Skeletal Trees
Day one since they left Tarnag, Eragon tried learning the dwarves' names, which inspired Nightmare and the others to do the same.
Ama, Ornthrond, Hedin, Dûthmér, Ekksvar, Gáldnien, Shrrgnien, Tríhga, and Thorv.
Nightmare mostly remained silent throughout the day, enjoying the scenery next to Eragon, GB and Saphira often playing with each other. It was the first time GB had revealed wings, capable of summoning the skeletal limbs with thin, bluish membrane stretched between the bones. He had flown into the sky and stunned everyone present. The skeletons had known he could summon wings, but this was their first time seeing the event.
GB and Saphira wove around each other high above the ground, both teaching each other aerial acrobatics and playing. Nightmare even sensed some flirtatious banter between them, a little concerned. He had been familiar with Saphira's pangs of loneliness.
Eventually Orik sat down next to Eragon, who was beside Nightmare as they watched the trees go by.
"It's beautiful." Eragon spoke reverently.
"That it is." Orik grunted kindly, lighting his pipe. A few minutes passed in silence, the time filled with the creaking of wood and rope, chirping of birds, chattering of cicadas, croaks of bullfrogs.
"Orik, can you tell me why Brom joined the Varden? I know so little about him. For most of my life, he was just the town storyteller." Eragon initiated conversation. Nightmare tuned in, opening himself up to his connection with Dream as they still grew accustomed to it. He'd learned to open and close it when he wanted, and preferred to open it up when he wanted his twin to hear or see something. Dream was weighing on his mind in an instant, excitedly curious.
"He never joined the Varden; he helped found it." Orik explained, rapping some ash into the water.
"After Galbatorix became king, Brom was the only Rider still alive, outside of the Forsworn."
"But he wasn't a Rider, not then. His dragon was killed in the fighting at Doru Araeba."
"Well, a Rider by training." Orik amended. "Brom was the first to organize the friends and allies of the Riders who had been forced into exile. It was he who convinced Hrothgar to allow the Varden to live in Farthen Dûr, and he who obtained the elves' assistance."
They lapsed back to silent observation of the day.
Who is this Brom? How do you know him? Dream quested across their bond.
He travelled with Eragon up until we arrived. Then he was killed by a poisoned knife. A few memories flickered across his consciousness, somber. I have reason to believe he may have been related to Eragon..
I'd like to contact Error about this, but I'd rather you listened, Brother.
Error..? So he is with you.
No, he stayed behind with his family in Farthen Dûr. He gave us something with which we can contact him with. Can you keep silent while I speak to him, Dream?
I will. I'd like to listen.
... Thank you.
He glanced at Eragon and Orik, and was about to reach out through the magic in the armband when Eragon asked another question, forcing him to pause and listen again.
"Why did Brom relinquish the leadership?"
Orik grinned to himself. "Perhaps he never wanted it. It was before Hrothgar adopted me, so I saw little of Brom in Tronjhiem.... He was always off fighting the Forsworn or engaged in one plot or another."
A pause.
"Your parents are dead?"
"Aye. The pox took them when I was young, and Hrothgar was kind enough to welcome me into his hall and, since he has no children of his own, to make me his heir."
They quieted, peaceful. Nightmare waited a minute before touching his armband with his right hand. He sent his magic down the internal connection until he found what he was looking for.
An aching consciousness that rolled like an endless ocean, fizzling distantly with the occasional glitching sound echoing in the darkness. Nightmare chose to enter it, letting Dream experience the lonely plains of this god's mind. Musical notes thrummed, like long cords had been drawn taut before snapped, glitching as they vibrated. Higher notes whined, zipping throughout the mindscape like wailing violins. Dream was aghast at the eerie sadness, yet all the while intrigued by the strange beauty.
Nightmare's presence was noticed, the navy blue rolling hills smoothing out to ripples in a vast expanse, grey-blue skies ordered by bars of yellow sunlight and decorated by blue strings, red orbs floating by as the consciousness reordered itself to accommodate his intrusive presence. Then the deep, sonorous voice spoke, free of glitches and resonating with untold eons and distant grief.
What are you doing, Nightmare? Error asked tiredly, red lights dancing by like will-o'-the-wisps.
What? Am I not allowed to drop in every once in a while?
I don't like it when you wait in my mind for hours until I notice, it's weird.
To be fair, it only took you five minutes this time.
