Chapter Thirty-three
Catarina entered the living room with Kira, holding a tray. They made coffee for everyone since they will hold a meeting now.
Huh? She found Eiichi sitting on the couch alone, Eiji wasn't with him. Rather Eiji was sitting beside Nagi. Yamato,Shion and Van were on another.
Kira and Catarina gave everyone their mugs. Before she could think about sitting besides Nagi, Kira beat her to it. In the end, she sat besides her boyfriend.
When she sat beside him, the two shared a secret smile.
* * * * * * *
After some time,
"So is it final?" Catarina asked. The seven boys nodded.
"The name of your radio show will be..."
HEAVENS said in unison, "HEAVENS radio ~Go to heaven~!"
"It's good!" The female smiled.
"It truly is!" Eiichi grinned.
"I think what's better is ... Eiichi and Eiji becoming the radio personalities," stated Kira.
"I'm actually really nervous.... But I'm going to do my best!" Eiji smiled.
"I know you can do it,Eiji." Eiichi encouraged his brother.
"You know what," Van started, "I think the best thing was Eii-chan suddenly crashing on STARISH's final episode!"
Everyone except Eiichi sweatdropped when they recalled what happened today during STARISH's radio's final episode. The brunette had suddenly appeared there from the ceiling.
"Talk about craziness." Yamato sighed.
"How did you even do that?" Nagi inquired.
"Let it be a secret."Eiichi smirked.
How did he actually manage to break the ceiling?
"Ah!" Catarina suddenly exclaimed. She snapped her attention to the tall male."You're not hurt, are you? You landed after breaking the ceiling. Are you alright? Did yo-"
"I'm good,Catarina. I'm not hurt."
"But..." The concern in her eyes didn't fade.
"Like I said, I used a secret technique. So, I'm not hurt. See?" Eiichi held up his hands.
"That's good then..." She smiled a little when he pat her head. It's good that you're not hurt.Please don't do such crazy things.
"Ugh,get a room, you two!" Yamato scrunched his nose.
"They're so in love!" Nagi snickered.
Catarina snapped her attention back towards them. She doesn't know about Eiichi, but she forgot that they were in the prescense of others. And they hadn't announced their relationship yet.
"N-no....uhh...I-It's not.."She stammered.
"How long do you intend to hide your relation?" Nagi smirked.
"Wh-what?" How does he know?!
"You know?" Eiichi raised an eyebrow.
"It's obvious." Kira's statement earned him hums of agreement, except from Van.
"Eeeeeeeeeeh?" Van shrieked. " Eii-chan and Na-chan?!?!?"
"Sheesh, keep it down Van." Yamato clicked his tongue.
"Sorry. But are they really a thing?!?!" Van asked the muscular man.
"Ask them." The latter pointed at the couple.
"Na-chan, Eii-chan, is it true?!"
"...Yes." Catarina timidly replied. She could not but feel embarrassed whenever this topic can into mind.
"Yes, we are dating,"Eiichi casually said.
"Whaaaaat?!" Van jumped from his seat. "Did you guys know about this?!" Again, the five males nodded.
"No fair! Why am I the only one who wasn't informed?! Eii-chan, Na-chan, you're cruel!"
"Uhh...actually, we didn't tell anyone," Catarina replied awkwardly.
"Eh!? Then how did you guys know?!" He turned to his fellow bandmates.
"If you've finished screaming,maybe then we can talk." Nagi was annoyed.
"Oh! Sorry,sorry."
"Now tell us how you knew about our relationship?" The brunette male asked."Well, except for Eiji. I told only him."
"Eh? You told Eiji?" The blonde woman asked.
Eiji answers instead,"Yes, Nii-san first informed me about his feelings for you. Later he notified me when you two became a couple, Rin-chan."
"Oh..." That explains his too bright smiles recently.
"So, how long are you guys dating for?" Yamato asked.
"A week." The couple replied.
"And you didn't tell us? Well, Eiji is your brother so you'll have to tell him. But why didn't you tell us?" Nagi pouted.
"Well....that's..." Catarina looked down. "....It is embarrassing."
"....Announcing embarrassing."
"I was planning to say it but the topic was never brought up." Eiichi shrugged.
"Maa,even if you didn't say,it was crystal clear that you two were in love." Nagi grinned.
"H-how?" Catarina asked.
Shion was the first to answer, "Eiichi and Rin gives off hearts when they are together."
"Don't be so cheesy, Shion!" Catarina whined.
"It is true. Amakusa could feel the love emanating from you two."
"Yup. Anyone can find out your feelings after noticing all those times you two secretly smile at each other, unless the person is an idiot." Nagi said the last part looking at Van. The latter pouted.
"You n-noticed?" Catarina mumbled to herself.
"What about you,Kira?" Eiichi asked.
"I could tell just by looking at you two.... Something about your interactions changed."
"You can't hide anything from the mom!" Nagi grinned.
"Yamato-chan, how did you know?"
"It was easy to tell after watching that shooting. Besides, Catarina blushes too easily when she is with Eiichi or if he is mentioned.
