Chapter Thirty-one
"That was a nice piece,Haruka." Catarina complimented after Haruka played a new song she composed for stars.
"Thank you,Rina-chan."
"Catarina!" At the call of her name, the blonde looked behind. "Syo! Natsuki!"
"Hey there!"
"Hi!" Catarina smiled at the two males.
Natsuki enveloped the girl into a hug."Rina-chan, you look so cute! Can I hug you?"
You're already hugging me. She sweatdropped.
"You're already hugging her,Natsuki," Syo spoke her mind with a deadpanned look.
"Sure,Natsuki." Catarina returned his warm hug. Catarina noticed something in Syo's hands after the huge blonde released her.
"Syo,why are you carrying a violin?"
"Oh this? I used it on my previous job."
Haruka spoke,eyes sparkling with curiosity and excitement, "Rina-chan, you know how to play the violin. Why don't you play it now? I never saw you with a violin before."
"Now?" The younger composer looked at her. "I haven't played it in years...two years,to be specific."
"You can play the violin? Awesome," exclaimed Syo. "Hey, why don't we do a duet?"
"...a duet?"
"Yeah." Syo grinned.
"It's a wonderful idea." Haruka smiled with Natsuki.
"Yes,it's a great idea....but what about Natsuki? You play the violin too." Catarina looked at the glasses wearing blonde.
"I do but my main instrument is the viola. I think it would be more fun to see you and Syo-chan perform."
"Here you go." The strawberry blonde handed her a violin.
"How did you suddenly get that?" Catarina refered to the violin in her hand.
"We're in the music room, in case you forgot."
"Oh yeah,I forgot." She sheepishly grinned. She then placed the violin on her shoulder. "What should we perform?"
"You can choose. I'll be able to play any song." Syo smirked after getting his violin ready.
"Okay........." She racked her brain for songs while Natsuki and Haruka sat comfortably to watch the pair. "Let's go with 'Justice Impulse'."
After a while,
"That was wonderful." Haruka claped. Natsuki did the same.
Syo looked at his partner, "You're not bad."
"Neither are you. It was really fun." They bumped fists after putting their violins down.
"It was nice ,you two." Another voice joined.
"Ai!" Catarina grinned at the presence of the younger idol.
"Ai, what are you doing here?" Syo asked.
"I had something to talk with Shining-san. I heard your violin and followed the sound," replied Ai. "Even if it needed some modifications, your performance together was good."
"Thanks." The two blondes grinned at each other.
"You should play the violin more often, Rina-Chan."
"I guess I should...But like you, piano is my favourite. I find peace of mind with a piano than any other instrument I can use."
"What musical instruments can you play altogether?" Ai asked curiously.
"Piano, violin and cello. Although I only use piano nowadays."
"Cello? Like Camus-senpai?" Syo asked. The female nodded.
"Wow! I want to see Rina-chan with a cello. I'm sure she would look really pretty." Natsuki claimed.
"I would like to too." Ai agreed. Haruka and Syo nodded.
"Eh?...I don't mind but there's not a cello here."
"Actually there is one in another music room,"Syo said. "Camus-senpai's instrument is cello, after all."
"Oh....But doesn't that mean it's owner is...." Catarina looked at the pinkette. The later understood what she was trying to ask.
With a small smile she reassured, "No, it's not Camus-senpai's. It belongs to the agency. You can play it if you want."
". . . .I'd like to." Even if I haven't touched a cello in two-three years.
* * * * * * *
"Beautiful," commented Ai. Syo nodded.
"Really pretty," Natsuki smiled.
". . . but it feels sort of sad," Haruka looked at the blonde female. She was the one who suggested her friend to create a melody of her life using the cello. However, her song had a sad and painful melody. It was almost like she was suppressing her feelings when it was on the verge of exploding.... Haruka shook off such thought. Of course Catarina was happy now, she was with HEAVENS. The sad part must be about her past.
Little did Haruka know,she was right about what she had guessed previously.