The glitch paused. Oh.
Still, don't do that. What do you want?
To dump you with history facts.~ Nightmare stated, grinning mentally.
Not again..
He felt Dream's shock and surprise at the again, but kept his promise and remained silent.
Well I thought you'd be interested this time; as I'm sure you're bored there in Farthen Dûr. That, and it's about Brom. He explained.
The consciousness roiled briefly, before bits of the navy liquid below clung to Nightmare's feet in his astral form, strings erupting from it to pull him down. Error was undoubtedly much more interested than he chose to let on.
I'm only curious because I've had nothing to do for several days, and I really don't like talking to people.
You really shouldn't lock yourself away, friend. Go out, look around. Communicate with others.
But that's social interaction and I don't support it.
Nightmare laughed mentally. I'll let that one slide, it was actually humorous!
... Humerus.
He snirked, finally slipping under and dissolving into Error's subconscious as both their minds mingled. Error took notice of the shift.
You're staying awhile? He asked drily.
Why not? I have a few hours, and it seems you need something to fill your schedule.
Damnit. Error cussed half-heartedly.
You can't escape. Nightmare rumbled, humor coloring his words.
You're in a better mood than usual. Error noted.
So I am. I've been appreciating things more the past few days. Tarnag and the surrounding forests are very beautiful.
Forests. Always forests make you happy.
You know me well. Nightmare hummed.
Hard not to when you just show up in my mind whenever you want to. Anyway, about that stuff with Brom. Lay it on me.
The Guardian of Negativity chuckled.
Endlessly fascinated by that human, you are.
He had my curiosity when he took a knife to the chest, and had my attention when he said he was a Rider. Error stated bluntly. And he's only gotten more interesting the more I find out about him, and without anymore UnderNovela I need entertainment!
Heh. Okay, you've made your point. Well, I found out that Brom never joined the Varden. He created it! He paused for that to sink in. There was a loud, echoey glitch that sounded in Error's consciousness, then a low electric hum as it set in.
Go on. The God of Destruction spoke calmly.
He led them for several years before he resigned. Brom was the one who organized them, the one to convince king Hrothgar to allow them sanctuary in Farthen Dûr and the one to gain the elves' helping hand! That is a feat, isn't it?
A few notes of UnderNovela's theme song echoed throughout the consciousness, enticing a snort from Nightmare as Error spoke with awe.
I thought Sin accomplished things. This human did all that, and it's not even a TV show! It's real life! Oh my Asgoro! He exclaimed with a learned accent.
What else did he do??
Nightmare hesitated.
That's all I know as of the moment. I hadn't originally planned to stay, but you actually pulled me in for a little while.
Damnit, you leave me hanging. Novela is probably the one thing I miss the most from the Multiverse.
Not even Red's chocolate?
Damnit, don't remind me! I already tried getting some off of him, he doesn't have any more!
Nightmare laughed, a deep, whispery yet clear sound that cut across the distant white noise of the glitch's mind, filled with faint voices.
How have you been handling the withdrawal? He asked kindly.
I haven't. Error grumped, strings of consciousness waving about angrily as red lights sparked. Nightmare sank deeper in the dim seas of Error's subconscious.
Perhaps you should go on a quest for chocolate. He suggested.
A snort echoed. You go on a quest for grapes.
Nightmare gasped. The grapes! Oh, you fool! Alagaësia has grapes!..
But have you had any recently? Error countered.
Damn you, I haven't. Nightmare pouted.
Error giggled softly. That's what you get! He exclaimed, Nightmare chuckling before they fell into brief silence.
GB finally revealed his wings. He prompted.
I've always wondered what they looked like.
Rather simple, really. Just extra limbs with a pale blue membrane.
Huh. Error paused, something happening on his end.
His mind roiled. Damn formality crap. Error rumbled, eventually addressing the Guardian of Negativity.
I'm supposed to meet with Nasuada. Again. It's always incredibly boring. Exasperation filtered into his voice. I've found that during most of it I can just fantasize random things with the others present. The best story I've had so far is Nasuada caught in a love triangle between Orik and Jörmundur, but being interested in Arya the whole time!
Nightmare blanked for a moment.
I cannot see that happening. He finally stated. Error chuckled. I've found that Angela's fun to chat with. She's eccentric, and apparently knows things about Ellesméra. According to her, only one elf ever made the Rider's swords.
