Chapter Seventeen

Catarina was making breakfast with Eiji. She smiled to herself when she recalled what happened last night.

I'm glad everything went well. Last night after Eiichi and Catarina had returned home, HEAVENS was already there. They wanted to know what had happened that caused Otoya to go missing.

Eiichi decided to tell them everything. Like Catarina,none blamed him. Rather,they understood his feelings.

Even if everything went well for HEAVENS, Catarina couldn't sleep at night in worry of Otoya.She didn't know if he had returned or not. Her worries disappeared in dawn when Haruka texted her that everything had returned to normal.

Honestly,yesterday was like a rollarcostar. Too tiring. The female stifled a yawn as she sat to eat.

Suddenly Nagi's voice interrupted her from eating her pancakes."Guys,look!"

Ignoring what Nagi wanted to show, Kira told him, "Nagi,don't use your phone while eating."

"Oops."Nagi sheepishly grinned at being caught. Haha,caught red handed.I warned you last time. "But anyways,look!"

"What is it that you really wanna show us?"Yamato asked as he finished his protein drink in a gulp.

"Just look.It's about STARISH." Nagi showed them his phone.

Catarina,who was sitting across the youngest,leaned closer to the screen.

" 'I saw STARISH running'...seriously?"

Everyone else saw pictures of the rainbow group running.It had caused quite an uproar of excitement in social media.

"They are running without any disguises?"Eiji asked surprised.

"That's bold,"Yamato commented.

"It looks like they are running all the way to Song Festa,"Nagi informed.

She smiled."Looks like they're having fun." Kira nodded in agreement.

Everything's normal now. . .

After breakfast,Catarina decided to pay Haruka a visit.

Little did she remember,she forgot about an important thing,more specifically, a certain director.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

"They were really happy about how things turned out in the end," Catarina told HEAVENS."Haruka and STARISH were glad Otoya got over his past."

"Of course.There's no way Otoya wouldn't return.I know everything." Eiichi started to laugh alone.

Weren't you the one who said you 'messed up'? Catarina sweatdropped. But then again, you believed in Otoya till the end.

"He was actually pretty worried about him,"Eiji whispered to her.

"I know.But it's just like your Nii-san."
She whispered back.

"Boy,I'm pretty excited to sing your song.A song to melt bodies and hearts. I'm counting on you,"Van said with a wink.


"That was a fulfilling meeting."Kira relaxed a bit.

Even though we drifted to STARISH in the end.

Nagi said while looking through different materials,"Only me, the cutest boy in the universe,and HEAVENS will be able to sing this song."

"A song to convey the waves of HEAVENS."

"An explosive song!"

"Okay!" Seeing them so excited made Catarina want to write them the best song.

The female got up."I should get going now.I have to return Haruka the book I borrowed."

"Okay,"Eiichi replied from above. "Give her my regards."

"Sure.Good luck in the Song Festa."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Catarina hurried back to the dorms. Something was telling her there was trouble awaiting her.

Haruka and Catarina had decided to watch the Song Festa day two together, when the latter visited her. The surprise guests, HEAVENS weren't there,only STARISH were. No one was picking up their phone.

What's going on?I'm sure they wouldn't decline such an opportunity without any prior notice.

The receptionist called her when she was about to enter the elevator.

"Miss Catarina,the president has ordered you to visit him just after you return."



What does he want from me?

Soon,the ominous feeling in her stomach came true.

"You are no longer HEAVENS' composer."

"....w-what...?" Catarina couldn't speak properly.

"You don't have to be HEAVENS' composer anymore."

She couldn't think straight.

"HEAVENS won't appear in the decisive concert and very soon,they will disband. You have potential. Don't waste it on them."

Catarina's eyes widened.

...disband?HEAVENS? "Wh-why?" Her lips were shaking.

"They're just useless tools.I have no need for losers.No one will get away after defying me!"


Is he disbanding them just for...

"Are you disbanding them just for defying you?"Catarina frowned.

"I have no need for worthless pets who can't even follow a simple order.Eiichi should've known that well before going against me."

