
(That video above is the ride that I will be writing out that AJ and RD go on. It's a real ride at Raging Waters in California. I have been there and it's my favorite ride to go on. I'm writing Rainbow as myself on the ride when I went on it the first time, but without an Applejack😂)

Rainbow, Applejack, Applejacks parents and sister were at the local water park the fun of the hot day.

"Hey, Rainbow! I'll race ya to the entrance!!" Applebloom challenged.

"You're on, kid!" Rainbow laughed as she ran after the young girl.

Applejacks mom laughed quietly, "Applejack, I'm so proud of ya. You've picked such a wonderful young gal."

Applejacks father joined in, "Keep her around, Applejack. She's a keeper"

Applejack smiled, "I wouldn't dream of ever lettin' her go."

"So, are y'all doin' somethin' together on Valentines?" Applejacks dad asked.

Applejack nodded.

"Rarity and Pinkie Pie are plannin' a brunch for us," Applejack said, "But besides that we're gonna hang with Applebloom and Scootaloo."

"Sounds like a fun day." Applejacks mom said. The three walked towards the entrance where Rainbow and Applebloom already were.

"No way! It was for sure a tie!!" Rainbow said.

"No! You got there first, Rainbow! Ya don't have to let me win. It's all in good fun!" Applebloom smiled.

Rainbow laughed, "In that case. YES."

Rainbow punched the air.

The two laughed, until a random dude walked up to Rainbow Dash.

"Hey there, gorgeous." Rainbow was spun around to face a much taller teenage boy.

"Um.. hello..?" Rainbow tried backing away, but failed.

"Never seen such a hot skyling before. You must be new around these towns." The guy smirked.

"Uhm. No.. I've been living here since- HEY!" Rainbow squirmed at the end, the magical teenager rubbed her sides, making Rainbow Dash extremely uncomfortable.

"Let. Me. Go." Rainbow tried getting away again, but he continued to make her uncomfortable.

"I'd rather not, hottie."

Rainbow growled, "APPLEJACK!"


Applejack and her parents were near the entrance, when Applebloom ran over; completely breathless.

"Applejack! Some magical is hittin' on Rainbow Dash, I don't think she likes it." Applebloom explained.

"Excuse me, what?" Applejack eyes widened.

"Nobody is goin' to-"

"APPLEJACK!!" She heard an familiar scream. Her eyes widened even more.

She ran over to the front entrance, and saw Rainbow and her situation.

"Get your dirty hands off of my girlfriend, ya idiot." Applejack shoved him away.

"Your girlfriend?! Ha. She obviously wants me now, she must've loved the touches." He laughed.

"I can tell for a fact she didn't, now if ya don't mind, go crawl under a hole and die." Applejack turned around and got Rainbow over to the family.

"Oh god, thank you AJ." Rainbow sighed in relief.

"He didn't hurt ya, did he?" Applejack stopped Rainbow and looked at her.

"No," Rainbow shook her head, "I just didn't like it.."

"I know, babe. It's okay, it wasn't you're fault." Applejack took Rainbows hand, as they made it to the rest of the family.

"Y'all good?" Applejacks dad looked at them.

"Mhm," Applejack said, "Nobody is goin' to touch my beautiful Rainbow."

Rainbow stuck her tongue out at Applejack, "Or my beautiful...er Jackie."

Applejack smiled at Rainbow, and all she could think was how lucky she was.

Once the four were at the ticket booth, Applejacks mother was talking to the women behind a glass window.

"Hello, and welcome to Canterlot Splash! I'm Candy, how may I help you?" Candy said with a smile on her face.

"I have two adults, two teenage girls, and one 11 year old." Applejacks mom told the women.

Rainbow looked at Applejack, "Why does your mom have to tell her how old we are?"

"So that she can figure out a price," Applejack explained, "Adults, teens, and kids under 12 have different prices."

"Oooh." Rainbow giggled.

"Okay," Candy, "92$. That would make the two adult tickets 25$, making it 50$. The two teen tickets cost 15$, making it 80$, and the under 12 special is only 12$!"

Applejacks mom payed the money before the four were let inside.

"I've never been in a water park before..!" Rainbow was looking around.

"Really?" Applejack asked her. Rainbow nodded.

"Okay, lets go put our things in a locker," Applejacks dad said, "And then we can all go enjoy ourselves."

Rainbow skipped alongside Applejack, their hands together.


"Applebloom, hand me your bow." Applejacks mom said. Applebloom did as told.

