Chapter 3: Donnie's Gifts
"Ok, mutant silverfish, you've eaten people's laundry for the last time!"
Raph leapt up and bashed the mutant foe, only for it to split into two. "What the?!" He hit both silverfish again, causing them to split into four.
Seeing this, Donnie flew down to Raph's height and said, "Hey, Raph! Every time you smash them, they just split in two!"
"I know! Isn't it cool?!"
"Think, Raph. Think."
"Ooooh... I guess it does double the problem. Which means double the smashing!" Raph continued to smash his fists against his tiny opponents until there was a whole crowd around him, with several tackling him to the ground.
Raph wasn't very good at thinking.
"I got you, Raph!" Mikey's kusari-fundo flew in Raph's direction, tying up the silverfish keeping him down. "This situation calls for a dose of my psycho-acrobatics!"
Mikey jumped up in the air, ready to do all sorts of neat tricks, only to slam face-first into a fire escape and land in a dumpster. His panicked yelps could be heard as the dumpster thrashed back and forth before he jumped out with silverfish all over him. More yelps escaped his mouth as the silverfish started hitting him with their tiny fists.
Donnie rolled his eyes and face-palmed. "Oh boy."
"I got you, Mikey!" Leo said as he sliced off a part of a fire hydrant. The water washed away all the silverfish, leaving them a flopping mess on the ground.
"Looks like these fish are...! Wait for it, you're gonna love this... all washed up!"
They, in fact, didn't love it.
"Okay, okay, okay, how 'bout this?" Leo didn't notice the silverfish standing up.
"Uh, Leo-"
Too late, Leo is dinner now and so are Raph and Mikey. The mutant silverfish quickly recovered and attacked Leo, Raph, and Mikey. They jumped around, trying to get the silverfish off of them while Donnie looked on in disappointment. As he stared, he came to a realization.
"Usually, (Y/N) would be in a giggling fit hearing Leo's terrible jokes. Where did they...?"
The pitter-patter of little footsteps quickly approached, answering Donnie's question. He sighed and held out a robotic arm from his shell, waiting, waiting, waiting... here they come-
"-aaaaAAAAAAAAAAA- OOMPH!" As the speedy child was about to run past, Donnie seized the collar of their shirt. Even when as they were lifted off the ground, their little feet kept swinging back and forth, as if running on air.
The mechanical arm held the child up higher as they reached their hands out, making grabby motions towards the silverfish they were chasing. "No, (Y/N), we cannot keep one," Donnie plainly responded as another robotic arm reached out to grab (Y/N)'s fans. With one zap, they were back to normal speed, to which Donnie deemed it was safe to put them down.
"Donnie! Can I have my fans back?" The child made grabby hands once again, only for Donnie to hold the weapons out of reach.
"Hold on, now. You'll get these back in just a moment." As Donnie's mechanical arm held onto the hands, he transformed his staff into a tennis ball launcher, using it to chase away the silverfish.
As the tiny mutants scurried away, Mikey exclaimed, "Mission accomplished!"
The other turtle brothers stood up, and Raph gave Donnie a thumbs up. "Nice hustle, Donnie! I knew we could deal with this as a team!"
"Actually, it was pretty much just me, but segue!" Donnie's disappointment turned into excitement in a split second. "I think I have a little something to kick our skills into high gear."
"No, it is not a bigger fan," Donnie interrupted the young human, "Trust me, it's much better." With one press of a button, a drill emerged from the ground, amazing all of Donnie's siblings.
"It's beautiful!" Mikey was the first one to the drill, hugging it.
"You're right! It's better than a big fan! It's a big drill!" (Y/N) was next to approach, sprinting forward and skidding to a stop to gawk at the machine in amazement.
Donnie raised a brow. "No, no no, not that."
"What do you mean not that? That should totally be the thing."
"No no no, that's just a little... It's in beta, don't worry about it. The real thing is much more personal and thoughtful, and I really hope you like it, 'cause if you don't I will just be crushed!"
"Donnie! Just show it to us. I'm sure we'll all love it!" Raph reassured the brother in purple.
"Alright, here it goes." Donnie pressed the button to finally reveal the real gifts.
"Okay, so we're just moving past the drill?" Leo asked as said drill started spinning, making (Y/N) jump back and scream and launching Mikey back several feet.
