Chapter Thirty-eight

"Why do you think President called us?" Catarina asked the seven males.

"I don't know. I really don't want to face weird things at the beginning of the year," Nagi whined and Shion hugged him from behind.

"Yeah, who knows what he'll pop up this time," Yamato grunted.

"I can only hope that it's not something completely ridiculous," Eiichi stated.

"Now now, everyone. We shouldn't be so negative." Eiji tried to ease everyone.

"Eiji's right...It could be related to work," Kira joined Eiji.

"We'll have to see it go ourselves!" Van grinned. At that moment, the elevator let a 'ding' and the doors opened. All of them left the enclosed space and headed for their boss's room.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

"Rejoice, HEAVENS! You won't get such an opportunity again." Raging Otori exclaimed with a smirk.

He could at least say it normally instead of doing weird poses. Is he trying to be Shining Saotome-san?

"This kind of opportunity does not come easily. You seven,that means HEAVENS, have been personally asked by the world famous editor Mimori Akira to appear in her magazine."

.  .  .  .  .  .  . Silence .  .  .  .  .  .  .


Eiichi is the first to exclaim, "Mimori Akira!? You mean THE world- renowned head editor of 'Horizons'?"

"None other than her."Raging smirked. "She became interested in HEAVENS. That is why she wants to specially feature you seven in her monthly magazine."

Eiji gasps. "Then that means..."

"Being featured to the whole world." Van completed Eiji's sentence.


"Absolutely. Starting from this January, one of you will be appearing in her magazine in themes decided by her. This is a golden chance. HEAVENS will be present there not only just a month but seven months."

"Seven whole months...." Catarina heard Nagi mumble. She tilted her head and looked at her boss.

"Don't disappoint me. I will be expecting this project to be a complete success. Failure won't accepted!"

"Of course. HEAVENS will rise higher than anyone," Eiichi declared with confidence.

"As for you Catarina," The senior man's gaze went to the blonde. "You will compose solo songs for each of them. Make sure you write songs that will surpass your previous songs because HEAVENS will release a mini album."

"Yes!" She replied firmly. A new album...

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

"The whole world! Man, that's awesome!" Yamato grinned once everyone returned to the penthouse.

"Right? But of course it was expected from us." Nagi also grinned happily.

"It's unbelievable," Eiji says as he sits on the couch.

"It's an opportunity for us to earn more fans worldwide." Kira sat beside Eiichi.

"To reach the whole world..." Shion smiled .

"We can't let this chance to go waste!"  Van exclaimed.

"That's right. We will make this project and our new album a great success," proclaimed Eiichi.

"Eto...." Catarina suddenly interrupted. She looked at each of the members of HEAVENS before speaking, "Who is Mimori Akira and what is 'Horizons'?"

Once again, the air went silent before they exploded.

"You don't know!?" Nagi,who sat beside her, shook her by the shoulders. "It's THE Horizons!"

"And what IS this Horizon?" She managed to ask properly despite being shook.

"You really don't know?" Yamato asked.


"Horizons is the most famous magazine in the whole world! It is published in almost every country of the world. Starring in it means worldwide attention!" Van explained and the woman let an 'o'.

"And the one behind the success of Horizons is its founder and head editor, Mimori Akira. She is a respectable woman," told Eiichi.

"Oh. . .but what is the 'theme' that President talked about?"

" That is the special feature, Rin-chan. Basically, Mimori Akira-san will choose specific themes for every single one of us and we will have to model for those themes."

"Specific themes....I wonder what it will be about," she stated.

"More importantly, let's talk about our new mini album," the brunette suggested.

"New album,huh? One surprise after another." Van leaned back on the couch.

"Amakusa can't wait to sing Rin's new song."

"Yup! I feel the same."Eiji smiled.

"I'll do my best to write you the best songs." Catarina smiled back.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

Before they knew it, it was time for them to start working with Mimori Akira. The one going to appear in Horizons in the month of January was Shion. Since Shion was the first one, the rest came to encourage him.

"Wow." Catarina looked around in amazement. "This garden is really pretty! It's hard to believe it's winter."

"Yes. And the scent is so sweet." Eiji smiled brightly. They could hear birds singing.

"It is the perfect place for Shion's photoshoot," Eiichi commented, looking around.

