Chapter Forty-nine
"The Cross-Agency Project ended up being a big success," Catarina said after sipping on her milkshake.
"Yes, I'm so glad," Haruka smiled.
"You two did a great job composing songs for the units even before getting ideas from them," Tomochika joined. "Normally, you don't have to discuss much about the song with them since you two are acquainted with the idols and know them well enough. So, wasn't it difficult to compose for the units when most of them never got a much of a chance to interact with the other members?"
"Not really," Haruka and Catarina immediately answered at the same time which made Tomochika sweatdrop.
Haruka spoke first, "It is true that the unit formations were quite a surprise but, how do I explain this.... they were perfect as an unit?"
"Mhmm." The blonde composer nodded. "I'm surprised our presidents were able to arrange all eighteen of them into the perfect units for them. Working in the units opened many doors for them to grow as an idol."
"You're right," Tomochika agreed.
. . . . . . .
"Come on, tell me," Catarina whined.
"No," Eiichi rejected.
"Why? It's just a name." She pouted.
"Then let that name be a surprise."
"Eiji!" The blonde woman turned to the younger brunette. "Tell me."
"M-me? Eto..." He looked at his brother to find him giving a cross sign with his hands.
"Eto....Nii-san is..." At his words, Catarina turned around to look at the glass wearing brunette. She sighed. Poor Eiji can't go against him.
"Mou! Why are you keeping the name a secret?"
"I guess we should tell her," Van joined.
". . .I agree," proclaimed Kira.
"If it means she'll stop her annoying whining, then i agree too," Yamato said, looking up from the sports magazine he was reading.
"Eh? But that's no fun. We can keep teasing her like this for what she did," Nagi pouted. Shion didn't say anything and continued his nap. Eiji didn't know which team to choose.
"That's it. I'm declaring I like Van, Kira and Eiji the most," Catarina declared and stood up.
"Eiji didn't say anything. So why are you-"
Catarina interrupted Eiichi saying, "Because he would tell me if you didn't order him not to. And that's why I like him better than you." She stuck her tongue at him.
Eiichi muttered, "But I know you love me more than anyone."
The female ignored him and faced HEAVENS. "So, what's the name of your joint concert with STARISH and Quartet Night that everyone knows but I don't because Eiichi learned how I had categorized each shuffled unit with ridiculous nicknames?"
"What an unnecessarily long question." Yamato's comment fell on deaf ears.
"The name of this project is..." Van gave a dramatic pause. Then he turned to Nagi, "Nagi-chan, drum roll please." The salmonhead did as told using the book he was reading.
No need for such drama.... She sweatdropped.
"The name is...." Van paused again. "Chosen by STARISH and it is..."
Before Catarina got the chance to get annoyed at Van for stretching it longer than necessary, Eiichi suddenly got up, took hold of her hand and pulled her closer.
"Woah!" She exclaimed at the sudden pull.
Eiichi gave her an underarm spin before standing in a pose with one hand interwined with her and the other spread out. He spoke, "A concert that will make the angels feel like a princess, the name is highly suitable for such a grand concert, 'Maji Love Kingdom' !"
"Maji Love Kingdom..."Catarina mumbled before smiling, "Good! That's a good name! Nothing less from STARISH."
It wasn't until the sound of a click that she realized the weird position she was in. She whipped her head towards Nagi's direction. The youngest male was clicking pictures of the couple's melodramatic pose. While Yamato and Kira were looking at them with deadpanned faces and Eiji sweatdropped at his brother's actions. Shion was still in his slumber. Van was sulking at a corner because he wanted to announce the name but Eiichi beat him to it. Letting go of Eiichi's hand, she coughed twice.
Why did Eiichi have to do such a thing!? Couldn't he have declared it normally?!
"Nagi, I would like to ask you to delete those."
"No chance! These are good blackmailing products," Nagi smirked.
Catarina sighed. "Kira."
The raven haired man nodded and took Nagi's phone and said, "You can save it. . . But don't misuse it."
"....Fine,if Kira says so," he reluctantly agreed.
That's not what I wanted but I guess it's better.
"Anyways," Catarina went back to being excited. " 'Maji Love Kingdom' is great! It just screams 'STARISH'. Oh, is that why a castle is being built in the stadium?"
"That's right," Eiichi sat down. "As expected, STARISH is good!"
"Na-chan," Van called the blonde woman after he was done sulking, "aren't you getting late for your meeting?"
Catarina's eyes widened. "Crap!" She hurriedly took her bag and started to leave the lounge. I lost track of time.
"Later guys. Good luck at the music show!"
* * * * * * *
"Here you go, Rin-Rin."
"Thanks, Reiji." Catarina accepted the tea cup with a smile.
Just as she was about to take a sip, Camus told Reiji, "Peasant, pass me the sugar."
"Here you go," Reiji passed the container to the earl.
Before the blonde could add excessive amount of sugar, Catarina exclaimed, "Camus-nii! It's going to be inedible."
"It will not."