Four platforms emerged, showing off the gifts Donnie had designed; an orange jumpsuit for Mikey, a blue collar for Leo, a red helmet for Raph, and (F/C) shoes for (Y/N).
"You even got my life colors right!"
"Ohoho! Wow! I don't know what this is, but it has got a lot of blinkity-blinks!"
"Woah, jazzy headgear!"
"I bet I can run all around the world with these!"
As everyone started putting their gifts on, (Y/N) seemed to be struggling. "Too tight," they said, trying to squeeze their foot into their new shoes.
"Well, I wasn't able to get your shoe size, so I made them adjustable!" Donnie pressed a small button on the side, making the shoe resize into the perfect size for (Y/N). "This way, you'll never outgrow them!"
(Y/N) squealed in excitement as Raph picked them up and lifted them up to pose with their brothers, who all adorned their own gifts as well. They felt like a real superhero!
"Oh, I'm so glad you like them! Now let me show you how they work-"
Everyone's attention was diverted at the sound of a squealing silverfish. As everyone ran over to check it out, Mikey looked up at a familiar sign. "Chateau Prenteche? I think I've heard of this place."
Donnie didn't let Mikey wander through memory lane for long as he grabbed him by the jumpsuit and dragged him along. In a dimly lit alley, they saw a huge mutant pig.
"Another mutant? What's his deal?" Leo questioned as said mutant grabbed a silverfish before looking around.
"You know what? That guy looks like the Meat Sweats!" Raph joked, earning a laugh from his brothers in orange and blue, (Y/N) laughed along even though they didn't understand, and Donnie was tired.
The pig mutant threw his bag over his shoulder before jumping into the sewers... Well, he tried, but ended up getting stuck for a second. Don't worry, he got there eventually.
The group of young heroes followed suit, remaining in the shadows. I mean, the turtles did, while (Y/N) tip-toed alongside them, still very visible and pestering Donnie. "Can I have my fans back now? Pretty please?"
"Sh, sh, quiet now, (Y/N)," Donnie hushed as he looked around a corner.
In response, (Y/N) covered their mouth with their hands and whisper-yelled, "Pleeeaaase?"
"Alright, alright, here you go." A robotic arm held out the fans, but before they could reach down to the child's height, they jumped up and snatched them.
"Thanks Donnie!" they exclaimed, seemingly forgetting they had to be quiet, before rushing over to their other brothers.
Peeking into a makeshift kitchen, the group watches as the pig mutant hummed a small tune, dropping silverfish into a boiling pot. "Hmm...A little salt, a pinch of salt, lemon for the tang. Unleash the flavor!"
"Unleash the flavor?" Mikey looked quite excited hearing this phrase, finally realizing why the sign outside seemed so familiar. "Omigosh! It's Rupert Swaggart!"
"Oh, yeah! ...Uh, who's that?"
Mikey turned around to answer Raph's question. "The celebrity chef? Host of "Kondescending Kitchen"? The show where he screams at chefs until they give up their dreams? I love that guy!"
"That's not how you make pork risotto!" Rupert yelled as he slapped the contestant's face with a pork chop over and over again. "You have to pound it to unleash the flavor!"
While he was busy crushing the chef's dreams, a green mosquito landed on his neck, injecting its ooze into him and turning him into a monstrous pig.
"You saw a celebrity chef transform into a pig mutant and you didn't tell anyone?" Donnie asked, a brow raised and his arms crossed.
"I didn't wanna burn my risotto!" Mikey defended, before changing the subject. "Chateau Pretenche is his restaurant. No wonder he's here!"
As Meat Sweats continued his humming, he lifted the lid of his pot, revealing the finished sliverfish dish. "Oh, he's not gonna eat that bug, is he?"
He didn't eat it, but now Donnie wishes he did. Meat Sweats took off his metal glove(?), making the muscles of his arm come undone. He wrapped his tentacle-like appendages around his meal, using them to absorb the energy. Trails of green energy traveled up his arm, making the turtles cringe.
"Ugh! The bacteria!"
"Oh, that's so much worse!"
"Huh? What's happening?" (Y/N) asked, unable to see anything past Leo's hand over their eyes. "Is he eating the pets? He better not be eating the pets! If he is, I'm gonna kick him!"
