
(This is gonna be mega long, prepare yourself.)

A month quickly went by for the group of friends, it was now February, one of Pinkie Pies favorite months.

"I'm so exited! I get to give valentines cards, make them too, I get to match make, and bake, and eeeek!! Im so excited!!!!!" Pinkie squealed as the girls were walking down the sidewalk, walking to Rainbow's soccer game.

"Me too," Rarity smiled, "Especially since there's a certain pair in the group we can plan stuff for!"

Applejack looked at Rarity who had a pleading look on her face, "Can I plan something for you and Rainbow?!"

"Me too!!" Pinkie beamed.

Applejack laughed, "I guess, we weren't really goin' to do anythin' but stay at my house and play video games with Applebloom and Scootaloo."

"Well, we can plan you an early morning thing!! Like a brunch date!" Pinkie was now right next to Applejack. Rarity was on the other side, and Applejack was in the middle. Sunset and Twilight unfortunately couldn't make the soccer game. Fluttershy was on a phone call with her mom, only a few feet behind them.

"I guess, I'll let Rainbow know. But I ain't doin' any plannin'. I'm kinda bad at that." Applejack said.

Rarity and Pinkie clapped their hands.

"Yay!! I'm so excited even more!!" Pinkie twirled around as they turned the final corner towards that soccer game, to find something unexpected.

Sirens. Lights. Ambulances. Cops.

Rarity gasped, "That's right at the soccer field, we have to get over their now!!"

Fluttershy quickly turned off her phone.

"Please tell me this was a volleyball game!!" Fluttershy gasped.

"It was a soccer one," Applejack was wide eyed, "Get over there guys, we have to make sure Dash ain't the center of attention over there.."

Rarity kicked off her heels so she could run faster, and they all started running. And quickly.

Once they arrived, the saw two of Rainbows teammates closer to them then anyone, they decided to start there.

"Excuse me, aren't y'all on that soccer team?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, I'm Soarin." A guy with navy blue hair said, "This is Thunder Lane."

Thunder Lane waved, still focused on the scene.

"Sorry for bothering you two, but can we know what's happened?" Rarity asked the two skylings.

"Well, we were practicing before the game, and then out of nowhere, Rainbow yelled for everyone to stop. We looked over to her and SpitFire was on the ground. We have no idea what happened, and neither does Rainbow." Soarin explained.

"When we got over, Rainbow was already crying. Spits wasn't responding, and she wasn't breathing well at all. Rainbows been saying it's al her fault over, and over since it happened. She's so paranoid and scared that she can't even speak properly." Thunder Lane sighed.

"SpitFire was Rainbows best friend on the team, they're very close. Sisters even. Rainbows not taking it well, even though Spits should be okay." Soarin looked at the ground.

Applejack was nervous, "Rainbows not hurt is she?"

"She's okay physically, but not at all mentally." Soarin scratched the back of his head.

"Do you know where she's at?" Pinkie asked kindly.

Thunder Lane nodded, "Being questioned by some police officers. It's stupid, who would question Rainbow for this? She couldn't hurt a fly."

"Okay," Applejack sighed, "Thanks Soarin. You too, Thunder Lane."

Both boys nodded before looking back at the scene.

The group of friends walked across the street, and saw a standing Rainbow Dash, crying, being questioned by two female police officers.

"And I ain't lettin' my girlfriend cry, hold my backpack." Applejack quickly said, whilst dropping her backpack- Pinkie caught it- and walked over to Rainbow.

"Rainbow?" Applejack said once she was close enough, the skyling looked at her. Applejacks heart broke. Rainbow had the saddest facial expression she had ever seen.

"A-AJ..!" Rainbow stepped over and allowed Applejack to hold her in a hug, and Rainbow hugged tightly back. Applejack could feel Rainbow shaking.

"Excuse me," A cop glared, "We aren't done here, Miss. Dash."

"She will come over there when she is ready to come over there," Applejack snapped back, "You ain't pushin' her around and overwhelmin' her with questions all day, ya idiots. Y'all don't even know her."

The other women scoffed, "Didn't your mother teach you to be respectful towards the law?"

