Chapter 1.5: Mystic Mayhem (part 2)

Was not expecting this chapter to be more than twice as long as the last one, holy-

"Bleh, this place is stinky!" (Y/N) whined in a playful voice as they had their arms wrapped around Mikey's neck, resting against his shell as they tread through the sewers.

"Hey. This place might not look very pretty right now, but trust me when I say that when you see the lair, you won't wanna leave!" Leo insisted, resting his arms behind his head as he walked by Mikey and (Y/N)'s side.

And he was right.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in wonder as they reached the lair, Mikey gently setting them on the ground. "Wow!" they exclaimed as they ran to the middle of the room and looked up, spinning around, trying to absorb the amazingness of the lair.

"Now, now, I suggest you stay quiet," Donnie said, kneeling down to (Y/N)'s height. He put a hand on their shoulder to stop their spinning, not wanting them to get too dizzy. "We came here to grab something very important. However, our father still doesn't know you're here, and if he found out we kidnapped-"

"-surprise babysat-"

"-surprise babysat you, I'm certain we would not hear the end of his scolding, so we're going to need you to stay back." Donnie glared over his shoulder at Leo when he "corrected" his statement.

"Aww.." (Y/N) pouted at the purple clad turtle's words, but slowly nodded. "Okay.."

"Hey, don't have such a long face," Raph said, patting their back and giving them a reassuring smile. "Tell ya what? If you stay out of sight while we grab our little do-hickey, we'll.. uh..."

"Let you come to the lair whenever you want!" Mikey beamed, stepping in front of Raph with an excited grin.

"What?! No, I was gonna say—"

"Okay!" (Y/N) happily exclaimed, interrupting Raph as their face lit up with joy. "I'll stay hidden for you!"

"That's not what I—"

"Great!" It was now Mikey's turn to interrupt his older brother, equally as excited as the child was. "We'll have so much fun while you're here! We can eat pizza together, and we can teach you how to skateboard, and we can build pillow forts!"

"Soo... are you going to do anything about this?" Donnie questioned, standing up as he and his twin looked back at Raph. "We can't just let them come by at any time. Bringing them here in the first place was a big risk. Letting them come by at any time is close to guaranteeing they'll get caught."

Raph's eyes flickered between Donnie, Leo, and Mikey and (Y/N) before he let out a sigh. "Right.. Hey, (Y/N)!" he said, crouching down, "Listen, I'd love to have you over more often, I really would, but—"

"Thank you for letting me come over more, Raph!" (Y/N) exclaimed, jumping up and down excitedly

"U-uhm, (Y/N), about that—"

"I promise I'll hide really well!" they insisted as they hugged the red masked turtle's arm. They let out a small laugh as they pulled away before saying, "Oh! Did you want to say something?"

Raph was sweating bullets at this point. "Uh- Yeah, I just wanted to say.." God, how could he say it without breaking this poor kid's heart? "That, um..."

(Y/N) tilted their head to the side, wondering what was taking the panicking turtle so long to speak.

"...I'm excited to see you more often!" Raph blurted out, wrapping an arm around them and pulling them into a hug, causing them to laugh. "Come over whenever you feel like it, alright? Now, go hide, sport!"

He pulled away from the hug and gently nudged them away. (Y/N) sent him a gleeful smile before running off to who-knows-where to hide.

Donnie let out a sigh as he rolled his eyes before facepalming, grumbling to himself.

"Hey! If I told them they couldn't come over anymore, it would've broken their heart!" Raph defended.

"Heyy, it's fine, no problemo!" Leo insisted, resting his arm on Raph's shoulder, "We keep secrets from dad all the time. What's one more?"

"Well, now that the promise has been set in stone, it's very unlikely (Y/N) will keep up their side of the deal if we don't keep ours," Donnie pointed out, "Plus, if we upset them by breaking the deal, they could go off and tell others of our existence, so I suppose there really is no going back on this one."

"Well, now's not the time to be thinking about that," Raph said, "C'mon. Let's go get that do-hickey!"

"A few hours ago I would've called this foolish and impossible... Now I just call it foolish."