There was a sickening grin on Meat Sweat's face. "Aha! I feel the rush of your delicious energy! The herbs du provence, a nice touch." He paused to sniff the air, noticing something was off. "Am I picking up the delightful aroma of mutant with an after-stench of turtle? I'm thinking... lime turtle tenderloin! Over a bed of saffron rice."
"Ooh, that sounds good!" Mikey exclaimed, only for Donnie to slap a hand over his mouth, with all the rest of his brothers glaring at him.
"He's talking about eating us," Donnie pointed out.
"Excuse me for wanting to be eaten in style," Mikey once again defended himself, removing the hand over his mouth.
Heavy footsteps approached as Meat Sweats used his giant hammer to knock the metal barrels out of his way, searching for his next meal. With a grin, Raph was the first to jump up to face the enemy. "It's time to mash this pig's potatoes! Hot soup!" He dashed forward, ready to bash his enemy's head in, when-
"Charging the enemy?"
"WHAT THE- Hey, this thing talks?!" Surprised that his helmet scolded him, Raph tripped and landed on the ground.
"Perhaps you should reevaluate," the helmet continued.
"Uhh, Donnie?! The helmet's talking to me!" Raph called out, before defending himself against one of Meat Sweat's attacks.
"Oh goody, it's working!" Donnie responded, not nearly as frantic as his older brother.
Raph continued to dodge Meat Sweat's punches, before being grabbed and thrown into a pile of barrels.
"Your opponent is quite strong. Consider other options."
"How's this for options?" Raph clenched his fist, red particles forming around it. "Smash and bash!" He landed a hit, only for Meat Sweats to burst into a hundred tinier Meat Sweatses (is there a plural for for sweats-).
"Time to unleash the flavor!" a chorus of high-pitched voices rang out, ganging up to beat up the unfortunate red turtle. Donnie didn't seem very distressed about this outcome, though.
"Fascinating! He must have absorbed the silverfish's powers. This represent a new level of mutant abilities!"
His excitement quickly died out when the tiny pigs focused their attention on him.
All the siblings screamed as they ran from the wave of tiny pigs. "Faster, fans, faster!" (Y/N) pleaded, waving their white fan frantically as the pigs started catching up to them. A white light blasted from their weapon, and lo and behold, (Y/N) was fast again.
"SUPER SPEED! YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME NOW!" (Y/N) laughed as the distance between them and the mutants started growing. Surely, if they keep this up, they can-
"Speed limit exceeded. Activating emergency brakes."
"HUH-" (Y/N) screamed when they suddenly stopped in place. "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" They looked down and saw metal bars around their shoes. Though they couldn't see it, said shoes had spikes sinking into the ground, keeping them there.
"HEY, HEY! GET UNSTUCK!" (Y/N) yelled as they tugged at their feet, trying to pry their foot out of the shoes, to no avail.
"Emergency brakes will unlock automatically after five minutes."
As the Meat Sweats minis came closer, cackling and waving their hammers in the air, (Y/N) screamed, covering their eyes and curling into a ball to protect themselves from any oncoming attacks. However, no harm came to them as a giant orange ball rolled by, knocking the tiny mutants out of the way. Peeking through their fingers, (Y/N) saw that the orange ball was Mikey and that his jumpsuit had inflated.
Leo, meanwhile, was actually doing quite well against the pigs, even after they stacked on each other to make themselves taller. "You'll beat me-" he kicked the tower of pigs down, "When pigs fly~"
The smug grin on his face was quickly wiped off when a surge of electricity coursed through him. "What was that?" He looked around, but quickly recovered and blocked another attack from yet another tower of pigs. "These little piggies are gonna cry wee-wee -" Yet again, electricity surged through him. He laid on the ground, completely battered. "This thing doesn't like my one-liners?"
The orange ball known as Mikey flew down, crashing into Leo and making both turtles crash into a nearby cart. Leo groaned, rubbing his face before turning to Mikey, who was no longer an orange ball. "Dude, Mikey, what did you do?"
"I don't know! It's this suit!" Mikey responded, looking down at his orange gift. "Every time I do some razzmatazz, this thing inflates and throws me off my game! I need my razz and my tazz!"
