Pumpkin Apple Pie.
Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.
(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)
(Pairing is Andy x Peter. Andy is twenty and Peter is twenty one. Dunno their actual ages so it's that lol. Also. They looked like in the picture above.)
(Hope you enjoy.)
"Stay away."
They said.
"He's no good for you."
They said.
"He's only using you for his one benefit."
They warned.
And what did he do? He disobeyed. Exploring the places around the farm either landed him a blessing or a curse. He can't back down now.
You can't take back what you started.
Somehow, he ended up talking in the barn with the other. Next thing he also knew they're in in his damn making out like they're teenagers.
What the hell are we doing?
He can't help it. There's something about him that calls Andy. It's drawing him into a force that clawed its way into his mind, into his heart, wrapping around the seals and entering the source of his emotion.
Manipulating them to his will.
And we're here.
Andy has Peter in his bed. Peter. Peter. The pumpkin man his friends absolutely hate for no reason.
Maybe there is a reason.
The voice is always whispering when Peter's coming here to his place. He mentioned it once and the pumpkin man didn't come back for another six months on end. Not until Andy practically begged him on his knees.
"I don't want to hurt you!"
"You already are! He hasn't layed a finger!"
It had taken months to convince Peter to even think of sleeping over (without the permission of his friends of course), them always thinking they had authority over Andy. God's sake he turned twenty just a couple month ago.
Yet they still think of me as a child.
The twenty one year old was sleeping next the insomniac apple. He doesn't know what time it is, but the early rising of the sun indicated it to be pretty late. His mind had tendencies to stay up late thinking the days and nights ahead.
Andy didn't like not knowing course of events.
You like him. It's impressive.
They aren't going to last.
How much you wanna bet on it?
Maybe ten bucks. Hehehehe~
Childish whispers hissed in Andy's ears. These voices have the the tone of an adults, yet the underlaying whine of a child.
Female and male victims voicing opinions.
Andy isn't meant to respond. They only exist to taint. Peter once told him you just have to ignore than. They follow you around for a reaction. And if you give them what they want, they never stop haunting you.
He never told his friends of these whispers.
They talk about them, sometimes. Right in his ears, badmouthing and whispering convincing points that almost make him respond.
They stole your property.
What friends treat you as a doormat?
The moon is doesn't have anyone attached. She's free. We should visit her one time.
He doesn't know what they mean with the last.
The creepy thing is they hover over the pumpkin whilst staring at Andy. Almost daring him to wake their sleeping host. Andy should wake up Peter so he can escape the nightmare they probably give his fragile mind.
He should.
He turned around in the bed, drew up his covers over his shoulders, and stared at the wall dominated by the shadows watching over them both almost possessively.
They're theirs to terrorise.
It's almost cliche that they owned a waking rooster. The bird disturbed their sleep to wake them for chores and festivities the others inevitably planned.
"Get out."
In the corner of his eyes, Andy sees Peter's eyes glitching like the devil's in anger and despair. He didn't trust the pumpkin staying over longer than necessary. He does trust him.
"Until next time~"
Andy also feared him. The pumpkin disappeared into the night. Running out the sight of the apple as he finally turned to face the morning sun.
The sunrise looked like a blessing.
It's so boring here. Go find him.
A particular shadow liked sticking around Andy despite the risk of the others seeing them. The creatures seemed to haves thrill at facing the risks like it gave it a thrill.
"Andy. What do you think?" Felix asked. "Is Margaret's cooking actually good? I say no, just hell naw~"
"Hmmm..." Andy drawled, taking a bit of the muffin. His eyes widened. "Wow. Actually is. Great Job!"
He gave a thumbs up in confirmation. Margret beamed like the mother figure she acted as in the group. Fussing and checking over their emotional, medial, and physical needs.
Annoying and cute.
Not bad.
The shadow lifted a muffin. It pretended to take a visible bite and Claus question how a muffin lifted on it's own. Andy promptly grabbed it and glared sh the shadow before smiling.