The purple clad turtle's words didn't do much to assure Raph.

"Say what you want, Donnie. Raph will pull it off. 'Cause if he doesn't, we'll lose our best friend forever!"

"Mikey, don't say that! You know he chokes under pressure!"

"Leo, he's even more conscious when you talk about it! And then you can smell his fear."

"Stop talking about my fear stink!" Raph snapped, looking back at his brothers and (Y/N), who was still confused as to how someone could smell fear.

Raph held a pose before holding the device up to the wall, and...


Absolutely nothing!

Raph growled as he glared at the wall, holding the small device up to it again before beginning to punch it in frustration. "C'mon!" he yelled as his brothers looked at each other with expressions that could only be described as disappointed.

Eventually, Raph tired himself out. "Stupid wall!" he yelled, throwing the device at the wall, only for it to bounce back and knock him down. It flew up and landed in the palm of (Y/N)'s hand. They stared at it for a moment in curiosity. "Can... Can I try it?" they questioned, looking back at the trio.

"Sure, why not?" Leo said, still looking down at the brother in red, "I mean they can't do any worse, respectfully."

"Hey.." Raph said, holding a finger up, before letting his arm fall back down.

(Y/N) walked up to the wall and looked down at the device. They raised it up to the wall, only for it to start glowing. The needle started spinning around as the wall started to glow as well.

"Uhh... Is that supposed to happen?!" (Y/N) questioned as they took a step back, shocked that it actually worked. "What do I do now?!"

"Leave it to the artist of the group!" Mikey exclaimed, rushing over. They quickly handed him the device, watching as he drew a symbol on the wall, opening up the same portal as earlier.

"You beautiful fools. It worked!" Donnie exclaimed, raising his staff in the air.

"All I had to do was believe in myself!" Raph said, wrapping his arms around his brothers.

"Okay, uh, what do we do now?" Leo questioned as he, his brothers, and (Y/N) all looked back at Raph.

He looked back and forth, before a grin appeared on his face. "Cannonball!" he yelled as he jumped in.

"Cannonball!" Mikey and Donnie both yelled as they jumped in directly after him.

Leo was about to jump in, however noticed how (Y/N) gulped as they took a step back. They kept their eyes glued to the ground as they held their hands behind their back.

When Leo crouched down, they glanced up. "Cannonball?" he questioned, holding his arms out.

Knowing what he meant, (Y/N) perked up a bit. They hesitated, but eventually walked into the blue masked turtle's arms. "Cannonball!" he exclaimed, wrapping himself around the child as they jumped through, their scream of fright eventually turning into laughter of enjoyment until they reached the solid ground.

"Land safelyyYY!" Leo exclaimed, struggling to stay stable with (Y/N) in his grip, before eventually balancing himself.

"That was amazing!" (Y/N) exclaimed, hopping out of Leo's arms as they rushed over to the others, who didn't land as safely as Leo did. "Again! Again! Can we do that again?!"

Their initial excitement over the jump was soon overshadowed by a different excitement when they got a good look at what was around them "Woah!" they said in awe, "This place is so cool!"

All the other brothers let out their own "wow"s as well when they got up. "I can smell Raph's amazement stink.."

...You can smell amazement, too?

"Psst, hey, guys! Over here" a girl's voice said, making everyone turn around.

"April!" Mikey exclaimed with a mix of both relief and excitement. They all rushed over, hugging the girl in a group hug.

"Donnie? Where are we?" Raph questioned when everyone pulled away.

"According to my calculations, we are in a tertiary metaverse!" Donnie said as he looked down at his wrist screen.

"Actually!" April exclaimed, "And we're in a mystic hidden city deep under New York!"

"That was my second guess," Donnie said as (Y/N) and Mikey "wow"ed in sync.

"So, where's the dog thingy?" Leo questioned.

"He's in there," April said, looking over at a giant green building.

They all approached it, the doors opening on their own when they did. They all stared at amazement at the sight of such a fascinating place. "Oh, look at the color scheme! Oh, I'd love to do my lab in this style.."

"Hey, there's the little guy!" Raph said as they all looked down at the two cages attached to the large pillar in the middle. "And the delivery guy, too!" He stood up, ready to help them. "We gotta help 'em get out!"