"Yep," Applejack laughed, "But I respect my girlfriend way more."

And with that, Applejack turned Rainbow around and took her over to the other side of the field where the other girls were at.

"Dashie!!" Pinkie ran up to Applejack and Rainbow, "Are you okay? Don't cry!! Do you want a cookie?!"

Pinkie Pie then randomly pulled out a chocolate chip cookie from her bouncy hair, offering it to the girl.

Rainbow smiled a little, "Thanks Pinks, I'm okay though."

Applejack looked at Rainbow, "We talked to Soarin and Thunder Lane, they told us what they saw."

Rainbow frowned.

"Can ya tell us what you saw?"

Rainbow nodded than sat on the bleachers, "I was running in a race against SpitFire. I won, of course, and we both high-fived. But then, she just collapsed.. out of nowhere.. I don't know why.. and people are staring to think I did something! I didn't do anything..."

Applejack sat down next to her girlfriend and pulled her in a comforting hug. Rarity took the other seat and looked at Rainbow, "Dear, I highly doubt you did anything to SpitFire. SpitFire absolutely adores all of your hard work, and I know that you appreciate her as well."

"Plus, you are such a nice girl," Fluttershy kneeled down in front of Rainbow, "I would never accuse you of doing anything to one of your friends."

Applejack smiled, "And they have no idea what an amazin' girl you are. They don't know the beautiful heart you have in ya."

"They don't care about that," Rainbow looked up, "They don't believe me since I'm a skyling. Im meant to be mean, not what anyone says I am. They won't even listen to the other skylings on the team. No matter what you tell them, what I tell them, or what anyone ever tells them, they are still going to question me because of these stupid wings."

Fluttershy moved Rarity over politely and sat next to her fellow skyling friend, "I know exactly what that's like Rainbow. I never get much attention to my wings because of how long my hair is, but it still gets to me. People are always going to have something against us, and that's why I was just decided to be mean. That's what everyone expected. I realized soon after I hurt Applejacks feelings, that what I was doing, wasn't me. I didn't want to be thought of that way. But because of what I did, it still makes people question me, so Dash, know you aren't alone. You will never be alone."

"And it ain't just skylin's who have to live with it. I'm the lowest class of the entire world. I'm no magical, and I'm no skylin'. I'm an earthlin'. And all I can do is be stronger than most people. I'm put down about that too." Applejack smiled at her girlfriend.

"And Magicals always get told that we are stuck-up and dramatic. It's true at times, but we aren't that bad, are we?" Rarity patted Rainbows knee. Rainbow looked at each of them with a smile, and nodded.

"I know," Rainbow looked back down and sighed, "I'm just turning back into the selfish and cocky person I was in CloudsDale."

"No." Applejack strictly said. Rainbow, confused, looked at the blonde.

"Huh?" Rainbow questioned.

"You aren't selfish for saying that you hate being bullied, teased, and shoved around." Applejack said seriously.

"But I'm being inconsiderate! All of you go through stuff like that too, and you guys never complain! I always complain!! I'm just an inconsiderate asshole-" Rainbow was then cut off my all of her friends.

"No. You. Aren't."

"Dashie! You can't say stuff about yourself like that! You are super duper amazing!!" Pinkie smiled.

"Darling, I don't know what I would do without a friend like you. You are wonderful in every way, dear." Rarity calmly stated.

"Mhm," Fluttershy agreed, "You are not an inconsiderate asshole, okay? Believe me."

Applejack kisses the spectrum haired girls cheek, "And I don't know who I would be right now if it weren't for ya. I love you to death, Rainbow Dash. If you even dare call yourself that again, Im goin' to make sure I find you, and talk sense into ya."

Applejack paused.

She raised and eyebrow and gave Rainbow a strict expression.

"And watch your language."

A moment of silence passed.

Rarity whispered to Applejack, "3...2...1.."

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow bursted into laughter.

And soon enough, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy couldn't help but join in.


And that's a super long chapter for you guys lol.

Song-fic is coming in about two chapters I would say. It'll be pretty good I think lol..

But ya, I'm already writing the next part!!:)


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