Chapter Thirty-five
Catarina sighed in contentment. She was sitting alone in the lounge,while waiting for Eiichi. Earphones were plugged into her ears as she listened to 'Heaven Sky'.
Eiichi sounds so good.... I really want to listen to his voice all day long....Not to mention he looks super cool in the cover! How can be be so cool?! She started giggling to herself.
"And here we go again." Yamato entered the lounge with Van and Eiji. "Is there a single second when she isn't releasing hearts?"
Despite the earphones, Catarina heard him. She turned to glare at him after turning the music off. "Whatever do you mean, Yamato?" The blonde male shrugged and went to the kitchen.
"Ooh Na-chan, are you going somewhere?" Van asked as he and Eiji took a seat across from her.
"Yes. Why do you ask?"
"You're pretty dressed up."
"Oh..." Catarina was wearing a red sweater and black skirt with black leggings. Her hair was up in a high ponytail. "Yeah, I'm going to the movies."
"The movies? Can I come?"The oldest brunette excitedly asked.
Before Catarina could answer him, Eiji does. "A-Ah, Van! Y-you can't go!"
". . .Because Rin-chan is going on a da-date with Nii-san!"
"Eh!? You're going on a date? Sorry for asking!"Van looked at the female.
"N-no, it's all right." She shrugged the matter off when Yamato appeared from the kitchen with an energy drink. He took a seat on the nearest armchair.
"But man, isn't your relationship going pretty smoothly?" Van grinned.
"Hmm?" She was caught off guard at the sudden topic.
"I mean, you two are doing perfectly well. There's no one standing between you two. And there's no trouble among you."
"Even STARISH and Quartet Night supported you after learning about you two!"
"Th-that's because all of us are friends..."
"Although it caused quite a commotion." Eiji sweatdropped.
"Yeah,it did. . ."
. . . . . . . Flashback . . . . . . .
Catarina and HEAVENS were invited to a Halloween party hosted by Shining Saotome and Raging Otori. Not only HEAVENS, but also STARISH, Quartet Night, Tomochika and Haruka were invited. Since it was a Halloween party, everyone was dressed up in costumes. Catarina herself was dressed as a devil, contrary to last year when she dressed up as an angel.
There were TONS of sweets displayed in the party. Every corner of the room had a large table consisting of different kinds of foods and desserts. Catarina, was ecstatic at the variety of desserts. Everybody was enjoying the party in their own ways.
Catarina took it upon herself to taste all kinds of desserts in the party. While she was eating a cake that was in the shape of a ghost, a pair of hands held her side from behind. She didn't need to look to know who it was. So she continued eating the cake with a smile.
"You seem to be enjoying yourself." Eiichi spoke from behind her.
"I am!" She chirped. She was busy eating to be embarrassed about their closeness.
"I can see that. You have this big smile on your face since we came here." He smiled.
"I can't help it.I loved every single sweet." She took a bite of her cake. "I'm in paradise right now."
"Is it that delicious?" He asked curiously.
"Yep!"She took another bite.
"Let me have a taste."
"Sure." She cut a piece with her fork and held it out for him. He took a bite from it.
"Isn't it so tasty?" Catarina asked excitedly.
"Mmm..." He savoured the taste. "It is." The female smiled widely at him before finishing the rest of her cake. She put down her plate because she finished tasting all the sweets. She might have forgotten but she was still being held by Eiichi.Before Catarina had time to react, Eiichi turned her around to face him.
Wah! She was surprised at the sudden action. The hall was dimly lit in order to match the theme of Halloween,they were at a corner and everyone was busy with their own things. So being like this cause a problem.
"The cake was deliciously sweet but..." He smirked thus showing his vampire fangs clearly, before he leaned down.
"Your lips are much sweeter." He whispered, his face right in front of hers. Her face boiled at his words.
"E-E-" She couldn't form any words because Eiichi quickly kissed her.
'What are you doing? Someone might see!' - is what she wanted to say but before she got the chance to say it, a loud scream echoed throughout the room.
Catarina and Eiichi were the first to look at the owner of the sudden shout; they were the first to look because the scream was closest to them. When they looked at the direction of the scream, they found none other than Kotobuki Reiji. And he was looking at the couple!