* * * * * * *
"Come visit again,okay?" Natsuki hugged the blonde composer, who in return hugged back.
"I visit frequently. It's just you guys aren't present at those times."
Syo patted Catarina's head after she was released from the hug.
"Yeah,we know you come by. Unfortunately we're too busy then."
". . . .It feels weird."
"What feels weird?"
"You doing this . We're of the same height. So,it just feels....strange. Maybe I'm just used to super tall people doing it." She added, "Not that I'm complaining about yours. It's nice in its own way."
". . .Whatever." Syo sighed.
Later, Ai and Catarina started walking away from there together. Ai was going to his apartment while Catarina was to Raging Agency.
"Hey Catarina, how are things going on with 'that' person?"
". . Same as usual."
"What do you plan to do?"
Catarina stopped in her tracks. Noticing it, Ai also stopped and looked at her. The woman gave a pained smile.
"I can't do anything. . . .I decided to forget about my feelings....It's for the best anyways."
. . . . . . .
"It's not easy..." Catarina mumbled to herself.
Even if I have decided to forget about it, I can't get myself to do it. The harder I try to remove these feelings, the more I fall for him....
Catarina stared at the piano in front of her. It had been days since she started distancing herself from Eiichi in order to stop herself from falling in love with him any further. But it seemed like the plan backfired.
Slowly,the blonde trailed her fingers over the piano keys. It was a great time to play the piano for all she wanted. She was alone in the penthouse and no one would return soon,if she recalled correctly. Taking a deep breathe, she tapped a few keys before her hands started to automatically play a song. She started playing 'Next Door' ,but a slow version of the song.
Memories started to appear inside her head as the soft melody of the piano rang across the lounge.
The first memory was of her meeting Eiichi. The time when Catarina forgot her new song in the music room and when she went to pick it up, she found seven men in the room, one of which was holding her music sheets with an amazed look. That man was none other than the leader of HEAVENS.
The second memory was about the time Eiichi proposed her to be HEAVENS' composer. Catarina was composing when suddenly Eiichi entered the lesson room with a grin. He had approached her and lifted her chin to make her look at him. She was startled but something about his smirk made her happy and excited. The brunette then broke the news of her composting for HEAVENS. He had also mentioned that his father agreed to his proposal. The female couldn't but accept with smile as bright as the sun.
A tiny smile tugged on the young woman's lips. I found myself a family... I began to know each of them more but there was something about him that pulled me towards him. We became closer slowly and slowly... Unknowingly he started getting closer and closer to my heart...
She finished 'Next Door' but her hands started playing again, this time it being 'State of Perfection'.
. . . .He always hides his pains.But I don't want him to hide it.I want to help him in any way I can....Someone as wonderful as him didn't deserve such a sad and painful past... It made me really happy when he decided to confide in me about his mother. I can take it as he trusts me...
With more memories flashing before her eyes,she completed 'State of Perfection' and began 'Heaven Sky', HEAVENS' new song.
He is someone who will do whatever it takes to protect his dear ones. He will do everything he can to protect HEAVENS. . . He is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. . .But I wish he would take care of himself instead of always putting himself behind....I want him to rely on me. I want to give him comfort..
After she played the last key, the whole room fell into silence. The only source of sound in the room, the piano, had stopped as the composer was immersed in her thoughts.
We spent so much time together. Through all this time,I learned so many things about him....His gentleness, his kindness, his passion, his devotion, his determination -all of which made me fall in love with him step by step . . .I fell for him so much that I can't pull myself back up.....
Catarina looked at her lap. That's right...I fell in love with him... I fell in love with Otori Eiichi... With each passing day, my feelings for him grew until I can no longer suppress them.I love him,his smile,his laugh,his voice,his touch,everything....No matter what I do, I can't put an end to my feelings.....But I have to if I want the best for him! Yet...
" I...." Catarina clenched her fists. "....I want to see him..."
"See who?"
"Kyaa!" Catarina jumped from her seat. She found Eiichi standing some steps away from the piano. "E-Eiichi!?"
