Warning: This chapter contains cursing, if you do not like that, you are free to skip it. Thx, and enjoy.
You may proceed if you promise you won't come at me for that.
Thx. Enjoy...
"AJ!" Rainbow whispered, shaking her girlfriend lightly. "Wake up, Jackie! We're in Las Pegasus."
Applejack opened her eyes, "What? Good... morning?"
"Yep." Rainbow confirmed. Applejack sat up and picked Rainbow on the lips, "Than good mornin', Dash."
"I've been awake since we left," Rainbow shrugged, "I've never been able to sleep in cars."
The two girls jolted foreword as the car came to a stop. Applejack, being the most protective teen in the word, instantly threw her arm in front of Rainbows body. Rainbow wasn't wearing a seatbelt, but Applejack was.
Luckily, it was just a quick stop, not a car accident.
"Yikes." mumbled Rainbow.
The door opened, "You have arrived at Miss Pastel Dash's home."
Applejack and Rainbow stepped out, thanking the driver. Rainbow looked at the house, it was huge, but not as big as Applejacks.
Rainbow took a breath in, "Lets get this over with."
Applejack took her hand, "It'll be fine, Rainbow."
The pair walked up the door, and rang the doorbell. Rainbow anxiously watched the door. It began to open.
"Little sister..." Rainbow heard a familiar voice say. "What a pleasure to see you again."
Rainbow looked at her, Pastel Dash. Pastel was taller than Rainbow. Her hair was pink, yellow, and blue, but pastel. Her eyes were the brightest blue, even brighter than Pinkie Pies, and she had white skin.
"Just cutting right to the case, Pastel," Rainbow glared, already in her sisters face, "Why the hell did you want me over here?!"
Pastel scoffed, "Like I want you here! It was our idiot of mother who wanted us both here. So don't go looking at me, Rainbow!! I never liked you, and will never like you!"
"Like you haven't told me that enough, huh," Rainbow was face to face with her sister, "I wish I didn't save you from that stupid fire! I would've loved to watch you burn to a crisp, and die a slow and painful death!!"
"Well, look at the little devil," Pastel stepped forward, "No wonder you moved away, you knew you were hated here! But nobody here will forget your sorry ass and what you have done!"
"I'm not like you, Pastel. I'm not a jerk," Rainbow was very mad, "I don't act like I'm all that! Unlike you!"
"Tell that to whoever the hell this is," Pastel motioned to Applejack, "Why don't you ask your little friend if this is the skyling she knows!"
"For you information, Pastel," Rainbow pointed at Applejack, "She is my girlfriend!! How about that, little miss perfect! You don't even have a friend, while I do!!"
"Oh yeah?! Name them!"
"Pinkamena Diane Pie, or Pinkie Pie. She's a earthling. Rarity, shes a magical. Fluttershy, shes a skyling. Sunset Shimmer, a magical," Rainbow glared, "And my beautiful girlfriend is Applejack. I'm also friends with a alicorn princess from another world called Equestria!!!"
Pastel scoffed, "Please, you probably hired this girl."
"She didn't," Applejack pitched in, "Now how 'bout y'all calm down."
Pastel rolled her eyes, "Come in. Mom is waiting for you Rainbow."
Rainbow has to process what Pastel just said, "M-Mom...?"
Pastel nodded then looked at Applejack, "We should stay outside. They're screaming matches are worse than what you just saw."
Rainbow went inside. Pastel and Applejack stood in silence.
Pastel then sighed, "I don't hate my sister."
Applejack looked at her, "Then what was that for? Ya can't hurt your sisters feelin's like that."
"After What she's done to the family? After everything she wishes upon us? Please, she deserves being yelled at." Pastel said.
"What do ya mean?"
"She's the one who lit the house in fire and killed my twin brother, and our sister. Our father, our dog, and almost me." Pastel pulled her jackets sleeve up to show a scar, "Wasn't me who did that. It was Rainbow."
Applejack was stunned. She let Pastel continue.
"Rainbow was so cocky, and evil. She would tell people she was amazing in every way, but at home, she was a mess. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. She's my little sister.." Pastel explained.
"I get it," Applejack said, "I have a little sister too. I want the best for her."
"I want the best for Rainbow, but I cannot help but dislike her in most ways for killing most of our family. We are almost orphans. Rainbow is still not 18, and I don't want her in an orphanage," Pastel lied. But Applejack believed her. "Our mom loves us so much, and would never hurt us. But we can't stop death."
Applejack felt truly bad, "I'm sorry for y'all, I really love Rainbow. She must've changed from where she was back then. She's kind and sweet, funny, adorable, and even a little shy at times."
"She's done worse than light our home on fire," Pastel said, "She killed our first cat, broke people's arms whenever someone beat her in anything. But when she was home, again she was a mess. I stopped her so many times from ending her life. I have a collection of knives, razor blades, ropes, and pills just so I can keep them away from her. She isn't okay, and I wanted to warn you to be careful around her. Wanna be her friend? Sure. But love her? She would just break your heart. After all, she won't really return your feelings."
