . ."

"I'll help you get ready!I can guarantee you'll look beautiful in a yukata. Seriously,both you and Haruka should put more effort in your appearance. You two look fabulous when dressed up."

"Thanks . . but-"

"Now get ready!I told Nagi-kun about you being here.Oh,and he knew about my plan to dress you up."The burgundy winked.

"Honestly. . ."Catarina shook her head in disbelief.In truth it felt nice to have a friend like her. She's a fun friend to be with...and tiring also.

"I'm not letting you go until you dress up!"Tomochika announced.

Having no choice,she complied to the idol's order. Within some time, Tomochika used her styling techniques to make Catarina more attractive.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

Tomochika made sure to drop Catarina at the festival before driving off to her next gig.

I can't believe I let myself get dolled up. The blonde sighed in exasperation. But she didn't feel as uncomfortable as she thought.It was comfortable except the crowd.

I think they're supposed to be here... No sooner had she thought thought that, she found four familiar figures standing under a tree.Even if they were wearing disguises,she was too familiar with them to not recognize them.

"Hey guys."She walked towards them carefully,not wanting to trip on her wooden sandals.

"Rinna!" Nagi beamed when he saw her.

"Beautiful,"Shion spoke.

"Pretty,"Kira also said.

"I agree."Nagi agreed.

The idols looked closely at their composer.The black yukata which had red ascents brought out her beauty.Her blonde hair was loosely tied on her side.The flower accessory gave her a more feminine look.

"Indeed,you look absolutely beautiful." Eiichi's glasses reflected the festival lights.

"Thanks.."She shyly thanked them. "You don't look bad yourselves."

The idols were wearing a yukata of their respective stage colours.

"No doubt.I am the miraculously cute idol,after all."Nagi gave a cute pose. Catarina giggled with an 'Of course'.

That was when she noticed there were only five of them.

"Where's Yamato,Van and Eiji?"

"Ah,they suddenly had overtime. But they said they can make it before the fireworks,"The elder Otori answered.

"Okay..."Catarina was a bit upset that the three won't be able to enjoy the festival fully.

"Now,let's get going!"Nagi exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Shh. People might recognize your voice."She hurriedly warned him.

Nagi pouted but nodded nonetheless. The five entered the crowd of people.

The crowd was big yet people didn't recognize popular idols among them. Eiichi and Kira were right.Everyone is busy with their business.

While they were walking ,the first thing that caught their attention was the cotton candy stall.Shion's eyes were sparkling like gems at the sight of the soft,fluffy, colourful and large cotton candy. So, the first thing they(except Eiichi and Kira who found this too sweet for their liking) ate was the cotton candy.

As they walked around, their attention went to the okonomiyaki and yakisoba stalls. At Nagi's nagging, they had to visit both the places and buy both foods.

"Look, there's goldfish scooping!" Nagi pointed at another booth.

"Goldfish scooping?" Catarina titled her head.

"Yup. If you can catch a goldfish, you can take it home." The pink haired boy replied.

"Why not give it a try?"Eiichi suggested.


The quadriple went to that spot and everyone tried to catch a goldfish. But...

"Its too hard,"Catarina groaned silently.

"I barely missed my catch." Eiichi pushed his glasses up.

"Hard."Kira simply said.

The three looked at the younger two. Even if they can't catch one,look at how much fun they're having. She smiled.

Later they kept in walking while eating various things at Nagi's whims. Nagi was more energetic for this festival.The most surprising thing was Shion was able to endure Nagi's energy. But today, Shion was able to not tire himself out. Maybe because of having fun and holding the youngest's hand.

"How do I look?" Nagi asked them wearing the mask he bought. It was a mask from a cartoon with a blue robot cat.

"Cute."Catarina complimented after wearing her oni mask.

"Rin looks scary." Shion hid behind Kira who was wearing a bunny mask. The rest expected the raven would choose that mask from a mile away.

"Aww,"Catarina slid the mask to reveal her face. "Then I won't wear it if you feel scared."

The younger boy came out,his sheep mask coming in view.

"Where's Eiichi?"Kira asked.

"Over here." The said brunette came wearing a kitsune mask. He slid the mask over his face and smirked, "This one's good isn't it?"

"Not better than mine though," Nagi said back.

"What is that?" Shion pointed at another stall.

"Ah,that's the ring toss."Nagi turned to the elder three."Let's go there!"

Again,they couldn't resist Nagi's energetic will.

"Which one should I go for?" Catarina looked through the displayed objects. Eiichi and Shion and Nagi had their turns but they couldn't get anything.

As the female pondered over it, she found the raven beside her look down with disappointment before looking ahead in longing.

The blonde followed his gaze to see a cute keychain of white bunnies. She sweatdropped.

Alright,I'll go for that.

And her last ring fell on her desired object.When she got the prize, she turned to Kira.

"Here you go. You wanted this,right?"

Kira looked at her hand with surprised eyes. " is yours."

"I got it for you!" She smiled happily.

"...thanks." Kira took the keychain after giving her head a light pat as thanks. The four could feel the ravens joy from the warm flowery aura surrounding him.

"Lets move on!" Nagi chimed. Shion nodded.

