Chapter Thirty
It was a casual evening on the first week of September. Everyone had finished their work for the day and were chilling in the lounge.
"Oo!I hit a nice score, didn't I?" Van asked the ones playing darts with him.
"Not bad," Yamato commented. Catarina nodded.
"I can do better," Nagi proclaimed.
"Well then,show us your tricks,Nagi-chan."
At Van's say, Nagi threw three darts. They ended up being better than Van's, only by a small margin.
"See?" Nagi smirked.
"As expected of Nagi-chan."
"Alright,my turn." Yamato came forward.
At that moment,Van's eyes went to the female player, who was rubbing her chin in thought.
"Na-chan, what are you thinking about?"
"About Ren's darts throwing technique."
"Ren-chan's dart throwing technique?"
"Hmm. This week when I went to the Shining Agency for meeting with Haruka and Tomochi. Somehow we drifted off to talking about games. Ren happened to be there and told me that he excelled in darts. I wanted to see it and so he offered to show me."
"Then what?" Nagi asked. Yamato was also listening and only had thrown one dart.
"He was amazing! He hit the bullseye every single time! Then I asked him how he did it," Catarina's excited story was also being heard by the rest non playing males.
"How?"Van looked curious as to what his friend and rival's secret technique was.
"Well, he did this," Catarina twirled a dart between her fingers, " and said, 'I imagine the board as the heart of a beautiful lady and' " she imitated throwing the dart, " 'my arrow of love never misses my target.'"
All the males sweatdropped, both at her imitation and the saxophonist's 'technique'. Yamato even missed the board after hearing that cheesy line.
Ignoring their deadpanned gazes, the female continued, "So I was really amazed at how easily he hits his targets. Then I requested him to hit the target with a blindfold! He was reluctant at first but agreed after I kept on requesting. Oh and he didn't miss the bullseye!" Catarina smiled happily at the interesting and fun memory; at least for her.
"He even hit perfectly with a blindfold?" Van asked, surprise visible in his eyes.
Catarina nodded. "So I was thinking of following Ren's method. Since ,like you saw in the previous rounds, I didn't do all that great.His teaching might help."
"No!"Van grabbed her shoulders. "Don't follow this advice, Na-chan! This kind of teaching is not for you." Van looked down at her with puppy eyes.
"Uhh..." Why can't I? She wanted to ask that but looking at the brunette's puppy eyes made her give in. "....okay?"
Van immediately smiled. He suddenly remembered something. "Ah!.." He left the game and walked towards Eiichi, who was sitting on the couch, using his laptop. The eldest slung an arm around the glasses wearing brunette's shoulder from behind.
Meanwhile, Catarina took the darts from Yamato who ended up getting a lower score than the previous two. She gave him a pitiful look while he rolled his eyes. The composer tried twirling a dart before getting ready to throw it.
"Speaking of hearts,our Eii-chan here got a confession just after his birthday."
"Eeeh???" Eiji,Nagi and Yamato scream, Shion was wide eyed and Kira had no reaction.
At the sudden announcement from Van, Catarina's hand froze before it could throw the dart.She felt her heart sinking.The object almost fell from her hand before the female somehow managed to catch it, tightly.
"Eiichi got a confession !?" Nagi questioned.
"Nii-san,is that true!?"
"Hmm?" The leader finally decided to look up from his laptop. "Oh, yes,it's true."
"And you didn't even tell us?" Nagi put his hands on his hips. Eiichi shrugged.
"...Not that I'm surprised he got a confession . He has more admirers than we know," Yamato told.
"I get your point. . . But confessing to him must have taken a lot of courage. Nii-san is a top idol after all. . ."
"Who was the girl?" Shion inquired.
"It was..." Before Eiichi could answer, Kira starts." ....the female lead from the movie I will be in." The raven showed his script that he was reading.
"And she's really pretty too!"Van grinned.
"How do you know all this?" Nagi narrowed his eyes.
"I just happened to be in the same building as Eii-chan for my movie. I was on a break and decided to head to the roof. When I opened the door, there I saw our Eii-chan and a pretty girl standing by the railing,facing each other basked in the warm sunset," Van dramatically explained. But Catarina's heart only sank further.
"That.....actually sounds romantic," Eiji muttered.
"Really? Sounds cheesy to me," Yamato added.
"Mou, let me finish." Van pouted. "I didn't want to interrupt them so I was going to leave when I heard her saying- Eii-chan, you don't mind me saying it, do you?"