After the locker was shut and locked, Applejacks mom looked at the teens.

"Y'all can go roam around the park together, we'll take Applebloom." She explained. Applejack nodded before she and Rainbow started walking towards a variety of water slides.

"What are we gonna ride first?" Rainbow eagerly asked her girlfriend.

"Well, my all time favorite ride is Aqua Rocket, you'll love it." Applejack said pointing in the direction of it.

"It sounds fun!!" Rainbow smiled. Applejack returned the smile.

Then the two began to walk to the slide.


Rainbow Dash had to admit this looked scary and she did not know if she was going to be able to ride this.

The slide was aqua marine and a light purple color. It had three drops, one being bigger than the other two. You were taken up by a big conveyor belt into a tunnel which brought you down into a 75° drop the others were smaller 50°.

Rainbow gulped just looking at it.

"It's... big.." Rainbow said as they started walking into the short line.

"Ya sure you wanna ride it?" Applejack asked her.

Rainbow nodded confidentially.

The two were standing in line, talking about whatever came across their minds.

Rainbow looked at Applejack who was just smiling at her.

"What?" Rainbow laughed.

"You're just so cute." Applejack grinned.

Rainbow glared, trying to hide her blush.

Applejack has to just admit it, Rainbow was adorable. Her wings were relaxed and spread a little. She wore a red, blue, and yellow one piece swim suit. Those were some of the only colors that matched her personality. Applejack wore a one piece two, but since it wasn't super duper hot, she had a board shirt on over it.

"No, you are." Rainbow took a step in line, they were only one ride away from going on, and Rainbow was still a little nervous.

"Now," Applejack looked at Rainbow, "Are ya positive ya really wanna go on?"

Rainbow nodded once more. She was really only going on it because she loved Applejack, and if this was Applejack's favorite ride, she was going to give it a go no matter how much it scared her.

Applejack nodded, than she looked up to see a women in a unicorn smiling.

"How many riders?" She asked cheerfully.

"2." Applejack responded.

"Would you be alright if two single riders ride along with you, or would you just like to go by yourselves?" She asked.

Applejack looked at Rainbow, than back at the kind women, "No, thank you."

The women smiled, "Okay. Please step on the scale."

The two stepped onto a metal board on the floor, which allowed a light to detect whether their weight was enough, or to much to ride.

Rainbow was getting more nervous as they approached the beginning.

"Alright," The women said, "I'd like you in the third seat, and you in the first seat."

Applejack was in the third seat, and Rainbow was in the first.

Rainbow was ever more scared now.

They got into the blue raft, a whole seat apart.

Rainbow looked back, "No seatbelts?!"

Applejack laughed, "It's a water slide, babe."

"So?!" Rainbow jumped when they began to climb the long conveyer belt to the top.

"Rainbow, it's okay, it has a magnetic force." Applejack smiled at the skyling.

"The magnetic force isn't gonna save me, now is it, AJ?!" Rainbow was scared, and you could tell.

"I'll save ya," Applejack smiled, "But there ain't nothin' for me to save ya from."

Rainbow sighed and looked forward.

"Holy crap, Applejack!!! You didn't tell me there's a dark tunnel thing..!" Rainbow whined, they were close to the beginning of the ride.

"It's only for a second, sugar. Then there's a short drop." Applejack calmly told her shook girlfriend.

"A DROP?!" Rainbow was now terrified.

"Baby, it's okay. Calm down, Dash, I really don't want ya to panic." Applejack soothingly said.


They were in the tunnel.

Rainbow didn't even have enough time to say anything before they were flying down a 75° drop, at a very fast speed.

Rainbow screamed, but not like how Applejack screamed.

Applejack scream was of thrill and joy, but Rainbows was filled with fear.

"Oh thank Celestia that's over.." Rainbow took a deep breath when they were in a tunnel once more.

"What are ya talkin' about? We have two more drops." Applejack told her.

Rainbows eyes widened.

"Wait What- HOLY FREAKING CELESTIA!!!!!" Rainbow screamed.

Applejack laughed, not at Rainbow, but at how fun these was being.

I love you, Dashie.



no.. no I don't.

Anyway! Tomorrow's my friends birthday, and I'm having a sleepover with her. If I get a chapter out, it might end up really ridiculous because I might let my friend write some of it.

Pls dont let me do that, he will probs write something like:

And then they all died, the end.


anyway, just wanted to let you know that

I don't think anyone cares lol

I DO!!

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