Re-Re-Reiji !?!?!
And so from then, the commotion began with Quartet Night irritatedly scolding Reiji on why he screamed like that. The brunette replied by pointing a finger at Catarina and Eiichi saying, 'They kissed!!' As a result of it, Eiichi declared that he was dating Catarina. It caused some to smirk, some's jaws dropped while some screamed like Reiji; except HEAVENS and Ai. They knew about their relationship in prior; Ai knew because Catarina had informed him. And after STARISH and the rest recovered from the shock, they bombarded Catarina and Eiichi with questions.
. . . . . . .
"It was....quite a commotion." Catarina nervously laughed.
"And entertaining!" Van grinned.
"Whatever..." She looked down and looked at the cover of their new CD. Her eyes looked at the her boyfriend standing in the middle.
"Catarina,did you wait long?" The girl looked up. Eiichi was there on the stairs, in his gray coat over his ash sweater and black scarf.
She answered with a smile. "No. Are you done with your work?"
"Yes. Sorry for the wait." He walked towards her with a smile."Shall we go?"
"Yes." She got up and after waving at the rest three men, she left the penthouse with Eiichi.
The three male stared at them before looking at each other.
Van was the first one to speak. " Let's follow them?"
"No!" Eiji protested.
"Eerie old man," Yamato commented.
* * * * * * *
Meanwhile, outside Catarina and Eiichi started walking. The brunette wore his disguise before stepping out of the building.
"What do you want to watch?" The man asked.
" about a horror movie? I'm in mood for some horror."
"Sure." Eiichi gently held her hand and interwined their fingers together and pulled her close."Let's go." She nodded.
The warmth of his hand warmed Catarina's heart. Although...
Catarina looked behind while they were walking.
"What's wrong,angel?" Eiichi asked.
".....No,nothing." She smiled at him. They continued walking but the feeling in the blonde's stomach didn't disappear.
Why do I feel like we are followed?
. . . . . . .
Few days later, Catarina was walking to the supermarket. She was in charge of dinner tonight. It was supposed to be a normal walk to the store but Catarina felt somewhat different.
.....Am I being followed? Catarina kept walking. I've been getting this feeling for weeks. When she reached a secluded road, Catarina started feeling worse. It was like the person following her was coming closer.
I must check! She swiftly turned around only for her blue eyes to meet a pair of green ones.
Aww! Are you the one who has been following me?
Catarina looked at the kitten with a soft expression. "So it was only a kitten...?"
Just as she was about to breath a sigh of relief, a black van appeared next to her. The door open and before she could register, a hand covered her mouth with a handkerchief and grabbed her.
She breathed in the handkerchief and she started to lose consciousness because there was chloroform mixed on the handkerchief. She tried to pry off the hand as much as she could but her body grew weak and her vision started to becom black.
The last thing she could remember is her bag slipping from her grasp and getting pulled into a car before she lost consciousness.
* * * * * * *
"You idiot! How could you forget to leave her belongings!?"A female voice shouted.
"I am sorry,miss,"A male voice relied.
These are the voices Catarina heard in a distance before she softly groaned. .....It hurts... She slowly opened her eyes to meet the sight of a dimly lit room.
....Where am I? She was lying on the cold floor and she couldn't move. When she looked, she noticed her wrists were tied behind her back. Her eyelids were heavy and her head was hurting too much.
.....What kind of drama am I in...?...Did I end up in some action drama? The blonde's head was spinning and she was feeling tired. . . .The last thing I remember is going to shopping....then I saw.....a green eyed kitten. . . then I...! She understood her situation. . . .Am I kidnapped? She inwardly sighed. . . .How dramatic can my life get?
The room was dark but still she managed to make out the two figures talking far away from her. There was a male and a female. But she could still hear them.
"Now what do I do!? In her phone, there must've been Eiichi-sama's phone number! My whole efforts of following them has been wasted!" The female voice from before exclaimed.
"W-we can ask this girl instead," The same man suggested.