"I don't. Go ahead," Eiichi casually answered.
" 'Otori-san, I love you! I-I...I am consumed by the desire to be with you, talk with you and feel you near me. So, please...go out with me!' what she said." Van ended with a smirk.
"Wow,that's pretty....bold," Eiji phrased with pink cheeks.
"Cheesy too." Yamato mumbled and looked at the girl beside him. She slowly nodded in agreement.
...It was cheesy must've taken a lot of courage...
"What I'm curious about is what happened after that!" Nagi sat between Kira and Eiichi. "How did you respond,Eiichi?"
"I rejected her," Eiichi replied after closing his laptop."I said I appreciated her feelings and courage to confess but I told her I can't return her feelings."
"I was there when he said that!" Van interrupted.
Eiichi continues, " I told her that HEAVENS is my top priority. I don't have any plans regarding romance and would like to focus on music only."
....oh. Catarina's heart clenched at that. She was relieved he rejected that girl but.... I know...
"....That is very Eiichi-like response." Shion told. Eiji hummed in agreement.
" I have to admit, I was surprised at the sudden confrontation,"said the brunette.
"And that girl was really beautiful and cute! You really are popular, Eii-chan!" Van slightly ruffled the leader's hair. Kira nodded.
"Wait! How do you know about who the girl is,Kira?" Nagi turned his attention to the raven.
"Eiichi and I...had a photoshoot before the girl...asked for Eiichi during our break."Nagi let out an 'oo'.
" Maybe one day we'll be confessed to like that." Van grinned."By a cute and innocent looking girl like her."
". . . .Didn't you say you like Haruka,Van?" Catarina asked with a frown.
"Of course,my heart only belongs to Ha-chan. I'll keep trying to win her heart!"
"Good luck with that." She showed a small smile. "She already has nine knights trying to win her heart."
"Nine? Wasn't it eleven? STARISH and Quartet Night makes it eleven," Yamato questioned.
"No,not all of Quartet Night are in love with her. Ai and Kurosaki aren't in love with her. Only Reiji is....and I think even my brother is. As for STARISH, it's very obvious that all of them love her."
"How do you know all that,Rinna?"
Aren't you asking too many questions now,Nagi? With a soft sigh, the blonde replied, "Once I asked them if they also love Haruka or not."
Nagi let another 'oh' before leaning on the couch."Hey Eiichi, if Haruka says she loves you, what will you do?Would you date her? I remember you used to say you wanted her." The smirk on Nagi's face annoyed Catarina. At the same time, her chest tightened in indescribable pain at what the salmon pinkhead said.
"...If Nanami Haruka confessed to me?My answer would be the same.Right now my priority is HEAVENS. Plus, I only wanted her as a composer before I met Catarina. So,all those are a thing of the past."
"Nagi, Shion, it's time to sleep." Kira reminded the two youngests before the former could ask any more questions on the matter. According to Kira, he was too young to be interested in such matters.
"Whaaat?Fine..." Nagi pouted but returned to his room ,the sleepy Shion followed.
Eiji stifled a yawn. "I'll head back now too."
"Let's stop our game now." Yamato told the female beside him.
"Mhm."She lightly nodded. It was then she realized the pain in her hand. She was still gripping the dart tightly and it had cut into her left palm. Blood was coming out but not that much for anyone else to notice because of her closed fist.
"Ah,don't worry I'll clean it." Catarina stopped Yamato before he could start organizing the darts and board.She made sure to keep her left hand out of everyone's sights.
"Sure.Thanks." With that,Yamato headed back to his room.
Catarina quickly arranged everything, one dart still stuck in her palm. Excusing herself saying she was also going to sleep, Catarina went to her room. Closing her door, she went to the bathroom and pulled out the dart.
It hurt slightly but not more than the pain her heart was feeling. She disinfected the small wound and cleaned her hand and the sharp object.
....I knew it....I knew it before he said anything..I was right to not show my feelings. It'll only be a burden for him. I can't trouble him with such feelings. Let my feelings remain unrequited if everything can stay peaceful for Eiichi...... I know this. I understand this really well, but....but why am I feeling like this? matter how hard I try to forget these feelings, I end up loving him more? . . . I don't want to cause him any trouble....