That's intriguing! Nightmare hummed, before pausing, considering their silent observer.
If Dream were to join us against Galbatorix, would you accept him? He finally asked. Error hesitated himself, his mindspace still as he pondered.
I guess.. he was never really the one to fight me, his war was always with you. And he's certainly a good ally, I've seen it from his healing magic and accuracy. He's good at keeping up morale.. as long as it's not me. And you and the team. If there are other monsters he'd definitely be helpful. What are you proposing?
Nightmare sighed. I've come to terms with him recently. I had already forgiven him before we left Farthen Dûr, but I decided to reconcile with him. I've realized that the incident was a culmination of many things, most of which happened due to our very nature. And I cannot hate him if he is unable to comprehend Negativity to the extent we can, as I cannot experience Positivity as he can. He let that sink in.
So if we find him, he won't attack? Error quested as he understood.
He won't. I've actually been talking to him recently.. He trailed, unsure of how to complete the sentence.
He's rather trusting if he let you in that quickly, but I guess you have a point if it's just who he is. You two aren't even true skeletons, I shouldn't be surprised.
Just because our mother is a tree-
You're part plant, stop arguing with me! You have plant magic, for crying out loud!
I'm not having this argument again... Nightmare sighed.
We're part plant?
He froze. Error made no reply. No surprise emanated from him, either. The glitch must have not noticed. He turned to his brother, trying to keep his words private. I told you to stay quiet!
You know, you probably should know, Dream. Error spoke calmly, wavelets rippling across his consciousness as a loud cord thrummed, as if responding to vibration.
I can explain, Error.
I don't care. I didn't notice him at first, and when I did, I trusted you had a reason. When you brought him up, I figured it out. You want him to see what I'm like as a person, right?
So you don't need to explain. I don't hate Dream, I've disliked him before because those arrows hurt like hell, but Ink is, and always will be, my biggest enemy. I don't see that ever changing. However, Dream is your brother and you're my friend. Whether you hate him or love him doesn't matter to me, so long as I know what to do when you two are in vicinity of each other.
So you don't want me to explain myself?
If we're on.. good terms, can you maybe explain why you believe we're part plant?
Sure. I actually have some things to say about that, Chaos had a theory about Dream's, as in your, Corruption. One, you heal faster in sunlight, Dream, and you heal faster in moonlight Nightmare. Second of all, you low-key have a regenerative ability with plant life, I've seen it myself when you two fight, especially in forest type AU's. Dead or dying plants come back to life in your presence. That's just a magic ability. Have either of you noticed that you don't even bleed like normal? I used to think it was an effect of the apples on Nightmare, but you both bleed.. strangely.
Both of you have blood with the consistency of sap, and not to mention it smells like it, too. Well, in your case it does, Dream. Nightmare, yours just smells like sour apples. And has it ever occurred to either of you that blood isn't supposed to be black or yellowish like it is with you? He paused his mini-rant, letting his words sink in.
I thought it was the apple.. I took the last golden one.
Are you sure? I'm not changing my stance, it's simply the fact that we contain much more power and magic than others; Ink bleeds black as well, after all.
He's Soulless.
Eror hesitated.
Well it's not the only argument. Chaos actually came up with a theory after you left, based off of.. what Blue mentioned.
Wrat did he mention? lighter magics than his usual skillset.
Oh.. Dream shivered mentally. I don't like talking about that. Nightmare regarded him.
I'll admit that it isn't pleasant, but I think the topic is unavoidable. We need to talk about this at some point.
And if it can be changed into something helpful. Error suggested.
It's really not. I was crazy. And it hurt so much.
I was in agony when I first Corrupted. Though it hurt less each time I took the form after until it was entirely painless. And if my theory is correct, it is a twisted form of Positivity you took.
But I was out of control! Dream cried, frightened.
Again, so was I that first time. I never would have killed Mother if I had been mentally sound!
Dream quieted, unable to think of a response.
Then he began to retract from his brother's connection, back to himself.
After a tense moment, Error clung onto Nightmare as the Guardian of Negativity followed his twin to his own mind. Instead of appearing just in the subconscious, he became aware of Dream's surroundings, as well. He was walking briskly through a forest of massive pines.
I don't like it, I don't like it, there's no Heaventale, there's no Blessedtale, they're not here, I can't, I can't.. He was silently panicking as he fell in the throes of fear.
Dream. You need to calm down.
