Orphan Black (2/4.)
Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.
(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)
(Inspired by Clementine and Alvin Junior (AJ) dynamic from Telltale Walking Dead: The final season. Andy is a child in this, around the age of five or six. Peter is a teenager around fifteen years old.)
(Also, Melody is around ten and also a child in this AU.)
(Hope you enjoy.)
"Hehe, thank you! His cooking is bad!"
Peter's eyes snapped open. They were alone. They were supposed to alone. He didn't recall allowing anyone else into the cabin. His younger brother-
Andy. Don't let yourself think that term.
Must've let someone in. He taught the kid about stranger danger, the hell he was thinking letting someone inside who could potentially kill then and steal their supplies?
Peter couldn't afford becoming attached. He'd lost a lotta people during the apocalypse and Andy happened to the only one to not die.
Nothing is taking him away from me.
With nothing but a white shirt and a pair of pants worn, he had to work with hand to hand. Not the method he preferred, however the best at his disposal in the present. The combat he specialised in was weapons. Andy's specialty was in the hand to hand bit. The little devil killed more people by his fists than with weapons.
It honestly made Peter quite concerned.
Demon brat.
Seeing how uncovered hands clench, Peter realised the lack of gloves covering the scarred skin he made sure Andy never saw (permanently blood stains that would never come off ever since he killed even all-), the little one didn't need to see another traumatic sight.
Hand steadying itself on the wall, Peter used the surface to support his tired structure. He stumbled down the hallway in a tired manner hoping Andy hadn't gotten himself killed. He'd lose his sanity if the apple child. It would be all his fault. No one else to blame.
It was his job to protect him.
Peeking his head around the door, Peter's eyes widened as he saw Andy with another creature, sitting on their laps and talking to them as if they were old friends. A fish man with gills, purple and blue scales and oceanic eyes you could sink into like they were the seas combined. Wearing a white hoodie, blue plants and black shoes.
"I thought we lost you." His voice was scratchy and raspy as if he hadn't drank in days. "You said you name is Andy, correct?"
"Yeah! What's yours? You look like a Felix."
The fish man blinked twice in comprehension.
"Good guess." He smiled fondly. "Name's Felix the fish. Excuse me voice, no drinks in a few days due to this apocalypse crap."
He looked around the shelter suspiciously. Eying the surroundings and shadows incase planned an unwanted attack. Andy acted surprisingly normal for a stranger having him on their lap and holding him in their arms.
What is he planning?
Andy wasn't a normal child. He had a survival instinct adult only dreamed of stealing.
"Are you alone?"
"No!" Andy chirped as a naive child. "My papa's gone out to get some food and my brother's also asleep in his room. He's lazy."
Peter saw the knife slipping out Felix's pocket. He planned to take his child away and probably make him work for him as a slave or a killer for himself or a group. Scanning his healthy stature, Peter concluded him to be in a group. Someone by themselves couldn't be that plump and not hungry as he and Andy were starving.
"And by the way, big brother don't like me talking to the monsters."
There it was. Suddenly Andy's eyes darkened with the shadows, eyes gazing with the killing instinct as he kicked Felix in the crotch. The fish man groaned and Andy kicked him off the chair, gun pointed and looking toward Peter's direction.
"He tried taking me." Andy whimpered, expression frightened by the experience. "I didn't know what else to do. He planned on taking me away to a farm! I wasn't leaving you, promise."
Peter walked over and picked up the child. Andy settled on nearly leaning on his waist with one arm steadying his weight and the other pointing a shotgun Peter let him keep some time ago. He practically begged and whined for it as a Christmas present, so Peter had no choice but to oblige the Christmas list.
"Let's do this, motherf*ckers!"
The fact Andy actually censored himself nearly caused Peter to burst out laughing. Managing to contain himself, he swatted Andy's head gently which the apple's hand stroked over instantly.
"Don't swear. Don't suit ya."
"Says the one who swears all the time."
The kid honestly had a point. He crawled in Peter's shoulders giving the teenager more room to get his weapon as the fish man stood up with his hands clenched.
"Let's play a game."
That fucking phrase.
"Let's a play a game."
