Chapter Fifty-four
"So you are saying that...." Raging Otori looked between his elder son and his fiancèe with narrowed eyes.
"Yes, we are engaged and are intending to get married," Eiichi spoke without wavering. "Just so you know, I won't let anything or anyone get between us."
"You understand what will happen if news about your engagement goes out,don't you?"
"I know very well. But it won't stop us. Plus, I've been thinking about announcing it to the public some time soon."
Raging raised a brow. "Your career as an idol could be hampered."
"It won't. If they are my true fans, they will continue to support me as they always have. Besides..." He smirked confidently,"there is no such rules that idols can't get married. You are one of the big examples,dad ."
Catarina suddenly joined, "I may not be of great help but I will always stay by his side. I will continue to support Eiichi with everything I've got!"
"You are always a great help, Catarina," Eiichi stated, looking at her with a smile.
"If so, then I'm glad." She smiled back.
"Eiichi..."The senior man called. The couple turned their attention back to him. "It's a decision of yours that I am proud of."
"H-huh?" Both were taken off guard.
"Seeing that you two are willing to face all troubles together, it is obvious that nothing can stop you."
"So then...."Catarina smiled broadly.
"I have no objection to your wedding. I already told you to do whatever you wanted." He grinned.
Yay!!! She turned to Eiichi. He smirked at her.
"I told you we can do it."
"That you did."
"Hahahaha!"Raging began laughing loudly. "Make sure to keep strengthening each other."
"I believe everything about this matter is well in your hands?" They nodded.
"Saotome can't beat me in this one!"
They sweatdropped at his continuous laughter. Is that why he's so happy?
"I expect..." Raging added before they could leave his office, "the next good news to be about my grandchild."
Catarina blushed scarlet. Eiichi's cheeks turned red as well. He swiftly added, "Th-that's not something you have to tell us!"
. . . . . . .
"Wow...." Catarina uttered in amazement.
"Your dad went overboard again," Yamato told the Otori brothers.
Eiji sweatdropped. "I think he made it more extravagant because of finally defeating his life-long rival."
"But that still means that we're the stars of the party,right? It would be a waste for this party to not have such a cute star like me," Nagi said.
"Yeah. Dad arranged it as a celebratory party for us," Eiichi stated.
"Now now, don't sweat the small stuff. Let's enjoy this party to the fullest!" exclaimed Van.
Kira nodded. "We should enjoy ourselves."
"Yup!" The female smiled. "Look at all the foods here."
"Wanna start tasting them?"Van asked.
"Yeah!" Catarina, Nagi and Yamato nodded. They made the other four join them on their food tasting. They continued eating until,
"Rina-chan!" A feminine voice entered the said woman's ears.
"Hey,Haruka!" She looked behind the pinkette. "Hi,STARISH!" They gave their series of hello.
"This party is so great!" Otoya exclaimed.
"Glad to see you are enjoying it," grinned Eiichi, his glasses shining.
"Thank you for inviting us," Masato bowed in courtesy.
"Likewise,thank you for coming," Kira followed.
"Nagi-kun,you are so cute! It's good to see you."
"Wo-woah, Natsuki! Don't hug me like this."
"It truly is a marvellous party. That aside, once again, congratulations for surpassing the twenty million record," Tokiya smiled.
"Thank you very much. Hearing this from you is an honour," smiled Eiji with a bow.
"Hey,Ren-chan, how's it going?" Van slipped an arm around Ren's shoulder. "You look great,by the way."
"I'm glad to hear it. Besides,I always look great."
"Wanna have an eating competition, Shorty?"
"You bet- don't call me that!"
"Shion, is the fluffy looking dessert you are eating tasty?" Cecil asked curiously.
"The tingling flavours melt in my mouth, making me long for more. Are you interested to try this delicious cake, Cecil?"
"Haruka, where is Tomochi?"
"Tomo-chan is currently away for work. But she said not to worry because she will make it."
The blonde sighed. "Can't blame her. Our president arranged this party all of a sudden. It's been months since the release of our song."
"Perhaps Maji Love Kingdom delayed this celebratory party."
"Hmm,maybe. But I'm sure he was fixed on holding this party because he wanted to show off to your president," the younger woman whispered the last bit to her.
"Yes, it is possible."
Catarina sipped the drink from her glass. Suddenly Haruka gasped.
"Rina-chan, is that...?" She pointed at her finger.
"Hmm?...Oh." The pinkette was pointing at the ring on her left finger. Catarina smiled. "Yes, it is."
The former's eyes widened."When?"
"Four days ago." She gave a bashful smile.
"Congratulations, Rina-chan." Haruka smiled brightly at her.
"Thank you."
"It's really pretty,"Haruka looked at the ring. "It suits you." Catarina smiled.