Her shock turned into anger. Tools? Pets?Worthless? Losers? She gritted her teeth.

"I'll have you become the composer of-"

"I am HEAVENS' composer,"she said with gritted teeth.

"What did you say?" Raging raised an eyebrow.

If they disobeyed him,then I'll also...

"I said I am HEAVENS' composer!" She raised her voice.

"Are you going against me too?"

"Yes. Even if I respected you for making me HEAVENS' composer, you don't have the right to tell me to quit HEAVENS. Only they can!"

"Watch what you say." He glared at her.

"I've had enough of you calling them your pets, tools, worthless...They're NOT your tools!"

"Shut up! Do you want to go through the same as HEAVENS?"

Catarina narrowed her eyes. "What did you do to them?!"

Raging smirked. "They're locked now. They'll be locked in the top floor till the Triple S concert. They can do nothing as they will fall into despair while everything slips from their hand!"

Catarina looked at him in horror. "Locked them up..?" This was go in way too far.

"How could you do something like that?! For God's sake, two of them are your own sons!"

"They're nothing but useless fools!"

This man. . . is sick!

"Let them go!"

"Never! They'll have to beg to me for forgiveness, specially Eiichi. Unless, he comes beg-"

"Shut up." Catarina mumbled as her bangs covered her eyes.


"SHUT UP!!" Her eyes burned with rage. "You're insane!To think of your own sons like that...What did Eiichi and Eiji ever do to get a father like you!!?!"


Without flinching,she continued, "You don't know how hard they worked, how much they worked. Someone like you can't destroy their dreams!!"

"I already destroyed their dreams, sending them into a state of despair. They'll lose all their hopes when they won't be able to perform in the Triple S."

"No,they won't be defeated. They will perform and WIN the concert!" Catarina exclaimed staring straight at him.

Raging laughed. "They are already broken. Nothing can help them now. Same goes for you!"


"Didn't you say HEAVENS meant everything to you?That they're your family?" Raging taunted her. "What can you do without them? You,too, will break down. You will be alone, just like how you've always been!"


"And I'll watch all your hopes turn to ashes."

"No. HEAVENS will definitely make it to the decisive concert. And, it'll be you who will lose,not us."

"Try what you can. The person you have cared for has always left you. This will be no exception. HEAVENS will be crumbled and all you can do is watch it happen helplessly."

Knowingly or unknowingly, Raging Otori had touched Catarina's deepest fear. She was caught off guard by his words.

"And like HEAVENS, you can't leave from here. No, I should make it more interesting. You won't be able to leave unless someone comes to save you. I'd like to see what you can do without your precious 'family'." And he continued laughing.

"Just watch. Nothing will go according to your plans. Absolutely nothing. " Catarina glared at him before leaving the room.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

"No!That's not right!" Catarina threw the crumbled music sheet across the room.

'The person you have cared for has always left you.This will be no exception.' Raging's words echoed inside her mind as she grabbed her head in frustration. 'You will be alone, just like how you've always been!'

Shut up!!! She closed her eyes in anger, trying to stop her memories; her sad memories. The memories of her being left alone by her brother. Everything was now putting too much pressure on her. I'll make a song that will definitely make HEAVENS win!

I will make HEAVENS win. When she opened her eyes, there felt dark and lifeless. It was almost as if a blizzard was going on inside her orbs.

HEAVENS will win!

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Catarina closed her eyes.Suddenly her room's door burst open.

"Rina-Chan!"came Otoya's voice.

"Rina-chan." Haruka's joined.

Four people entered the room- Otoya, Cecil,Camus and Haruka. But,they couldn't find the blonde woman in the room messed up with crumpled papers.But they did find a lump under the blankets.

"Rina-chan?" Haruka went there first. When she removed the blankets, there she saw Catarina lying like a ball, hugging her knees to her chest. She was wearing the same lavender sweater and white skirt she wore when she visited Haruka the previous day. Her side braid was messed up.

"Rina-chan?" The boys went closer.

Catarina opened her eyes to look at them. They didn't notice her lifeless eyes till she sat up.