"Again? Let's take a break..."Catarina tiredly sighed. "It's too hot here." She fanned herself with the paper fan.

"I agree.It is quite warm."Eiichi agreed.

"Eeh?But we didn't even roam half of the festival and you're tired?" Nagi pouted. He clearly had a lot of energy left. Even Shion had energy left.

Not wanting to sadden the two youngest, Catarina complied. "Fine.Let's keep going."

" can rest. . .I'll take care of them," Kira proposed.

"But won't you tire yourself out?"

"No. . .I am having fun.You two can take a break."

Joys of a mother...Catarina smiled in gratitude. "Thank you.Then I'll go somewhere cooler."

"Why don't we go over there?" Eiichi pointed at a relatively empty space. With a little nod, Rin and Eiichi separated themselves from the group.

"Haah!!" Catarina sighed contently at the cooler temperature.

"Are you tired?" The brunette asked.

"No.I just couldn't tolerate the heat. What about you?"

"Same reason."

The two stayed silent enjoying the cool air of the paper fan. One of the stalls caught her attention.

"Eiichi,isn't that shaved ice?"

"Hmm,it is."When he looked at her twinkling eyes,he chuckled. "Want to taste?"She furiously nodded.

"Mmm.It was so sweet and so cool!" Catarina cried after finishing her shaved ice.

"It was." Eiichi joined as he put down his phone. "Eiji said they are on the way. And as for Kira, they went too ahead of us."

"O." The two kept walking.

Tugging at his sleeves,she pointed at another stall."What's that?"

"Thats takoyaki."


"Octopus balls.Wait, you mean you didn't eat Takoyaki before?"


"Thats a shame. Come on, have a taste." Eiichi pulled her to the takoyaki stand and bought one plate.

"Be careful it's hot." He warned before handing over the plate.

Carefully she popped one in her mouth.

"Its hot.."She started to cool the inside of her mouth. "But it's so tasty and creamy!"

"Let me see." Eiichi held her hand which held a ball with a stick and ate it.

"It is." Eiichi smiled after savouring the taste.

She was stunned at his actions for a moment. Though she recovered quickly.

She managed to ask, "Shouldn't we meet up with Kira now?"

The bespectacled man looked at his watch, "He said he was far ahead. I say we enjoy out time before meeting for the fireworks. Eiji and the other two will arrive by then."

"Sure..Where do you wanna go?"

"Nowhere in particular. Where do you want to go?" Eiichi asked back.

Let's see. . .

"Why not there? The shooting game."

Eiichi nodded and the two headed there. Catarina was able to win another prize there, a HEAVENS pin. From there, they went to the yo yo fishing. This time Eiichi managed to get a water filled yo yo. He gave it to the female.

"It's getting more crowded,"said Catarina while looking around.

"Because the fireworks will begin soon. We should meet up with the everyone."

"From what I heard from Haruka, there's a lake nearby. There weren't any people there when she was with STARISH before the Utapri award. I think we should gather there." Catarina suggested.

"Yes,there is a lake...I'll tell them about meeting there." With that he texted the rest. "Let's head there ourselves too."


They started walking but as the crowd was increasing...

Where did he go?He was right beside me. . .Catarina looked around. I can't even call his name in public.

Good for her that he found her.

"Catarina,there you are."Eiichi sighed in relief when he spotted the blonde woman."I thought you got lost."

"I thought you got lost.That's why I was looking for you."

"Good thing we found each other soon."Eiichi looked at the huge crowd. "It's too crowded." He held out his hand.

"Eiichi?"She quietly asked.

"We won't get separated this way."

"Oh.." She gently put her hand on his.
He held it firmly and guided her to where there destination was.

Catarina's heart skipped a beat when she realized how warm and big his hands were,compared to hers.

"Careful. It's kind of rocky."

"I'm not clumsy to trip on stones."

The handsome brunette told her when they reached the riverside. As expected,there weren't any people around.

Even if they were free from the populated place, their hands were still joined together. And Catarina just noticed it.

Oh!We are still h- She tripped on a stone because her mind completely went somewhere else.The wooden sandals didn't help her in trying to stop her fall either.

Yet,she didn't fall. Because a hand pulled her closer before she could come in contact with the ground.

Oh. . . .

Eiichi helped her.He had pulled her closer to him,making her bump into his chest.Their hands were joined like before while Eiichi's other hand was wrapped around her waist.

He chuckled. "I told you to be careful."

He's...too close! She could feel his body heat and cologne

"I...I'm not used to wearing such sandals!" She looked up at him.

"That is why I told you to be careful." He smirked,causing her to pout.The moonlight illuminating his face made him look much more handsome. His lavender eyes shone in that light, making him mesmerizing.

The fragrance of blooming flowers enveloped them under the silver moonlight. They were the only people there. Something about this whole setting made Catarina blush.

I feel really warm.... Her heart was also hammering in her chest, making it difficult to breath normally.

They didn't stay in that position for long. Eiichi released her just after setting her straight. Even so her heart didn't stop pounding hard. Not even after they let go of their hands and the others joined them. Even after watching the fireworks side by side, her heart didn't calm down.

                                       To Be Continued.

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