I know! He cried. His breath was coming in shaky gasps. There's no positive AU's, I can't DEAL with this!! It's so miserable, it's too angry, I don't want to remember going crazy, I don't want it to happen again- I can't handle things like you! He finally snapped. Nightmare froze, unsure of how to respond. Error had nothing to say, he had experienced many panic attacks and often chose to get over them on his own.
Dream arrived at the base of a tree big enough to carry an entire village. Nightmare and Error froze upon seeing it through Dream's vision, amazed at the sheer size of the tree. The Guardian of Positivity teleported to a nook between the base of the trunk and a titanic root, curling up and hyperventilating.
Dream. Dream! Calm down, there's nothing wrong!- Wait, Night, hold on a minute. Error stopped him, addressing him a little more quietly as Dream fell deeper into his strange breakdown.
If what you said is true, then maybe, if he gets far enough, he'll Corrupt. Temporarily. Just to see what'll happen.
Why would you want that? Nightmare demanded of the glitch. Can't you see something's wrong? This isn't.. normal!
Error regarded him. I have a theory about that, actually. It was suggested by Chaos.
Tell me your theory, damnit!
It might be a form of maturation. Given you're part tree, there's no telling how exactly you two function. After all, you were formed as fully functional kids when you first came into existence. And trees obviously mature differently. Chaos came up with the idea, and that the incident made you reach.. your stage prematurely and Dream had to reach it naturally.
Nightmare paused to consider this before snapping. That is only a theory, Error!
Dream screamed before he could berate the glitch further.
Do you have a better explanation for this sudden mood swing? Error countered smoothly.
His other half was in pain. Nightmare was frantically searching for a more reasonable explanation as he heard something cracking on Dream.
What can I do? I'm on the opposite end of the continent!
I don't think you can do anything.
Nightmare was at a loss.
He could only wait as Dream gasped, watch as roots from the giant tree tugged his brother upwards, supporting him. Watch as Life appeared, racing over with an elf as they fretted over the God of Positivity.
Eventually Dream was reasonably coherent again.
It aches.. My spine aches.
Nightmare went cold as Dream said that.
Do you have new limbs, by any chance? Error asked curiously.
They finally got a good look at what was happening around Dream as he looked around, spotting Life, asking him not to move, an elf, and a large, colorful figure a little ways off.
"What happened?" He asked of the Toriel.
"You don't know?" She questioned worriedly.
Dream turned his skull, glimpsing something behind him.
Wait, turn back around. Error ordered.
He did so.
They resembled wings.
Weak, ripe-looking vines spread like veins over the leafy appendages, and ironically the leaves closely resembled that of an apple tree, all of which were positioned like feathers. Dream stared at them with a range of mixed emotions before stretching them out experimentally. They shuffled like trees blown by the wind.
"I have wings.." He stated flatly, too stunned to think.
He reached out to touch one, only to see the numerous thin vines all over his bones, woven all around each over in green patterns. They left plenty of space for the white bone to peek through, but it was strange nonetheless. Dream hugged himself, a little freaked out. Life was arguing with someone, though who it was they couldn't see.
Are you in pain? You're blocking me out a little, Brother.
"Hah." It escaped him softly, though it brought the argument to a halt.
Dream answered aloud. "It doesn't hurt anymore. It aches a tiny bit, but I feel okay."
Life bent down to his height. "Are you sure you're alright? Do you know what caused this?"
Nightmare reluctantly mentioned Error's theory. Dream hesitated, then seemed to accept it.
"I think I do.. It's okay, Life. I'm okay." He shrugged his newfound wings, taking note that he could shift the individual leaves. The Guardian of Positivity giggled softly, standing up as the area around him brightened.
He teleported to one of the branches high above the ground.
Brother. Error. I'll talk to you later. I think I need some time to figure this out. He pushed his twin's mind from his own, shutting off their connection so he could think.
I have wings. He repeated to himself, not sure of how to handle that information. He studied his hands, the vines wound around his metacarpals, folding in on themselves in flattened patterns. With a flick of thought he realized he could manipulate them as part of himself. They peeled off and waved around. Dream let his hand flop down, unwinding the vines midway up his arm as they waved unsteadily.
Strange.. He thought to himself. He let them settle back around his arms, coating his ulna and radius as well as weaving between them. They had a slight gold tint to them, but for the most part all the vines were green.