"Why are you so surprised?"The brunette asked.
"Y-You just suddenly came here... I thought y-you weren't going to return for another hour."
"I finished my work quickly. . . By the way, who do you want to see?"
"You said you wanted to see someone. Who is it?" Eiichi curiously asked.
"Well..." She couldn't tell him that it was actually him who she wanted to see. Instead she tried to change the topic. "H-How long have you been here?"
"Since you were playing 'State of Perfection'. You looked really into your own world."
"Oh..." That means he has been here almost the whole time and I didn't even realize it.
"But who is it that you want to see?" Eiichi realised something. "Ah, is it your brother?"
"....m-maybe.."Catarina tried to hastily leave the room. "I-I should go back to my room now..!"
Before Catarina could get past him, a hand blocked her path.
"Can we talk?" Eiichi asked.
"Eh..?! Umm..." The female looked hesitant. Of course she wanted to stay longer with him, her wish to see him after all. But she told herself not to fall anymore for him.
"....s-sorry...I...I have some work to do," she said looking away.
She thought she could go after saying this.But his next question shocked her.
"Do you hate me?"
"What....?" She faced him with wide eyes.
Eiichi also looked at her. "Do you hate me?"
"What...what are you saying, Eiichi?"
Eiichi took a step closer to her, making her take a step back.
"I'm asking if you hate me or not." Another step for Eiichi, another back for Catarina.
"W-why would I hate you?" She took another step back when he came another step close.
"Then why?"
"Huh?"She could not comprehend what was happening.Again, she backed a step when he took one.
"Why are you being like this?" Another step, their eyes not losing contact.
"What are you saying,Eiichi?" Catarina tried to take another step back but couldn't. The piano was just behind her, thus stopping her on her way. She flinched slightly when the man blocked her escape by putting his hands beside her on the piano.
"Why are you avoiding me?" Eiichi peered down at her, his big frame shadowing over her smaller one.
Please don't tell me he noticed..
"You tend to avoid me these days."
"Wh-what..?" She looked down. "Why would I ...avoid you?When did I...?"
"For the past weeks. . .You don't talk to me like you used to, we aren't having our usual casual conversations. It's almost like... you're in a hurry to get away from me."
....I thought I was careful enough not to make anyone suspect.
"And you try not to start any conversation. . . That one time when I asked you if you would go to the bakery with me, you declined while you never missed any opportunities to go there. . ."
. . .He's perceptive.
" Isn't it because you don't like being with me?"
Catarina snapped her attention towards him. "No way! There's no way I hate you!"
"Then why do you avoid me?"
Catarina looked away again. "...I don't avoid you."
"Then tell me that by looking at me."
The female refused to look at him. Seeing this, the tall man himself lifted her chin to make her look at him. The warmth of his hands spread throughout her body.
"Answer me," Eiichi whispered. Her heart started pounding wildly. Catarina became nervous. She couldn't lie when looking at his eyes. His purple eyes had that much effect on her. It was almost like she was being sucked inside those jewel-like eyes.
At the moment they were standing really close to each other.Before she could lose her senses, she managed to look away despite him holding her face.
". . .I don't have anything to answer."
Eiichi heaved a sigh. With hints of frustration, he continued, "I don't know why you are being like," his voice became hurt, "I can only guess that you don't like to be with me anymore. You.... started to hate me."
"No! I don't hate you! I could never hate you!" She looked at him directly, desperately trying to convey that she didn't hate the brunette.
"So why?" Eiichi narrowed his eyes. "Tell me the reason so I can know."
Again she looked down. "Its nothing..."
"Catarina,please tell me why. I don't want you to stay away from me."
She cursed her fate. She could never remain silent when he used his desperate tone. But she bit her lips to stop herself from saying anything unnecessary .
"Catarina," She remained silent. Anything coming out from her mouth might be regretted later on.
"....I see. You want to stay away from me that much. I'm sorry to bother and burden you. . ."
