Chapter Eight

"Sorry for running late,Cecil," Catarina enters the meeting room.

"It's fine...huh?" Cecil looks behind her.Confused at his action, she too looks behind her.

Ara.Where's Shion , again? He was right behind me.

Both of them poke their heads out of the door where they find Shion staring at the door.

There he is.

"Shion!"Cecil grabs his hands excitedly. "I've been waiting for you, my singing partner. I am Aijima Cecil. It's nice to meet you."

Shion tries to look away ,but when he meets Catarina's gaze ,which says 'introduce yourself',the pale blonde boy couldn't but introduce himself, "Amakusa Shion." He retracts his hands from the prince's grasp and moves to sit inside.

Catarina is a punctual girl.But the reason she was late to the meeting was Shion. The boy didn't want to attend the meeting and the girl kept convincing him. Finally having no other choice, she promised him warm hugs if he came along; to which he agreed.

However, as they were currently sitting in the meeting room, Shion took out his phone ,paying the other two no mind.

"Eto..."Catarina could feel the awkward silence.

"Let's discuss the song,"Cecil proposed.

"Yes,let's. Cecil,Shion, do you have any ideas?" The former nodded while the latter was silent.

"Shion?" Catarina called out.

"This is a great opportunity .I'd like to sing our world.Yours and mine," Cecil told Shion.

"Your world?"The female repeated.

"But we've only just met. Let's work on finding it."

It's great to see Cecil so enthusiastic about the song.

"Unable to see the end of the road, we're forced to wonder in the darkness,"Shion speak.

"Those are wonderful lyrics."

No.Actually those aren't lyrics,Cecil.

"The overwhelming, cheerful energy disrupts the Amakusa grass."

"I'm sure lots of people would want to listen to that song."

"My words aren't even getting through."

"You're right.It may not be necessary to express ourselves with words. Let's use other methods to find our song, " Cecil smiles.

Why am only I feeling awkward ?

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

"Shion,you were being rude there." Catarina scolded Shion as she stood in front of him. They were already home and Shion was sitting in the couch.

"But, Amakusa only spoke the truth." Shion's innocent gaze melted her heart.

How can I remain angry at you when you give me that look? She sighs exasperated.

"If I remember correctly, weren't you excited to sing my song?"

"That....I forgot it was a duet."

That explains- No wait,it doesn't!

"You do know that you HAVE to partake in this project,right?"

Shion sighed before nodding. He then reached out his hands towards her with an expectant look.

"...Well,you did attend the meeting." Catarina sat beside him and hugged him tightly.

"Look! Shion got away again!" Nagi's voice echoes. The hugging pair looks at the direction of the source to find Van, Nagi and Kira there

"Only Shion-chan can get away like that," Van laughs.

"No fair! Since I'm the youngest, I should be able to get away every time I'm in trouble."Nagi pouts.

"You're one to talk ,Nagi," Catarina states. You too have a soft spot for Shion. Meanwhile ,Kira was watching the two blondes with a warm atmosphere.

.  .  .  .  .  .  . 

"Why don't we start with our voices?" Cecil asks.

"You mean a Capella? It'd be good to start with a style that suits you."

"Exactly. Shion, what do you think?" Cecil asks the pale blonde for his opinion.However, Shion ignores him ; finding the music in his phone more interesting than the meeting.

He's at it again. And I can't just force him.

"Shion?"Cecil calls him.

Removing one of his headphones, he says,"I'll let you handle it."

Why do I feel like I've experienced just conversation not too long ago?

"Shion,are you having trouble in coming up with ideas?" Catarina asks to divert the tension.

The boy in question doesn't answer to that. A frown takes place in Cecil's face before turning into a smile,"Why don't we try singing ?"

Catarina played a random melody on the piano as warm-up.

"It will be easier to come up with ideas this way," the prince told Shion.

"Fine, then."

