Chapter Eighteen

The sun rises from behind the mountains.A new day started. Not just any day,a very important day. It was the day of the Triple S decisive concert.

Catarina watched the sun rise from her room in Shining Agency.

It's finally time.

She placed a hand over her chest and took a deep breath.Guys, I will wait for you no matter what.I believe you will come.

The week had quickly gone by as she spent time with Haruka, STARISH and even Quartet Night.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

Catarina stared at the anteroom that belonged to HEAVENS for the night.

I know you'll make it.

"Rina-chan, it is about to start."

Haruka came to her. She noticed the younger composer staring at the door. She grew worried.

"Rina-chan. . "

Noticing the worry in her features, Catarina smiled. "Don't worry about me. I'm sure they'll come."

"Yes, you're right." Haruka smiled back. "Now, let's go."


*  *  *  *  *  *  *

"Everyone, thank you for waiting. It's finally, finally time. The decisive concert to determine who will become the opening artist of the international sports festival, super stars sports, or Triple S for short, will now begin!"

"During the previous selection concert, due to the passionate insistence of the participants, it was decided that a re-election would be held. And today ,that moment of destiny has arrived. The climatic concert of Triple S.The curtains are now rising on the concert that all of Japan- no,the whole world, is watching!"

Cheers erupted from the audiences.

"Allow me to introduce the groups that will be appearing on stage. First up is this group. These four beautifully glowing bolts of lightening travelled across the country,their sensational voices splendidly spreading out across all regions. With each member possessing his own unique brilliance ,their light is perfect. What kind of excitement will those bolts of lightening that connect heaven and earth bring to us today? Quartet Night!!!"

Four bolts of lightening hit the stage and Quartet Night appeared on stage, welcomed by the cheers of the audiences.

The special effects are so cool!!!

"Let me present the next group. ' We'll always watch over you', you can practically hear them saying it. They are a seven-coloured prism spread across the sky.Their multicolored beams of light are an arch supporting each other. Using their strong bonds as a rainbow bridge, they come to us splendidly, powerfully and brilliantly. STARISH!!!"

The heck?! How in the world are they walking on an illusionary rainbow!? Is that rainbow even real?? So cool!!!

STARISH descended on to the stage from the rainbow bridge. The crowd then started chanting the name of the final group.

"I have an announcement to make. Raging Entertainment's HEAVENS, who was scheduled to perform today, has dropped out of the decisive concert."

The eleven idols standing in stage gasped. Haruka looked at the blonde in concern.

"Rina-chan -"

"They will perform," Catarina replied calmly. She turned around to look at the pinkette. "They will never give up."

After looking at her confident smile, Haruka smiled back. "Yes."

Meanwhile, protests started from among the crowds.

"Quiet. Quiet, please. I repeat, HEAVENS has withdrawn from the concert. The decisive concert will be held with Quartet Night and STARISH only."

No one paid him any heed. They kept repeating the name of the final group. Everything was turning into a disorder.

"May I speak for a moment?"


"The decisive concert is meaningless unless Quartet Night, STARISH and HEAVENS are here. After all, that's why we requested a re-election."

"We want to face HEAVENS and STARISH with our passion for music in our hearts. We came this far with this desire in mind," joined Mikaze.

"We offer our passion to music and attempt to exceed perfection," added Camus.

"When we sing our souls and hearts with them, we will win," declared Kurosaki.

"So, we'll wait for HEAVENS for as long as it takes," Reiji announced.

Reiji-san, thank you.

Otoya stepped forward."HEAVENS will come. They'll will definitely come!"

"It's not like them to drop out," told Ichinose.

"HEAVENS has a love for music in their hearts," said Cecil.

"They'd never give up," announced Syo.

"With iron wills, they see their convictions through," said Hijirikawa.

"We're burning with passion ,too," Jinguji stated.

"We all believe in them," Natsuki finished.


"You heard them. But you all feel the same way, too, right?" Reiji extended his mike to the crowd. In response, they screamed even louder.

All the lights went off, taking everyone by surprise.


Oh gosh! Catarina's heartbeat increased in excitement.

"Good...Good...Good! Sorry to keep you waiting, angels."

Even without the lights, Catarina could never mistake the owner of this beautiful voice.

Seven pillars rise from under the stage giving her a sense of deja-vu. Goodness, don't tell me they were under the stage all along!

"I-It's HEAVENS! The group thought to have withdrawn from the concert has appeared!"

Seven spotlights shone on the seven members.

With his usual chuckle, Eiichi started, "Withdraw? You think we would withdraw from a concert? No, of course not."