"Stop it Eiichi! Please just stop it," Catarina's sudden shout surprised Eiichi.She looked into his eyes. " I don't hate you. I could never and won't ever hate you. Can't you understand that?" I'm sorry, it might ruin our friendship but... Tears gathered at the corner of her eyes.
"Its because I love you that I can never hate you.Don't you ever say you are a bother!"
She said the words that she so difficultly tried to suppress. I already said that. What is there to hide about now? Eiichi's eyes go wide open.
Her gaze didn't waver from him. "I love you so much,it's unbearable! I want to see you.I want to talk to you.I want to be with you! Without realizing, I fell for you deeply. And that's why I can't stay with you. I can't fall in love more than I already did. I cannot cause you anymore trouble."
She continued after taking a breathe, "I have to stay away from you if I want to make these feelings disappear. I cannot put your career in risk. If it means it'll remain unrequited, then let it be! It will be better than burdening you with my feelings. . . .But now, I have put another burden on your shoulders. I'm sorry for falling in love,Eiichi. I'm sorry for loving you. With this I've ruined our friendship because of my unrequited love... I'm so-"
Her words were cut off by his lips.
Catarina's eyes widened so much like they were going to come out any moment and a deep blush formed on her cheeks. Her mind stopped functioning. W-W-W-W-What's happening here?!!!??!
Eiichi was holding Catarina's arms firmly as he kissed her.on.the.lips. Eiichi was kissing Catarina on the lips. Catarina could feel his soft lips on hers. Her first kiss was taken by the man she adored. Eiichi,the leader of the most popular idol group known as HEAVENS, took her first kiss. The sound of their kiss filled the empty and silent room.
But Catarina did not know how to respond to his sudden action. She was frozen to her spot yet she was burning inside. Catarina was still wide eyed after Eiichi pulled away from her.
Deciding to keep his face close to hers, Eiichi confessed, "I love you, Catarina."
?!?!?! Her mind was too malfunctioned to even form words.
The tall male cupped her cheeks and continued with slight pink cheeks, "Your love is not unrequited. I love you. I too fell in love with you without a single warning. By the time I realized, I was too much in love. . .But I don't want you to stop loving me. I want you to be mine!" Catarina's heart stopped at his words and a tear slipped from her eyes.
He...loves me?
"E-Eii-" She was again interrupted when Eiichi kissed her. This time she closed her eyes and kissed back. She put her hands over his strong ones.
The duration of this kiss was shorter than the previous.
Eiichi pulled away and Catarina looked into his eyes with unshed tears . Eiichi muttered to her, "I love you", before pecking her again.
"I love your smile." He gave her another peck.
"I love your music." He again pecked her lips.
"I love your passion." He kissed her lightly again.
"I love your kindness."He softly kissed her.
"I love how you care for everyone." He once again gave her a peck.
"I love everything about you. So please... stay with me. Don't leave me. Love me."
"Eiichi. . . ." Catarina's heart swelled with happiness. "I love you too, Eiichi. I love you very much. I want to stay with you..."
"Catarina...Go out with me. Be my girlfriend."
?! Her heart skipped a beat at the sudden proposal.She was going to agree immediately but remembered an issue. " are an idol..."
"I can take care of that. For now,I want to know your answer." Eiichi peered into her blue eyes.
"I want to be with you,Eiichi." The male liked that her answer had no hesitation.
"Good,Catarina." He gently smiled. "Now you are mine." She blushed at his words.
At that moment, Eiichi pulled her closer to him by wrapping an arm around her waist. With his other hand, he lifted her chin.
Oh... Catarina's heartbeat increased like never before. Her hands were on his chest. She could feel his heartbeat, which was also thumping.
Eiichi leaned down and pressed his lips on hers. The kiss was full of love and affection.
. . . .I'm so happy...I don't want this joy to end.
Catarina had never dared to guess that after all those suppressing, her feelings would be returned in such a manner. But now here she was in the arms of the man she loved, kissing him. It was a dream-like moment for the new couple.
To be Continued.
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