Chapter Sixteen

Catarina entered the dining room later than usual.

"G'morning,"she greeted while rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning,Rin-chan."

"Good morning,angel."Opening her sleepy eyes, she found the idol who went on a training camp.

"Eiichi,when did you return?"

"An hour ago."

She took her seat across Eiji, who was beside his brother.

She questioned,"Where are the others?"

"They left early.Somehow,they all had jobs early today,"Eiji replied.

She let out an 'oh' while spreading butter on her toast. A bulb went off in her head,as if remembering something.

"Oh,Eiichi,the song was amazing."

"It's thanks to your wonderful song."

"Thanks.The lyrics were powerful too. Not to mention,your voices were mesmerizing. Both you and Otoya sounded amazing. I couldn't stop listening to it last night."

"So,that explains why you were later than usual.You were listening to Nii-san's song till late."Eiji pointed out.

Catarina sheepishly laughed."I couldn't help it.There was something about the song that attached me to it. I felt myself sucked it no matter how many times I listened."

"This is Nii-san's song after all.I liked it too."Eiji smiled.

"I'm glad you two liked it."Eiichi let out his usual chuckle.

"But Eiichi,"The female started before Eiji got up to wash his plates."when I heard the song, I felt a tinge of... loneliness.Like something painful. The lyrics bore that feeling too even if the meaning was to always move forward. . .I think that's what made this song soul shaking."

He widened his eyes for a mere second before chuckling."You're right, angel."

They didn't have time to discuss more about this topic since the brothers had a talk show to attend.She went with them.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Catarina put on her earphones and played 'Next Door'. She looked out the car window,immersed in her thoughts.

Eiichi's voice is really beautiful here. More than any other times I've heard. Otoya's too.This song is different from his usual cheerful songs.But his voice blends perfectly here.

The blonde had mailed a copy of this song to Haruka after Haruka asked for it when Catarina told her about the successful completion of the duet project. Did Otoya not tell her? The recording was earlier than planned but she should've heard about it after the redhead returned. Something about this was bothering Catarina.
Or maybe Otoya went straight to work.

Catarina took out her earphones after the song ended.I should think about HEAVENS' song now.

The female was sitting behind the brothers, who were also talking about the elder's duet project.

"Good.He's the best."

"It's rare for you to take such a liking to someone."

"The trembling of my soul is still running through my entire body."

Eiji and Catarina smiled at his excitement.

Trembling of the soul. . .I want to write another song that will satisfy him like that.Catarina mentally pumped herself to write a soul shaking song for HEAVENS that'll make them happy like this.

A ring cut her thought. Eiichi took out his phone and smirked after looking at the caller id .From behind Catarina looked at it to see it was Haruka. There was a picture of Haruka smiling beautifully set as the contact photo.The blonde recognized it as the one she gave to Eiichi when he asked for her picture to set in the contact; Catarina of course asked for Haruka's permission.

"Hello?"Soon his smirk disappeared. Eiji noticed this and turned to the female. She just shrugged.

". . Alright. . .Later in the afternoon in our agency."With that, the leader hung up.


"It was Ichinose Tokiya.Apparently, he has something to discuss."

Ichinose-san? What would be want to discuss with Eiichi?

The bad feeling in the pit of her stomach started to worsen.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

I can't believe I forgot again. Catarina sighed ,walking to one of the meeting rooms. She forgot her music sheets on the piano in the room. She had just returned home with Eiichi after his talk show, Eiji had to go to another show in the morning. She was cursing her luck,or maybe herself, for always leaving things behind.

Before she could open the meeting room door,she heard a voice,Eiichi's voice.

"What do you want?"

"Otoya won't come back.Do you have any ideas?" Ichinose asked him.

Catarina had only taken a few steps away from the door, when Ichinose's question stopped her.

Otoya won't come back? She knew she shouldn't eavesdrop but her legs wouldn't budge.

"Any ideas? His soul must still be trembling."