"Speaking of Shion-chan, where is he?" Van asked.

"He is in the dressing room," Kira answered.

He went to the green room long ago.

"Hope he's not feeling nervous," Yamato stated.


"I'll go check on him." Catarina was about to go but Nagi stopped her.

"Shouldn't we all check on him?" The female turned around and smiled.

"I know exactly what to do"

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

"Shion?" Catarina entered the green room after knocking. She found the albino boy sitting on the sofa while hugging his knees and burying his face within them.

The boy was wearing a green t-shirt with flowers embroidered on it and brown pants. Just looking at him was enough to make one think of the forest.

"Shion." She went towards him after closing the door.

"Rin." He looked up.

"Are you nervous?" She sat beside him and held his hand.

"...yes....As the first one, I have to make sure to shine brightly. I cannot allow myself to disappoint HEAVENS.But..."


"But I am frightened that I won't be able to surpass everyone's expectations." She squeezed his hand.

"It's natural to feel this way. The pressure is high and not to mention this shoot is for a global magazine." She felt him shrink further into a ball.

The blonde continued speaking, "But is that why you are doing this? Are you working and trying to shine only because you don't want to disappoint others?"

"I...I do everything for HEAVENS."

"And working hard for HEAVENS is lots of fun,right?" She smiled. "Think of it like a normal job that you are doing for yourself and HEAVENS' sake.This might be an important job but don't forget to have fun. We all want you to enjoy your work."


"Hey Shion," she started. "Actually, I finished your song last night." Letting go of his hands, Catarina pulled out her phone from her bag.

"Listen to this. I'm sure it will help you find your way." She kept smiling at him as the song played.

"This. . "The male's eyes widened.

When the song was finished, Shion closed his eyes and spoke, "The words are coming to me. The feelings that I want to deliver are overflowing."

Shion opened his eyes and smiled at her. "Thank you,Rin."

The shoot will begin soon. Catarina left Shion in the room when he said that he needed some alone time to concentrate. She left him there because she knew he would be fine. She was now looking for HEAVENS in the large garden where there were a required number of staff members and equipments.

The head editor of Horizon is supposed to be present. I wonder what kind of person she is.... She looked around. But where did everyone go?

"Hey you," a voice came from behind.

Catarina turned around to find a tall woman with black Bob's cut, who looked like in her late thirties, walking towards her.

". . Are you talking about me?" She asked her politely.

"Yes. Who are you? You don't look like a staff member." The elder woman's eyes were covered by sunglasses. Even so Catarina could see that the woman was beautiful.

"Etto...I am-" Before Catarina could say anything, the other woman interrupted her by coming closer to her and grabbing her hands.

"Wait, you. . . ." The latter looked at her hands and its back, which confused Catarina. The sunglasses-lady looked back into her face. She let go of the blonde's hands and while one of her hands held Catarina's arm, the other went to her cheek.


The elder female felt her cheek and gazed at her face before checking Catarina up and down.

"Uhh. . ." What's happening?

"You..." The elder woman finally started speaking. "You have the makings of a model. Soft skin, angelic face, perfect body- you will definitely succeed as a model!" She started grinning.

Catarina blinked at her words, confused. Eh?

"Hey you, what's your name?" The raven asked excitedly. "Why don't you model for my company? I'm guarantee your popularity will skyrocket!"

"M-me?! Actually I am a-" Just as Catarina was going to speak, a voice spoke from behind her.

"I'm afraid it won't be possible, Mimori-san. She is our composer,you see."

Eiichi! Catarina breathed a relieved sigh on the inside.

"Hmm?" The raven female looked at Eiichi. "Oh Otori Eiichi-chan. Hey there!"

"Good morning, Mimori-san." Eiichi greeted.

Mimori-san. . .? You mean Mimori Akira? Catarina stared at the raven woman who took off her sunglasses, revealing her amber eyes. She truly was beautiful, despite being in her late thirties.

"Thank you for this wonderful opportunity." Eiichi gave a small bow.

"No need to be so uptight with me. And you're welcome." She smiled. "I heard about HEAVENS a lot and your works matches your reputation. I hope we'll make this project a big success." She and the brunette leader shook hands.

Mimori Akira returned her gaze back at Catarina. "So, you're a composer? That's a shame."

