Chapter Forty-seven

Cross Agency Project? Catarina processed the two former idol's words.

"Cross..." Quartet Night started.

"...Agency..." STARISH trailed off.

"...project?" HEAVENS finished.

"Yes, cross-agency project," Shining repeated.

". . .What is this cross-agency project?" Catarina asked.

"Good thing you asked, miss Catarina. Allow me to explain," said Shining Saotome. "This project came to our mind thanks to STARISH."

"E-eh?" Otoya let out. "What did we do?" The rest of STARISH also looked confused.

Ignoring the sunshine boy, the headmaster continued, "STARISH have submitted me a proposal about holding a concert with Quartet Night and HEAVENS."

A concert with HEAVENS and Quartet Night?Good! The idea thrilled the blonde composer just like the others.

"That's right. We want to sing with you guys," Otoya stated.

"After the Triple S ended, we have always desired to sing together with Quartet Night and HEAVENS," proclaimed Cecil.

"And so, we have finally submitted a proposal to our president about a joint concert," Masato said.

"I don't think Quartet Night have any problem with this idea, right, guys?" Reiji looked at his band members who nodded at him with a smile/smirk. "In fact, we'll gladly do it!"

"Good! This idea is exhilarating!" Eiichi chuckled in his usual way. "When the three groups will perform as one, the ultimate music will be born." He stopped laughing and faced STARISH with a grin. "Count HEAVENS in."

STARISH smiled but the happy moment was short lived because someone had to break it. "However, as you are now, you won't be able to pull the best performance," Raging interrupted.

"What?" Catarina heard Eiichi angrily mutter. She didn't blame him and narrowed her eyes at their director.

Eiichi questioned,"What makes you say that we won't be able to do it?"

"I have reasons to say so, Eiichi." Raging sternly told his elder son.

"As much as I don't want to agree with Raging Otori, I have no choice but to," Shining declared ,taking everyone's attention. "STARISH,HEAVENS and Quartet Night, you are not at the level of being called a team. Even years after the decisive concert, you have not grown accustomed to everyone."


"STARISH and HEAVENS," Shining reverted his attention to the two seven-people groups, "aside from your duet project partner, none of you have experiences working with the other members except a few."

He's right. Somehow the guys didn't get many chances to work with someone of STARISH aside from their duet project partners.

"And as for Quartet Night," The president if Shining Agency turned to the four men, "You have a relatively good experience of working with STARISH. But unfortunately, I can't say the same with HEAVENS. It is a wonder as to why you never got the chance to work together."

That's true. Only Reiji and Ranmaru have worked with HEAVENS a few times.

"It is impossible for you three team to perform a joint concert," Raging once again announced.

The glasses-wearing brunette gritted his teeth. Catarina knew the idea of singing with STARISH had excited him.

"This is precisely why we have thought of this proposal," Shining started.

Raging joined him,"And that is the Cross-Agency project."

"You eighteen idols from STARISH, Quartet Night and HEAVENS will be divided into groups of three and form an unit."

Form an unit?! Before anybody could react, Raging added, "However, do not take this project lightly. It is this project on which's success or failure your next concert depends."

". . .What do you mean?" Reiji asked.

"It means, if you don't make your current project a huge success, you won't be able to perform a joint concert in here." The fur coat wearing man threw his arms wide open in order to emphasize his words.

"Eh!?" Otoya exclaimed again before looking determined,"Then we'll make it a success!"

"It won't be as easy as you think, Mr.Ittoki."

When Ranmaru saw the look on Shining's face, he asked with a frown,"What are you planning?"

"I believe you will all enjoy it, Mr.Kurosaki." Shining laughed.

"Catarina and Nanami Haruka." Raging's voice made everyone look back at him. "You two will compose songs for the six units."

The eighteen idols present there felt glad. "Cool," Catarina mumbled. I wonder who will be in which unit.

"What about the units?" Tokiya asked.

"The six units are...."Raging gave a dramatic pause as everyone waited with batted breaths.

"NOT FOR YOU TO KNOW!" The two presidents shouted together.

"What in the world?!" Catarina jumped at the sudden outburst. Not only her but the others were also caught off guard.

" 'Not for us to know'?" Nagi repeated.

"What do you mean!?" Syo asked.

"Exactly as we said. You won't know who your unit members are until the day of your meeting," Shining Saotome began laughing.


"You gotta be kidding!" Yamato exclaimed.

"How are we supposed to prepare ourselves if we don't know who our partners are?"Masato asked.

"Masato is right," Ai agreed.

"That will be your challenge! If you can't even work with others without prior information, that just shows unprofessional you are," Raging words rang across the empty hall. "Is this only what you are capable of, HEAVENS, Quartet Night and STARISH?"

"You..." Eiichi lowly growled.

"Eiichi, calm down," Catarina whispered. The male glanced at her and then took a deep breath to steady his anger. Sometimes- most of the times, his father truly got on his nerves.

"Ano..." Haruka quietly interrupted, "Does that mean me and Rina-chan will have to compose without knowing about the units?"

Good question.