"Someone's coming!" April said, holding Raph back.

(Y/N) gulped as they watch a rather tall monter-looking man walk in with two creatures on his shoulders, towering over the prisoners. "He's scary.." they quietly mumbled, clinging to April's jacket. She wrapped an arm around them, pulling them into her embrace for comfort.

"If you're the guy who keeps calling about the calamari, fine. It's pig butts," the pizza delivery guy said, looking far too relaxed with this whole ordeal. "But the crab cakes are real!"

The man looked down with an unreadable expression. "I assure you, I have no interest in your... petty cakes of crab."

The two creatures jumped away from the monstrous man. "But we would like to hear more about those pig butts," one of them said, landing on the delivery guy's cage, making him scream. The other one landed on the cage as well, cackling and making the guy jump back.

The man with the horns on his face crouched down and reached through the dog creature's cage. "So nice of you to return that vile," he said, snatching the green substance from his neck before approaching the delivery boy. "You are about to be part of an experiment that will change the very nature of humanity."

"Alright!" the boy said, quiet enthusiastically, which... concerned the onlookers.

The man with horns on his face poured the strange green goop into a device near the pillar and watched as it traveled upwards into a large orb at the top.

"This dude looks like trouble," April said, holding (Y/N) closer as they stared up at the strange orb.

"Yeah. And if I've learned anything from Jupiter Jim movies, glowing green usually equals bad!" Raph said as the green goop started sinking into the tank. A mosquito flew over, sucking in some of the goop, before many others followed its lead.

One flew into the horned man's grasp. As he approached the delivery boy, his prison's vines wrapped around him, keeping him in place. "So... Is this gonna hurt?" he questioned, no longer sounding very enthusiastic about this idea.

"It will," the horned man confirmed. "...If I'm doing it right." He placed the mosquito on his forehead, letting it inject the goop into him.

When it flew away, the boy let out a chuckle. "Hey, that wasn't so-" He was cut off by a sudden jolt of pain. "Ow! Oh- This part hurts- ThiS PART HURTS!"

April quickly went in front of (Y/N), hugging them and covering their ears so they wouldn't have to witness the boy's body reform and reshape, nor hear his screams of pain.

"What's going on?!" they questioned, scared and confused. "Is the man gonna be okay?!"

"Don't look, kid!" April exclaimed, looking over her shoulder and back to the delivery boy. "That is messed up!"

At last, the boy reached his final form- some.. fish thing!

The boys and April groaned and grimace at the sight of the transformed boy. Well, except for Donnie. "Yeah, jury's in. That was imitation crab."

"I just got used to acne, now this?!" he exclaimed in horror, before running off screaming.

"Should we go after him, boss?" one of the shoulder creatures questioned.

Completely ignoring his question, the horned man spoke, "The mutation worked! Just like it did all those years ago..."

"Mutation?" Raph questioned as April finally released (Y/N). "You mean like us?" He gasped. "Could we be-"

"-part imitation crab?!"

"Haha!" Donnie laughed with an amused expression. However, his expression soon turned into a slightly disappointed one. "You are not kidding, are you?"

"I'll deal with you next," the horned man said to the growling dog creature as he walked away.

"We gotta help that puppy!" (Y/N) exclaimed, looking around at April and the turtles.

"But, except for Donnie, we're out of weapons!" Leo pointed out.

"Note to you," Donnie said, hitting his staff in the palm of his hand, "Next time, make your weapons out of high grade titanium."

"Guys! Who needs weapons? We're ninjas!" Raph said, getting up and standing in front of everyone, "Leo's got his mad skills, nobody flips better than Mikey, Donnie's got that big ol' brain, I and I got, uh-"

"A friend who knows where there's a room full of weapons!" April announced proudly, shoving Raph out of the way.

"...Ah, thank goodness, we were so dead."

April stepped over and pulled a lever, creating a hole under the six of them. Gravity, of course, did its job and pulled all of them down, most screaming, (Y/N) laughing.