"And every time I drop a killer joke, this stupid collar zaps me!"
Raph popped up from within the cart with his arms crossed. "Well, my gift just keeps nagging me-"
"I recommend keeping a closer eye on the child."
Raph paused after hearing the helmet's words. "(Y/N)'S STILL WITH THOSE PIGS!" Raph sprinted out of the cart and barreled past his brothers and a horde of Meat Sweats minis as his helmet continued to nag him.
Meanwhile, Mikey and Leo stayed at the train cart, waiting for their leader to return with their youngest sibling. "Does Donnie really think I'm a crazy kangaroo who needs to wear a padded suit so I don't hurt myself?" Mikey questioned, glaring down at the gift he no longer enjoyed so much.
"Right? And who doesn't like my one-liners? They fire up the team, right?" Leo looked over to Mikey for confirmation.
Mikey stared.
"And my super-duper fastness!" (Y/N)'s voice made Mikey and Leo turn their heads. They were being carried by Raph, who had managed to retrieve them after the five minutes had passed. "How am I gonna go super fast if these shoes make me stay still?!"
"We need to tell Donnie that he doesn't get to tell us what to be!" Leo stated, a firm expression on his face. Raph, on the other hand, didn't look so unyielding.
"Yeah, I know. But he's got such a soft shell," he defended with a sympathetic expression.
"Yeah, but it's like he's trying to fix us. What are we, broken?"
"No!" Mikey, Raph, and (Y/N) all yelled in sync.
"So what are you gonna do about it, leader?" Mikey asked as he and his other siblings turned to face Raph. "You gonna stand up and tell him his gifts stink?"
Though he hesitated a bit, his face turned into one of determination. "Yeah! Yeah, I think I am!" Perfect timing! Raph's phone started ringing.
"It's him!" Mikey said as Leo took (Y/N) from Raph's grasp so he could answer the call. "Oh, he's so gonna get it!"
Raph turned around, answered the call, and after a deep breath...
"Ohh, hey buddy, hey! Um, really loving the gifts you got us! Yeah, we know how long it took you to make 'em and it was sooo thoughtful!"
As Raph continued baby-talking to Donnie, none of his siblings were cool with this. Mikey was yelling and waving his arms in the air, Leo was glaring, and (Y/N) was pouting with crossed arms.
"But, uh... uh, what's that? Hang on, hang on, I'm gonna put you on speaker-"
The mini Meat Sweats clones climbed together to reform the regular mutant as he prepared for his next meal. "A delicate soft shell... A sprinkle of paprika should unleash the flavor!"
The siblings remained in the shadows, making a plan. Well, Raph's helmet was trying to force him to make a plan.
"Hey, Raph. You need a plan."
"Okay, according to Donnie's condescending hat, I need to make a plan."
"What do you got?"
Raph hid behind a barrel, clutching the side of his head with his hands. Thinking, thinking... nothing.
"I'm not good good at making plans!" he yelled with his arms crossed.
Leo groaned with his face in his hand as Mikey spoke. "Of course you're not! And I'm not good at fighting if I can't... razzmatazz!"
"I wanna run and have super speed!" (Y/N) waved their fans in the air.
"And I'm not good at suppressing my lightning wit!" Leo completely ignored Donnie's cries for help. "The point is, who are we? We are who we are!"
"Yeah!" The visor of Raph's helmet lifted up. "And the only way we're gonna save the guy who's roasting on a spit, is by being we!" He held his hand out, followed by Leo, then Mikey, then (Y/N) to top it all off.
Meat Sweats chopped away at his carrots as Donnie struggled to break free from the link of sausages tying him up. "Hey! Meat Sweats!" Mikey yelled, his shadow casting over a nearby cart.
While Meat Sweats stared at the figure, Raph called out, "Distraction jitsu!" When the pig turned around, the purple turtle was no longer there. Raph carried Donnie away over his shoulder as Meat Sweats called out, chasing them.
"I used an entire pound of butter on him!" the enemy yelled, throwing barrels at the duo. During the chase, a train whooshed by, and Meat Sweats found himself in a large, dark area.
"Hey Meat Sweeeaaats..." Leo popped up behind him, though he was no longer wearing his collar. "Looks like you're about to get some shocking news!" At Leo's words, his collar activated, now electrifying Meat Sweats.