He gave his leafy wings an experimental flap, sent off balance by the surprisingly heavy motion.
Can I fly with these? He pondered excitedly.
They're heavier than normal wings, but I'm a skeleton.. that shouldn't matter.
He grinned, bouncing up and down as he peered over the edge. I can always teleport to safety if I mess this up. He reminded himself, gazing at Life and Reaper below as they searched for where he'd gone off to. He giggled softly, then tilted over the edge into a freedive, hands flying to his teeth as the ground rushed up at him.
Reaper looked up in time to see Dream in freefall, green wings yanking outwards as he tried to catch air. Dream squealed in pain as the air wrenched at the limbs, though they did their job and kept him afloat.
Flapping like mad, wincing as he realized he probably should have waited before throwing himself over a ledge, as he felt leaves get torn away with each stroke. Glancing back, he gasped. Dream had ruined his new wings. There were several empty patches, and they were begining to stop working. He was slowly falling more than flying.
"Heya, butterstick." Dream yelped at Reaper's voice beside him. "WHAT are you doing?!" He cried, fluttering pathetically as he drifted towards the ground. Reaper crossed his arms, smirking. "I take it you got overexcited again?"
Dream stammered, then looked away, flushing yellow.
"Yo buttercup. Look at me." "What?" Dream sighed. Reaper snirked. "Y'know, I'll help ya learn to fly, once those grow out. Again. I'm guessing they're like baby feathers right now. They look a little too green and papery. And they have weak roots.. the plant version's probably called roots anyway. Think you can land before you smack into a tree?"
"Yes! I think." Dream was flushing hard as his feet hit the floor, tripping and stumbling to a stop. Reaper landed gracefully next to him, raven wings folding up elegantly behind him.
"I ought to call you Plantie now." He mused. "Please don't." Dream begged. Reaper shrugged, then turned serious. "Do you know what happened to cause that? It looks like some tree decided to grow on you."
Dream rubbed the back of his skull awkwardly. "Well, I can't think of much, but the fact that my mother is a tree might have something to do with it."
Reaper deadpanned at him.
"If that's the case, why did it take centuries to come out."
"I don't know. Maybe it was suppressed back in the Multiverse."
The God of Death's face softened. "That actually sounds reasonable." He muttered. "Do you think Nightmare had anything to do with it?"
Dream opened and closed his mouth for a second. "...No. I don't think so."
Life was coming up behind him, walking at a steady pace now that Dream wasn't in immediate danger. Reaper thought for a minute. "Hey Dream. Can you step in the light real quick? I wanna test somethin'." He pointed at the edge of the Menoa tree's shade, where buttery sunlight illuminated the grass and plants.
Dream glanced at his leafy wings, understanding.
"I suppose so." He said before striding over.
The wave of electric warmth that shot into him the moment the sun's rays struck his wings was powerful enough to drive him to his kneecaps. Dream choked for a second, shivering. "Dream? Dream! Are you okay?!" Someone distantly questioned. He felt his tensions melt away as he slowly flattened out on the ground, wings spreading out to catch the tingling heat that made him feel alive.
"The sun feels nice." He sighed blissfully, pressing his face to the musty earth, aware of the endless insects and mammals tunneling below him. He could stay like this forever.
Then he was cast in cold darkness.
Dream looked up, squinting in mild irritation. The black shadow turned out to be Reaper and his dark wing. "Can you maybe not turn into a plant just yet?"
"I'm not turning into a plant." Dream argued.
"Really. Look at yourself, then tell me."
He turned his skull to see the vines all over his arms had spread out, sprouting leaves in several places as his bones glowed brightly like they carried their own sunlight. His wings had already sprouted new leaves where he'd just lost a bunch.
"I didn't realize... I have mixed feelings about this."
He stood up, shaking the wings curiously as the vines readjusted around him. "Wait, I just realized they're on my skull!" He exclaimed, patting the greens ribbing the bone.
"How are you so calm about this? What if you turn into a tree like that one?" Reaper questioned while pointing at the enormous Menoa nearby.
"Well nothing's ever happened to Nightmare, and it's not so bad. I feel fine and it's not changing anymore. I just.. sprouted some foliage, I guess." He peered at his hand, a leaf covering the back of it, flopping with his movements. Reaper sighed in exasperation.