He grinned at the frightened apple man. The shadows held him by strings and dragged him along to the field where they'd play the chase. He would run and he would catch him.
The puppet knew this would be fun.
Another self appeared behind the fish man. His eyes were the same, but black with only one green iris slitted like a wild animal.
You're his for the moment.
Then he saw through the eyes of a madman. In a momentary second of clarity, he placed Andy on the ground and suddenly struck as if he weren't himself, but someone else possessing him.
Put him out his misery.
His hands punched the older man's chest, the other going forward his jaw. Blocking a punch to his throat, his leg kneed Felix's stomach knocking to the ground. Peter somewhat enjoyed the torture he was putting on the fish man.
Raising his gun, Peter's expression glitched to become emotionless. No remorse or regret showed in the single eye that remained. His heart and mind were corrupted and his emotions were suppressed to do the shadows' desires.
"Back the fuck up." Felix attempted to resist which made Peter growl. "BACK THE HELL UP."
The shadows were at the window. Clawing and scratching their way inside due to the sounds and negative emotions of fear and regret running high in the atmosphere.
Deserves it for trying to take your child.
Peter chuckled maliciously. Voicing glitching into multiple victims, Felix obeyed the orders of the maddened kid he had no clue the age of. What did the world do to drive him insane?
As Peter looked at the source of the new voice, his new faded and the original too their place as the host managed to take control. The shadows disappeared from the windows as Andy ran into Peter's arms upon seeing the change in his caretaker's soul. He needed someone to snap him out of his maddened state.
"Right, sorry." He sighed, staring at Felix while Andy pointed his gun. "We're leaving. Don't follow us and we won't kill you."
"Wait!" The scratchy voice protested. "You're not taking him away again! You done enough damage!"
What the hell was he on about?
A hand grasped his shoulder pulling the teenager back into the shelter they found yesterday. The fish man refused to let go and Peter knew Andy would retaliate soon. If anyone thought he was insane, then Andy made him look like a mere mild psychopath. Andy went full on socio on creatures. Felix would've been the next victim.
Andy was crying now. Shrieking and having a panic attack, he kicked the fish man and tried running off into the shelter when a pain to the back of his head forced him to drop Andy and the six year old trying to help him off the floor he suddenly collapsed on.
"You are a child who isn't fit to care to for another child." Another voice intervened. "You're both coming with us."
A woman's voice spoke as she held the blunt end of a gun she had used to strike Peter's head. She looked like a bee woman. Blue hoodie, green shorts and ripped sketcher shoes.
A hippie then.
Andy tried pulling Peter to his feet, yelling as someone scooped him up and knocked him out as well. Peter felt himself hoisted over someone's shoulders as they adjusted him to be over both while the bee woman held Andy in one arm steadying the rather tiny child.
He managed a last thought before blacking out.
I'm sorry, Andy.
He's weak.
The old puppet did better than him.
He's different now.
He didn't expect a comforting feeling as his mind processed the world before him. Feeling around the smooth surface, he concluded someone placed him in bed rather than a cell. A kind gesture, but weird at the same time.
No one in this world's nice.
Just like the rest of them.
Peter flinched, then looked at the window. His other self stood there again. An older, albeit not much old looking man in his twenties with the single green eye and the malicious grin had shadows swirling around his wrists.
He immediately crawled backwards on the bed.
Get away!
His mouth wouldn't work. Something took ahold of his body and froze his systems. Only his thoughts were his one and they barely remained.
They're holding the child in the picnic area. A shame it took my memory, could've possessed the old bodies...
The figure faded from sight. Peter knew he was himself, but denied the obvious of somehow this version belonged to the shadows which were to blame for this apocalypse.
Now for Andy.
Getting up off the bed, Peter observed his surroundings where his kidnappers thought it had been a good idea to leave him.
He had been placed in some kind of fancy ass bedroom, decorations well kept even in the events of the apocalypse. He admitted to being impressed these people could leave a clean house when they were trying to survive and weren't neglecting shelters like the ones he and Andy stayed in whenever they were stuck somewhere for the night.
Don't worry, Andy. I won't let them hurt you.
Another dark thought crossed his mind.
I'll kill 'em if needed.