"He was exposed to the ultimate music. Coming down from that won't be quick."

"What did you do to him?"

"I released the darkness in his soul and made him show me his true form."

"His true self?"

...his true self?

"You lived with him for a long time, but you don't know the truth about him.In the depths of Otoya's heart is a sunflower field of despair."

A sunflower field of...despair?

"A sunflower field of despair?"

"It's splendid.It's exhilarating! We sang a song that shakes the souls of those who hear it and stains them with the colour of darkness."

The colour of darkness?. . .Eiichi, what are you talking about?

"Excuse me."Ichinose got up.

"As someone who doesn't possess the same soul, you'll never understand how Otoya feels."

Her chest felt constricted. As someone who doesn't possess the same soul.... Eiichi, you... Everything about the lyrics of 'Next Door' now made sense to her.

Ichinose left the room and closed the door. When he turned left, he found Catarina standing there with wide eyes.

"Catarina-san." From the look on her face, Ichinose could tell she was shocked from what she had heard. He passed by leaving her in her state of confusion.

It took her a while to register what had happened during these few minutes. Her legs took her outside the building,where Ichinose was.

I'm sure you only wanted the best, Eiichi.

"Ichinose-san!"The bluenette turned around at her voice.


Stopping in front of him, she bowed at a ninety degree angle.

"Eiichi. . Eiichi didn't mean any harm!"


Still keeping her head down,she continued, "I truly apologize for what happened."

"Catarina-san, you don't have to apologize. Please lift your head up."

According to his request,the blonde stood straight. "Ano..what happened to Otoya?"

"I don't know.He hasn't returned from his training camp.Nor has he been answering our calls."

". . .I'm really sorry."

The idol said,"You didn't do anything wrong.I can tell you didn't know about this till now...Only Otori Eiichi- san knows what happened."

"No!Eiichi didn't mean any harm. He could never do something that'll hurt someone."

He slightly narrowed his eyes. "...How can you be so sure?"

She looked straight at him. "I...I believe in him. I just know he can't do anything bad. Perhaps something unintentional happened. So please, don't have the wrong impression of him!" She again bowed deeply.

Surprised by her genuine trust in the brunette,Ichinose spoke, "Catarina- san, please raise your head. . . I'll trust your words for now."

She lifted her head and muttered a genuine thanks.But, Eiichi's words rang inside her head. As someone who doesn't possess the same soul, you'll never understand how Otoya feels.

"Ano Ichinose-san...did Otoya have a painful past ?"

Her question took him by surprise.

". . .I think the reason behind Otoya's disappearance has something to do with his past ."

A look of remembrance flashed on Ichinose's face."You might be right, Catarina-san. I'll check it out now. Thank you."

"Not at all.I'll do what I can to help."

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

It's raining again...Otoya, where are you? Catarina walked down the agency hallways while looking out the windows.

"Don't play dumb.Didn't you plan all of this?"

President? She looked ahead to see Raging and his elder son.No one noticed her prescense as she was quite far from the pair.

"You gradually cornered him and then suddenly went in for the kill." Raging's voice could be heard in the empty hallway.

"No.I was just pursuing the ultimate song." Eiichi's words gave Catarina a sense of relief.

"Well done,Eiichi!"Raging then went in the opposite direction.

Eiichi clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.She took few steps towards the brunette but flinched when he suddenly banged his hand on the window.

"He's missing?I don't believe it."

It was the first time she had ever seen Eiichi look so frustrated and. . .not like the usual gentle Eiichi.

She slowly went towards the male.

"Eiichi?"He didn't hear her.So,she went closer.

"Eiichi?"She was beside him.But her voice still didn't reach him.

She frowned before nudging his arm.


Everything happened in the blink of an eye.Pushing Catarina by the shoulders, he trapped her between him and the floor to ceiling window.