Catarina buried herself under the blankets. ......If it's necessary then I have to stay away from him. Yes, I must distant myself from him. I must stop myself before I fall even more for him....I will never forgive myself if I cause him any trouble..So...for his sake, I have to distant myself from him...
. . . . . . .
"So Rinna,who do you want to go with?" Nagi asked.
Having finished their group works, they were to split up. Coincidentally they were being divided into two groups. One group had Van and Kira for a magazine interview while the other five had a radio show.
"....Umm,I'll go with Van and Kira."
"Yay,Na-chan is coming with me!" Van jumped in joy. "Having Na-chan with me always motivates me to do better!" The others nodded in agreement. Something about the prescense of their composer during works was relaxing.
"I'm flattered." Catarina smiled at the brunette.
". . .Let's go."Kira told the two.
Even if Catarina wanted to go with this pair on her own will, a part of reason for not going with the others was because of what she decided upon. She decided that she had to forget her feelings for Eiichi, and so create a gap between them if necessary to avoid falling any deeper than she had.
* * * * * * *
"Rinna....are you alright?" Kira asked.
"You.... don't seem like yourself."
"?? Don't worry,I'm fine. I'm not over working myself or anything." Catarina smiled to assure him.
The raven softly patted her head.
This...feels different from when Eiichi do- No! Don't think about it!!
"Hey,I know! Why don't we eat outside today?The others texted that they also finished their jobs." Van proposed.
"....sure."Agreed Kira.
"Cool. I'll let them know."Van went back to texting.
.....I'll have to face him again?
. . . . . . . .
Some days later,
Catarina looked at the parcel on her hand. She just left her room in order to But the moment she stepped outside the doors, there was a delivery for Eiichi. And only she,Kira and Eiichi were present in the penthouse.
I can't just leave it here.Nagi or maybe Van can damage it, Kira is in his room.... I shouldn't disturb him when he looked so busy. . .Maybe I'll just leave it in Eiichi's room.
With a soft sigh, Catarina walked towards the brunette's room. She knocked softly. Once.Twice.Thrice. No response.
Isn't he supposed to be in his room now? Or did he left for his job while I was in my room? She assumed he wasn't in the shower for the lack of sound of shower running.
"...Eiichi, are you in there?" No response.
Catarina decided to enter the male's room. "...Excuse me..." She entered the clean room.
He's not here. Catarina decided to put the parcel on his table. While going there, she bumped her toe at the corner of the bed.
"Ouch!" It really hurts!
At that moment, the bathroom door opened.
"Kira,is that you?"
Catarina looked at the source and went to the verge of fainting. A deep crimson colour covered her cheeks and her eyes beame like saucers.
Eiichi exited the bathroom with nothing but a black trouser, a towel around his neck and body still not fully dried . The man was putting on his glasses while entering his room.
He looked left and a red blush also formed on his cheeks. He was, after all, standing in quite an.....uncivilized manner.
"I-I-I" The blonde stuttered. It was a moment when she wanted to leave the room. But her body was not functioning. Instead, her eyes,still wide, stared at the brunette. Neither could the male move. He too was stuck in position by an unknown force.
Catarina's eyes caught sight of a drop of water, falling from his wet hair and trailing down his bare chest. The blonde's face became more red, if it was possible. Eiichi too stared at her in surprise. What could the female need in his room? She would always knock before coming.
Somehow, she managed to speak -stutter-, "Eii-Eiichi?! Wh-What are you....why are you h-here?!"
"W-well...this is my room..."
Realizing SHE was the intruder here, she bowed her head, "I-Im so-sorry!!....I didn't kn-know that y-you're here! I knocked but didn't get any re-reply!!!" Her head was starting to spin.
"No,no. . . . .It's...okay! I didn't hear you... I was, uhh, thinking."
Catarina lifted her head and tried to NOT look at the brunette. She couldn't look at him in the eye now and her eyes might betray her by not looking at his face. So, she shifted her gaze on the table and stared at it.
"S-so....what brings you here?"
At Eiichi's voice, Catarina seemed to remember her purpose. "Etto....I-I am here for th-this!" With shaky hands, the blonde places the package on the table.
Catarina looked at him for a second. Her heart ran miles per second. "E-excuse me then!"She exclaimed with an unintentional high voice.
She hastily made her way out of the room, not before bumping on the wall and hitting her nose. Closing the door behind her, she rubbed her nose.
Leaning against the door, Catarina tried to calm herself.
.....I really want to forget this memory!!!!
To Be Continued.
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