
Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Hope you enjoy.)

"My word is law. I am the man of the house and you're my child. Whatever you say or think is something I have taught or said embroidered into your mind. There is no escape."

The child sat with her headphones on the bus, words of the lady repeating their phrases over the lyrics playing through her music. Even they couldn't block out the taunting words her father said on a daily basis. With one hand supporting her head and the other on her one one flipping through the music until she found a suitable one for her mood, Isabella finally found the song she found to her liking.

'My world is burning down me- VivziePop.'

Nodding in satisfaction, Isabella's finger clicked the okay icon on the screen. The song started playing seconds later as the lyrics appeared in the screen and the bus stopped just in front of the school where she unfortunately attended her classes everyday five days on a forced week.

Getting off the bus as it stopped to pick up other people, Isabella's hands raised her hood on the hoodie so others wouldn't see her ugly face-

"Scars make people ugly. No child of mine should allow others to see the horror that is yours."

Hands feeling her cheeks, Isabella used her arm to wipe the wet marks trailing down her skin. Singing heavily, she walked toward the place she called hell. The school. The place of education.

She named it the place of unnecessary bullshit.

"My world is burning down around me
My deep despair is what surrounds me, yeah"

Isabella kept her head down pretending to be invisible. If she stayed out of trouble, then her father's beating would surely lessen over the course of incoming months. She hated when summer came. Meaning no escape and she'd be forced to stay with her family. Unlike other kids who thrived off staying school, Isabella relished the moments she stayed away from her father and the rest of her family who were just as toxic.

"Your dark decay, I feel so sad
It's black and grey, I hate you dad
You never change, You only lie
It's all the same"

Especially Louis. The golden child. He couldn't do anything wrong in their father's eyes. Isabella constantly getting blamed for his misdeeds meant even more bruises and other bad things happened in the summer holidays.


A hand placed itself on her shoulder causing Isabella to flinch violently. The other person ignored this as it was a common occurrence to their friend whenever they scared her by accident.

"Chill, chill!" Sam smiled, forcing Isabella's hood down against her will. "Only me! You weren't answering so I came over to stay hi!"

"...Hi." Isabella deadpanned, then a fake smile formed on her mouth. "Nice to see ya, Sam. Sorry about that. Music got too loud again. Head lost in the clouds, I think."

"It's fine! Fine." Sam replied cheerfully, clapping her hands and suddenly gaining a sour expression as she looked at the time. "Nearly nine in the morning. You're lucky class doesn't begin until ten. Why'd ya come in when going still have an hour left?"

Isabella went silent. Hands clutching her arms as a headphone on the right side feel onto her shoulder, negative memories began replacing, making her feel bile rise in the back of her throat.

Instead of answering verbally, she simply shrugged. Sam took it none the wiser. Naive little thing as her mother would've nicknamed her if they ever met. Isabelle never planned on that occasion if she could prevent it permanently.

Because Thomas decided on a random beating.

"Just...wanted to be on time."

"My world is burning down around me
My deep despair is what surrounds me, yeah"

Eyeing the clock, Isabella internally sighed with relief as it struck nine in the morning. Sam's sociology classes would begin and she'd gain an hour of pain and solidarity. People said she shouldn't be alone and friends were there to entertain and have fun to be around. Isabella could people to be an annoyance and hindrance of education. She only tolerated Sam because the school's mental health nurse started acting concerned on her behalf and outright threatened to call her father if she wasn't seen with a friend by the end of week.

"Hmm, okay. I have sociology now! See ya later, Isabella!"

"My world is burning down around me
My deep despair is what surrounds me, yeah"

Sam skipped off down the halls not to be seen for the next hour. Isabella took out her books and other assortments out her bag and started studying for maths which would start at ten. She turned her attention to her phone, going through the song choice for the next couple of minutes whilst she tried deciding what mood would settle for the next hour until the next class.

Isabella couldn't find any decent songs. Too little too late, she clicked on a random one and the lyrics began playing. Not realising exactly what she clicked, her hand immediately went for the pause icon once the exact words were spat out.

No, not that one.

The shadows rustled as she clicked off the song accidentally chosen. Running her hand along the darkness, they reacted in an off affectionate gesture by running along her wrist. Travelling up Isabella's arm, almost caressing the bruises as if admiring the damage done by her father. Her family would always by haunted by this darkness.