I'm sure you're watching this, director. Look carefully, HEAVENS will never give up. The blonde grinned to herself.

With a snap of the brunette's fingers, a staircase surrounded by HEAVENS' typical blue flames appeared.

Special effects these days are too advanced!

"Sorry we're late," Eiji sheepishly apologised.

"Thanks for waiting...We're here," Kira simply said.

"Everyone,attention. The world's cutest boy,Nagi,has arrived." chimed Nagi.

"Let's enjoy this passionate night together,"announced Van.

"Let me sing already." Yamato grinned and hit his fists together.

"We have opened the path that was closed to return to you angels," Shion stated.

"HEAVENS responds to the voices of the angels with noble hearts burning with passion," declared Eiichi.

How did the staircase disappear!?

"You sure took your time," Reiji told HEAVENS.

"But we believed you would come," Otoya also said.

"The true stars are always fashionably late.There's no problem at all," Eiichi replied.

Catarina sweatdropped along with Reiji and Otoya.

Reiji took his mike and proclaimed, "Let's get the greatest ever night started!"

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

"Rina-chan, you're not going to HEAVENS?" Haruka asked.

"It's Quartet Night's turn. I can't miss it," she replied looking at the stage.

"Besides," She turned to the senior composer and puffed her cheeks, "they made me wait too long. It's a payback."

Haruka giggled."I see." She too then looked at the stage. "Rina-chan?"


"What will happen after this?"

"Huh? It's HEAVENS' turn after Quartet Night?"

"No,not that. What will you do after the concert is over? What will happen to HEAVENS?"

"Oh." Catarina understood what she was talking about. HEAVENS and Catarina disobeyed Raging. It wasn't something the man would take lightly. He might as well disband HEAVENS officially if they lose.

"It'll all be fine." The blonde smiled softly at her. If somehow we don't win, we'll have to face Raging's wrath. And for that situation, she had planned an alternative way.

Haruka didn't question her any further and decided to trust her when she said it'll be fine.

"Oh,look.It's starting." Catarina pointed at the stage.

"Girls in the audience, are you tired of waiting? We're about to sing our hearts out." Reiji's voice rang across the arena.

Kurosaki said,"So listen with all you've got,too."

"Our continuously evolving feelings,"

"we'll deliver to you."Mikaze and Camus respectively said.

"Quartet Night's ' God's S.T.A.R.'!"


The mist quickly clears
The dazzling path is illuminated
We become the growing wind
And stand dignified like champions

Stars at your fingertips go one,two,bang
Whether white or black, one,two,bang
On our throne
We sit and wait
And only acknowledge those who come to us

(We sing) With my entire spirit
(We sing) From bonds to trust
(We sing) Active dream
(We sing) Forever we're rising
Quartet song, Quartet beat, shine and dance our kiss

Release the lightning to make a flash of
Wonder light at the highest point
Nothing is impossible

I will take only you since you gave me love and the sky
Love is truth
We don't want a half-hearted legend
We should be aiming for God's S.T.A.R.

I won't leave it unfinished
(won't leave it)
Perfectionism suits me
(suits me)
Now the passion is at its limit
(at its limit)
I want to win more than anyone else

Together with the world,one,two,ride
There's still the future,one,two,ride
Has no limit
How far can we go?Bet now
Shall I wager it?

(It's always like this)
We do not care
You can bewitch us
In the red zone
We will shake it off,Quartet Night

Beyond the legend is the area of God called
Wonder light
With a glaring look
Get on your knees

You know this song
A love with no end
Love is shine
It is not a legend
The heart is now on this day, God's S.T.A.R.

(We sing)
The "Spirit"of evolution will not shake
(We sing)
Acknowledging becomes "Trust"
(We sing)
"Active" dream
(We sing)
Still more "Rising"
Quartet song
Quartet beat
Shine and dance our kiss

Release the lightning to make a flash of
Wonder light at the highest point
Nothing is impossible

I will take only you since you gave me love and the sky
Love is shine
We don't want a half-hearted legend
We should be aiming for God's S.T.A.R.

Amazing. Truly amazing. Quartet Night is truly amazing.They really are the senior group. Catarina's eyes sparkled. Reiji-san,Kurosaki,Mikaze-san and even brother, thank you for singing my song.

Brother, perhaps I'll put aside my anger just for tonight. She thought as she looked at her brother bowing to the audience. Few moments later, the four members headed for backstage.

"I'll go and see them," Catarina said before dashing off to where Quartet Night was.

The moment Quartet Night was completely inside backstage, they panted heavily in exhaustion. They sang out their hearts, after all. It was a moment later that they noticed Catarina on the side.