Eiichi's purple eyes still didn't seem like himself as they gazed in Catarina's eyes. She felt blood swell to her cheeks.Eiichi was too close as he hovered above her. Her back was pressed against the glass and his arms were on either sides of her head, blocking her from moving. The young woman was more shocked than embarrassed at the situation.

Wh-wh-what's happening!?!?

When she noticed the look in his eyes, she understood he was too deeply in his thoughts to notice what he did.

Recovering from her shock,she whispered hoping to get his attention , "Ei-Eiichi. ."

The man seemed to return to himself as he blinked twice. He found Catarina very close to him, her cheeks red.His arms were trapping her. Realizing what position they were in, he moved away from her. The blonde let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Ca-Catarina,I'm sorry.I don't know what took over me."

"I-It's alright.You were. . .stressed."

"I apologize."

"Don't apologize anymore..." Catarina remembered what was going on before this incident. "You were just worried about Otoya."

". . .Yes.He is missing."

"I know.I heard from Ichinose-san."

"I see."

Catarina took a step closer to him. "...Can I talk to you about this?"

"..Yeah sure,okay."

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

That evening,since Eiichi had finished his work for the day, they decided to talk in the limousine. Catarina didn't want anyone to hear this conversation, especially Raging,who had planted surveillance cameras in the agency.

Catarina sat across from Eiichi. The girl stared at her lap while he patiently waited for her to speak.

She looked directly at him,"First of all, can you tell me what happened during your camp?"

"I told him to look deeply into his own heart,to look deeply into his true self.I wanted him to release his true soul."

The truth?

"...Does Otoya have some kind of past that he doesn't want to reveal?"

"Yes.That's the truth behind Ittoki Otoya."

I might be prying too much but if it'll help find Otoya...

" his past?"she asked him.

Eiichi spoke,". . .Otoya has lost everything he ever wanted. His father, his mother,his aunt who raised him, a warm place to belong. Everything he wanted was taken from him..He became afraid that whatever he wanted,he would lose someday."


"He couldn't smile as a child....All he could feel was loneliness and sadness."

"Did he bury these memories in order to forget?"

"Yes.But I reopened them."The brunette gave a pained smile." I messed up."

"No!" Catarina's sudden exclamation took Eiichi by surprise."Don't say that! I believe,no,I KNOW you didn't mean any harm.You didn't know it would turn out like this...You reopened his wounds because he would be able to recover and move forward in his own,right?"

His eyes widened.He did not expect anyone to be able to guess what he actually hoped for.

Catarina's blue orbs stare at him. Eiichi let out a dry laugh."And I still believe he can." Catarina smiled at this.But her smile vanished when she opened her mouth.

" said you possessed the same soul as him."


"I overheard your and Ichinose-san's conversation,sorry."

"...You really learn about everything, angel."

Pain flashed through her icy blue eyes.That felt everything Otoya felt.This explains the loneliness and pain 'Next Door' bears.

Eiichi smiled slightly."We share the same soul.I felt everything he felt."

Her chest tightened at that smile.

Losing everything you ever wanted. Eiichi, you lost your mother and the childhood you wanted...You did everything to protect Eiji from your father...The happiness that you wished for, all those were taken from you...

". . ."She couldn't say anything. You both are broken souls....I'm sure you thought that because of this project you two will be able to repair each other.No,you only thought about helping Otoya move forward,as to not hold his pain in himself anymore....In the end, you guided Otoya to the light but yourself remained in the darkness ,with no one to pull you up.... Why didn't you consider your pains...?

"Catarina,why are you crying?" Eiichi hurried to her side.

Tears rolled down her cheeks at the thought of Eiichi's pains.

"S-sorry!It isn't me who went through all that...but...but it hurts....It hurts to think that you went through all those pains and loneliness alone. Yet, you sacrificed your happiness and took all the pains to protect Eiji....You must've been so lonely..." Her tears continued to fall .

This is what you explained in 'State of Perfection',the sights-painful sights you saw.