"Kouhai-chan and Rin-Rin." The two women were interrupted when Quartet Night came into sight.
"Hi, guys!" Catarina greeted and Haruka bowed at them.
"Good evening," Ai smiled.
"Hey there," Ranmaru greeted.
Camus came up to his sister and smiled. "As always, you outshine all others."
His compliments levelled up because he's in butler mode. She sweatdropped.
"Seriously, Rin-Rin is looking really beautiful. So does Kouhai-chan!" Reiji beamed. Catarina was wearing a long white dress and Haruka was wearing a pink floral dress.
"T-thank you, Kotobuki-senpai." Being the shy girl Haruka was, she blushed easily.
Reiji scored a point. What will you do now, STARISH? Catarina amused herself with her internal commentary.
Oh wait! I think it's the right time to tell them about the engagement. . . Before that, I should find Eiichi.
"Ah, I'll be right back," she told Quartet Night. Just as she was about to move from there, the lights dimmed and spotlights shone at the center stage upon Raging Otori. He gave a small speech about the reason of the party and then congratulated HEAVENS.
When Catarina thought he was done, Raging spoke again, "I have one more announcement to make." Every ear perked up to hear what he had to say.
"My eldest son, Otori Eiichi is going to get married to HEAVENS' very own composer, Catarina!"
He did it. He announced their engagement in front of all the employees of Raging Entertainment, Shining Agency and media. Exclaims of surprise were heard from among the people gathered.
"Wh-what?!" Camus became wide-eyed. Catarina weakly smiled at him. And there goes my plan of telling them.
"They have been recently engaged. Keep supporting them. Hahahaha!" That was the end of his speech before Eiichi took over.
She got a push from behind. Turning around, she found HEAVENS. They told her to go on the stage because Eiichi was waiting for her. So, she nervously ascended the stage.
* * * * * * *
After a long time of questions and answers, Catarina and Eiichi joined their friends. Apparently , it was Eiichi's plan to announce it here. They also got bombarded with questions and supports from their friends.
"Otori Eiichi," a voice called.
"Camus," Eiichi blankly stated. They kept staring at each other.
"Continue to take care of my sister."
"Always have, always will." A smile formed on both of their faces before they shook hands.
"But Catarina," Camus turned towards her,"why didn't you tell anyone about?"
"Ah actually I thought it wasn't the time yet." She scratched her neck.
"So, when's the wedding?"Syo asked.
"We don't know. There is much on plate and preparations need to be taken..."
"Now that I think about it," Masato spoke, "Camus-senpai will become brothers to Eiji and Otori-san."
"Hehe,that means he'll become my brother too." Catarina patted Eiji on the back.
"Hehe, that sounds like fun," The young brunette smiled.
"Tomochi,you're here!" The blonde walked towards the beautiful idol.
The first thing the female idol did was tightly hugging her. "Haruka told me. Congrats,girl!"
"Thanks, Tomochi."
"Mou, what kind of friend are you? You didn't bother telling us about this!" Tomochika pouted.
"Sorry,I was just looking for the perfect time."
They talked for a while before,
"Catarina-chan!" The said woman was engulfed in a hug by a familiar raven haired woman.
"The one and only Mimori Akira!"
"What are you doing here, Akira-nee?"
"I came for you. Otori-chan invited me."
"Eiichi did?"
"Yup. Congratulations, Catarina-chan!"
"Thank you!"
"You'll have to let me help with your wedding dress! I know just what would suit you." She winked.
"You're thinking too far ahead. But I'll leave that in your capable hands." She beamed.
Everyone's here. I'm so happy!
. . . . . . .
"It was really fun!" Catarina smiled as she lied beside Eiichi. They were, more or less, sleeping together every night. "You guys really are the best."
"It wasn't a big deal. Of course, we would want to make your birthday memorable," Eiichi told her. He put the covers over them.
"Thanks!" She smiled broadly.
He looked at her before sighing. She eyed him ,confused. "Something wrong?"
"It's cold. Come closer." He tugged at her sleeve.
"Is it? The heater is on so it's not that cold."
"I'm cold. Give me your warmth."
"Okay..?" She shifted closer to him and held his hands. It isn't that cold. All of a sudden, the hand slipped from her grip and she got pulled by a strong arm wrapped around her.
"Much better," He smiled innocently.
Aww,he just wanted to cuddle. How cute!
She wrapped her arms around him with a smile, "if you wanted to cuddle, you could've said so."
"Mhmm...." He started to nod off to sleep.
"Merry Christmas, Eiichi." She kissed his cheek.
"Merry Christmas." He smiled.
The two held each other and fell asleep, surrounded by their shared warmth.
To Be Continued.
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