Ch 6: A Saviour
*A new morning begins, Luo Kun has to leave for his village since time was ticking fast and villagers were dependent on him as the last hope!! Lu Xia feels a bit upset at the thought that She might not see her father for a long time in future. Both of them share some words*
Luo Kun: Lu Xia, no matter how big you grow, you will always be the little fairy blessed by Gods of Heaven to me and your mother. Take care of yourself, Don't blabber, don't get into trouble, Obey order especially from royal family members, do not fight and...
Come back soon to our village if you get a chance, I and your mother will be waiting.
Lu Xia: I will try my best to be a good royal maid, father. Don't be worried for me, take care of the villagers, they need you more!
Luo Kun: Okay, then I will take my leave.
*Luo Kun finally leaves for the village. Lu Xia Gets a bit emotional but- *
Ryu Shim: I didn't know you cry so easily...
Lu Xia *fixing her posture* : What!!? Me and crying? Never... I always laugh and smile.
Ryu Shim: Look, look, look-
I see a liar plus a crybaby.
Lu Xia *in a serious tone* : By the way, what should I do now?
Ryu Shim: Don't worry about that! Madam Haoyu will guide you, you should head back to the common maid room, you will slowly understand everything...
Lu Xia: Okay
Lu Xia POV: I hope, people are not bad to me. I mean, mom always says that people in the palace are a bit selfish and cruel.
*Lu Xia arrives at the common maid room, she gets nervous seeing the different kinds of maids, not knowing how to begin. She starts playing with her fingers, something she always does when she gets anxiety but soon a mid aged lady approaches her... Madam Haoyu*
Madam *in a warm tone* : You must be the new girl the Queen personally hired?...I am Madam Haoyu.
*notices Lu Xia's pale face*
Relax! I know everything's new but that's how every royal maid begins... I will show you around and let you know the basic royal etiquettes as instructed by the Queen.
Lu Xia *now a bit relaxed* :
Thank you madam, I am Lu Xia. I was hired in the designing department. I hope I can learn things properly.
Madam: You will! *but whispers suddenly*
The 1st key to be a royal maid is not to be trusting towards others, especially other royal maids. Some might not welcome you warmly.
Lu Xia: I will keep that in mind.
*Madam Haoyu guides Lu Xia, explains the royal etiquettes and the expectations and description of Queen Consort personality, the things she likes and dislikes...
After teaching Lu Xia the basic skills like posture of bowing, pouring tea, having balanced composure, etc. She looks at Lu Xia with satisfaction*
Madam: you are a quick learner, I have to say. Now head back to Queen's room and do the formal greetings like I taught you, The Noble Queen will let you know about services she expects from you today!
Lu Xia: Thank you, Madam Haoyu. I will take my leave
Madam Haoyu POV: She is a sweet girl and makes me remind of my youth but I am also worried because the people in palace are not like her. She might suffer. I hope, she doesn't gets on anyone's bad side.
But there is certainly something special about her, aside from her simple demeanour. Heavens! Please look after this child.
*Lu Xia arrives in the hall room of Noble Queen Consort where Lady Jiuling carries out her duty as Queen like giving land grants, signing some important documents which are sent to her daily, etc. Lu Xia greets her exactly how Madam Haoyu taught her. The Queen Smiles. *
Queen: Seems like Madam Haoyu taught you the basic etiquettes already! Good.
Now, let me show you today's work!
*The Queen gently explains Lu Xia her work. Lu Xia starts with the designing of cups, plates, and clay pots. Meanwhile Prince Ryu Shim gifts the products he bought to his favourite cousin brother, Guo Kan who is the son of Emperor Fu Xian's brother Can Dong. Guo Kan also has a sibling Princess Guo Min. Can Dong is the King of a smaller kingdom under Inaiju empire, RuoRun*
Guo Kan: Woah! It looks cool brother.
Ryu Shim: I knew you would like this.
Guo Kan *notices other items* : Let me guess? You bought those for Princess Ju Ring.
Ryu Shim *red faced* : Umm... How did you know?
Guo Kan: Just confess to her, will you? You have been holding down for a long time.
Ryu Shim: I don't know whether she likes me.
Guo Kan: Then, this is the right opportunity. Gift her the thing you bought. If she takes it, maybe you have a chance.
Ryu Shim: Let it be.
Guo Kan: Nope! You are coming with me
*Guo Kan drags Ryu Shim with his gift for Princess Ju Ring. The Capital of Beijing is daily visited by minor and major kings under Emperor Fu Xian for the court duties during the day.
Princess Ju Ring is the daughter of A powerful Sub-king Fang Kai.
Ryu Shim has liked Princess Ju Ring for a long time. But it was just a crush because Ryu Shim didn't feel attracted to Princess Ju Ring for her personality, it was her looks.