"Ohoho, I love the smell of fried bacon in the morning..." Yet another electric shock. Leo leapt away as a train whooshed by again. One can only imagine what the passengers were thinking when they saw such a scene.
"I must admit, I do smell delicious," Meat Sweats said, standing up woozily as Donnie scowled at Leo.
"Wait, what're you doing?"
"I'm getting the post out of your gift, Donnie!" Leo rested his sword on his shoulder. "Now check it out. Hey, Meat Sweats! I hear baloney is full of you!"
Meat Sweats was hit with another wave of electricity, making him unable to strike Leo with his hammer as he had planned.
"Hey, no, that's not how-"
"He's getting a little hot under his-" Before Leo could finish his sentence, Meat Sweats punched him in the face. Before he could attack yet again, though, he noticed he no longer had his hammer.
"Whew! This is super duper heavy!" Looking over his shoulder, Meat Sweats saw a small child dragging his hammer away. They seemed to be struggling, but they had managed to drag it away several yards.
"I don't believe that belongs to you, little one!" Meat Sweats called out as he was no longer focused on Leo, rather he was now giving chase to the child. The little one squealed, though they didn't seem very scared.
They ran off, gaining some distance as the pig picked his hammer back up. While he was busy, the child resized and took off their shoes before blasting themselves with their fans' magic powers. With their super speed, they successfully dodged a blow from the hammer swinging down at them.
"Speed limit exceeded." Hearing these words, (Y/N) grinned. As Meat Sweats charged forward, ready to attack yet again, (Y/N) threw their shoes on the ground in front of him. "Activating emergency brakes." Unaware of the trap underneath him, Meat Sweats stepped into the shoes right as they clamped to the ground, and as he was about to take a step forward, fell onto his face.
(Y/N) ran up to Meat Sweats, leaning over his fallen form. When he looked up at him, they had a cheeky grin on their face and blew a raspberry at him before running away. "Get back here, little one!" the mutant yelled, trying to pry his feet out of the ground to no avail.
The child giggled watching Meat Sweats try to escape, before yelling, "Now Mikey!" Meat Sweats stared, confused, before hearing a robotic "impact eminent" above him. Looking up, he saw a giant orange ball barreling towards him, bouncing against the walls and knocking him back and forth, with the shoes keeping him from dodging. One hit to the face was so impactful, it pried the shoes from the ground and sent him flying into a train cart.
Mikey landed on his feet, staring proudly at the chaos he had caused. Leo stepped up beside him and both held a hand up, allowing (Y/N) to run up between them and give them both a high-five.
"Hey, hey, hey! That is not how you're supposed to use those! I spent a lot of time on-" Donnie's scolding was interrupted by a nearby thud as Meat Sweats broke out of the train cart. Another train passed, and he was gone.
"Uh-oh!" Mikey yelled, looking up to see Meat Sweats above them, hammer raised, ready to bash them into the ground. Mikey, Leo, and (Y/N) ran out of the way, while Donnie sat there, unable to move due to still being tied up. Before Meat Sweats could land the hit, though, a red fist blocked him. He and Raph exchanged several blows, only for Raph to knock him back. Just as Raph was getting hyped, Meat Sweats grabbed his face and smacked him into the ground several times, missed when he swung his hammer, and dodged a blow from the red fist.
"Hey, Raph. You need a plan."
Yelling in frustration, Raph removed the helmet and put it on his fist as Meat Sweats charged at him.
"Bad plan!"
"Hot soup!" Raph didn't care what the helmet thought, using it to land a hard punch to Meat Sweat's face. One punch, and Meat Sweats was sent flying backwards into the path of an upcoming train.
Raph held the broken helmet in Donnie's face and moved it as if it were speaking. "Donnie, your gifts really brought out the best in us."
"I'm funnier!"
"I'm bouncier!"
"I'm smash-ier!"
"And I can win any race!"
"Your gifts are the stuff!"
"But you were supposed to- ugh, forget it." The scowl on Donnie's face was gone and was now replaced with a smile. "You guys are great the way you are. Bring it in, group hug." He didn't need to speak twice as all his siblings gathered around and wrapped their arms around him. What a nice family moment.
"Impact eminent."
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