The turtles all landed first, creating a pile near the exit of the tunnel. April fell through flawlessly before holding out an arm, catching (Y/N) before they could make contact with the floor.

Everyone stared in awe as they looked around the room.

"No way!"


"Oh, it's like if magic and science had a baby!"

"Ohohoho yeah!" Leo chuckled as he a pair of swords.

"These'll do," Mikey said as he grabbed two nunchucks and spun them around.

"Hey, yo, guys!" Raph yelled, pointing to a bunch of floating weapons. "How about we take the glowy ones?"

Leo and Mikey's eyes widened as they dropped their weapons, immediately rushing over. "Oh, dibs on the sword!" Leo exclaimed, quickly grabbing the ōdachi. "Oh boy!"

"Hot soup!" Mikey exclaimed as he snatched the kusari-fundo.

"Boom!" Raph yelled as he grabbed the tonfa, chuckling as he swung them around.

"What about you, Donnie?" April asked, holding the last glowy weapon out to the very uninterested Donatello, "Don't you want a glowy weapon?"

"No, I'm good," Donnie assured, hugging his staff, "I'll never let you go... This looks interesting, though." He grabbed a strange glowing crystal and hid it away.

"Oh! Oh! If Donnie won't take it, I will!" (Y/N) insisted, rushing over to April with grabby hands. "I want a glowy weapon!"

"Oh! Uh- (Y/N)!" Raph exclaimed, swooping the young child into his grasp. "Th-There's no need for a glowy weapon, really!"

(Y/N) pouted a bit. "But why does everyone else get a weapon?" they questioned, "You get the stick thingies, Donnie gets the metal stick thing, Leo gets the sword, Mikey gets the string thingy, and April gets the green golf club thingy! What about me?"

"W-Well, uhm-"

"Pleeeaaase?" they begged with puppy dog eyes, "Please please please? I promise I won't get in your way!"

"Uhh..." Raph quickly looked around, before his eyes landed on a pair of tessen.

"Here!" he exclaimed, grabbing the two fans and handing them to (Y/N). "You can take these!"

"Wow!" they exclaimed in shock, waving them around, "These are so cool! Thank you, Raph!"

"No problem!" he said, letting them run around and swing their new fans.

"Are you sure it was wise to arm them with potentially dangerous mystical weapons?" Donnie questioned as he watched the child swipe the war fans around, making sound effects as they, Leo and Mikey playfully pretended to duel.

"I'm sure it'll be fine!" Raph said, waving his hand dismissively, "They're just fans! How much harm can they do? Now, let's go save that dog thingy!"

One of the shoulder creatures was reaching in through the dog creature's prison, poking it with a stick and laughing.

"Finally, after all these years, I can continue my work—" The tall man spoke as he stared at one of the ooze-filled mosquitos, only for him to be interrupted by several loud crashes.

The turtles all landed on the ground, whilst April landed on top of all of them, sitting on their shells as (Y/N) sat on her shoulders.

"What?!" the man exclaimed as he stared up at them in shock, the dog creature's tail wagging back and forth at the sight of familiar faces.

"Alright, you incredibly unusually buff bookworm!" Raph exclaimed, pointing to him as everyone regained their composure, "Give us the little guy, and you'll walk outta here with your horns still attached!"

"Shouldn't we also stop him from creating crab men?" Leo questioned looking up at the turtle in red.

"Good note," Raph said, putting his hand on his chin. "Okay, give us the little guy, stop creating crab men-"

"-imitation crab men," Donnie corrected as April let out a frustrated groan, just wanting to get into the action already!

Meanwhile, the strange tall man was staring up at the turtles like they were the embodiments of beauty themselves. "You're... beautiful," he said with tearful eyes.

"Raph, why don't you take it from the top again?" Leo suggested.

"Here goes. First, you apologize to the dog thingy-"

At last, April's patience wore out. "Let's do this!" she exclaimed, jumping over and swinging her club, "April O'Neil!"

"Omigosh, she just ran in!" Mikey yelled as he and his brothers were freaking out over April jumping headfirst into battle.

...before immediately being carried away by the shoulder creatures.