Eiichi's number? Is she a stalker or a crazy fangirl? Before she could think further, she noticed the two approaching her. She closed her eyes and pretended to be unconscious.
"Ugh,this girl's still unconscious! How much chloroform did you apply?!"
"I-I only used a bit more necessary so she wouldn't get a chance to escape, miss."
"Now I have to wait to get my Eiichi-sama's contact! What will I do with this useless girlfriend of my Eiichi-sama!? Ugh!" Catarina heard footsteps to away, meaning the woman went away and the man followed her.
The blonde composer opened her eyes. . . . .So to sum it up, I have been kidnapped by some crazy stalker of Eiichi because she somehow knows that I'm his girlfriend .... This whole drama is so cringe worthy! She sighed again.
. . Wow, I'm quite brave to be joking around like this. But what can I do? My hands and legs are tied tightly and I feel SO weak... And I know Eiichi and HEAVENS will come to save me. She shifted to a more comfortable position.
Yeah,I believe they'll save me...By this time,they must've noticed something is wrong.Raging Otori won't sit around when his 'trustworthy' composer and son's girlfriend is abducted...Well, all I can do now is sleep and wait for them. As soon as she closed her eyes, sleep consumed her.
* * * * * * *
The next thing Catarina saw when she opened her eyes was white ceiling. She closed her eyes again because of the lights. She realized she was lying on a bed instead of the cold floor. head hurts... Her left hand moved on its own to her head. Is it.... bandaged?
"Catarina!" A voice she recognized well said from beside her. She found a glasses-wearing brunette sitting on the chair beside her bed.
The other six males in the room also exclaim her name. Catarina looks at all seven of them.
"Who are this what I should ask at a time like this?" The blonde asked the seven.
"Not funny,Na-chan. You gave us a heart attack!"
"It seems you are fine, Rin-chan. I'm so glad." Eiji sighed in relief. Kira did the same.
"I thank the stars that you are safe, Rin." Shion smiled. Catarina could see redness in his eyes. Did he cry?
"Yeah,as you can see, I'm fine. Though my head hurts a bit."
"Aren't you troublesome?" Yamato might have said that but everyone could see the relieved look on his face.
"You have some nerves to make us worry like that!"Nagi exclaimed. "Do you know how much you worried us?!" He started crying openly behind Kira.
"Nagi. . ." I might have forgotten again that he is the youngest and most sensitive among us.
Catarina smiled serenely. "Nagi,I'm sorry to have worried you. Will you forgive me?"
Nagi tried to stop his crying. He sniffed. "I-It's not your fault. . . You're the victim here. . I'm sorry for shouting..."
"It's alright and thank you for worrying,Nagi."
"If anything, it is my fault," Eiichi, who has been silent all this time,finally spoke. "That girl attacked you because of me." He looked down.
Catarina hadn't realize that Eiichi had been holding her right hand since before she woke up. She placed her left hand over their joined hands.
"No. It's not your fault at all. I was too defenceless. And we were careless that someone knew about our relationship." Catarina sat up.
"No, she was a fan of mine. I should be the one taking responsibility. You have no fault."
"Eiichi, from what I heard when I pretended to be unconscious is that the girl abducted me because she knew I am your girlfriend. This is not a single of our fault. It's our carelessness that we were seen. . . . Actually, it isn't even our fault. She was a stalker!"
"No 'buts', Eiichi." She sternly looked at him. However for a second she loosened her grip on his hand and interwined their fingers before squeezing his hand.
"Anyways," She looked at the other six. "Give me details."
"Ah, right." Yamato scratched his head. "So everything began when we noticed you were taking too long while shopping. When it became unexpectedly late and you didn't pick your phone, we went out looking for you.Then we found your bag on the street. It's a surprise no one took it."
"Then we informed president about this. From what we could deduce, it looked like you were kidnapped. Still, we informed STARISH and Quartet Night and asked them if they heard anything from you. Within an hour, President found out where you were and who the kidnapper was," Nagi explained.
Catarina spoke, "I'm grateful but how did President know these informations?"
"He has...connections," Kira replied.
". . .I see. Continue."