Isabella decided to play a specific song.

'City of Angels- 24kGoldn.'

"I sold my soul to the devil for designer"

Isabella studied using her books and taking notes whenever she found a topic interesting. Just wanting to be left in peace.

Of course that wasn't meant to be.

Bringing up her phone, she clicked the latest trending some Sam told her about. It looked and seemed satisfying to play for a round or two of studying, ignoring her brother, and even keeping their father out the room.

Religious prick.

Tunes were meant to be a way to sooth the mind of any unwanted thoughts of past experiences. Though, there were some songs with incredibly disturbing lyrics, yet Isabella found she liked listening to them despite their disturbing messages.

"They said, "Go to hell" but I told 'em I don't wanna, If you know me well, then you know that I ain't goin'
'Cause I don't wanna, I don't wanna"

Isabella found herself drawing instead. Pencil moving on the paper as her mind guided her hand to draw whatever her lost kind decided to be of worth her depression today. Maybe a broken. Maybe a grave. Maybe a dead bird.

Lord knew her father killed many.

"I don't wanna die young
The city of angels where I have my fun
Don't wanna die young
When I'm gone, remember all I've done, 'one"

Suddenly her book was taken by the people who bullied her everyday. Thrown to the ground and held by both arms, Isabella watched numbly as her book someone looked into her art book and proceeded to take the drawing she had just done.

And it was so good as well.

She didn't care that they bullied her. As long as he never told her father or brother, who were oddly overprotective when it came to over people (it really sent our mixed messages whenever they acted or not), everything would be fine.

"We've had our fun, 'un
But now I'm done, 'one
'Cause you crazy, yeah, I can't take it (No)
Just wanted to see you naked"

Isabella recalled her mother's words whenever her father attacked physically on each and everyone of them. Developing a saying for her children to follow so the danger would lessen until Thomas decided he had enough and eventually got bored of them resisting.

"Play limp. The bear will declare you dead."

Someone punched her nose. Another kicked the back of her legs to the point of them being nearly shattered. The people supporting her upper body dropped her carelessly, letting her lay there limp.

"Heard time like money, can't waste it
What's the price of fame? 'Cause I can taste it
So I'm chasin' (Yeah), and I'm facin'
A little Hennessy, it might be good for me"

Holding the art book, the bully shoved it in her face. As her vision stopped blurring, Isabella could see Sam staring through a window of another classroom, but not standing up for Isabella nor letting a teacher know what was going on a mere feet away from their lesson.

They probably threatened Sam into silence.

"Aww, the little artist draw something today! A moon! Half a moon! Quarter of a moon! It seems she really likes the moon."

Too bad she happened to be friends with them. It was a well known saying that you didn't snitch on your friends. She'd probably choose them over Isabella in a heartbeat. Popularity was too important to loose if you didn't want to down the loser chain. Even to the point of beatings.

As in literally beaten until you were broken.

"I sold my soul to the devil for designer
They said, "Go to hell" but I told 'em I don't wanna, If you know me well, then you know that I ain't goin'
'Cause I don't wanna, I don't wanna"

Finally dropping her book along with her other belongings, one of the bullies bent down and whispered in Isabella's ear in a tone mistaken to often be soothing.

"You are nothing."

Isabella said anything in response. Laying there limp like her mum advised. And somehow, it worked. All of them left and Isabella stayed put knowing she was alone this world.

"I don't wanna die young
The city of angels where I have my fun
Don't wanna die young
When I'm gone, remember all I've done, 'one"

No true friends. No family who cared.

Pathetically alone. She only had her music and maybe her mother. If she weren't only caring because she felt guilty raising Isabella and Louis with an abusive man.

Why has she not divorced him?

Isabella closed her eyes. Her mind waved with too many thoughts whenever she deserved to live or die. Horrible, horrible events flashed through her brain before she forced them down with more simple topics to focus on.

Probably because her mother was too lonely. Staring at the ceiling in a blank state, Isabella felt one of the throbbing bruises that reminded her that life sucked so hard. Hand tracing the soon to be scar, only one phrase within three words echoed with the voices that soon began their usual chanting.

Fuck you, Dad.

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