Soon Gao Kan and Ryu Shim reach the Common Princesses room.*
Gao Kan: Princess Ju Ring! How are you?
*Princess Ju Ring turns to look at Gao Kan and guess what she looks like?
Ju Ring Smiles and begins the conversation*
Ju Ring: I am good, brother Kan. What about you?
Gao Kan: Happy as always!
Ju Ring *notices Ryu Shim* : I didn't know that Brother Shim would be here today. How are you?
Ryu Shim: I am Fine.
*Gao Kan pinches Ryu Shim's shoulder*
Umm... I found something at the rural market And I thought you will like it since you are a big fan of designs like Queen Consort.
*Gives Ju Ring the item*
This is for you.
*Princess Ju Ring's face shows a bit of disappointment. She loves designs but hates items from rural markets since according to her, rural products have low quality no matter how good it looks*
Ju Ring: Sorry, Brother Shim. You know, for a fact that I don't like rural items. They are low quality products, they might be made from hazardous raw resources, who knows? Plus they never last for a long time.
Ryu Shim *Saddened face* : I understand. I am sorry for not thinking about that. I will take this back then...
Ju Ring: You should ask Brother Lin for advice if you want to buy something for me. He's been gifting me the best products whenever he shops
Ryu Shim *whispers* : Chang Lin... always the perfect Prince. And I-
Gao Kan *noticing the scorn face of Ryu Shim* : We will take our leave
*Drags Ryu Shim out of the room but soon Ryu Shim lets go of his hold and turns towards him*
Ryu Shim *In a sad yet cold voice* : I told you! I told you not to make me come here! You see what happened? She rejected my gift and compared me to Chang Lin again!! I am never going to be as good as him.
Gao Kan: Okay 1st thing, she wasn't comparing you, I think she just likes Brother Chang Lin because he's the first born. Second, if not her, you will get a good girl for you! Why are you worrying so much? Some people aren't worth it!
Maybe there's someone better for you...
Prince Ryu Shim: And I am sure Chang Lin will take that person away from me as well. I hate him!
Gao Kan: OK! Fine! Hate him as much as you want. For me, you are better.
But what about these two items?
You didn't give it to Ju Ring. Is it for someone else?
Ryu Shim *now diverted* : Oh Yes!! This is for Sister Guo Min!
Gao Kan: It's Great to see that someone except me cares about my sibling as well. She has not been smiling ever since-
I don't know, I just want my sister to be happy again like she used to be...
Ryu Shim *in a calm but sad tone* : I know.
Gao Kan: Let's go then, what are you waiting for? She must be in her personal room.
Ryu Shim: OK
*Ryu Shim and Gao Kan head towards Princess Guo Min's room. Meanwhile, Lu Xia finishes her work and shows it to Queen Consort. Queen Jiuling praises Lu Xia*
Queen: As expected! This is marvelous. You are indeed very special. I am glad, you are here.
Lu Xia *cheerfully* : Thank you, my lady!
Queen: Look at how adorable you are! It feels like I can get energy from you cheerful demeanour.
Lu Xia: My father says the same but he also tells me not to blabber.
Queen: Blabber?
Lu Xia: I talk a lot. Infact, I can't keep my thought inside me and I have no filter in my mouth. For example: When I addressed Ry-
*Suddenly, there's a loud commotion. Two voices can be heard shouting for the imperial doctor. Queen Jiuling and Lu Xia are startled. They start heading towards the noise with other maids*
Lu Xia POV: What's wrong!
Why is my heart beating so fast as if someone close to me is in trouble.
*Queen and Maids meet the Emperor and his brother Can Dong on their way. They together figure out that the noise is coming from Princess Guo Min's room*
Emperor: What's wrong?
*The scene turns towards Ryu Shim and his cousin sister Princess Guo Min in his arms who has blood gushing out of her mouth. Prince Gao Kan is in panic and arrives with the imperial doctor. Lu Xia tries to move closer to take a look at the commotion and she sees Princess Guo Min!
Guess who she looks like!!!????
Lu Xia feels very restless and feels a bit familiar while looking at Princess Guo Min. She Panics as well and starts to think what might have happened to her*
Physician: Your Majesty, it seems like she has mistakenly eaten something poisonous but I am not able to make out what exactly it is!! The poison is spreading fast into her internal organs. I am afraid, I can't save her.
Emperor: Shut the crap! And do something... Do whatever it takes, there are so many herbs in the imperial store room, why can't you make something to save her!!!
Can Dong *Panic tone* : Save my daughter!! You can't just stand here. I command you, do something!!!!
Queen: Oh no! What has she eaten?