Paying her no mind, the evil guy grabbed a purple ball, throwing it to the ground and making a bunch of vines fly toward the five of them. Raph grabbed (Y/N), holding onto them as he and his brothers jumped on top of the vines, three out of four of them running across them perfectly while Leo stumbled and slipped around, screaming how much he hated it.

The man grabbed three more purple balls, throwing them into the ground and creating a giant purple monster thing.


"Woah, woah!"

"Who is that?!"

"Dude, seriously?!"

"Ah, it looked at me!"

The giant grabbed onto the purple vines, flinging it and making everyone fly off. It let out a roar as April flew by, still fighting the strange shoulder creatures.

"Capture those specimens!" the horned man yelled, pointing at the turtles.

"Stay back for this, (Y/N)," Raph said, setting the child down. "This guy looks pretty dangerous!"


This time, Raph gave them no room to argue as he and his brothers leaped into battle. "Cowabunga!"

(Y/N) watched in awe as they fought. Leo managed to slice off one of the giant's feet, Mikey flung Raph into the giant's face, and Donnie finished it off by (accidentally) hitting the giant over the head with his staff, making it flip over and crash straight into the floor.

"Nailed it!" he exclaimed, using his staff as a selfie stick to take a picture with his phone.

Smoke flew everywhere, making (Y/N) cough and close their eyes. They waved their fans around in attempt to clear their vision.

"Accidentally impressive," the strange evil man said once the smoke mostly cleared out, "With a little bit of training, you could be as formidable as I hoped."

The boys all took a moment to breathe as April was... still being knocked around by the shoulder creatures.

"Ahem," Leo cleared his throat before propping his foot on a nearby piece of rubble, "Okay, well, great, and since you're surrendering—"

"Haha!" the evil man laughed, "Baron Draxum does not surrender."

Leo stared at the man in confusion. "Okay, well, when he gets here, we'll with him- ohoho, I see, you're doing that whole "sinister talking in the first person" thing!"

His brother's remark seemed to snap Raph back into reality. "Only Raph can use the third person!" he said, pointing to himself, "Alright, guys, time to put our training to use!"

"What training?" Leo questioned, looking around as his brothers jumped into action, "You guys have been training?"

(Y/N) sighed as they watched the turtles jump back into battle... April continued to fight the shoulder creatures...

They had to admit, the Baron man did look really scary... but they wanted to help! They watched the brothers fight and get knocked back the the Draxum man.

"And that's why Baron Draxum—!" He was interrupted when one of his henchmen fell on his face. "I'm sorry, boss.." the creature said, before passing out.

It didn't take long for April to finally come down from the sky, whacking and smacking the two of them around, before looking up and giving a thumbs up to the group, who all gave her a thumbs up back.

Starting to get frustrated with all of this nonsense, Draxum launched a strange substance at April and trapped her in a cocoon.

"April!" Raph exclaimed, catching her when she was launched back.

"You did not just do that to our friend!" Mikey exclaimed as he and his brothers glared at Draxum. He spun his kusari-fundo around a few times, before launching it at Draxum. He barely dodged the attack, but looked back in shock as the ball at the end began cackling, a face of fire appearing on it.

"Woah! Magic weapaAAH!"  Mikey barely had any time to admire his weapon's ability before it started flying all over the room, dragging him with it, and destroying a very important looking part of the pillar in the middle and making it explode!

...But we can focus on that later. Magic weapon!

The weapon nearly crashed into Draxum, but he managed to jump out of the way just in time. The weapon eventually slipped out of Mikey's grasp and powered down, making Mikey crash land into the ground.

"Woah!" Raph yelled as he, his brothers, April, and (Y/N) stared at Mikey in shock and amazement. "Mikey, that was awesome! How'd you do that?!"

"I don't know, man!" Mikey spoke as he grabbed his weapon again, swinging it around, "I was just swinging my weapon, like this! And all of a sudden-" the ball began cackling once again, lighting ablaze "-just like thaAAAAH!" Welp, there he goes again.

"Wow! It's making him fly!" (Y/N) exclaimed as their eyes followed Mikey around the lab.

