
[Third Person-POV]

It was the definitive moment of the whole universe, which would define if the universe would be saved or destroyed, Goku and Vegeta were using everything they had to defeat Kid Buu, the evil part of Majin Buu

Goku:Vegeta, have the people of Earth give us their energy, is what we need to defeat Buu

Vegeta:You just worry about gathering enough energy,I do not know how the hell this guy is as powerful as before

Vegeta said as he launched himself towards Kid Buu, while Vegeta tried to fight Kid Buu, Hercule was hiding behind a rock

Hercule:What am I doing? I am Hercule, the great champion, I must fight, everyone trusts me

Hercule came out of hiding and approached Kid Buu who was hitting Vegeta against the ground

Hercule:Hey you!!

Kid Buu fixed his gaze towards Hercule

Hercule:It's time for you to fight against the great champion Hercule and come out defeated!!

Kid Buu started to laugh and threw himself towards Hercule

Hercule:AAAAAAAHHH!!! I was just kidding, do not hit me!!!

Hercule covered his face with fear but Kid Buu stopped in front of Hercule, he started to grab his head and started screaming

Hercule:Eh?....T-That's right, suffer for the great power of Hercule!!

Kid Buu began to scream louder, he spit a ball of chewing gum which exploded and from there Majin Buu came out

Hercule:Majin Buu!!!

Hercule ran towards Majin Buu who was unconscious on the ground

Hercule:You.....You hurt Majin Buu!!

Hercule got up and pointed towards Kid Buu

Hercule:I will not forgive you, prepare to face the great Hercule!!!!!


Kid Buu gave a roar making everything around him begin to shake

Hercule:I'm sorry, it was just a joke, you know!! It just a prank!! AAAAAAHHH!!!!

Kid Buu started to approach Hercule but he started to grab his head and scream in pain

Vegeta:What the hell is happening to that thing? 

Kid Buu bent over and started grabbing his head even stronger, he spit a ball which exploded but this time the ball came out Super Buu

Goku:W-What?! A-Another Buu!

Vegeta:G-Great, it seems that this became much more difficult

Super Buu got up from the floor but this time it looked very different, his skin was now a human being but he still kept his clothes from when he absorbed Gohan

???:Ugh! Where the hell am I?

He looked around until he saw Kid Buu

Kid Buu:Eehee heee hee heee!

???:How utterly lacking in class,this thing

Kid Buu:Shah! Heheh!

???:Well, I'm sorry but I do not feel like destroying everything in my path...

Everyone was surprised, Goku and Vegeta could not believe what they were seeing,Kibito-Shin and Elder Kai were equally surprised

Kibito-Shin:What happened? How can something like this happen?

Elder Kai:Apparently, Majin Buu kept the skills of the people he absorbed but also meant an obstacle to him since all the thoughts of those people stopped him from making chaos like when he stopped when attacking that fool

Kibito-Shin:But why was he created a totally different person?

Elder Kai:Apparently all those people that he absorb got together in one creating a person with all the skills and thoughts but at the same time they also took part of their appearance,that is why this person looks much more human

Kibito-Shin:Impressive, I had never thought that something like this would happen but it is also very dangerous, as you said this person must be very strong

Elder Kai:I do not think so, look

Kibito-Shin looked back at the crystal ball,he saw how the person coming out of Kid Boo started to charge energy


A pink smoke began to surround the person until after a few seconds, the smoke dissipated showing the person but now with an appearance of Majin

???:Hehe apparently I can still have my old appearance again with my power


I set my sights towards Kid Buu

???:I think it's time for you to annihilate but I'll be gentle with you, after all I want to have some entertainment

Kid Buu threw himself at me but I dodged him,I teleported and kicked Kid Buu in the face throwing him against a mountain

???:Come on, I know you can do something better than that

I saw Kid Buu come out of the amount of rocks, a quantity of steam came out of the holes in his body, Kid Buu created a ball of energy in his hand enough to destroy a planet

???:You're a fool, do not you see that I'm strong enough to withstand an attack like that

Apparently Kid Buu did not listen to me because in the same way he threw me the ball of energy


With my fist I hit the energy ball back towards Kid Buu,he try to stop the energy ball

???:I guess this is going to end now


Along with Piccolo's makankosappo, the energy ball ended up hitting Kid Buu creating a powerful explosion, in the place Kid Buu was no longer

???:Well....That was very easy

I noticed that Goku and Vegeta were looking at me

???:But this will become much more fun

I raise my hand towards them and started to create a ki ball,even though both of them were very hurt they put on a fight pose,I was going to throw the ki ball but after a moment I made it disappear

???:No......all the people that I absorb have a lot of appreciation to those two and the Earth

Vegeta:Are you going to attack us or what?

