"What are ya talkin' about, Mac?" Applejack took her jacket off, placing it on a coat rack.
"Don't trust her, Applejack. Ya know what happened last time ya ha a skylin' for a friend." Applejacks older brother sighed before walking away. Applejack looked at her feet. She did remember what a skyling did to her.
Her name was Fluttershy.
Everyone at the school knows her, she seems very shy, but is extremely popular. Applejack and her used to have a thing, before Fluttershy stabbed her in the back.
Applejack has only experienced bad things with skylings. Could her brother be right?
She walked upstairs to her room. She didn't bother changing, she just layers on her bed with her phone.
Applejack looked through Instagram, she saw many skyling accounts that were filled with hatred.
Rainbows account had nothing on it, really. There was a story from her every now and then.
Applejack couldn't help but think Rainbow would just end up like Fluttershy did. Act sweet and adorable at first, but become a backstabbing jerk.
A quiet ding went off and a text message notification popped up.
Rainbow Dash _ Now
Hey, Aj:) just wanted to say goodnight and thx again
Applejack opened the tab and responded.
Applejack: Np, Dash. Gotta go. Night.
Applejack sighed deeply and closed her eyes. Maybe Big Mac is right. Isn't he always?
That night, Applejack decided to never talk to Rainbow again, no matter how much it hurt herself, or Rainbow.
Applejack walked to school with Pinkie and Rarity, and told them what she was going to do.
"But.. Dashie seems so nice! Why don't you wanna be friends with her?" Pinkie frowned.
"Darling, I honestly cannot believe this. You and Rainbow are like best friends already. The poor dear'll be so sad." Rarity sighed.
Applejack sighed, "I know. I just, can't be her friend. Let her know."
"Darling, if you won't be her friend, I'm going to be." Rarity started walking towards the direction Rainbow walks to school, Pinkie stayed with AJ.
"Applejack, I hope you know that I would go with her.. but I won't leave my friends like you're doing. But, it's your choice, Jackie." Pinkie fixed the sleeves on her sweater. The two walked in silence.
Rarity caught up with Rainbow Dash.
"Rainbow, darling!" Rarity smiled as she was next to Rainbow.
"Hi, Rarity," Rainbow looked up from her phone and stuffed it in her pocket, "What's up?"
"This is going to ruin your entire day.. but it's best you know." Rarity stopped Rainbow.
"What? What happened?"
"Applejack," Rarity took a deep breathe, "Wishes not to be your friend anymore.."
Rainbow looked at Rarity, "I saw it coming anyway. Shouldn't have gotten close to her.. it's my fault."
Rainbows eyes were glossed with tears.
"Oh, darling. Don't cry, dear." Rarity looked at the shorter teen.
"I'm okay. Everyone leaves me at some point. I'm used to it. Let's just go." Rainbow whipped her eyes.
"I'm so sorry, Rainbow Dash." Rarity hugged the skyling for a good minute. Then, the two began walking to school.
Rainbow was hurt.
Applejack and Pinkie made it to lunch, Rarity wasn't sitting with them.
"AJ, are you sure you really want to do this?" Pinkie looked up from her phone, "Rarity texted me probably the saddest thing ever!!"
Pinkie showed Applejack the text:
Rarity __ 2 minutes ago
The poor thing is crying her eyes out. She's just devastated I feel awful.
Applejack wanted to cry just knowing she hurt Rainbow. But she couldn't let Rainbow hurt her.
"I'm sure, Pinkie Pie." Applejack spoke. Pinkie nodded.
Meanwhile, Rarity has gone trough a whole box of tissue cleaning up Rainbows tear filled face.
"It's okay, darling, please don't cry, everything will be okay." Rarity said calmly.
"HOW IS ANY OF THIS SUPPOSED TO BE OKAY?! I THOUGHT SHE WAS MY FRIEND!!" Rainbow sobbed. She could barely speak.
"Me too." Rarity said.
"What are you talking about?!"
"No friend of mine is going to hurt another friend of mine. Applejack has no reason to hurt you, therefore she shouldn't have. I'm not leaving you to cope with this alone, dear." Rarity smiled at Rainbow.
"Thanks, Rarity." Rainbow calmed down a bit.
"No problem, dear. Now how about I go grab us something to snack on before lunch ends?" Rarity suggested. Rainbow nodded.
"Just nothing with peanuts, I'm allergic." Rainbow told her friend. Rarity nodded before walking out the door.
"Nothing with pears, got it." Rarity reminded herself.
Little did she know, she misunderstood.
She got her and Rainbow some PB&J crackers. Rarity being Rarity, quickly grabbed a nice plate from her locker to present them on.
As Rarity was walking back to the music room, she caught a glance at Pinkie and AJ. Both looking sad.
Rarity ignored it and walked into the music room.
"Here we are." Rarity places the plate on a desk.
"Thanks, Rares!" Rainbow took on and ate it, Rarity did the same.
They talked all lunch until Rainbow started coughing, badly.
"Rainbow?" Rarity worriedly asked.
Rainbow couldn't stop, Rarity noticed Rainbows face go a little purple.
"Oh sweet Celestia! C'mon!!" Rarity helped Rainbow stand and she quickly ran her to the nurse.
Too late.
Rainbow was having an allergic reaction.
"I'm calling 9-1-1. Hold her up, Rarity." Nurse Red Heart said, worried but calm.
Rainbow was unconscious, and Rarity was panicking.
Soon enough, sirens were heard.
"So it seems Miss. Dash went into full panic, causing her heart to have some problems. We've got to keep her for at least a week, it was a bad allergy reaction." Dr. Whooves informed Rarity and Pinkie. Both girls nodded.
"Oh, gosh. I feel really bad for Dashie.. she's having the worst day ever!!" Pinkie slumped.
"Me too, darling. First she looses Applejack, and now this." Rarity sighed.
One thing was right in their minds though.
We need to get them to be friends again..
Was that expected :O
💗 - Mal
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