With that thought of assurance, a newfound determination coursed through Peter's veins. Giving him the strength to suddenly stand and go to find whoever dared take Andy away from him.
"Oh, you're awake!"
He jumped back in fright. A little moon shaped headed little girl stood in the doorway with a tray of food which she looked to be offering. A horrible, horrible idea crossed his mind again.
Take the child hostage. See how they like their children taken from this world by a madman.
Good thing he practically Andy from a baby to his current age. So Peter had the experience needed to lure the child closer before striking where it hurt for the parents and rest of the little group.
"You alright, mister pumpkin man?"
Eyes unconsciously changing, Peter bent down on one knee and outstretched his hand. The child looked to be around Andy's age. Albeit a few years older. Maybe around nine or ten.
Don't scare her. Act injured. Fake a sob story.
"Thanks, little one." He cooed soothingly. "I'm a bit too injured at the moment. Can you bring the food closer? Your mama shot me pretty hard."
Assuming the bee woman and her wee even related. There were some similarities like the skin tone, but he couldn't tell as far as he couldn't see them.
"O-okay. My name's Melody."
Melody the moon. Suited her to be honest.
"Pretty name. Peter the pumpkin."
"Our names sync with what we are!"
Huh, he never noticed that little detail. She had that point of side. What a clever little girl.
"Guess they do." He chuckled for real. "Melody, I'm hungry. Did your mama want you to deny a starving man food?"
"O-oh. Sorry!" She replied meekly. "I get a bit...talkative. Mama and papa told me to bring the food and leave. They thought you were sleeping."
Underestimating jackasses.
"Well, I'm awake."
"I guess your right..."
Peter backed up once she reaches the dresser next to the bed. After she placed the food down, he swiftly grabbed her arm and pointed a grin to her neck. The child yelped in fear and pain.
"P-please, mister!"
"You shouldn't have trusted a stranger." Peter growled, gun cocked at the trigger. "Take me where your parents are. We're gonna have a little talk about grown up shit."
The girl nodded and let out a sob as she led him out the room and toward her folks. Peter internally swore revenge and to hurt them.
They'd pay for taking his considered child.
These people weren't who Andy expected.
After taking him away from Peter, he thought they would've tortured or maimed him by now. Other people who tried stealing him for themselves had those same intentions. Even as a child, he wasn't stupid and paid attention the world around to notice hints and changed in the atmosphere incase he or Peter needed warning before leaving to a new safe zone.
Instead, they treated him as one of their own.
"Hey little one." The fish man sat down next to him as he watched Andy colouring in the book they offered. "I know we weren't the kindest...but your previous guardian isn't fit to take care of you anymore. You're both kids."
"And we survived." Andy chirped, nor caring at the insults. "Peter helped protect me. He knows his way around a gun! Probably has it pointed at someone right now!"
"A gun.." The bee woman's wigs buzzed in alert. "She sent Melody in there to bring him food!-"
Andy hummed a merry tune as he coloured. He knew what was coming next. You didn't mess with one of them without making the other mad.
The door opened and that little moon girl he met earlier stepped out crying. Alongside her was Peter pointing a gun to her neck. Felix immediately reached for knife and the bee woman reached for her shotgun she loved carrying and killing with.
Andy just kept colouring.
"Let go of Melody!"
The bee woman screamed. Peter simply held the gun, silently glaring and they knew the demand the mute pumpkin man was making. Andy looked up to see his caretaker mad and decided now would be a good time to intervene.
He dropped his glare from the moon child when heard that voice yelling his name. Looking for the source, he found another child running up and into his arms causing Melody to take her chances and run off to the fish man.
Peter sighed in relief. The apple child hugged him close and he returned the gesture briefly before running his hands on the child's face to make he wasn't injured by these people.
"Did they hurt you?"
"Nope! They even let me colour! I finished a demon! It's like the ones we fight everyday!"
"Good. Good." He smiled as Andy showed the drawing, his tough exterior dropping somewhat into a proud parent's. "Pretty, very pretty."
The child squealed at the praise. Hugging Peter close, he crawled onto his back to give his hands enough room to reach his gun. The other grabbed his knife as he stared back at the kidnappers.
Suddenly, he smirked. And shot a bullet in the air which made everyone in the area jump back in fear and surprise. This kid clearly had some issues that needed resolving.
