Sweet Treats All Around.

Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(God, this is terrible.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

The oven switched on with a click and she stood in place looking proud of herself for preparing a family meal.

Melody, Andy, Felix, and Claus were coming.

So she prepared a meal all of them would enjoy. She remembered their food tastes and worked to cook what they'd eat snd say was good cookery.

For some reason, she felt obligated to please Andy the most. Some connection they both shared as he sometimes came over to help cook her meals or just for a drink or cook himself.

He doesn't have to, but he offers.

He was the sweetest little thing.

You say that.

Margret gasped at the sudden interference. All off suddenly the stove started spreading fire and she shrieked in fear, accidentally tripping and crawling backwards away from an unknown force messing with the appliances.

"W-what's going on?!" Margret shouted, curling up against the wall. "Who are you?!"

Who am I? More like who are you?

A draw opened by some invisible demon and knives slowly floated into Margret's vision. They flew at the speed of sound and ended up pinning her dress to the wall. She had nowhere to go.

Nowhere to hide from the devil.

I once felt really sorry for you, Kamryn. I really did. Tell me, are you in love?

One of the knives forced her head to turn so she didn't get stabbed. The sight made her heart sink by the stomach and then in her throat where she heard beating and over and over.

A pumpkin man leaned against her stove (how did he not get burnt?), a cookie in hand and a youthful face on him. Looked like he was in his early twenties, the same age as Andy or Felix.

He didn't look like a demon.

"Who's Kamryn?"

"These cookies are delicious." He spoke for the first time, smiling innocently. Truly not as a demon, just a regular man. "Mind if I have more? It'd hurt my feelings if I were told no."

Margret nodded her head slowly. She didn't want to risk making whoever he was mad. If he was the cause of these events, it'd be better to accommodate them be stupid and disobey.

"Get away! She didn't do anything! Not her fault! Why can't you understand an incident?!"

He bit into a cookie. Chewing torturously like a snail, he hummed in content then picked up the rest of the baked goods out the stove.

"Sorry, Margy."


He dropped them just like that. All the food hit everywhere at once. All over the floor, some still not ready all at the wall. All over the place.


One did the knives flew out her shoulder strap and appeared in his hand. He walked toward the struggling mole woman and chuckled at the her pathetic antics.

Stuck in abuse. Just like before.

Margret was frightened and confused. The pumpkin man no longer spoke out loud. In her mind, his voice echoed everywhere, even overtaking her one thoughts.

"Help! He's at it again! Arthur, please!"

Arthur? She didn't know an Arthur.

You do. She just doesn't like him.

The pumpkin man disappeared. Suddenly in his place stood Andy of all creatures. Her house darkened into a black void reaching everywhere and no where at once. All of it consumed.

"hEy dARLinG~"

Andy included as his hand pinned Margery's neck and herself to the wall. She gasped in fear at the prospect of what he had planned.


"Ah Ah Ah, Kamryn."

Andy's face glitched and now he had tear tracks, less sane eyes, and even a more glitchy appearance than before. He'd been corrupted by this force. Someone stood behind the apple when their band on his shoulder and strings attached to them both as if they were mere puppets.

Tell her what she did wrong.

"You let a man bully and mentally abuse your family." Andy and the strange human man obeyed in unison. "I can't believe you never saw through his lies."

Suddenly Andy and the disappeared from their spot. In their places stood Melody and Felix with the same condition as the humanoid apple.

"Why didn't you save us?"

Their once sentence said out loud. Something inside Margret awakened and she found herself hugging the two close. They didn't reciprocate the affection she tried offering. Christ, she just needed peace of mind.

The voice refused to allow it.

Tell dear mama how she messed up.

Their eyes flashed the same blackness as Andy's before he became a puppet. Pulled in invisible strings, the two characters pushed the mole away and backed up at least a few feet from her as if she were a mere parasite.

Louis and Isabella were once happy. Now they can't leave the afterlife because of you and only YOU.

A figure appeared behind the two of the youngest friends. Their expression slack-jawed and eyes showing nothing but pure hated and despair.

"She let me drown."

"She let dad blame me."

Melody literally teleported more int the darkness in a curled ball crying in her hands as if someone yelled at her. Andy had his hand raised acting like he'd actually hit the moon woman.

Margret could only watch. She felt herself breaking on the inside. The voice enjoyed this agonising display of a toxic family.

Wow. You had issues.

Andy backed off from Melody. She disappeared and it was Felix's turn to be in an invisible with a crying Isabella reaching over the boat.

No wonder he died.

He glitched between a human and a fish.

Want to know why Thomas hated you?

The voice whispered in her ear, yet she could him perfectly over all the past performances put on like a stage play. The figure next to Margret cupped cheek affectionately and turned the broken woman around to face him.

He smiled at her broken expression.

"Because we all know it's your fault. If it weren't for you allowing them out, he wouldn't have died. If it weren't for you, Thomas wouldn't have blamed Isabella, if it weren't for you.."

Margret felt her body changing as if her soul was teleported into someone else's vessel. She looked into the pumpkin man's visible eye.

She changed into someone else.

"Kamryn, if it weren't for you, no one would line in a torture made from HELL."

She screamed as burns seared in her skin. The entity screeched and scratched her skin. He attached her physically.

In his place was a man named Thomas.


Margret gasped and bolted as she awakened in the kitchen counter. Yes, the counter. She blinked healthily and crawled off the piece of hard furniture.

"Dear God, what happened?" Her southern accent sounded through. "Okay, calm down, Margret. Just a dream."

The others would be the soon. She needed to cook now or they'd be really disappointed with her last time she had a nap before cooking.

"Calm, calm."

Margret went to put on her and apron. As she dressed herself up approximately, something fell out the fabric of her outfit. The mole woman looked down and picked up the object.

What the?-

She found a note. Shaking for some reason, she opened its contact and began reading what the scribed had to say.

Hey, Margy! I enjoyed our little...session earlier. Cookies were delicious by the way. Hope it didn't consume too much time. We all just lOVe tO pLAY gAMeS, dOn'T wE?

Don't worry about your food.


Margret had no memory of this session. She put down the note in the counter nearly heavily breathing herself into a panic attack.

What's going on?

She didn't remember. She fell asleep-


Margret slowly turned her heard toward the oven cooking a meal she didn't remember preparing. A message appeared on the walls and she checked the bundles in the cooking appliance.

The food was finally ready to be served.

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