After projecting their voices together, Catarina smiles,"Your voices sound excellent together."

"Thanks. I know,let's try moving next. Let's move together so we can share the same sensations."

"Ah,Cecil. There isn't enough time to practice choreography today. Let's try it tomorrow."

"Oh,you're right.Then let's keep practicing our vocals." In response Catarina nods. Shion mutters, "Alright."

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

This duet has almost turned into another Yamato-Syo. Hope that Shion is at least properly training with Cecil. Catarina sighs."Let's see how i can utilize my knowledge."She says to herself in the empty music room.

Those two have much in common. Both are the last to join their group and kind of live in their own world.The most similar thing is that they really love their groups.

She starts murmuring to herself ,"A song that will express their special place in STARISH and HEAVENS will be the best choice for them.....A soft, joyous yet melancholy melody."

Yup.That'll be perfect for them. After gathering her thoughts,she starts working in the song.

The door of the music room creaked open without Catarina noticing as she was immersed in her work.

"...Na-chan. Na-chan!" Van raises his voice for Catarina to notice. She turns her head to the side,"Oh,Van!"

"Don't 'oh,Van' me. I've been calling you but you didn't notice me."

"Is that so?"Catarina asks innocently.

"Yep.Back to the the topic, it's getting late. You should return now." Noticing her confused look, Van continues,"It's almost dinner time."

"That late already? But I'll return once I've finished the song. It won't take too long."

"You finished the whole song in a single day?!" He gets a nod from the female. The brunette stares in awe.

"Both their feelings are the same. if you think about writing the song from that viewpoint , a song suited for them comes to your mind." A look at Van's face will tell that he didn't understand. She continues ,"Besides, I used write songs for myself when younger. Guess,I'm used to finishing in a day?" Van nods in understanding.

"Everybody's already bac- wait!Na-chan, did you even eat lunch?"

"Nope. Chocolates kept me alive."

The male suddenly makes his way to the other side of the piano. A trashcan, that Catarina placed there for the day, was full of chocolate wrappers. Van sweatdropped at the view.

"Just how many did you eat?" He lets a sigh. Catarina just sheepishly laughed.

Van sits in one corner of the room, "Anyways I'll keep you company till you're done,angel." Smiling at the brunette, Catarina focuses on her work.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

"Since the duet is done,let's complete Kira's solo." Another day Catarina again went to the music room.

I still have much time before going to pick up Shion.Let's finish it before then. Popping a small sizes chocolate bar into her mouth, she started to make the song.

That evening,while Catarina was rushing to the studio, HEAVENS was busy with their photoshoot; their last job for the day.Except Kira,Nagi and Van, everyone was in break. Yamato was doing push up by only using his hands. Eiji and Shion were sitting while Eiichi was watching his teammates' shoot.

The glasses wearing brunette turned to Shion,"You seem exhausted.Is the duet project coming along well?"

"He's so...Everything is going fine. There's nothing for you to worry about Eiichi."

"That's fine,then"

"It is a fun project," Eiji smiles at the memory.

Yamato gets up and intervenes,"Don't you mean a pain in the butt?" Had Kira and Catarina been present, both would have scolded him and smack his head respectively.

The pale blonde mutters,"If it will help HEAVENS...."

"Otori Eiichi-san ,Amakusa Shion-san,  you're on next. In the meantime, Catarina appears. Eiji waves and Yamato nods at her. She takes a sit in front of Eiji and watches the shoot.

"Okay,good."Just as they got the okay, Shion leans on Nagi and wraps his arms around the smaller boy."I'm tired.Carry me."

"Hey!You're too heavy,Shion!" Nagi tries to break free but to no avail.

The composer found this scene very cute so she took out her phone and started recording it with a wide smile.

"Nagi, you have the warmth of a child. It's so comfy." The pinkhead's gaze went towards Van, "Stop watching and help me."

Amused,Van replies,"Isn't this a good opportunity to build some muscle?"