"You must be seeing things."
Claus shrugged. "Whatever."
It reminded him of Peter. Suddenly gaining a bad feeling, Andy turned his back to friends chatting at the picnic table to observe the surroundings around them all. You know that feeling when your being watched?
"What happened to the pumpkin?" Melody questioned. "I saw him sneaking outside yesterday. Acted like we'd shoot the poor thing."
He felt it right now. Spotting a shape in the scream caused a silent gasp from the apple. He shifted back into the bench trying to make himself seem smaller than his actual form.
In the end, they're all meant to be slaughtered~
Andy's eyes blanked out with the darkness overtaking his mind and pupils. A voice tried to interfere with the process, but the mental tendrils of the the shadows invited to the sort quickly shut him down.
"It's my fault. I failed them. I failed them all."
Andy always heard referring to his wife and daughter and friends and family. One name appeared in his name provided by the darkness overseeing their attacks on him and his friends.
He'd been through torment before. Andy knew the definition of suffering. Another source inside his one head constantly reminded why he deserved the punishment he happened to be going through.
His friends screamed as if they were murdered. Felix clawing his eyes, Claus ripping his clocks hands causing s major bleed, Margaret voluntarily burning herself, and Melody somehow biting her head into pieces.
And Andy?
Go hunt him down.
Andy couldn't care less.
If you wanted to know the definition of suffering, ask someone who is forced to watch everyone around them suffering and not able to do a damn thing about the situation.
Not when everyone thinks your the bad guy.
Laying the the hay, Peter can do nothing but hope the shadows leave Andy alone. They love tormenting the apple because they can't believe their host likes him.
Peter can't accept the word love.
He dreaded to think what the entity will do.
He will hunt the ones you keep close.
How else is Peter suppose to keep Andy close? He can't. He can only keep Andy at an distance. The shadow demons want to possess and consume the port apple. He didn't tell Andy this secret.
God, his reaction sends shivers down his spine.
"How could you not tell me?!"
"They never usually bothered you till now!"
"When did you plan on getting close? Are...are you using me to sedate these freaks?"
The shadows didn't like that. Andy received a punishment worse than death. They linked him to the darkness and shadows started shrieking.
He is pathetic.
He loves his boyfriend.
They wanted to consume everything in their way.
"God. God. God. God. God. God."
Peter paced left and right. The shadows watched his every move, snickering at his pathetic antics at escaping their hold. He can't get the room nor the building. If they don't want him gone, he can't leave until they say so.
Please be okay.
Who says we'll let him live?~
Peter looked in the empty darkness. The only sight they ever let him see. The source of light came from a light bulb which shined on his figure, dimly lighting all the room in the process.
One would need a lamp to navigate.
"Peter!" Something clutched his bent form. "Get them to stop! gEt tHEM tO sTOp!"
Peter looked up to see Andy backing in the shadows with them swirling around his body whispering poison in hush tones. Clearly not wanting to be involved as they attempted to stop him moving by immobilising his body under their control.
He gave in and hissed like a predator. The shadows backed off him and he sprinted over and practically tackled Andy liked a football player.
He's all yours.
Laying there immobilised.
Didn't know he had it in him.
Brave, very bold.
Andy layed there silently and stared at Peter as if contemplating there awaited position. He knew the demons were wanting them to do something sinful. Not third base, just enough to make their friends mad. His friends. Not Peter's.
They both breathed heavily from the fight. Peter flopped himself on the floor on his back. He hugged Andy's body closed and nuzzled the spot in the crook of his neck.
"So...how are you?"
Peter laughed. He smiled at the apple. Tears pooled done his cheeks, the apple man wiping them away with his thumb. To comfort the man he'd gotten to know over the course of a few months. Andy can't imagine life without Peter.
What would he do if he were made a choice?
"Your an idiot."
As his friends tried convincing him to quit travelling in the shadows, something coiled around his wrist. You could've accused Andy for a necromancer if it weren't the shadows moving to life the last second.
