
"Dashie!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. Rainbow turned around from talking with Applejack to see her bubbly friend.

"Hey, Pinks. What's up?" Rainbow asked.

"Me and Rarity are going down for ice cream after school," Pinkie explained, "Do you and AJ wanna come with?"

Rainbow looked at AJ, "Wanna?"

Applejack nodded. She loved ice cream,

"Okie Dokie Lokie! Meet you guys outside the gym after school!!" Pinkie smiled brightly before walking away.

"One thing first, Applejack," Rainbow looked at her best friend again, "Whats ice cream?"

"Okay, you actually have to be jokin' with me right now." Applejack was shocked, especially when Rainbow shook her head.

"You've never had ice cream?" Applejack asked Rainbow.

"No, I've never heard of that." Rainbow told her friend.

"You haven't lived, RD. I think you'll like it," Applejack took a breath, "But.. uh.. while it's still lunch, I need to talk to ya."

Rainbow shrugged, "Kay. What's up?"

"I really lik-"

Applejack was interrupted by the bell.

Damn. Applejack thought.

"Just tell me later, okay? I can't be late for English!" And without another word, Rainbow dashed off.

"Like you.." Applejack sighed.

As Applejack began walking to her class she kept on thinking. She would have to tell her sooner or later. Why did she even like Rainbow Dash in the first place?

She's so beautiful..

Her short Rainbow hair made her gorgeous neon magenta eyes pop.

She's so funny..

Her ignorant humor, or her normal jokes are what make Applejack laugh the most.

She makes me smile..

Applejack loved how Rainbow could easily brighten up her entire day whenever she said or did anything.

Her heart is made of gold..

Rainbow was so kind, and sweet. She was loyal and brave. She was so caring.

Have I fallen in love with her? No.. I've only known her for two months! Sure.. I like her.. but it's just a crush right? Not love.. right?

Applejack slouched into her seat, preparing for a boring last class. At least she was going to get to have a sweet cold treat with her best friends after school.


"And then the stupid teacher said no cupcakes in class! WHO SAYS THAT?!" Pinkie Pie was ranting about her last class of the day, which was Social Studies.

"Hey, you could've been me! I had to listen to a whole lecture about why commas are so important! I miss one comma I tell you. ONE!" Rainbow joined in on the rant. Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy stared at the two most childish teens in the world, but laughed with smiles on each of their faces.

"Hey, Fluttershy.." Rainbow stooped and pointed into an alley way, "The cat kinda looks.. I dunno.. dead?"

"Oh my!" Fluttershy walked over to a dirty white cat, "Oh, she's okay. She just must've been hurt during the hurricane. Nothing to worry about."

Fluttershy picked up the cat and fixed up a small box for it.

"Wait! Fluttershy, give it my water." Rainbow said pulling out a water bottle from her backpack, tossing it over to Fluttershy.

"There you go, little one." Fluttershy poured some water into the cats mouth, and poured some in a container she found in the alley.

Fluttershy walked back, "Good eye, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow laughed as she continued talking to Pinkie Pie.

Great, thought Applejack, another reason to fall in love with her. She loves animals.


"Okie Dokie Lokie! What flavor does everyone want??" Pinkie said pulling out her hot pink wallet.

"I'll have vanilla please." Rarity told

"Strawberry-Peach, please." Fluttershy shyly smiled.

"Apple! Duh!" Applejack grinned.

"I don't know what flavors there are, AJ you pick for me." Rainbow nudged her best friend.

"What about rainbow sherbet?! I bet Dashie'll love it!!!!" Pinkie beamed. Rainbow nodded.

Pinkie skipped up to the front of the ice cream stores front counter and began her order.

"Oh," Rainbow turned to Applejack, "What were going to tell me earlier?"

Applejack froze, "Uhh.. never mind. I figured it out!"

"Oh, okay!" Rainbow smiled and turned back around to see Pinkie bringing back five ice cream cones.

"Okay," Pinkie handed out the cones, "One apple, one vanilla, one strawberry-peach, one Cotten candy, and one rainbow sherbet!!"

Rainbow did what she saw the others do, take a lick off of the sweet treat.

"Holy moly, that's amazing!! What's this stuff even made of??" Rainbow licked the ice cream again.

"I don't know. But it's good." Applejack took a lick of hers.

"Is this stuff good for you?" Rainbow asked curiously about the treat.

"Well, some products make it healthy, but not this kind. It's sweet, so it's made with sugar." Applejack explained to Rainbow.

"Oooh." Rainbow kept eating her frozen treat.

The five girls walked down the streets, talking about random things, school, and other activities they could do.

This Saturday, I have to tell Rainbow how I feel, it's just gonna kill me if I don't tell her sooner or later. Applejack thought to herself every time she looked at the spectrum haired skyling.


Hey guys, so I'm so sorry this chapter took eight years to come out lol.

First Announcement: next chapters Gunna be gooooooooooood

Second Announcement: Please go check out my "Ask mane 6 + Starlight" and ask some questions! Read the description of it first, btw.

Third Announcement: I'm gonna start writing a sequel to one of my storiessssss oooooo.

Fourth Announcement: The word 'angel' is going to play out in the end of the story if anyone was curious.



💗 - Mal

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