"Haruka...? And Otoya..? Cecil and... Camus-san?"

Otoya and his group was taken aback at the shadow covering her eyes. The redhead and pinkhead were more astonished since they went through that phase.

"Rina-chan, are you alright?" Concern laced Haruka's voice. She sat beside her and Otoya and Cecil sat on the edge.

Instead of answering, Catarina questioned back, "What are all of you doing here?"

"Our president told us what happened to HEAVENS and you. For now, we came to save you,"Otoya answered. Catarina didn't bother asking about how Shining Saotome knew about this. People like him have their connections, after all.

"Save. . .me?"

"Yes.Come with us to Shining Agency," Said Cecil.

Shining Agency?

"Stay with me until it's all over, Rina-chan."

"No." Catarina's straightforward reply surprised them. "HEAVENS is still locked up...How can I leave them like this?"

"We can't reach to HEAVENS at the moment. That is why, only you will come with us," Camus spoke for the first time.

Not caring that it was Camus who spoke to her, she continued, "No! I can't! They...they must be in so much pain. Shion and Nagi are both young and fragile. Being locked up can have negative impacts on them. Yamato, Kira ,Van and Eiji must be feeling frustrated and helpless. And Eiichi, he. . ."

The female clutched her chest and tightly shut her eyes. 'I have you and HEAVENS.I'll be fine as long as I have you all.' Eiichi's gentle voice rang in her ears. With HEAVENS in this situation..

". . he must be feeling the worst. I'm sure. . . .he's blaming himself but it's not his fault!"

"Rina-chan. . ."

"I can't leave them alone...I can't leave him alone.."

"But HEAVENS wouldn't want you to suffer," Otoya told her. "You are their only hope right now."

"Only hope," she repeated after him.

"Yes.You are the one who can help HEAVENS."

". . .right"

"We will help HEAVENS too. But for now,we can only help you. So, come with us, Catarina." Cecil smiled at her.

The young woman was astonished but agreed. "Okay. ."

Haruka also smiled."Shall I pack your things?" Catarina also smiled. The former got up to do so.

The younger composer then tried to ask, "But. . .why are you...?"

Understanding her question, Otoya replied almost immediately with a bright smile. "Because we are friends. You and HEAVENS are our friends."

"Otoya." Her expression softened. "Thank you."

When Haruka started packing, Catarina felt sleepy. Not sleeping was starting to take a toll on her.

Maybe I'll just close my eyes. She did so in hopes of not fainting again. However, she fell asleep the moment she closed her eyes.

"She's asleep," Cecil pointed out her dozing off. They didn't know she could sleep even while sitting.

But her balance stumbled when she leaned forward and her head fell on Cecil's shoulder for support.

Haruka and Otoya smiled at the girl while Cecil was unsure of what to do. Then, he decided to pat the girl's head. Camus stared at his junior with a blank face.

It didn't take long for Haruka to finish packing.Thinking it was best to let the girl sleep, Cecil decided to carry her.

Although,Camus striked before him. He lifted his sister in his arms before the prince could do so. "Allow me to carry her."

The three flinched at his tone. It was more of an order than a request. All they could do was nod.

While they were walking back to their car, Catarina snuggled closer to Camus for warmth. Wearing a skirt in this season was definitely a bad choice. The platinum blonde male tightened his grip around her.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

"I'm sorry,Haruka.I can't do this." Those were the words Catarina told the pinkette when the later asked her about HEAVENS' song.

STARISH decided to deliver Catarina's song for HEAVENS' for the Triple S to them. The song would give the trapped group hope. They knew just like Haruka was important to them, Catarina was just as irreplaceable to HEAVENS.

But when Haruka told HEAVENS' composer about STARISH's plan, the latter said this.

"I can't do this."


"I can't write them the winning song! I don't have it in me to write the ultimate song!"

For that moment, Haruka saw her younger self in Catarina. The time when she felt pressured to make STARISH win the UtaPri concert, she had also become the same; lost her way in trying create the winning song for them.

"I can't write it Haruka! It's impossible for me!"