*Ryu Shim begins to cry fearing that he might lose to keep a promise, he made to someone*
Ryu Shim *to Guo Min* : You can't die like that! *whispers* I promised him! I promised that I will be taking care of you! How can you leave this world like he did!!
Wake up!! Don't dare to sleep!!!
*Guo Kan, Emperor Fu Xian, Queen Consort and General Can Dong breaks into tears. But Lu Xia has something on her mind*
Lu Xia POV: No, No!! She can't die like that! I don't even know her yet! I haven't been her friend yet! How can she die?
No, I must do something. I won't let her go like this!!
*Lu Xia springs into action and goes towards Princess Guo Min. Everyone is surprised looking at her concerned face as if She is more worried about Guo Min than Anyone in the room. While people in the room have attachment with Guo Min due to familial relations, Lu Xia seems to have a deeper bond with her without even knowing her. Perhaps we know what it is! It's her best friend from the future after all, Sofi!*
Can Dong *in a commanding tone* : Who is this girl?
Physician *in a worried voice* : What are you doing?
*Lu Xia Quickly checks the vitals of Princess Guo Min. It's slowed yet steady. Ryu Shim is surprised yet trusts her. Lu Xia checks her hands which has some blue green colour powder, she smells it and comes to realise what might have happened*
Queen *gently* : Lu Xia, you should Step back
Can Dong *more agitated* : What is she doing to my daughter, get awa-
Lu Xia: Butterfly blue pea flower!
Emperor: What!!?
Lu Xia: Sorry, your majesty for my rash behaviour but It's Butterfly blue pea flower! She has eaten this...
Physician: I never heard-
Lu Xia: It doesn't grows anywhere near the imperial palace. It grows in rural areas. I saw some people growing it there. It's a medicinal flower but if ingested raw, it's poisonous!!
Ryu Shim: How could she find this-
Lu Xia *yells* : Now's not the time to think about this! She has less time. It seems like along with this flower, she has had other poisonous herbs too But this flower will have the stronger impact!
Emperor: How can we save her?
Lu Xia: A medicinal soup! Basil, Cumin seeds, Cardamom, Cinnamon bar, garlic...
*Lu Xia lists the ingredients. Emperor calls the servants to get those as fast as possible*
Physician: How are so sure that it will cure her?
Lu Xia: Might not cure her magically! But she will have to be put under 24 hour observation. If this soup works, she will wake up by then! I know about it because it also grows in my village. Its medicinal herb , has a lot of benefits but if used correctly. In this case, Princess might have ingested it in it's raw form. My friend once got poisoned the same way in the village. I found the cure by roaming in the village forest. But-
Can Dong: But what?
Lu Xia: This plant can hardly grow here. The climate is not suitable except the region of NonLang and there is only one Household who grows these plants there for brewing Medicinal tea. It's not possible to find the plant anywhere in the Capital except that Household.
Can Dong: Will my daughter be alright?
Lu Xia: The faster we make the soup, the more effective it will be. We can just hope that the poison doesn't spreads, otherwise things will get complicated.
Physician: My Apologies! I might have not known about this as I grew up in the Capital. I had no idea that this kind of plant grows in rural areas and wild forests!!
Can Dong: The Household! Where will I find that Household!
*Lu Xia describes the location. Can Dong sends soldiers to investigate. The soup is prepared after some moments as ordered by the Emperor. The maids bring the soup. Lu Xia smells the broth to make sure that all ingredients are in a required measure. She finds it ok and feeds it to Princess Guo Min. It takes 20 mins to feed and then Ryu Shim lays down his cousin sister in her bed. Lu Xia Instructs the maids to bring some hot water to help Guo Min's body slow down the process of poison spreading into the internal organs as the Medicinal soup works slowly.
After two hours, Imperial Physician checks the vitals of Princess Guo Min and informs Can Dong, Emperor and Queen Consort that the vitals shows signs of recovery.
Ryu Shim, Chang Lin and Gao Kan also gets to know about it and take a sigh of relief. Gao Kan heads back to Guo Min's room to take care of her.
Can Dong who previously behaved a bit rudely with Lu Xia thanks her*
Can Dong: I might have raised my voice but as a father, I was in panic. I owe you my life for saving my daughter. If I may know, who are you?
Queen Consort *proudly says* : She is Lu Xia! My new royal maid. She works in the designing department. She has been working with medicinal herbs and designing since she was young and living in her village.
Lu Xia: Noble General, I don't mind being yelled on-
Anyone would considering I am new and not many people know about me. I just wanted to give my all and save the princess because saving a life matters a lot for me. I can't see anyone in trouble... I hope you forgive me for behaving in a rash manner...
Can Dong: There is no need of apology as I should be the one to thank you.
Madam Haoyu: Though, you behaved without permission, I am proud of you. Saving Life is most important. Etiquettes doesn't matter during the time of emergency.
