^Idea for this chapter was given to me by Fluffycat96 ~ go give her a follow!^
It was a cold December morning. After a month of the big friendship fight, Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Rarity were all good. Fluttershy even made up with Applejack, and they are much better friends now. The five are the most well known friend group in CHS.
Rainbow ran inside the classroom, soaked from the rain.
"Sorry, Miss. Cheerilee! I lost power because of the rain, so my alarm didn't go off and I was late and I ran in the rain- fell a few times- and barely made it her. I'm sorry!" Rainbow explained frantically to the teacher.
Cheerilee nodded at Rainbow. Rainbow sat down in her seat.
"Hah! You fell a couple times. Classic Rainbow Crash!!" Lightning Dust snickered at the soaked skyling.
Lightning Dust, one of the three skylings a CHS. Fluttershy, Rainbow, and then Lightning Dust.
"Look, just leave me alone.." Rainbow sighed, opening her book.
"Pfft. Loser." Lightning Dust laid back in her seat, occasionally throwing things at Rainbow.
After school, Rainbow was out of control. She hated the world.
"Frick this rain, why do hurricanes exist?!" Rainbow yelled at nothing as she walked through the rain.
"Dash! Wait up!" Rainbow heard a familiar country accent call out from behind her. Rainbow looked behind her, and saw exactly who she knew it was. Applejack.
"Hey." Rainbow said as Applejack was up next to her, she felt the rain stop falling on her head, she looked up to see an umbrella.
"What in tarnation are ya doin' walkin' alone in the middle of a hurricane!" Applejack said concerned.
"I'm going home, AJ. Duh." Rainbow still wasn't in a great mood, and AJ could tell.
"You alright?" Applejack asked her. Rainbow nodded with a blank face.
"Tell me what's wrong, Rainbow Dash." Applejack stooped, and so did the other girl.
"I'm sorry.. I don't mean to have a jerky attitude," Rainbow sighed, "I'm just having a really, really, really bad day."
"It's okay," Applejack told her, "Ya wanna talk 'bout it?"
Rainbow nodded slowly, "But maybe not in the middle of a hurricane, outside."
"Well, yeah." Applejack nudged the shorter girl.
"Heyyy!" Rainbow shoved back. Both of them laughed.
The two walked through the flooded streets until they got to AJ's house.
"C'mon. Just, careful 'round my brother, ya know what happened," Applejack opened the front gate, "But I bet my mom would love to meet ya."
"I'm nothing special, don't know why she'd wanna." Rainbow shrugged her shoulders.
"Of course you're special. You're very special." Applejack looked at Rainbow before opening the big front doors.
"Holy mother of celestia, I forgot you lived in the mansion." Rainbows jaw was dropped.
"Heh. Yeah. I don't really care for it, but I need to live somewhere, right?" Applejack closed Rainbows mouth with her left hand.
Applejack opened the door and the two kicked off their shoes. Rainbow took off her hoodie, which she rarely ever did. Applejack never noticed how tiny Rainbow was, she was tall enough, but not quite as tall as everyone else, about 3 inches shorter. But she was very small, she was extremely skinny. Most Skylings were, but Applejack never knew why.
"AJ? That you, hun?" Called a women's voice from somewhere else in the house.
"Sure is, ma! I brought Rainbow over, of thats okay!" Applejack called back. Applejacks mom gasped, and soon enough they heard footsteps coming towards them. In no time, a women with curly blonde hair and tan skin like Applejacks stood before the to teens.
"So, Rainbow is it?" Applejacks mom smiled at the skyling.
Rainbow nodded shyly.
"Applejack has told me good things 'bout you, sweetie. And I am so terribly sorry for the way my son acted." The women told Rainbow.
"Oh.. it's okay." Rainbow replied quietly. Applejacks mom smiled, then looked at AJ.
"I'll let y'all do you're own thing, the hurricane is pretty bad. School might be canceled tomorrow." She said before walking back to wherever she came from.
"Your mom is nice." Rainbow said.
"Yup, she always has been. C'mon, let's go upstairs." Applejack said, motioning Rainbow to follow her. Rainbow followed, she looked around the hallways and saw large framed pictures of the family, and larger group pictures of the entire family.
"Right in here." Applejack opened a door in the hall and took Rainbow into her room. It was very casual unlike the rest of the house. Posters, a neat bed, and other cool decorations.