"Rina-chan, no!" Haruka grabbed the girl by the shoulders. The younger girl flinched at the sudden action. Haruka looked into her blue eyes with seriousness.

"Don't say it, Rina-chan! You're forgetting the most important thing!"

"Most important thing?"

"Writing a winning song isn't all. I know it very well. Right now, you aren't thinking about HEAVENS' feelings."

". . ."

"Do you think they would want to sing a song that doesn't contain any feelings? At the moment all they need is to not hope. And you are their hope. Only your love for HEAVENS can save them."

Catarina stared at the older composer. "You have to convey your feelings to them.Show them the light, Rina-chan. They need your song, your song that will give them strength to go on."

...What have I been doing till now..?

The blonde looked down."I....I forgot the most important thing.Music. . . isn't about winning or losing.It is to deliver your feelings to everyone. I..." The usual liveliness returned to her eyes. All the darkness covering her eyes are now nowhere to be found.

The pinkette hugged her."Thank goodness, you're back."

"...sorry.I became too engrossed in making them win that I. . ." Catarina hugged her back.

There isn't any time to slack off. I already wasted some time.HEAVENS need my help. I won't back down!

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

Fireworks were on display throughout the sky. There was only a week left till the decisive concert.

But the festive mood did not match with the atmosphere of a roof. It had been two or three days since HEAVENS had been locked in the top floor. Their only other access was the roof.

"Damn it!What the hell is this?" Yamato shouted.

"With the paths closed,we have become captives,"said Shion.

Eiichi covered his eyes -his glasses-. "I was naive.I didn't think dad would go this far."

Nagi looked through the social media. "It's not normal.It'll damage the agency's reputation."

"But he did it anyway."

" 'If the cuckoo doesn't sing, kill it.'"

"He's power is absolute. He is coming to kill us."

"In other words, we won't be performing at the decisive concert." Eiji interprets.

"We don't know anything about Rinna either." Nagi's shoulders slump.

"Knowing President, he won't spare even her," Van said gloomily.

"I wonder if Rin is alright. She's afraid of being alone."

Everyone fell quiet at Shion's words. They knew how their composer was scared of being left alone; that her dear ones would leave her. And this situation wasn't in her favour.

"Do we have to give in?" Eiichi meekly asked. Others gasped at him.

The brunette walked shakily. "If we steel our hearts and apologize, we can perform in the decisive concert. Then, we can get Catarina back."

"We can't do that."Kira raised his voice.

"It would be a defilement of music."

"That's right. We can't give up what's most important to us."yelled Van.

"Catarina would never want that!"

"Rin-chan would be devastated if she heard we gave up. She won't forgive us."

The leader finally fell to his knees. He was on the verge of breaking down. Seeing their strong leader like this made them feel utterly helpless.

"Damn it!"Yamato screamed.

"What are we supposed to do?" Eiji mumbled.

All of a sudden, everything went dark. The fireworks stopped and the lights were out.

"We apologize for th sudden intrusion." Came the voice of Ichinose.

Everyone of stood up and gasped when they saw the seven members of STARISH ,illuminated by the fireworks.



"What do you want?"

Eiji, Shion and Van asked respectively.

Syo mocked,"You guys look miserable."


"Why did you come here?"

"Did you come to brag?"

"To mock our despair?"

Hijirikawa stated, "You look awfully defeated."

"Have you given up on the decisive concert?"asked the prince.

"Are you not performing?"

"Is that how little you cared about the Triple S?"Natsuki and Jinguji asked.

Eiichi replied frustrated,"You don't understand."

"Even Catarina wasn't this much defeated." Cecil's statement caught HEAVENS off guard.

"Catarina?" Eiichi quietly asked.

"You know where Catarina is?" Yamato asked or maybe shouted.

"Where is she?" Kira joined.

"She's with us," Ichinose calmly answered.

"She was trapped in your penthouse," Natsuki stated.

"But now she's our captive." Ren smirked.

"Do you care that less about Catarina to not save her?" taunted Syo.

"Shut up. You don't know anything," Eiichi shouted.