"You're going to become sick. Don't add so much!"
"Never have I fallen sick because of my sugar intake." Catarina sighed when she saw Camus emptying half of the sugar cube container.
"Honestly..." She sipped her tea.
After a few minutes Catarina asked, "So when will be the recording?"
"Approximately two weeks later," answered Ai.
"Okay. Tell me once it is confirmed." She smiled. "I'm really excited for Maji Love Kingdom. Do you guys have any extra information about this?"
"I don't think we know much more than you do," Ai replied.
"Yeah, all we know is we're gonna be performing in units of our cross-agency project as well as in our groups," Ranmaru added.
"And the best part is that all three groups are gonna release a new song!" Reiji said excitedly.
"You're forgetting about the two songs that will be sung all three groups. Haruka will be composing those," Catarina corrected him.
"I'm excited I get the new songs compose for Quartet Night alongside HEAVENS." Catarina grinned happily.
"Yes." Camus smiled slightly at her and spoke in an affectionate tone, "You did a wonderful job, Catarina."
"Ai." A voice cut in.
"Ranmaru, if you are going to ask once again if this is real then, yes, this is real," Ai told the man beside him.
"Still hard to believe," the rocker leaned on the couch.
"Hehe." Catarina laughed at Ranmaru's usual attitude. He would always make this comment when her brother would act soft.
But she had to butt in before her brother became angry at the rocker. "Which song are you going to sing in the opening?"
Camus smirked at her. "A song befitting the entrance of the kings."
"'The World Is Mine.'"
Catarina's eyes sparkled like stars. "I love that song!" She smiled widely. "Then it means all of you are going to sing the songs you mixed in 'Yume wo Uta he to'. STARISH said they're gonna sing 'Fantastic Prelude' and HEAVENS will start with 'Gira×2 SEVEN'."
"That's right. You need an entrance like this to fire up the audiences," Ranmaru grinned.
"Agreed!" Catarina then remembered the first time she listened to 'Yume wo Uta he to'. She couldn't but sigh.
"What's wrong?" Ai asked.
"I just remembered what you guys put Haruka through while singing that song."
"Yes, that was fun," Reiji cheerfully added.
The female sighed again. "Poor Haruka."
Suddenly Reiji gasped. "Could it be Rin-Rin, that you are sighing like this because you also wanted to be in Kouhai-chan's position?!"
"Kotobuki."Both Camus and Catarina glared at the brunette man.
"I'm just joking." He nervously laughed. "But I wouldn't mind giving you that experience, Rin-Rin." He winked at her. "What do you say?"
Catarina stared at him blankly with a dark aura surrounding her. "It seems you are not afraid to be killed at the hands of Otori Eiichi."
"Eep,scary! Myu-chan, save me." Reiji jumped onto the man beside him.
"Kotobuki! Get your hands off me!" Camus pushed him back to his place with his freezing powers.
"Wah!" Before he could do anything else, a sceptre appeared right infront of his face, scaring the lights out of him.
"How dare you try to flirt with my sister?" If looks could kill, Reiji would've been on the verge of death right now.
"You deserved that, Reiji," Ai stated, amused.
Ranmaru grinned, "Eiichi might've seriously killed ya if you made a move on her."
Catarina giggled at their antics. "Camus-nii, let Reiji go already. He was just kidding."
"......fine." Unwillingly, he let the fedora loving man go.
Being with them is always do colourful.
. . . . . . .
It's been three days but I still can't get rid of the ominous feeling. Catarina was pulled out of her thoughts when HEAVENS finished singing. They were currently perfecting 'Gira×2 SEVEN'.
"Fantastic,guys." The blonde clapped. "You guys were perfectly in sync."
"Thanks," Eiichi smiled. "But I'm still not satisfied. We can make our performance more stronger." His glasses began glinting, showing everyone that he was in deep thought. This phenomenon somehow occured everytime the brunette was thinking.
"For now, take fifteen before we start with 'Fumetsu no Inferno'," Eiichi declared and everyone decided to do their things.
As Catarina watched everyone, Eiichi asked her as he also leaned against the wall, "Did you get any news about the new song?"
"Nope." She shook her head. "I don't understand why director ordered me to wait to compose for HEAVENS. It's kinda strange."
"Mhmm." Eiichi sipped on his water.
While HEAVENS were going to end their break, the whole room froze.
"Wh-what's happening?" Nagi asked.
"Again?!" Van added.
"Darn it," Yamato cursed.
The doors opened with a thud and strong cold wind entered the room, making all shield themselves with their arms.
Deja-vu! Catarina thought.
When the gust stopped, Raging entered the training room. This time everyone was standing since the wind wasn't as strong as last time.
However, instead of telling HEAVENS anything or being rude to Eiichi like last time, Raging went straight to the only female in the room.
"Catarina." The senior man spoke in a commanding tone, making the woman flinch.
"This is your last chance."
The once top idol looked at her coldly, "If you don't pass, you will no longer be HEAVENS' composer."
To Be Continued.
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