She again touched Catarina's cheek and leaned towards her. "You can easily top the industry."

Catarina opened her mouth to speak but again got interrupted when an arm was wrapped around her shoulders. Mimori retracted her hand.

"That may be true, but HEAVENS need her, Mimori-san. She belongs to HEAVENS," Eiichi spoke confidently. Unknown to them, Catarina felt her heart skip a beat.

It's almost like. . . . .he is saying, 'she belongs to me'. Light pink blush adorned her face when she thought that.

Mimori raised an eyebrow and looked at the two before a look of understanding flashed in her eyes. She grinned again.

"Ah!I see. Sorry,sorry," She told them and then turned to the blonde. "I rarely meet people like you. You have all the qualifications to become a top model. Not to mention your skin is so smooth and your face is beautiful but also you have the perfect body shape required for a model."


"You are quite a lucky man, Otori-chan." Mimori grinned at the bespectacled man. "And, don't worry. My lips are sealed." She winked at them.

"Yes. I really am." He smiled gently and tightened his grip on Catarina ever so slightly.

Wh-wh-what!? She knows?! How?

"Oh my,look at the time!" Mimori exclaimed suddenly. "It's almost time for the shoot to start. See you later, Otori-chan and- by the way, what's your name?"

"I-It's Catarina."

"Well Catarina-chan, see you later too. Also,if you ever want to try modelling, come to me!" With that she dashed off.

Catarina stood there dumbfounded. She's

"She's amazing. She is really friendly but she never takes her work lightly," Eiichi commented.

Oh. Catarina realized that Eiichi was still holding her close. Is this how she figured us out?

"Eiichi, I think you should let me go. It's not safe to be like this in public."

"You're correct but won't it look like I just saved my composer from getting scouted to be a model? And there isn't anybody around since everyone is busy with the shoot."

"Well. . .yeah I guess you are right."

"Come on, let's go. Shion's shoot is going to start."

"Mhm." After Eiichi let her go, they walked to the area of the photoshoot.

.  .  .  .  .  .  . 

Two days later,

"You managed to finish the lyrics in a single day? I'm impressed," Catarina said.

"The words came to me when I listened to the song for the first time."

". . .I remember you saying that." Shion entered the recording booth. Before he started singing, he saw Catarina give him two thumbs up. He relaxed and began to sing.

🎵Lyrical Poetry🎶

I was born to love you...
I can't live without you...

I became a coward afraid of everything
…"I cannot even allow myself to feel"
My heart, damaged by insecurity, hurt my own self

(I do love you)
Your voice touched my cowering back
(I do love you)
Even my breathing bloomed with delight
(I do love you) This life
(I do love you) Was resurrected
(I do love you) By the power of your words
I began to sweetly sing it all
“I beg of you, call my name…”

You are the fundamental being (Only love you)
Who eliminates my tear ducts (Only love you)
I am carried away by heat, my heart becomes brilliant
And I cannot return to how I was before anymore
You are the only one who can fulfill me (Only love you)
I simply, simply hold you dear (Only love you)
Lyricalness begins to overflow on our dawning splendid land
With an eternal love

My true colours covered with dust
And the courage I let escape in a sigh
I lower my eyes due to the backlighting’s radiance and hang my head down

These fast heartbeats bring forth a miracle
(I do love you)
I have caught my missing dreams
(I do love you) The concept
(I do love you) Of time
(I do love you) Quietly dissolves
Don’t forget me, don’t leave me
“I beg of you, come closer…”

Even if we cannot be connected (Only love you)
And I cannot accomplish what I wish (Only love you)
I want you to at least allow me
To convey this passion to you
You are the only one I want (Only love you)
I simply, simply hold you dear (Only love you)
Lyricalness alighted on our shining splendid land
With an eternal love

I was born to love you…
I can’t live without you…

Your kind smile illuminated my world
“Let’s run through heaven together”

You are the fundamental being (Only love you)
Who eliminates my tear ducts (Only love you)
I am carried away by heat, my heart becomes brilliant
And I cannot return to how I was before anymore
You are the only one who can fulfill me (Only love you)
I simply, simply hold you dear (Only love you)
Lyricalness begins to overflow on our dawning splendid land
With an eternal love

                                       To Be Continued.

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