"That was wonderful. Thank you for making it into such a beautiful song," She said smiling brightly.

Kurosaki ruffled her hair and Mikaze smiled slightly when they passed by.

Camus came to her and lightly patted her head, before quietly muttering, "Thank you." Catarina's breath hitched in her throat.

You...I'm supposed to hate you like you hate me. So why. . .why am I...? Her heart couldn't but swell at his affectionate touch.Before she could think any longer, Reiji called from behind her.

"Rin-Rin." She turned around only to be embraced by Reiji.

"Thank you," The brunette said before whispering for only her to hear, "And good for you."

Catarina smiled sweetly at his words. Maybe,just maybe, your feelings are real tonight,brother.


.  .  .  .  .  .  .


"Rinna!!" Nagi tackled the blonde into a hug by the waist the moment she appeared in their line of sight.

She giggled before hugging back. "Hey there, Nagi."

"You're late!Why didn't you come to us sooner?"

Catarina pouted."It's a payback. You guys made me wait too much."

"Na-chan, sorry to make you worry." Van also hugged her. "You can cry in my arms if you want to."

She loved their hugs but the two were hugging her way too tight.

"Y-you two...can't breathe. . ."

"Eh?! Sorry,sorry." Van stepped back, followed by Nagi.

Catarina took a proper look at the seven idols.

"Long time no see,guys. And, you all look great!" She complimented them when she saw them wearing the outfits she had designed.But, now she had quit being their designer. It didn't really suit her or so she thought. So, it was the first and last time she designed for them, if she doesn't consider the four new members' outfits for 'Heaven's Gate -Beginning of the legend-'.

"I look the cutest,right?" Nagi asked.

"Of course," she replied before telling all of them,"I'm glad you all are fine. I believed you would come." There was so many things she wanted to tell them but decided to cut it short. There wasn't much time left before they head for stage.

The boys looked at each other before Yamato spoke,"It's thanks to your song."

"Because of your song, we didn't give up," said Kira.

"When the arena staff and security guards saw our determination, they helped us get here." Eiji smiled.

"Our love for and faith in music was in our side," told Eiichi.

"Sometimes, we were so angry,there was nothing we could do." Yamato looked down.

"But your song led us to the stars again," stated Shion.

"Our passion didn't die. We're here because of you," cried Van.

"It wouldn't make sense for us not to be here since we're so talented and popular," Nagi bragged, without any harm.

"We won't lose," declared Kira.

"Catarina." Eiichi's glasses glinted.


"I promise this song we're about to sing now will be the greatest performance we've ever given." To Catarina, they seemed to shine at that moment. It was the radiance of idols.

Catarina beamed. "Of course. I won't accept anything less. Best of luck!"

The males shared a smile before leaving one by one, each taking her by surprise.

Shion was the first to leave. Before leaving, he hugged Catarina and said, "We'll deliver your music to the world."

Then Yamato came and ruffled her hair. "Watch us."

Van came and side hugged her. "We'll give you an unforgettable show."

After him, Eiji took both of her hands. "We will sing with everything we've got."

Nagi hugged her from behind. "Make sure to burn it inside your memory, okay?"

Kira came after him and gently hugged her. "Thank you, Rinna."

Catarina giggled as she watched Kira walk away. What are you all doing? Taking some 'Catarina power'? She felt really happy the boys cared so much about her.

It was only her and Eiichi left. The brunette slowly but firmly stepped towards her. He stopped really close to her.When he stopped, the man lifted her chin to make her look directly at him. She could feel his warmth from his touch and the closeness.

Intense purple orbs stared into slightly widened icy blue eyes. They stared at each other like that for some seconds before Eiichi spoke with a smirk, his confident aura making Catarina smile.

"Prepare yourself for the ultimate song. 'Fumetsu no Inferno.'"

Catarina's expression softened as if telling him she believed in him. Eiichi,too, shared the same soft expression.

Like that, he went after his team, leaving her in her own thoughts. She stared at his back as her left hand made its way to her chest.

Huh...?Why am I feeling hot all on a sudden?Don't tell me. . .
I have a fever?! Catarina freaked mentally. She didn't caught colds easily .But when she did, it was always a bad one.

Catarina touched her cheeks to find them warm, really warm. Was her cheeks burning red? Her heart was also beating at a faster pace.

I'll have to check my temperature once we get home.For now. . . She hurried back to Haruka to watch HEAVENS' stage.She found the older woman already waiting patiently for her. Sharing a smile,they waited for HEAVENS to take the stage.

' Fumetsu no Inferno'. . .good! I like it.

                                       To be Continued.

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