Life bent over above Dream, gently taking hold of his right wing and studying it. "I don't know what caused this event." She said slowly. "But perhaps it is best we take this in stride. I would say you are lucky the both of us are here, Dream. I can keep an eye on this growth and Reaper can help you understand your new wings. But as for the leaves growing in the light, that is natural for plants.. it doesn't seem to harm or hinder you in any way, so I believe it is trying to grow out until it is mature. These do appear to be sprouting leaves, and not fully grown. Does that make sense?" She explained carefully.
Dream smiled. "So I'm fine!" He chirped. "It would seem so. Though I would be careful, in case it does begin to trouble you. Are you sure you don't know what caused this to happen?"
The God of Positivity studied her face kindly. Then he spoke softly.
"Life, I believe this was most likely meant to happen, whether here or back in the Multiverse. To me, it just feels.. right. When it started, it felt like something that has actually happened before, so that just makes more sense to me that it's like this.. besides, I've recently started talking to someone, and there are apparently theories about me and Nightmare. Stuff that makes sense. So it's alright." He paused, feeling calm.
"Let's go to your new garden, I feel like we can wait there as a messenger contacts Islanzadí."
Both gods of Life and Death goggled at the God of Positivity. He just radiated happiness for them, letting his nature soothe them. They hesitated, but eventually relented. "Niduen, I believe queen Islanzadí would like to know of this development." Life patiently explained to the elf beside her. She nodded, twisting his hand over her chest as courtesy before leaping away, hair streaming like a banner.
Dream watched her go, a strange satisfaction filling him. "I think I'll meet you there." He murmured, his magic awakening as he teleported before either could reply. He arrived in the middle of the flowers, suffusing their delicate scent into the air as the sun hit him again. Dream was a little more prepared this time, just stretching out his wings to absorb all the light they could as he strode through the garden.
He found the sunflowers, still rather small as they had begun growing only recently as he walked into the patch.
He stood in the center of the field, wrapping his arms around himself and sighing, feeling a little more at peace with the world. He just felt like, no matter what happens, in the end it will be okay.
Sleep beckoned him as he stood, drawing him into the depths of his own subconscious. Dream accepted the invitation, falling as his leafy wings breathed slowly.
I'll wake up later. He told himself sleepily.
It was getting dark and Nightmare felt restless. He'd spent several hours discussing what happened to Dream with Error until the glitch was called to attention elsewhere, and then the Guardian of Negativity just waited for a response. All he ever got was the sense that his brother was asleep. Normally Dream slept at night. It irritated him, but he let it go since his brother had experienced an exhausting transformation.
It was actually interesting when Eragon decided to go flying with Saphira. He gazed up after then as they soared to the sky.
When three large creatures began to approach them, he was even more intrigued. Apparently, so were Blue and GB, as the skeleblaster allowed his friend to leap onto his spine and the pair took of. Dust soon followed as well on a Blaster when the creatures turned aggressive.
Not much happened after that, as the dragon, skeleblaster, and genocidal skeleton were enough to spook them away, Dust chasing them teasingly before all of them returned.
"Are you hurt?" Orik called out after them as they all landed. "No." Eragon responded, Blue shaking his skull as GB snorted. "We're they another race unique to the Beors?"
Orik hefted Eragon onboard their raft, Nightmare helping on the other side.
"We call them Fanghur." The dwarf explained. "They're not as intelligent as dragons and they can't breathe fire, but they are still formidable does."
"So we discovered." Eragon muttered as he rubbed his temples. "Saphira and GB were more than a match for them, however."
Of course. She responded.
Either of us can handle four of them easily. GB snapped his jaws, grinning.
"It's how they hunt." Orik elaborated. "They use their minds to immobilize their prey while they kill it."
It's a good idea. Saphira mused. Maybe I'll try it next time I go hunting.
Arya approached them at the side of the raft. "I'm glad you did not kill them. Fanghur are rare enough that those three would have been sorely missed."
"They still manage to eat enough of our herds." Thorv rumbled from within the cabin sourly, emerging to address Eragon. "Do not fly anymore while in these Beor Mountains, Shadeslayer and etalthargen." He called out to the other raft Blue had returned to. "It is difficult enough to keep you unharmed without you and thine dragons fighting wind-vipers."
"That, we shall obey!" Blue called, posing briefly from the other vessel.
"We'll stay on the ground until we reach the plains." Eragon added.