"You knocked me out and tried convincing him to stay." Peter stated softly, eyes landing on the bee lady who knocked him out. "A stranger talking to a child? Hmm, I believe it's a type of danger for a reason, hon. You don't gotta try and take my child away from their rightful guardians."
He sighed, rubbing his temples before taking a deep breath. The technique helped calm his pumping adrenaline trying to control his actions and make him kill the fuckers for kidnapping him Andy, holding them back from getting back on the road to escape the shadows sooner than later.
A bad feeling stirred in his gut. Survival instincts all these years whispered they'd have better chances escaping this little group than possibly staying and losing more people. Parental instincts entered the mix, confusing him on what to do and how to do anything.
God, he was just exhausted.
The creatures pointing their weapons suddenly lowered them once a hand raised. Signalling the rest of her people in an silent order. She walked through the mini crowd and revealed herself as a mole woman along with a clock man at her side.
"So this is the little troublemaker I've heard from ya'll. I'm quite disappointed." Something in her tone tone inclined...protectiveness. "I question how you don't realise this a child and another child looking for a place in the world to call home."
She described Peter and Andy in one sentence.
They groups slowly lowered their weapons fully and took a proper look at the intruders. Examining the threat up-close revealed some new details they were ignorant to before their little interruption.
The bags under the adult's eyes, the kid clinging like a lifeline. His eyes untrusting and paranoid while also holding a hint of fear toward them.
The kid was afraid. And they were the source.
What had they done?
"My name's Margret. How old are you, darlin'?"
The shooter said nothing, instead glancing at the younger apple child who nodded in approval.
"...Fifteen." He replied in a small voice. "Fifteen, ma'am. My brother's six years old. We were in our way and your people kidnapped us."
Peter stepped back in confusion. First they wanted to shoot him, now they were concerned?
Even Andy growled quietly. A sound he did whenever he grew stressed from an confusing situation. His hands clenched Peter's shoulders as he opened his mouth to make conversation.
"Peter, what's happening?"
I don't know, Andy.
Were they going to kill him? Both of them?
Worried about the outcome, Peter slowly drew him gun. Ready to shoot if necessary for their survival. He didn't give a damn if anyone else died, Andy's safety and his one echoed in his instincts making him not care for anything else.
"A child." The clock man whispered, sympathy leaking into his voice. "You were going to shoot a child. Two kids. What is wrong with you, Bailey? Felix? You two should be ashamed."
"I was thinking of the group safety!"
"Safety in the fact it's two against five!" Margret pointed out. "Clearly unfair! Go somewhere else to think over your actions!"
With a fierce glare, Felix stomped away whilst Bailey folded her arms and leaned against a wall looking the emotion Margret mentioned.
"I'm sorry, sweetie." Margret dared put a hand on Peter's shoulder, guiding him over to the rest of the group in area. "Our people don't think of their actions sometimes. They tend to let their emotions cloudy judgment. Your welcome to stay if the child is in need of supplies and care."
Of course they weren't concerned for him. Only Andy as they young child. But it'd be nice not to worry about the shadows or other survivors robbing them for a few days. He and Andy made eye contact, silently conversing the same message.
A few days.
Testing their limits would prove effective. See how the farm remained intact and the stability to their shelters and supplied incase they traded with other survivors. Reluctantly placing Andy in the group, Peter bent down to his level and put both hands on his shoulders.
"Kill them if necessary."
Andy nodded, the order registering within his mind. Raised by a kid meant obeying the lesson and moral taught by that specific parent. Melody shyly took his hand and he went off to see what she wanted him to see after Peter gave his silent approval of him being out of sight.
Bailey shook his hand after Margret left. Eyes never leaving his own, she held the contact for a few seconds before muttering an automatic phrase Margret made them say to all visitors.
"Welcome to our farm. Home. Safe space."
Peter grew concerned the moment she left. He didn't trust any of those creatures, but Andy needed break and to act like a kid. He needed to make sacrifices despite instincts screaming they needed to head for another shelter to stay.
Ignoring them temporarily, he lost himself to the thoughts and question arising, especially one in particular.
How long would it truly last?
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