Eiichi gently wiped away her tears. "All this time,you bore everything alone." She let out a sob. "I'm sorry. . . I'm sorry for not realizing earlier. . . I'm sorry for making you remember this by writing 'Next Door'...I'm-"

She was interrupted when the male pulled her to his chest,hugging her.

"Don't, Catarina. None of it is your fault...I'm sorry for not sharing anything about this matter. But I'm not alone.I have HEAVENS and you. That pain was in the past.Now, I have everything I want. HEAVENS ,you and music-that's all needed to fill me with happiness. Also,I was the one who asked you to write an intense song. And I loved what you wrote.So...don't cry." The girl wrapped her arms around him.

We're the same...We both lost what we wanted in childhood.Now,all we have is HEAVENS. I don't need anything more.

Eiichi rubbed circles on her back. They stayed like that for a while until Catarina stopped crying.She slowly separated herself from the man. He wiped the last remainings of her tears and smiled gently.

"Like Otoya has STARISH and Nanami, I have you and HEAVENS.I'll be fine as long as I have you all." She showed a small smile.

"Sorry,in the end you cheered me up instead of the other way around."

"No,angel. You saw right through me and took my feelings as your own."

"Anyone would do the same."

"It proves how lucky I am. Thank you." He smiled genuinely.

"...You're welcome."She smiled back with the same genuineness. "Also..."


"This never happened."She pointed at her eyes.

"Very well."

I don't want the others to know I cried. They'll worry again...

"Wait!"She suddenly exclaimed. "Could it be Otoya feels like something will happen to STARISH if he is around them? Is that why he's not returning home?"

Eiichi pondered over it."It can be possible."

Catarina looked down."But why...?"

"He will be alright."At Eiichi's words, she looked at him.

He continued, "He has his friends.He'll  definitely overcome his past and fears."

Friends. . .

"You're right.If only he could realize he's not alone...

The pair started thinking about ways to make Otoya realize he has his friends with him.



"That's it! A song!"She grinned. "A song can convey everyone's feelings to him."

"Good,Catarina. It's a good idea."

Immediately, Catarina took her phone and called Haruka.


"Haruka,I need to tell you something. It's about Otoya." And so, she told her about what she thought the redhead might be thinking.

"If only you can show him he's not alone,I'm sure he will be fine."

"Coincidentally, we were talking about the same thing but we don't know the means to show,"Ichinose said.

"Am I on speaker?"

"Yes since you said you have something to tell about Ittoki-kun."

"That makes it easier. I know a way to convey your feelings to him, Ichinose-san."

"How?"Syo asked.

"A song."

"A song?"Cecil repeated.

"Yes,a song."

"I see.Our songs can reach Ittoki more than any words."Hijirikawa stated.

"That's right.Since we don't know where he is,the song should be broadcasted all around the city."

"Rina-chan is right.Our feelings will definitely reach Otoya-kun this way." Came Natsuki's voice.

"I think we can do it,"said Haruka.

"Let's ask president for permission," Ichinose told his fellow idols.

"Thank you,little lady."None other than Jinguji thanked her.

The others also thanked her. "Thank you,Catarina-san. But if I may ask, why are you trying to help us so much?"

"Isn't it obvious?"She smiled brightly. "I'll ,of course, help my friends."

"Rina-chan, thank you."

Eiichi quietly watched the blonde girl talking on the phone.

While the pair was stuck in traffic, they saw a broadcast on the tv.

"Happy Shining day!" They understood this programme was to help Otoya.

But is there even such a day? Catarina sweatdropped.

After the short introduction, a song started playing.

'Yumeoibito e no Symphony'.A wise choice indeed.

As Catarina watched STARISH sing the beautiful song, Eiichi took a glance at her.

"'I'll ,of course,help my friends' she says.That's just like her."He mumbled with a smirk.The female was too immersed in the song to hear him.

I hope this will help you find your way, Otoya.

                                      To be Continued.

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