"This rule does not apply to you two, miss Nanami. Only you two will be informed about the units. But you cannot say a single word to anyone about the formations."

". . . .So, you are saying that Haruka and I will know about the groups and aren't allowed to say a word to them?"

"That is correct,miss Catarina."

"And if you were to spill any information," Raging looked at the two composers, "this whole project will be cancelled."

"Wh-what?" Haruka stuttered. The pinkette was definitely feeling a pressure. "If we..."

Catarina turned to her and gave a reassuring smile,". . .I think that shouldn't be hard. All we have to do is just keep quiet about it."

This is both an exciting and interesting project for everyone. She turned to face her boss. "We won't let this project be cancelled."

"I hope so," Raging said back.

"Miss Nanami and Miss Catarina,right now you two will have to come with us for further details. And you idols may return to your work."

The blonde female sighed. And there goes my beautiful plan of going straight to home and jumping on bed.

Eiichi faced her."Be careful."

"Mhmm. See ya."

The woman walked towards Haruka who was still under pressure. With a smile, she held Haruka's hands. Flashing a small smile, she said, "No need to worry. I'll be here with you."

"Rina-chan." Haruka returned her gestures.

"Let's go." She pulled the elder woman by the hand as she made her way to get off the stage. As they were going to pass by STARISH, Catarina decided to tease them a bit. Facing them she mouthed, 'Poor you. You people can't get to hold her hand like this' with a smirk. Quarter Night and HEAVENS didn't see this.

Otoya and Syo blushed at her words, Tokiya and Masato sighed at her action, Ren shook his head with an exasperated smile after being used to her often teasing while Natsuki and Cecil didn't even understand what she mouthed.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

"Now, pick three pieces each," Shining told the two ladies.

Right now, the four were in Shining's office. And the tanned headmaster was holding out a hat for the females to pick three pieces of card from it. Though It was no ordinary hat. It was the hat of the owner of Raging Entertainment, Raging Otori's.

The said male was sulking at a corner because he lost to his rival in a game of rock-paper-scissors that led him to allow Shining to use his hat.

"You choose first," Catarina told Haruka.

"Okay..." The pinkette picked three folded pieces of papers.

"These are mine." Catarina took her share.

"Open them," the grinning headmaster ordered as he went to the other man to give the hat back.

"Alright..." Here goes nothing.

After they opened all six cards, Catarina stared at the three in her hand. "These groups are certainly.... interesting."

"Yes," Haruka agreed.

"I hope that you will handle these groups well," Shining spoke,"You have only one week to make all three songs."

"Okay, three weeks to complete one so- wait! Only one week?!" Catarina exclaimed. Haruka sweatdropped.

"The time period cannot be extended. This Cross-agency project cannot take more than one month. After you finish the composition, there are the meetings, lyrics writing, recording and promotional works. All these cannot start until you finish the songs," Raging declared. "Or are you unable to do this task?"

"We can." Catarina looked at Haruka. "We will definite be able to do this."


"Hmph,we'll see," the hat wearing brunette grunted.

"You two can go now. But do not forget, you cannot say anything about the units," Shining reminded them before they left.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

"We can't speak about the units in front of them,huh. It's going to be a bit tough," Catarina spoke with Haruka.

" might slip from us," the shorter woman added.

"Then..."she turned to Haruka. "How about we give a name to the groups for our use?"

"Give the groups names?"

"Yup. . .Though I think it'll be best of we refrain from talking and working for the units in front of them."

"But people can easily read me. What should I do?" Haruka panicked.

"Don't worry, Haruka. No one will try to know about the units from you because it's risky."

". . .you're right." Haruka smiled. Something piqued her interest, "Rina-chan, when you said you would give the units a name, what name would you choose?"

"Eh? I guess.... for my first team of Van,Otoya and Ai, it'd be....Team Bright."

"Team B-Bright?"

"I don't know why but it came to my mind." Catarina shrugged before continuing,"As for Eiichi,Ranmaru and Natsuki's unit, it will be team Tall. I'll Eiji, Masato and Camus-nii's unit the Team Cold Water!"

"Co-cold water?" Haruka giggled. "I can understand Team Tall but 'Cold Water'?"

The blonde grinned. "It just popped up in my mind."

"Then what would you call the groups I am composing for?" Haruka asked with a bright smile.

"Hmm.....Kira,Ren and Reiji's team will be Team Onii-chan. Syo, Nagi and Shion's team will be Team....Sweets. Finally, Tokiya,Cecil and Yamato's name will be. . . . Team Balanced!"

This time Haruka let a happy laugh. "Why would you choose 'Sweets' and 'Balanced'?"

"I can't help it. When I thought of Nagi,Shion and Syo, it popped up inside my mind. As for Yamato's team, I feel like that team is the most balanced."

"Hehe, I really like the names you have chosen, Rina-chan."

"I like it too."She gave a wide grin. "I can't wait to compose for them!"

"I can't wait either!" Haruka exclaimed back. "You must be specially happy because you get to compose for both Otori-san and Camus-senpai."

"I guess you're not wrong. Let's do our best, Haruka!"


                                       To Be Continued.

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