One Night At The Apple Farm.

Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Crossover with FNAF (1.). Peter is the nightguard, Andy is Freddy, Claus is Bonnie, Melody is Chica, and Felix is Foxy. Margret is Golden Freddy.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

Sitting there watching the would've proved being if the were the normal kind and stayed standing in the stage or at their stations like they were supposed to. Normal animatrics stayed at their required stops and only moved if they were advanced enough to have a decent enough level of comprehension.


Watching the tablet showing the where the animatronics are, Peter sucked in the cigarette before exhaling out the smoke to reduce the amount to stress this shifty job brought. The robots, animatronics, whatever the hell the phone guy called these little it's moved around with malicious intent. To stuff a body into a new Freddy suit they'd apparently found somewhere outside. Why would management even allow that to happen?


Great. The fish bastard arrived. Waving his hook side to side in a mocking wave, he brought it down to his throat and made a slicing gesture once he'd get his hands on him.


Outside his left window, the one handed fish animatronic, and Peter wasn't making this up, banged in the doors as if they were drums and proceeded to play the Macarena. All the whole Peter watched flabbergasted as he danced and banged the doors at the same time.

"Ayyyyy, Macarena!"

He...He couldn't make this up. What the actual hell went on in that animatronic's mind music playing at this time of the night?

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Peter screamed, trying to hold in his laughter as he remembered they wanted his death. "This song of all things?! How does your sensors even know it?!"

Continuing to bang the doors, Felix suddenly stopped. The music haunted, a squeak came from the fish animatronic as he sprinted down the halls to his little designated area. A pretend lakeside for the kids to enjoy a picnic.

"Modern music, baby!"

What the actual fuck was wrong with him?

Everything. Just...everything.

Felix also turned out to be the most annoying. So, his experiences were the worst in terms of humour and fear factors, especially considering he sprinted unlike the slow animatronics. Which were basically all of them.


I fucking hate you all.

Checking the tablet again, Peter clicked on camera 4B and 2B. Melody decided to be a little asshole and stand at the end of the halls.

Why make a literal clock robot?

Claus appeared in the back room..for some reason. Peter didn't understand his obsession for clocks and birds. He had become somewhat desensitised to their chirping, opting to focus on not dying than you very much.


"Heya, Petey!"

"What d'ya want, Bailey?"

The bee woman on the phone was his first and only friend. They even dared some point in their teenager years, but she broke it off claiming rheh weren't working out. Sometime in the future, she asked him to be her roommate. Peter, unfortunately and mistakenly said yes. Bailey brought over guys every night to fuck them.

"Have you brought over anyone?"

He harboured no romantic feelings. Though, it got annoying to hear her moaning and screaming the guys' name, whoever it may be. Recalling none of them, he became fearful she did this to spite him. Wouldn't be out her nature.


Bailey was cut off by her own moaning. Rolling his eyes, Peter lifted the phone off his ear and was about to hang up off Bailey's call when he genuinely shrieked. Dear God he had been lucky to keep the right door shut.


Andy leaned on the window. Elbow propped against the head, hand leaning on his palm, smiling at Peter as if they were old friends. Watching his every move. So quiet Peter hadn't heard him even come down the hall toward the upper area near his office.

"Andy, leave."

"Who's Andy?"

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"No one, Bailey."

Before she added another word, Peter hung up the call and put his phone in his pocket. Maintaining eye contact with Andy, the two engaged in a staring contest. Second turned into minutes as Andy adjusted his position so he sounding get bored and go the first kill of the night.

"You've survived more than we thought you were capable." Andy whispered wistfully, a ghost of a smile trailing along his mouth. "You're different. No wonder I said to keep you alive. I like you, Peter. Even if you're breaking the rules."

The younger man folded his arms stubbornly, rolled his eyes and looked at his clothing. Different than the security uniform they have him to wear. He still wore the name badge if that counted.

...I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

Not showing any emotion to satisfy Andy's taunting (when was he so dead inside to be able to hide them?), the pumpkin man looked up and backed away a few steps, noting to close the left door after Andy left:

"Hmm, Hmm, Hmm~"

He faintly heard Melody's tune down the right hall. Singing cheerfully and appearing next to Andy who winked and left for the main stage, a faint limp managing to appear in the corner of Peter's eye. For some reason, he felt concerned.

"What happened to him?"

Melody's expression darkened. Eyes clouding with rage, her normally bright coloured eyes changed into black ones with only white dots indicating she was alive. She banged on the window, an enraged shriek echoing down the halls and probably the whole neighbourhood where the whole establishment presided.

"One of you humans attacked him!"

Why did Peter feel guilt? He wasn't the culprit, nor the one who should feel any shame for the animatronics trying to kill him every night.

Though he feared less and less as the weeks went on. At some point, the fear factor faded as the doors provided safety and he learned their patterns. Random but same overall. Never standing off the same path. Different times, but same directions. Different places, same characters. All the same.

Repetitive. Somewhat predictable.

Bang! Bang!

Except for the consistent banging. The animatronics either stood idly, shouted rude obscenities (not like Peter could call them out on it otherwise he'd be a hypocrite), or pounded in the doors causing him to lose power and eventually make the building have an outage.

Their only advantage. His lack of safety.

Shit. Shit. Where the hell is Margret?