???:......I guess you're lucky.....I do not feel like fighting against you

I turned and started to get away from them until I felt Vegeta throw a ki ball at me,I turned around and reflected the ball of ki with my hand

???:I do not feel like fighting against you but that does not mean I can not kill you

Goku:W-Wait can you explain who you are

???:Well, I guess I am the set of all the people that Kid Buu absorbed, by expelling that power from his body he created a body with all the DNA of the people that he absorbed with all his techniques

Vegeta:That seems very complex for someone who previously could not say two words in a row

???:I guess it's the intelligence of Piccolo and Gohan

Goku:Wow but you do not look like an evil person

Vegeta:Did Buu's blows make you more stupid?!?! this guy was about to kill us

Goku:Take it easy, Vegeta, if he wanted to kill us he would have done it


???:I can hear you

Goku:Come on Vegeta, everyone needs to have a second chance, you also had that opportunity

Vegeta:Tch You're a fool, if this guy starts destroying the whole Earth, it's going to be your fault!

Goku:Okay do not worry

Goku approached me and put his hand on my shoulder

Goku:Hey look, I know this sounds weird but you want to come with us? apparently you're not a bad person like you were before, you and Majin Buu can come with us

???:Hmmmm........Well, I do not think going with you is a bad idea

Goku:Very good, on the other hand, what is your name? Of course, if you have one or just want us to call you Buu

(Y/N):Call me (Y/N), it's not a stupid name like Buu

I turned around and saw that fool from before trying to wake up Majin Buu,I approached them but the fool was put in the middle

Hercule:You will not approach Buu, as the champion I will protect my best friend with my life,prepare to fight, because I will give you the beating of your life AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

(Y/N):What annoying guy

I approached Buu,I put my hand on him and started to heal,I could see how he was beginning to wake up

Majin Buu:What happened? Where Hercule?!

(Y/N):He is there, holding his nose

Hercule:MY NOSE!!!! MY NOSE!!!!

Majin Buu:Hercule!!

Majin Buu went to the fool and began to heal his nose

Goku:Well, I think it's better to revive all the people on Earth, I hope we can use Namek's Dragon Balls

Vegeta:At last you say something intelligent, Kakarot

Goku:All right, I'll be back in a few minutes

Goku put two fingers on his forehead disappeared from the place,I saw how Vegeta was looking away,I put my hand on his shoulder and began to heal his wounds

Vegeta:Hmph I did not need you to cure me

(Y/N):I would not have done it but it seems that your son's mentality made me cure you ...... I suppose he appreciates you so much

Vegeta:I already know that

(Y/N):Well, anyway, I'll go to Earth

I teleported back to Earth,it was in the same place where Kami's temple was

(Y/N):I guess I have to repair this

I used my magic to make all the debris that were around join, I saw how in a few seconds the temple of Kami back to normal

(Y/N):Now to wait, I think it's better to use my appearance as a human, so not everyone is going to want to defeat me

I left my majin form and returned to my human form,I descended and lay on the floor of the temple and began to look at the sky waiting for Goku to finish what he was doing,After a few minutes the whole Earth began to shine, apparently Goku revived all humans as his friends appeared in the temple of Kami

Bulma:We are alive?

Krillin:That means that Goku defeated Majin Buu!

Yamcha:Hey guys, who is he?

They all looked at me but that's what Goku came up with, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, Dende, Majin Buu and that fool from before,everyone went to Goku and the others while I watched everything from afar, after a few seconds, everyone's attention was towards me

Bulma:Who is he? I've never seen it before

Goku:Well.....I do not know how to say it without you being scared but he is the Buu who attacked the Kami temple

Krillin:This is a joke, Goku? How is that guy going to be Buu?

I became my Majin form, now everyone was extremely scared

Chi-Chi:Quick,Goku,do something!!!

Trunks:Goten, let's make the fusion!


Gohan:Stay behind me,Videl, come on Mr Piccolo

Piccolo:Okay, let's do what we can

Goku:Everyone, calm down, there's no problem!

Bulma:What are you talking about, Goku?! that thing killed us and now you're defending it!!

Goku:I promise you that he is a good person, he even helped us defeat the Buu who wanted to destroy everything in his path

(Y/N):Yes, that's right, I no longer have that need to destroy everything that I have around me and if I wanted it I could have killed everyone from the beginning and destroyed the Earth ..... but as I said before I do not have the need to do what

Goku:Come, I told you that now is a good person

Krillin:What he said was not very encouraging either

(Y/N):Well, anyway,I'm leaving here, I'd like to see more of this planet without destroying it completely

I left flying from the Kami temple

[Third Person-POV]

Everyone watched as (Y/N) flew away

Bulma:Being Sincere, this is the worst stupidity you have ever done in your life, Goku!!

Goku:I promise you that if something bad happens, I and Vegeta will take care of it

Bulma:Anyway, I just hope this (Y/N) does not destroy the Earth

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