"I'm the cutest.I'm fine the way I am."

Eiichi readjusts his glasses ,"Good. This combination is truly HEAVENS."

Shion tells Nagi happily,"Eiichi gave us permission.You shall carry me."

Nagi whines,"That doesn't make any sense.Eiji,Yamato ,Rinna, help! And Rinna stop recording!" However the said people keep watching in amusement instead of helping him.

Deciding to stop the video, Catarina turns around to put her phone in her bag.While doing so,she noticed Cecil standing outside the doors. So, she got up ,took her bag and went to the dark brunette without anyone noticing.



"Hi.What are you doing here?"

"I was planning to head to the meeting place. "

"I see-" She was inturrupted by her phone ."Excuse me."


"Catarina,come to my office now." Before she could ask anything, Raging cut off the line.

What?!NOW?! She understood that she has to cancel meeting with Shion and Cecil.A sigh escapes from her lips. And I just left the agency.

"Sorry,Cecil. Something came up.I can't attend to your practice."

"I understand. "

"Also,"Fishing out the music sheets from her bag,she gave them to Cecil, "Here's the song for you two."

"Thank you, Catarina. I'll do my best to sing it."

"Well then, see you later." With a wave, she entered inside the room again. The female told everyone that she has to return .But she didn't tell them about her short encounter with Cecil.

With the members of HEAVENS except Shion, Catarina reached Raging Entertainment.

"Excuse me," Catarina slowly opened the door and went inside the large room.



"There has been some chance in the schedule of the project." He hands her a paper. She reads through the new schedule then excuses herself. She reached their penthouse,where everyone except Shion is present.

"I'm back."

"Welcome,angel." Van is the first to greet her.

"Guys ,there has been made some changes in the timings of the project." She explains that instead of being the last pairs, Quartet Night has been moved in the middle.

Later the people present in the room went back to doing their own tasks. Eiichi was in his laptop, Eiji thinking some lyrics for his upcoming solo. Nagi and Van were playing pool while Yamato was doing push up...again. Kira and Catarina were on another corner of the room,by the piano, discussing about the raven's solo.

After Kira wrote the music scores, "It's nice...but it's...a sad melody. It would be... better to ....make it more... gentle and happy.

"You're right.It does seem sad than happy ."

Seems like trying to make a melancholy song for Shion rubbed off on me. Instead of a gentle and kind song,like Kira wanted, I made a sad tune .How foolish of me.

"Don't worry...It's....abeautiful song...too."

Catarina smiles,"Thank you. I'll redo it by tomorrow." Smiling back, the yellow eyed member started playing that song on the piano.I wonder how Shion's doing.

To answer her question, fast footsteps are heard coming towards them. They all turn to the direction of the source, Shion, who just runs past them and enters into HEAVENS' closet; also locking it from inside.

What just happened?

The seven of them gather in front of the closet as they process what happened then.

"What's going on?" Nagi asks.

"Was that Shion?" Van also asks.

"What's wrong?" Eiji questions. They just stare at the closet thinking about what might have been the cause for this sudden lockdown. Catarina steps towards the closet.

"Shion?"No response."Shion dear, what happened?" Her big sister instincts were starting to surface. Yet, no response.

Eiichi speaks softly,"Shion,can you tell us what happened?"Silence.

"He's refusing to talk,"Nagi pointed out.

"I'm worried,"Eiji mutters.

Getting that they won't be getting answers to what caused him pain,Yamato suddenly hits his fists together,"He was with his partner, right?" Catarina looks at him and nods.

With that he starts rushing to STARISH's dorm when Eiichi's voice causes him to stop."Wait, I'm going with you." The other males also join him.

""Kira asks.

Catarina shakes her head,"I can't leave Shion alone.You guys go." After the men exited the penthouse, Catarina kneels in front of the door and places her hand on it.

He must be like this because of working with others.