Flipping the camera to one another faster than the animatronics walked, he found the golden bitch resting in the services area standing next to the lifeless endoskeleton. She held it in her hands mimicking movements as if it were a puppet. Sending a clear Message to Peter via lip reading.

This is you.

Gee, thanks.

Rolling his eyes, he flipped the camera to the right hallways. Andy waited outside the door for him to slip up and not see him in the dark. Luckily, he dealt with the apple singing animatronics enough times to train himself in seeing if the power ever went out.


Bailey found it strange when he asked her to turn off the pier that day. He blackmailed the Bee woman with sending a video of her having sec before marriage to her parents. She complied after beating the ever living shit outta him.

It's not Peter's fault she insisted on the cameras. Hell, she'd placed a hidden one inside his room. Not telling him where she had put the damn thing to hide it for his own safety. She accused him of boundaries. Yeah, Bailey was beyond creepy downtimes. However, she's all he has left.

I still have the scar from the knife.

Peter traced the scar on his head. Ever since the bite...Bailey's health deteriorated in more ways than one. Mentally and physically she couldn't take of herself and begged Peter not to leave.

Guilting by using the childhood friends excuse.

That got him to stay. Against his will, but worked all the same. Peter would give that to her. The manipulation worked and he had been living with her for the past few years.

Trapped living with a psychopath. Peter made one mistake as his thoughts consumed him. Forgetting to check the doors. A certain animatronics waltzed into the room behind his back, placing two hands on his shoulder and leaning him close enough to whisper into his non-existent ears.

"You shouldn't be so reckless."

Peter shrieked, then shoved the animatronics two feet away from him. Glaring at the golden mole, he fixed up his coughing whilst listening to her laugh until she would have died if she were human. Margret calmed down once Peter proceeded back to his usual method.

"Why are you here?"

"Thought I'd visit ya, darling. You look lonely."

"You get lonely when certain things wish for your death. And that's the least terrible version."

"Pish posh. Relax a little."

The golden animatronics was basically a reskinned version of Margret, but golden skin and black eye with white dots. She transported to his desk, sitting legs-crossed and humming a tune Melody must've heard.

They fell into a somewhat comfortable. Margret emanated a comfortable aura. Peter found himself resting against her for a little bit in a deep sleep due to his recent exhaustion. Paying for Bailey's hospital bike and working extra hours to afford it didn't help. Their debt from college was also due by the bank. Demanding their money by claiming a certain portion of his pay every month.

No friends. No family. Only Bailey and these animatronics kept Peter functioning as a sane creature. Otherwise, he would've lost to the voice in his born out the depression he somehow acquired during the stress and crying in the nights.

"Peter, honey. Time ta wake up."

The pumpkin man groaned, opening his eyes. They snapped open as he realised he'd become reckless once Margret entered the same room. As the only animatronics not wanting to kill him, he viewed her as a safety tool. Not a friend. She hated him to the bone. Would kill him the moment he pissed her off. Always be careful around Margret. An unofficial rule he'd built mentally alongside the others crested within the week Peter worked at Andy's Apple Farm.

"See ya next week, darlin'!"

Flipping the mole animatronic with his middle finger, Peter groggily dressed in his hoodie to keep warm from the incoming winter. He swiftly grabbed bag and walked out the office, raising his hood and knife encase they planned extra attacks. Passing the main gang in the stage, he caught a quick glance before Andy's eyes moved in his direction. Trapped within their bodies as the daytime mode never allowed movements during the guest hours.


Paranoia? Yes. Justified? Also yes.

"C-Come b-b-back s-soon!"

Peter shook his head, smiling, then sneering at the animatronics. They tried killing his every night and taunted every chance they received.

Raising two finger and his thumb to make the shape of a pretend gun, Peter closed one eye to indulge his fantasy of aiming a gun near all their heads. Except maybe Margret. Releasing the pretend trigger, he mouth a word as the bullet flew within his imagination.


One time they wanted wanted his help to fix them. And you know what? Peter denied their question? This establishment could burn for all he cared, but was an unfortunate wish if he wanted a job to afford their bills. Especially as he nearly had nearly no money left over to spend on food and drinks for Bailey and him.

Pull the trigger.
What do we have to live for?
You know what you did.

Thoughts out of his control, they directed his gun shaped hand to his own hand. Tears overwhelmed his eyes as he struggled to pulled the actual trigger aimed at his own head.

"What if I ended my suffering?"

Turning around with his back facing them, Peter released a humourless bit of laughter. He flinched the start of Andy's audio played.

"We'll miss you!"

Swiftly facing them again, Peter raised a brow at their antics now. They looked in his direction performing their usual functions. Except all eyes were focused on him.

Dismantle them.

The shadows wrapped around Peter's form. He forgot to mention another animatronic hiding in the darkness that the company created for who knows why.

"You hate them. Yet you protect 'em. Decide what you want, Entity. I'm not in the mood for any of your shit. I'm sick of the games."

Peter walked off into the outside. Phoning Bailey who proceeded to yell for his harsh actions as if it were his death. Distracted by her annoying rant, Peter began yelling into the phone and arguing his case so wouldn't be bitching at him once he returned to their apartment exhausted.

...Not noticing Andy's concerned eyes on him.

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