He really had no choice in this matter. Want to know why? They all stole the keys to his house.
Yeah, I'll stop looking in the darkness the moment I find them. I'm planning on never coming back at this rate.
Where were the keys? Felix said they hid them n the barn. Heck, Claus made it perfectly clear! He couldn't believe Melody and Margret allowed the whole prank. And how did they even get into Andy's house in the first place?!
Maybe we wanted some fun.
Andy looked them dead in their blank eyes. They had no eyes. Just soulless holes one would mistake for the shape of eyes as he entered the home of the pumpkin pan he spent too much time with in his friends opinion.
Screw them.
The shadows and him formed the thought thought and speech. Andy looked at the area in shock at the shadow coiling around his waist, effectively tying and not bounding him to them until they let him go.
The host likes you. That's rare.
Who is their host?
Are you that oblivious?
Dumb AND dumber~
Which wouldn't be anytime soon. Either they liked him or this was their way of saying he could screw himself. He'd rather take the first option.
"Hey there little apple~" His voice purred. Something grabbed Andy from behind. "Didn't except to see you here. Get tired of your little friends. You want to use me again~"
His arm hugged Andy's ribs whilst the other and the hand covered his mouth. Andy thrust his head to turn fully around so he'd at least see the man who confused him.
He wished he hadn't.
One of Peter's eyes was just...gone. Vanished. His other remained, through clouded with rage and despair only someone broken could possess in that body and mind.
Do you like his true self?
Shadow like whispers floated in random direction in circles of the two. Simply watching and observing what their host would do now that they held him under their control.
His hand covered tighter. It pained his lips to be sealed together so roughly. A few tears leaked down Andy's cheeks at a realization.
"I'm sorry."
He held eye contact, then punched him. He ran into the darkness and the haystack acting as a maze he'd have to navigate. If it came down to needing to escape, then Andy would act on the instinct fueling his adrenaline.
Peter reached through the shadows, hand managing to penetrate the mental wall before he was pulled back inside to be trapped within.
Oh no you don't.
His key could be burned for all Andy cared. All he wanted at the moment was the out and running for his one life. Currently shadows and whispering of them followed him down the halls of the maze.
Aww, why'd you run?
We only wanna play.
By the way, your boy toy misses you~
They all taunted the human apple looking man as he ran through random halls in the hay stack made he's been in for around twenty minutes.
"ANDY!" Someone yelled his name. "It's just misunderstanding! It's just gLiTCH!"
Yeah, just a glitch. Andy felt warm breaths behind him almost reaching the back of actual red back. He didn't want to mistakenly look behind himself again so he continued in random direction away from the man turned to a possessed monster.
Andy was suddenly slammed into a wall. Someone pinned him there by his arms, grasping his arms and placing them either sides of his head. They hovered over him as a shadows does in the light.
Go in. Go on.
The demons hurried them both. Peter made eye contact with Andy, one hand leaving his arm and roughly cupping his chin to force him to look at him directly.
"Andy~" Peter purred, smirking at Andy's enraged expression. "Caught you."
Andy spat in his face.
"Who are you? Your wearing his face."
Peter wiped off the spit with a unimpressed expression. He pressed himself closed to the apple man who grunted at the unexpected action.
"I am him. Just...his real self." Peter shrugged, rolling his eyes at the confusion. "I thought you weren't naive. He's a body. Just like you. He isn't capable of feelings. Peter is our host as you are his. Except you gained sentience. He did not. And now he did and he's annoying thanks to you."
He gripped Andy's chin tighter. Andy winced in slight pain as his jaw was squeezed and Peter brought him closer until they were almost hugging each to death.
"Your welcome." Andy replied smugly. He gained a little satisfaction out of this. "What do I call you?"
"Call me Entity." The dark being shot back lowly. "Or Peter. He doesn't care."
"Are you going to kill me?"