"Sweet crib, AJ." Rainbow said to her friend.
"Thanks," Applejack smiled, "So, wanna tell me why ya had a bad day?"
Applejack sat down on her bed, and patted a on it next to her so Rainbow could sit down.
"Are you sure you want me to tell you? I could just rant on and on and on-"
"Sit. Talk. Now." Applejack forced the girl to sit. Rainbow sighed.
"Well, first I get to school late after my power went out. I fell in the streets a lot, and since skylings have sensitive bones, it kinda hurt, like, a lot. By the time I was at school I was late, had to explain myself in front of the whole class, and then stupid Lightning Dust picked on me that whole class, and the rest of the classes I have with her." Rainbow sighed, "The only good part about today was lunch with you and the girls."
Applejack felt awful, Rainbow, out of all people, didn't deserve to be treated badly.
"I'm so sorry, RD. Why didn't ya tell me during lunch?" Applejack asked.
"I didn't wanna be a bother." Rainbow admitted.
"What?! You wouldn't have bothered me! I would've helped ya out, Dash." Applejack put her hand on Rainbows shoulder.
Rainbow shrugged. A loud clap of thunder and the strike of lighting lit up the sky.
"Holy shoot," Applejack looked out the window, it was pouring rain, streets were flooding, homes were nearly buried under trees and water.
"What is it?" Rainbow got up to look outside. She gasped at what she saw.
"This ain't good," Applejack sighed, "I hope y'all know I ain't lettin' ya leave until this stops, right?"
"I assumed you'd say that, so yeah." Rainbow kept looking at the disasters happening throughout canterlot.
"Hey," Applejack pulled the curtains back, "We don't have to worry, we'll be safe."
Applejack saw the fear in Rainbows eyes. Rainbow looked away from the window, then at Applejack.
"So, what do we do now?" Rainbow asked.
Applejack thought for a moment, then it came to her.
"How 'bout we get to know each other more. We've never just got to sit down and say stuff." Applejack suggested. Rainbow nodded with an 'Okay'.
"You start, I have no clue what's interesting about me." Rainbow told Applejack.
"Okay, well," Applejack thought, "I was born here in Canterlot and have always lived here. I have a huge family, bigger than most peoples. I want the best for everyone, no matter they are. Even though at some points and I tend to be a little bossy."
Rainbow laughed quietly at the end, "You aren't that bossy."
"Are ya sure about that?" Applejack playfully glared at her friend.
"Well, your turn." Applejack said.
"Okay.." Rainbow took a little breath, "I was born in CloudsDale, and lived with my real parents for two years, then... they died.. I was adopted though! But.. they kinda died too. That's why I live alone now, because usually anyone I end up loving and caring for.. just leaves me forever.."
Applejack felt her heart break into millions of pieces, Rainbow didn't deserve any of this.
"I lived in CloudsDale, alone, for a little while. I couldn't pay for the house my adoptive parents had.. so I couldn't stay," Rainbow explained, "The apartment I have is only $40 a month, so it isn't terrible to deal with. I'm just learning how to be an adult early."
"You're sixteen, aren't ya?" Applejack questioned, and Rainbow responded with a nod.
"You don't deserve that," Applejack stated, "I bet you've never had the chance to be stress free your whole darn life, and ya wanna five that all up to just learn how to be an adult? I've heard they're kinda borin'."
"I mean, I've been to a carnival once. Isn't that something kids do?" Rainbow asked.
"Yeah, it is. What did ya get to do?" asked the cowgirl.
"Nothing. My adoptive sister was the one who got to have fun. I'm glad she died in that stupid fire." Rainbows tone raised a bit at the end.
Applejack just looked at her.
"Gosh, I'm sorry.. I don't mean to get all mad.. it's.. not my fault.. I'm sorry." Rainbow Dash looked down at her hands.
Applejack didn't care about what Rainbow said. Applejack looked at RD because Applejack found her strong, and so... cute. Applejack had learned already from just that story that Rainbow is so strong, and so amazing, and just so.. great.
She deserves better.. Applejack said in her mind, before continuing small talk with the spectrum haired girl.
Sorry it took a while to get this chapter out! I hope you enjoyed! I went to a water park today, and I couldn't post it there. I had a great time, so question of the day shall be: Do you like water parks?
💗 - Mal
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