The fireworks had paused for a while now.Both groups were staring at one another.

"Rina-chan asked us to bring this to you."Otoya raised a file. "This is HEAVENS' song for the concert!"

At that moment, many fireworks exploded together as in to add more effects.

HEAVENS stared at the file in the redhead's hand with wide eyes.

Otoya threw the file at them and Eiichi perfectly caught it, still surprised.

"We'll be waiting!"

After staring at the seven STARISH members who appeared as their saviour, Eiichi opened the file.

Just a glimpse of the music sheets was enough to put a smile on their faces. When they looked back, STARISH was gone and the fireworks kept exploding.

HEAVENS couldn't hold their excitement when they read the music sheets.

"Good!" Eiichi's trademarked 'good' echoed throughout the roof.

"I want to sing !How could we not sing this song?"Yamato pumped his fist.

"We mustn't abandon hope yet. I'm beginning to feel that way,"gently said Shion.

"You're right.If we give up,it's all over. But, if we don't give up..."

"There is a way."Kira completed Van's sentence.

"All right.Let's write some super cute lyrics to this song."

"Yeah.Let's start right away!"


"GOOD!!" Somehow, without anybody noticing, Eiichi was standing on the inner wall of the roof. How he had gone there,no one had any idea.

An envelope slipped from between the papers in Eiichi's hands. It landed on the floor between Nagi and Eiji.

"What's this?"Nagi picked up the envelope. Now, all their attention was shifted at the white envelope.

Eiichi casually jumped behind them, as if he was never on top of a wall, screaming 'good' at the top of his lungs.

"Is this a letter?"asked Eiji.

"From Na-chan?" Van asked hopefully.

"Let me see." Nagi handed the letter to their leader.

Everyone gathered around the brunette. Opening the envelop, he took out some pieces of folded papers.Inside was Catarina's handwriting.

Hey guys! How are you all doing? I hope you didn't give up. . .I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't say I almost gave up myself.Anyways, stay strong guys! And I'm sorry for completely rewriting the song.Even if it was halfway done, I'm not satisfied with that now. Putting all of our emotions together,I've written this new song.I'm sure you'll like it!

Plus,I also went against the president. I couldn't stand him badmouthing you and gave him a piece of my mind.He told me to quit HEAVENS and become someone else's composer.I flatly rejected him. Honestly, I was really furious!!And I don't regret it at all that I argued with him. That's why he had locked me up.

Don't worry about me though.I'm staying with Haruka. I'm really thankful to her and STARISH, Quartet Night too.When I was locked in our floor,they came to my rescue.You know. . .,I had lost my way...I became too occupied with creating you the winning song,that'll make the president accept defeat. I was only thinking about how to make you guys win and prove him wrong.I became blinded with the lust for victory....That desire made me unable to write a song...I almost gave up.Then Haruka helped me. She helped me remember the most important thing.I'm really grateful to her and the others.

And Eiichi,don't blame yourself for what happened.You did the right thing. Don't you dare apologize to him! I will NEVER forgive you if you do so.It'll be a huge insult to our music.

I want to give you the hope to go on through this song. . .Don't remain as the captured princesses in need of help from your prince... I'll be waiting for you. I know you can make it.See you in the concert!!!


P.S. It's one heck of a long letter.

"Catarina argued with dad...?" The elder Otori asked more to himself.

"Rinna's safe."Kira smiled.

"Our Na-chan is something else."

"Damn,it's too long for a letter. But I guess it's fine."Yamato smirked.

"What does she mean by 'captured princesses'? I'm obviously the ultra super cute prince."

"She showed us the ray of hope."

"We need to thank Rin-chan and the others." Eiji smiled. "Nii-san, see? I told you Rin-chan won't forgive us if we apologised."

"Yeah,you were right." Eiichi chuckled to himself before looking at his group with a brand new vigour.

"Let's work hard to answer our angel's expectations."

"Yeah!" Without wasting another second, they went to train.

"We'll be at that concert,no matter what." Eiichi promised to himself.

                                      To be Continued.

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