"No. Absolutely not." The being chuckled, caressing Andy's cheek. "Your more useful alive. As the protagonist, you can't be killed anyway. I believe it is called plot armour. Our creator really liked your avatar."
"Oh yeah. You don't know."
"Why would I believe that?"
There being pulled his arms along and they walked down a secret hallway. He hummed to himself during Andy's question.
"I'm someone possessed by demons. And possibly another one if my theory's correct." He quipped with a deadpan expression. "I think I maybe have a point."
Andy merely snorted. Peter laughed out loud.
"Your cute. I see why he likes you."
"What happened to you being a horror monster?"
"Ah, catching on." He winked in return. "I don't see much point if you don't think I'm gonna kill ya. Which I'm not. Well, he doesn't want me too."
He tapped on his head with a smirk. Trapped within his mind. Only watching his actions.
Ah, crap.
"What do you want?"
Pure. Freaking. Silence.
"Honestly. He wants you."
"What do you want?"
He looked at the apple man in shock. It was what the darkness wanted. He reached into the recesses of his mind to see what the host always wanted. He wanted a companion. Desired someone at their side if they were in peril.
"We want you."
His voice turned deranged. Andy didn't feel afraid for whatever reason. The possessed pumpkin walked toward Andy and brought him closer. He still wasn't scared. In fact, he felt more comfortable than in his friends' presences.
"Unfortunate you can't have me."
Andy snatched the keys out his pocket and jabbed the the actual key in Peter's eye. The man cried in pain with multiple voices accompanying the consumed figure as Andy strode past humming a merry tune.
He jingled the keys and bent down.
"Thanks, Petey." Andy murmured softly, hand placed in his face. He moved his thumb a little over the curved presumably stroking edges where the blood stained. "I wanted to be yours. But I can't be with someone who's...evil. I want you, but I can't have you. Get me?"
He patted his cheek.
"A-Andy." Peter's other hand clasped his. "You can't leave. Please don't leave."
His eyes flashed within his other pupils. He slowly regained full control over his body just in time for Andy to let and started walking away.
They don't deserve him.
You Know what you must do.
Do it.
Do it.
...Bring him here.
That was all they needed.
In the end, he's glad they did it. In the end, he never would've allowed Andy to leave. He is a messed up person who needs someone as emotional support. Andy had gotten in too deep, and now there was no way out.
"God, your beautiful~"
Laying silent next to him (well, pinned underneath), resided Andy as the shadows left their forms. He tried fighting, he tried begging, he tried apologising. Nothing worked.
Peter seemed deaf to him wanting to leave.
He's too attached.
Admit, so are you.
A shadow suddenly dove into Peter's body. Eyes shrinking, the battle of control was quickly lost these dark beings Peter hosted.
"wE DiD yOu A fAVoUr."
Andy whimpered from the pain. The shadows melded his mind into something more sinister than his precious innocence.
Why do I imagine them suffering?
The scary thing is he liked these thoughts. These poisonous words stringing along his brain refused to leave like Peter refusing to let him from the spooning position he forced them in.
Andy looked at a mirror for his reflection.
Black tears permanently traveled down his cheek in a never ending line like in leaking from an old fashioned pen. His eyes shrunk until they were barely visible as well as his white overtaken by midnight black.
He looked a former shell of himself. And he didn't mind. Andy rather liked this new appearance than his dull old look.
"How do you feel?"
"Not alone." Peter brought their hands together and intertwined their fingers. "I'm not with—with them all the damn time."
By them, he meant the entity seperated into its shadows. Andy saw from above Peter's shoulder that a smiling giant face watching from the darkness with a self-satisfaction smug expression. He wanted to smack it so bad.
Peter may have corrupted, but at least Andy wasn't so alone anymore. And if there were demons, they'd face them together.
"Teach me to be cruel."
He reciprocated the intertwining. Peter's expresion changed from sadness to happiness in an near instant.
"It'd be my pleasure."
Peter smiled like a man on cloud nine.
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