"Nii-san, Yamato and Van went to the destination with the cops. As expected, the kidnapper was not professional or dangerous. She asked only one man to assist her in the task of abducting you. It was easy for the cops to catch them."
" Let me guess the rest. Because of her being a crazy fan of Eiichi, she started to stalk him when one day she saw the two of us together. From then on, she would follow both me and Eiichi before coming to the conclusion that I'm his girlfriend. But she couldn't accept it. That's why she tried to harm me. Is this it?"
"Yes. Rin guessed it correctly."
That explains the feeling of being followed.
"When we found you, you were in a bad state,Na-chan. You had a head injury and were unconscious. You wouldn't wake up no matter how many times we called you. In the end, we took you to the hospital." She felt Eiichi's grip on her hand tightening.
"I see...Thank you,everyone." She looked at each of them with a smile. "Thank you for everything you did."
After some time,
"But seriously, it's scary how obsessed fans can get. You guys ought to be more careful. Anything can happen," Catarina told them.
"Yeah, this is too much. No one gets to hurt our friends like this just because they like us. Some people really need to learn about 'privacy', " Nagi ranted.
"Exactly. As idols we belong to our fans, but our private lives are different. We, too, are humans ,after all," Van joins.
"Right." Catarina yawned. "Say, don't you guys have work?"
"Etto...." Eiji looked nervous.
"We all skipped," Yamato bluntly stated.
"You are more important," Shion softly said.
"I'm flattered and grateful but this is unacceptable. You guys are idols. You can't just skip work like this. Get going! Get going!" Catarina announced.
"Yes. . .We should be going now but one of us should stay..... The doctor will come check on you..."
"No,Kira. I'm fine. I don't need one of you to babysit me. Now ,go to work."
They all couldn't but comply to her words.
"Oh and before you go, say when will I be discharged?"
"You will have to stay for check ups. So, two days at maximum," Eiichi answered, causing her to pout.
"Well, see you later!" One by one they left the room. When Eiichi left, Catarina immediately started missing the warmth in her hands.
She had nothing to do now. So she went back to sleep even though it was noon. She wasn't even feeling hungry.
. . . . . . .
"Eiichi,you're here!Are you done with all your jobs?" Catarina smiled happily when she saw the brunette entering her cabin.
"No.I have an hour time before my next job.How are you feeling?" He asked as he sat on the chair next to her.
"Good. Just a little weak and headache."
"Does your head hurt very much?"
"Nope. It's bearable."
". . . You were bleeding when we found you." Eiichi looked hurt.
"Eh? Really?"
"Not much though. You had a cut on your head. You must have gotten it when you were thrown to the ground." She shaped her mouth into an 'o'.
"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."
Oh no. Don't start blaming yourself again!
"I should have protected you. But I failed. You got hurt because of me. I'm sor-"
Eiichi stopped when he felt two hands cupping his face.
"Look at me,Eiichi. I'm not hurt. The bandage may tell otherwise but trust me. I am not hurt. When I was trapped, I wasn't even scared. I KNEW that you would come. So stop blaming yourself. I told you many times that I don't like it when you aren't confident in yourself."
Catarina's blue eyes trapped Eiichi into them. The evening breeze coming from the slight gap of the window had a calming effect on Eiichi. But what had the most calming effect on Eiichi was definitely her eyes.
The male's eyes softened and it caused Catarina to smile gently. Still holding his face, Catarina slowly leaned towards his face. Eiichi,too, was doing the same after his hands went to her back. Slowly, they leaned towards each other. They both closed their eyes on impulse.
Just as their lips were about to meet,
"Yo, Cata-" Eiichi and Catarina's eyes snapped open before looking in the direction of the door.
Yamato stopped. His eyes were on the two who were moments away from kissing, all the while holding each other. He understood. He interrupted their private moment.And saw something he shouldn't have. He stared at them and they stared at him. It became a game of staring before Yamato spoke in a monotonous voice,
"Ah, don't mind me. I'm just a confused patient wondering in the hall. I didn't see anything so continue what you were doing. Excuse me." He shut the door.
Blood rushed to the couple's cheeks. They shouted out in unison.
To Be Continued.
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