Chapter 1
[Third Person-POV]
After a few years, everything returned to normal,without counting on the appearance of the god of destruction Beerus,due to (Y/N)'s knowledge,he could tell Goku what the Super Saiyan God ritual was like and how to do it, after that it was revived Frieza,the emperor of the universe,although he showed a very powerful new transformation but Goku and Vegeta also proved to have a great transformation,the Super Saiyan Blue which was crucial to beat Frieza,with the help of Goku,Vegeta and (Y/N),Frieza was defeated very easily, right now,(Y/N) was flying over Earth in his human form
(Y/N):I wonder what the hell Bulma wanted in Capsule Corp, she was very nervous and scared
While (Y/N) was flying towards Capsule Corp he felt his body begin to weigh but then he felt good again
(Y/N):Hmmm How strange, I felt for a very weak moment, it should not be anything
I was going to continue with my flight until I felt a Ki near me, I looked everywhere until I looked down mine
(Y/N):What the hell?
I descended and approached Kid Buu but this one was different, he had gray skin
(Y/N):I thought I killed you
Kid Buu:Haaa Aha aha!
(Y/N):What lack of education
Transform me into my Majin form, Kid Buu launched himself towards me but I pointed my antenna towards him and turned it into a chocolate
(Y/N):HeHe this was very easy
I grabbed the chocolate cookie and ate it
(Y/N):Well, I think it's time to know why Kid Buu was still alive?
???:Maybe I can answer that question
I turned to see where the voice came from, I was surprised to see the beautiful girl I had in front of me
(Y/N):Hmmm And who are you?
Android 21:My name is Android 21
(Y/N):Android? like 18 and 17?
Android 21:Yes it is
(Y/N):Well, I guess you know what happens with all this, can you explain everything to me?
Android 21:Sure, what you just faced is a clone of Kid Buu
Android 21:Yes, I do not know why they appear but they are attacking the whole city
(Y/N):Maybe that's why Bulma was very nervous
Android 21:That's why I need your help
(Y/N):Help for Bulma?
Android 21:No,I need your help to defeat those clones,from what I see you are very strong
Android 21 said while she adjusted her glasses
(Y/N):Well, if it's for a good cause I guess I'll help
Android 21:Very good, follow me
Android 21 started to fly, I went back to my human form and flew next to her, I could see how she had noticed my human form and she looked away
(Y/N):It's the first time that happens to me, whenever I go through the city, many women do not stop chasing me, but I must say, this girl is very beautiful
[Android 21-POV]
Android 21:It's the first time I see him without his Majin form, I knew he could change his form to that of a human being but I did not know he could be very handsome
I looked back at (Y/N) for a few seconds, I felt my heart begin to beat faster and as my face began to warm
Android 21:Well, after all, we have two things in common
Android 21:Here we are
Android 21 said while descending to a laboratory on a mountain, we entered the laboratory and could see a very tall guy with orange hair
???:It was time for you to arrive, she is already waking up
Android 21:All right,(Y/N) introduce you to Android 16,he's an old friend of Goku, 17 and 18,I have to see something important right now
Android 21 left the room
(Y/N):So, you were Goku's friend
Android 16:At first no, I was designed to kill Goku but that target is no longer in my database
(Y/N):Okay.....Hey, is that Goku?
Android 16:WHERE?!?!
Android 16 pulled out his hand and pointed to where I had said
(Y/N):Not that that was not your target?
Android 16:That was just ... a .... error from my database
(Y/N):Yes whatever
Android 21 entered the room with 17 and 18 but with other types of clothes
Android 17:(Y/N), are you here too?
(Y/N):Yes, I also received the invitation
Android 18:16, are you alive?
Android 16:I'm sorry but I'm another 16, I only have his memories
(Y/N):So tell me, 21, what are we going to do against the clones?
Android 21:We must stop them, if we do not, they can destroy everything in their path
(Y/N):It does not sound difficult
Android 18:For you it will not be, I feel weaker
Android 17:Yes,me too
Android 21:That is due to the soul that is connected with you, that soul needs to take control so that you have more power and also that some kind of waves are causing your powers to be restricted
(Y/N):How strange, I do not feel weak
Android 21:That is because your soul is very different from the others, yours is apparently a set of several souls and at the same time as your power is extremely high, the waves do not affect you due to your great power
(Y/N):Ok, I think I see it already
Android 17:And how do you know all this? You seem very familiar with these clones
Android 21:I was investigating all this chaos all this time,I know a lot about these clones and everything that is happening right now
(Y/N):Very well,I will go to see where the others are, someone wants to come?
Android 18:I'll go with you, I need to know where Krillin is
Android 17:I will also go
(Y/N):Alright, let's go
[Third Person-POV]
(Y/N),18 and 17 left the laboratory and began to fly across the Earth until they saw Majin Buu and Vegeta next to a clone of Kid Buu and Vegeta
Android 17:Hey, that's your brother!
(Y/N):He is not my brother....I think so. Well, I do not know, but I'm not equal to him
Android 18:They want to stop talking, you have to save those two
The three descended and approached the clones, the Kid Buu clone began to scream
Android 17:It seems they want to fight
(Y/N):No, he said a not very nice thing about you two but I think he also wants to fight
(Y/N) transformed into his Majin form,he extended his arms to Kid Buu and pushed him up a mountain,(Y/N) kept Kid Buu in his place and he started to take something out of his mouth
(Y/N):Go for him!
The ghost went to Kid Buu and once he hit it a big explosion was created,Kid Buu had disappeared from the place,(Y/N) saw that Android 17 and 18 had already been in charge of the Vegeta clone
Android 18:Very well, it seems that now we only need to take it with 21, it seems that they are unconscious
(Y/N) approached Majin Buu
(Y/N):No, only Vegeta is unconscious, Majin Buu is asleep
Android 17:Great and how will we take this thing to the lab?
(Y/N) pointed his antenna towards Majin Buu and transformed it into a cookie, he gave it to Android 18
(Y/N):To stop being transformed into a cookie just break it against the ground
(Y/N) started flying
Android 18:Hey where are you going?!
(Y/N):I went to look for Bulma, she told me that Goku was unconscious and that something was destroying the city, goodbye
(Y/N) flew to Capsule Corp, he could see how there were several houses destroyed and fire coming out of them, he arrived at Capsule Corp
(Y/N):Android 21 was right, this place is chaos/Bulma!!
Bulma came out of a booth
Bulma:Where were you? I've been waiting for you all this time!
(Y/N):I had to solve another problem but I'm already here, what happens?
Bulma:Apart from the destruction of the city, Goku does not want to get up
Bulma:And I need you to heal Goku and take care of the things that are destroying the city!!
(Y/N):Oh okay, why did not you say that from the beginning?
(Y/N) approached where Goku was,he started to heal and both could see how he was waking up
Goku:(Y-Y/N)? B-Bulma?
Bulma:Goku, what happened to you? you came flying here and then you fainted, you were very hurt
Goku:I do not know how to describe it...I was fighting...I was fighting against me
Bulma:.....Did you hit your head or something?
Goku:I swear that happened, I saw a clone of mine and I had to fight against him since he was destroying the city, then I felt my body very heavy and I had to escape from the place
(Y/N):A-A clone like that?
Goku:Yes, that clone!....Oh Oh
The clone started charge a ki ball
(Y/N):All right, I'll take care of this
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