Physician: If I may, young lady- I would like you to work with me during your free time!
Noble Queen! I hope you can allow her after she finishes your work, I can use her knowledge to know more about plants and herbs...
Queen Jiuling: you have my permission!
Infact, I think she should definitely take some lessons from you as well. Her talent needs to be utilized...
Chang Lin *to Lu Xia* : You have truly done a good job as a royal maid on the 1st day. I don't regret letting my mother hire you as royal maid.
*Ryu Shim doesn't says anything, he quietly goes away to check up on Guo Min. Lu Xia notices it and feels a bit bad.*
Lu Xia POV *in a gloomy mood* : Prince Ryu Shim went away! I thought he will thank me...
But Why did I think that? After all I am just a royal maid, his cousin sister is more important to him.
I just helped a bit but I do feel a bit sad, not gonna lie. Looks like I got a bit too friendly with Prince Ryu Shim inspite of knowing the difference of status between us. From now on, I will keep my emotions aside.
Emperor Fu Xian: Lu Xia! Today, not as an Emperor but as a brother and uncle, I am thankful to you. I hope you keep helping us with your skills.
*turns towards everyone*
It's late now! All of you must have been tired. Yall should go and rest in your respective rooms.
*Everyone heads back to their room. Lu Xia slowly walks towards her bed but takes a look at the beautiful night sky before sleeping... she thinks a lot about Princess Guo Min, her strange yet familiar feeling for her and her reason of poisoning...Was it self inflicted or did someone else-
Suddenly she hears a sound and moves towards her door while asking "is someone there?"
Upon getting no reply, she feels scared but gets out of her room to find no one.*
Lu Xia POV: I must be overthinking a lot! After all, today was hectic. I should go back to my room.
*As soon as She moves towards her room, someone grabs her and Lu Xia is taken aback. But processing for a while, she realises that someone hugged her.
Lu Xia is more surprised upon realising that it's Ryu Shim*
Ryu Shim *In a crying tone* : Thank you!
Thank you for saving My Cousin Sister's life! I thought I will lose her today but you saved her.
I thought I won't be able to keep my promise.
Lu Xia *trying to comfort Ryu Shim hilariously* : Woah Woah woah! Big man! Crying doesn't suits you, you know?
*breaks the hug*
Oh my! Since how long have you been crying? Your eyes are swollen and red.
Calm down and stop crying now! Didn't you hear the physician say? Princess Guo Min is fine and she will be recovering fast.
*but seeing Ryu Shim still sobbing like a child, Lu Xia cracks her "not so funny jokes"
Ok Cry!
*Ryu Shim suddenly stops and Lu Xia jokingly tells him*
No cry! Why did you stop? I wanted to make an ocean out of your tears because My Village doesn't gets much rainfall in a year. Your ocean of tears might help them, you know?
*Ryu Shim Bursts into laughter... Lu Xia Smiles too. She sees him openly smiling and laughing for the first time unlike all of his previous Smiles which were mostly smirks to mock her*
Lu Xia: woah! My father told me I am very bad at joking. But see! I made you laugh.
Ryu Shim: Idiot Monkey! I am not laughing at your joke. I am laughing at your stupidity. Tears are saline.
*Lu Xia Hilarously makes an upset face*
Lu Xia: Ouhhh!! So All this time, you were laughing at me. Anyway, atleast you laughed. That's what I wanted.
*Lu Xia makes a proud face*
Who cares what the reason might be? This is the first time I saw you laughing so much...and I made you laugh. That's enough.
Ryu Shim *still laughing* : You should listen to your father's advice, don't tell your jokes to anyone please!
Lu Xia *in an annoyed tone* : Enough, enough! I am not a clown.
Ryu Shim *in a teasing tone* : Why? Madam Monkey Got upset?
Lu Xia *still annoyed* : No, I am very happy. See! This is smiling face!
*Lu Xia makes a foolish smiling face*
Ryu Shim *laughs even more* : Now you look like a complete Monkey!
Lu Xia: Haha- very funny...
But I have a question
Ryu Shim *curious* : What?
Lu Xia: Why did you mean by "I thought I won't be able to keep my promise" while crying?
Ryu Shim Gets nervous and start fidgeting but Lu Xia pesters him..
Lu Xia: ayyy!! You can't back out now? I asked you something... Answer me? I promise I won't tell anybody.
*What will Ryu Shim Tell her? Will Lu Xia get her answers? Stay Tuned to read it, in the next part!!!!*
Preview: Prince Ryu Shim tells Lu Xia about Princess Guo Min's past. Guo Min regains consciousness and finds Lu Xia next to her.
Will Lu Xia be able to regain the friendship and trust of Guo Min like she did as Marilyn to Sofi?
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