Catarina starts speaking softly, "Shion...I know you can hear me.You don't have to answer,so just listen to me."

"I'm sorry, Shion. Even though I knew you were adamant to sing the duet, I kept making  forcing you to sing.... I'm sorry."She leans her head on the door. "As your composer, I should've helped you somehow.But I didn't and went with the flow even after noticing your disapproval." The younger boy remained quiet.

"Even so, I understand your feelings, Shion...That feeling to protect your space in HEAVENS, I feel the same too. HEAVENS mean a lot to me . Ever since I left Permafrost, Raging Agency became my home....I don't think that I'll be able to stand up again if HEAVENS is taken away from me." She removes her head from there.

"You feel the same too,right?I'm sure everyone of us bear the same." Sitting in front of the piano, she plays the song for Shion's duet.

After finishing playing the song, she stands in her previous position. "I want you to understand that no one is asking you to remove your position from HEAVENS to sign with Cecil. Rather ,it is for you to sing as a member of HEAVENS . You will be there as the A of HEAVENS while Cecil will be the A of STARISH....that's all I have to say to you."

Hearing foot steps behind her, she finds the other members having returned from STARISH's dorm. They explain to her what happened there.

Shion still hasn't come out. Nagi starts speaking," At this rate, we won't be able to appear in the triple S concert. What are you going to do about it?"

"I'll break down the door and bring him out of there." Catarina turns around to glare at the muscular blonde .She was closer to the closet than others.

Yamato starts to move but Eiichi stops him,"Don't, Yamato."

"What? Why not?"

Eiichi comes closer to the closer; behind Catarina and places a hand in her shoulder. The girl looks at him before focusing on the closet door.

The leader says,"Shion, if you are determined to keep your oath ,then I won't stop you.I'll take responsibility for this."

The eldest member adds,"Yeah.But it'll definitely hurt HEAVENS' reputation."

"No!"Shion shouts. Suddenly the closet doors fling open.It causes Catarina to stumble backwards in order to avoid any impact. Eiichi immediately pulls her close by wrapping his arms around her waist to steady her.

Shion continues, "HEAVENS must not ne hurt!" Shion.

Eiichi replies,"It's your decision, Shion."

"Because of me..."Shion looks down.

"Hey,Shion,"Eiji speaks with a light smile,"do you think I've been defiled because I've sung with someone outside of HEAVENS?"

"Then,what about me? I've written songs for people outside of HEAVENS." Catarina asked the pale blonde.

"No! My oath only applies to me. It's my own problem!" Unable to hold his emotions any longer, he runs away.

"Shion!"Eiji and Catarina reach out to him at the same time. However, they are both blocked by Eiichi;using his right hand to stop his brother and tightening his left around Catarina's waist.

"Nii-san/Eiichi."They protest at the same time. Catarina looks up as Eiichi is obviously taller than her, but after seeing the look in his eyes, she stops protesting.

He wants to chase after Shion too.But like Shion said it's his problem.

Eiichi slowly removes his hand and closes his eyes,"Shion has to solve it himself."

"...You're right,"Kira speaks. The HEAVENS members sit on the couch; silently deciding among themselves not to talk about it anymore and believing in Shion.

"I'll make dinner now,"Catarina tells them. Eiji and Yamato follow her lead.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

Shion had returned not too late that night. It seemed like he was in a dilemma. So,the others didn't bother him by bringing up that topic. It was now the day of recording. Every member of the two bands, including Haruka, made time for it.Cecil had been waiting patiently inside the booth. Everyone's anxiety melted away when Shion entered. A smile took its place on Catarina's face.

As the song ended, everyone was feeling warm inside. Beautiful . Everyone gathered inside the booth and congratulated their member.

This song 'Visible Elf' helped Catarina to rewrite Kira's solo into a warm song. A kind song that will make one feel grateful to the important people around them,named 'Dazzling Darling.'

                                       To be Continued.

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