"E-eh?" Her cheeks got light shades of pink.
"See?" Yamato smirked, causing the female to huff her cheeks.
"So,you all knew they were dating?" Van again asked them. When they nodded, Van whined, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Stupid. We never shared about these two among ourselves. You're an idiot for not noticing anything among them."
"Ouch.That hurt,Nagi-chan." Van placed a hand over where his heart was.
" Anyways," Nagi smirked mischievously when he looked at the couple. Something about that didn't seem good to Catarina.
"How did you confess?"
"H-how we..." She remembered the events again, causing her to blush bright red.
Oh gosh,why did he have to ask THIS very question!?
"W-we don't have to tell you!"
"Why are you blushing, Rinna?" Nagi was going to keep asking but Eiji stopped him.
"N-Nagi, don't trouble them."
"Eiji, aren't you curious?"
"M-me? No,no! I don't want to know about their...private moment!" The younger brunette shook his head.
"E-Eiji! Don't say it like that!" She felt like she was burning.
"I'm curious as well. Tell us, Eii-chan!"
"Amakusa wants to know about the pure love among Rin and Eiichi too." The blonde female kept shaking her head.
"Creepy old man and brat are bad influence on innocent sheep," Yamato muttered to nobody.
"Shion, you are too young...And Van, respect thei-"
Eiichi interrupted Kira by giving answer to their question. "We confessed like a normal couple."
"Eh?That's no fun. I was thinking something like-" Before Nagi could give any inappropriate ideas, Kira clamped his hand over his mouth, stopping him. "Mmf!!Kwiha!"
Ignoring the pinkette's protests, he said, "I'm happy for you two."
"Me too!" Eiji joined immediately.
"Amakusa wishes you two luck."
"Onii-chan is happy too!"
"At least try making it not too obvious what you guys are doing." Yamato said more to Catarina.
"Thank you, you guys." Catarina and Eiichi smiled at their friends.
Nagi breathed a relief when Kira let him go. "Your pair is interesting.....Although I'm wondering..."
Nagi looked at the young woman, "What made you fall for Eiichi?" Kira inwardly sighed in relief that Nagi asked a decent question.
"Wh-What...?" The blonde stammered.
"I want to know too." This time Eiji supported Nagi. So did Van, Kira,Shion and even Yamato.
"Come to think of it, you didn't tell me either." Eiichi told the woman beside him.
"Uh...I didn't?"
"Well..." It's too embarrassing to say it out loud......But I want to convey my feelings for Eiichi to them.
"Everything.I love everything about Eiichi." Catarina gave a shy smile. "I love how he cares for everyone, how he loves music, how he is dedicated to his work, his selflessness, his voice,how he gets excited and all other things about him."
"You're so in love that you are giving hearts,Rinna," teased Nagi.
"So you like it even when he screams 'good'?" Yamato questioned.
"Hearing this makes me really happy, angel." Eiichi pulled Catarina closer by the shoulder.
"If you are going to get all mushy-mushy, do it somewhere private. Not in front of us."
Nagi's statement caused Eiichi and Catarina to get red cheeks.
. . . . . . .
"Phew,that was nerve wracking." Catarina flopped on the couch.
"Mhmm." Eiichi sat beside her.
"It never crossed my mind that the 'No love' rule was only established in Shining Agency.I always thought it was for the whole idol industry."
"I was aware of it."
"Still, I'm glad your dad didn't object as much as I thought he would."
"That's because it is you."
"Because it's me?"
"Dad acknowledges your talent. That's why,it didn't bother him much."
"So just because he thinks I'm 'talented', he agreed to let us be together?" Catarina raised a brow.
"Yup. Also because he knows you're trustworthy." Eiichi wrapped an arm behind her shoulder. The proximity made Catarina lightly blush.
"Now we don't have to worry about him. He and the rest of HEAVENS accept our relationship.It's good."
"Yeah..." Her blush became visible when Eiichi left a peck on her forehead. It didn't go unnoticed by the brunette. He smirked.
"Why are you blushing?"
"I-I'm not!" Something about her reaction made him want to tease her.
"Is that so?" This time he turned her to look at him and kissed her cheeks.
"Wh-What are you doing?" She stuttered at the closeness.
"Just spending some quality time with my girlfriend." He kissed her forehead again.
" E-Eiichi, someone might see!"
"No worries,angel. We are the only ones present here."
"B-But..." The blonde blushed red when he began caressing her lower lip.
"Why are you shy now,my angel? We kissed plenty times when we confessed." His smirk widened.
Placing a hand behind her head, Eiichi pulled her closer and kissed her. Her mind went blank. Catarina's eyes closed on impulse as her hands went to his chest.They parted after some time. Their lips join on their own again. And again before breaking the kiss.
Realizing what they were just doing, Catarina flushed red. She covered her face with her hand.
I'm so embarrassed...!!
Her shy demeanour caused Eiichi to lightly laugh. He wrapped his arms around her small form.
"You are so cute, my angel."
To Be Continued.
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