"I don't know..." Applejack said uneasily. How could Rainbow, her sweet beautiful girlfriend, have done all of that?
As silence came over the two again, the screaming inside of the house was heard.
"Sorry," Pastel face palmed, "Rainbows a jerk to our mom. She only wants Rainbow to be happy."
Applejack didn't know what she was supposed to say or do. Was this really who Rainbow was as a person? Or did her family just think that she should be that way. Applejack never questioned her and Rainbows relationship, how could she now?
"We either wait until Rainbow storms out," Pastel sighed, "Or-" Pastel paused. "I'm sorry, it's Rainbows business, not mine."
Applejack was confused, "I'd actually like to know."
"I kinda...lied when I said our mom wouldn't hurt us..." Pastel said slowly. "I guess she wouldn't hurt me, but Rainbow.. she's gotten it. And if she's not careful, she'll get it again. That's why she left."
Applejack couldn't figure out what to say. "All her life?"
Pastel laughed, nodding. "It's sad, but it is a little funny sometimes. She doesn't do half the stuff I've done."
"Then why didn't you leave?" Applejack asked.
"And let my baby sister get abused, without having anyone to help her with her bruises and cuts afterwards? That would make me a monster. Skylings may be supposed to be mean, but at most points, Rainbow has shown me there's more to us than a cruel heart." Pastel sighed, "But despite that, Rainbow isn't a good person, and she will never be. No matter what."
Applejack looked at the door as it opened quickly, a women stood. She looked nothing like Pastel or Rainbow, "You may help your sister, Pastel. You as well, random stranger."
Applejack was very confused. Pastel looked back at her, "Don't come if your bad with bruises."
Rainbows mother scoffed, "I didn't touch her, she's just kicking the wall and she better not cause any damage!"
"I'll get her, Mrs..?" Applejack waited for a name she could call the older women.
"Mrs. Dash, thank you."
Applejack nodded and walked inside, to find the small skyling, angrily sobbing and now punching the wall.
Applejack picked her up, "Okay, let's not have to break your arm today, sugar."
Rainbow squirmed, "LET ME GO, APPLEJACK!!!"
"Don't yell baby, it's okay." Applejack said, trying to soothe her girlfriend.
"THIS IS NONE OF YOUR FREAKING BUSINESS!!" Rainbow screamed, struggling to get free of Applejacks hold on her.
"Rainbow Dash, listen to your girlfriend!! Maybe your stupid self will end up somewhere besides hell for once!" Pastel said before running inside.
"SHUT UP, PASTEL. I HATE YOU." Rainbow screamed. This was not the Rainbow Dash Applejack knew. Applejack knew that she was kind, a sweetheart, caring, loyal, shy, and outgoing. Not this screaming, angry person she was holding.
Pastel whispered to Applejack, "Fight back. It's the only way for her to get it all out of her system. She doesn't mean anything she says, trust me!"
Applejack hesitated for a second, but proceeded to fight back.
She placed Rainbow in front of her and fought back, "Stop it, Rainbow!! Snap outta it!!"
"LEAVE ME ALONE." Rainbow was livid, and nobody but Rainbows old mother knew why.
"RAINBOW DASH, DON'T YOU DARE TRY ME. I DON'T WANNA DO THIS." Applejack said, shouting right back at the skyling.
Rainbow shoved Applejack back, "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, COWGIRL."
Now Applejack was mad. She shoved Rainbow back, shouting "YA ARE MY BUSINESS, IDIOT."
"I'M SUPPOSED TO BE THE IDIOT? YOUR THE DUMB BLONDE!" Rainbow screamed, pushing Applejack back had enough to make her stumble.
(Sorry to any blondes out there, I'm one myself so please don't take offense. I just though it would add to the fight since blonde jokes are in fact a thing.)
"SERIOUSLY?!? YA WANNA GO THERE, SHORTIE?" At this point, Applejacks hands started turning into fists. Rainbows hands showed the exact same thing.
"SURE DID, APPLEJACK." Rainbow said, glaring.
Then, that's when it all went downhill. Both teens had enough of each other's crap.
The first punch was thrown by Rainbow, they both tackled each other to the ground, cursing each other out as they did so.
"ASSHOLE!!" Rainbow screamed.
The girls fought for a long time, soon enough Pastel was able to get Rainbow into a closet, and locked it.
"I'm sorry for her, Applejack. She doesn't mean anything she says when she's mad like this." Pastel sighed.
"I didn't mean anythin' either," Applejack said, "But god she can make me mad."
Little did Applejack or Rainbow know, a bigger fight was coming. Maybe not one with a big fist fight. But emotions would come to play, and the twos relationship would be challenged harshly..
If you didn't read the a/n above, I hope you know I DID give a warning there would be cursing. So, ye.
I'm super excited for the next chapter :)
- M
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