They stopped and broke camp at the mouth of a small stream by a clump of aspen. Ama and Ornthrond started a fire quickly, while Eragon and Ekksvar got Snowfire off the raft and picketed the horse at some grass. Hedin gathered firewood while Killer helped, Thorv overseeing the assembly of tents, which other skeletons pitched in as they realized it was easier than the tents they were more familiar with back in the Multiverse.
Nightmare decided to join Arya in watch, enjoying the peace and nighttime sounds of the wood.
He felt her nervousness.
"What troubles you, Arya?" He asked softly. She faced him, jaw set. "You can tell." It wasn't a question; it was a statement.
"I sense emotions, she-elf. I specialize in Negativity. Of course I can tell. You are afraid, Arya. I do not like that. I ask to know that which troubles you." He spoke quietly enough for only he and Arya to hear. She pierced Nightmare with her eyes before turning to the forest.
"You are correct. I am.. afraid. You knew my lineage at nearly first glance. I fear.. that it will get in the way of things." She admitted quietly. Nightmare considered this mutely, noting that Dream was awake, very much awake as he did so.
"I do not believe that it will cause problems in the future." He spoke slowly. "I feel the tides of Wyrda. I believe it will pass safely, though in the end it shall lead to heartbreak. Nothing no one can overcome, but nevertheless it will come to pass. Hávr mor'ranr, Dröttningu." Have peace, Princess.
A faint gasp escaped her, almost beyond even Nightmare's range of hearing.
"You possess strange wisdom, Alalëa." She spoke in her home tongue, a language he could understand.
"Indeed, I do. But wisdom nonetheless. I am fortunate to be blessed with the gift of premonition, and find it wasteful not to share it." He answered truthfully, not that he could lie in that language.
He noticed Horror staring at them from across the campfire. He would have dismissed it, except the broken skeleton had two eyelights, the right a rosy color as the left burned intensely. His mind was alive in some strange way. Nightmare knew he had to speak with him, but continued his conversation with Arya.
"A being of magic cannot escape it's nature, especially in a land such as Alagaësia. I am one to embrace what I am, as I have been for almost all of my long life. To hoard or to share answers, I opt to share. For knowledge is treasure for those of our kind, a treasure worth sharing when it is at no cost to do so. I believe our races can agree on that, do you?"
"Yes, I do agree, King Alalëa."
"You honor me."
"As do you I."
She departed after that, bowing slightly as she began walking along the edge of the camp, keeping watch. Ekksvar, Ama, Tríhga and Gáldnien joining her. Nightmare sighed, disappointed that she treated him so formally for some reason, and further saddened by the fact that she had walked away.
He joined the others around the fire, resting beside Horror as the broken skeleton gazed deep into the crackling flames, as if to decipher untold stories of fire incarnate in lands far, far away, scattered across countless worlds. Horror's gaze slowly drifted over to Nightmare, studying his face.
"You're treeeeess." He whispered huskily, unnervingly still. Nightmare wasn't even sure how to respond, he just understood that Horror knew much more than he should have been able to. Someone put their hand on Horror's shoulder, rocking him gently. "C'mon, Horror. Snap out of it." Killer's voice rose up. The other appeared behind him, white ring eyelights flickering in and out of existence in his sockets as he focused on Horror. He didn't have any leakage from his eyesockets, either. His face was clean, faint black stains the only sign of the endless tears that normally poured from his sockets. He'd been steadily improving since leaving Tarnag, smiling wide as he noticed it throughout the day.
Horror blinked, his gaze flicking to the ground as he grabbed at his hole, trying to think. "Are you alright?" Nightmare finally asked.
"Uh.. yeah. I'm good. I.." He squinted, his free hand reaching for his right eyesocket. "My.." "You got an eyelight again." Killer told him gently. "It's redder than the Isidar Mithrim!" He whisper-yelled.
"Thank.." He blinked, the small for flickering for a moment, but staying.
"I'm proud of you, Horror." Nightmare smiled kindly. Killer grinned as well, then his eyelights guttered out, his smile suddenly forced as he grew disappointed in himself. He looked off to the side, giving a trailing ember a questioning stare before backing away. "I'm gonna hit the hay early." He explained boredly, turning and leaving. Nightmare was a little let down himself, but proud of the fact that it had lasted as long as it had; most of the whole day.
Nightmare smiled to himself. His team was getting better. It was going to be okay.
He settled down to sleep, mind full of spirits and the steady flow of thoughts of his brother.
Things were changing.
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