"Let me try!" Raph exclaimed. He began spinning his tonfa around and chanting, "Magic weapon, magic weapon, magic weapon, magic weapon!" His weapons began to spark as Raph grinned in excitement.

"Wow! It makes fireworks!" (Y/N) exclaimed, staring at the red lights on Raph's tonfa.

"Aw, yeah! MAGIC WEAPON!"


"Mine works, too," Raph called out after he was launched back into a wall, creating a large dent.

In excitement, Leo charged up to Draxum, his sword beginning to glow. "Can't wait to find out what mine does!"

He swung it, and...

"Wow! It does absolutely nothing!" (Y/N) exclaimed, watching as Leo and Draxum just... awkwardly stood there for a moment. "Is... Is something supposed to happen?"

Just as they said that, Leo's sword began to glow again and a portal appeared under his feet. "WoahwoahwoaHWOAHWOAHWOAH!" he yelled, grabbing onto his sword and falling through. Another portal appeared directly above that one, as he began falling in an endless loop.


"My turn!" (Y/N) exclaimed as they rushed over, clutching their fans.

"(Y/N), no!" Donnie and April yelled in sync.

As they ran forward, they noticed their white fan was beginning to emit some sort of white electricity. "Huh?" they questioned. However, before they could even think about stopping, the electricity shot through them, letting out a small "Ow!" at the sting. However, the sting left as quickly as it came. When they skid to a stop, they looked back and saw they had already run past Draxum, missing one of his attacks in the process. As they looked around, they noticed everything around them was going super slow, whilst they maintained their regular speed. They began giggling and running around the lab in excitement.

"Hey! Were they always that fast?!" April questioned as her eyes tried to keep up with their tiny figure. One second they were on one side of the lab, and then the next, they were on the other!

"Wow! It makes me super fast!" they exclaimed, looking down at their fans.

They noticed that Draxum was charging toward them and laughed. He wasn't very scary when he was so slow! They simply stepped a few feet to the side and watched him swipe at the air. This went on for a few moments, fueling (Y/N)'s amusement and Draxum's impatience.

"Slow poke!" they yelled as they ran off, quite enjoying their new found power. That changed, however, when their black fan started emitting its own black electricity.

"Oh! Is this one gonna make me even faster?!" they questioned excitedly, eagerly awaiting the other fan's effects.

When the shock went through their body, (Y/N) looked around, expecting to see everything moving around even slower, but was confused when everything was faster than it originally was. "Huh?" they questioned.

They yelped when Draxum charged forward. He was a lot scarier when he was faster! They attempted to dodge, but were much too slow to avoid his attack. Right when he was about to land a blow, however, Donnie swooped in, grabbing (Y/N) and placing them far from the villain.

"And that's why I like fighting the old fashion way, with impossibly futuristic high-tech weaponry!" Donnie began swinging his staff at Draxum, who was narrowly avoiding all his attacks.

A fist-rocket was formed at the end of Donnie's staff, and when Draxum tried to attack again, he was hit in the face, knocking him back.

"Just like I planned it—"

"Look out!"

Donnie's moment was sadly interrupted by Mikey, who crashed into him thanks to his out-of-control weapon.

"You train like untrained buffoons!" Draxum yelled, watching Raph lay down defeated next to a wall, Leo continue to fall through his portals, Mikey and Donnie crash into everything, April try to bite through her restraints, and (Y/N) wave their fans around to try to become fast again with no success. "But under me, you could become true warriors!"

He launched another ball of strange substance at all of them, effectively tapping them all in their own cocoons. During that process, he knocked both (Y/N)'s fans into them, making them both zap them at the same time, and causing them to go back to normal speed.

"Hey! Everything is normal again!" they exclaimed, looking around to see everything going back to its regular pace.

"I wouldn't exactly call this situation normal," Leo pointed out.

"We don't spend enough quality time together," Mikey said as he rubbed his cheek on Donnie's.

"Oh, please not now, Mikey," Donnie said with a disapproving look.

"How are we gonna save the dog thingy now?!" April questioned, interrupting their little moment.

"Donnie's on it," the purple clad turtle said, flipping his goggles over his eyes. He observed the area, before looking up at the pillar. "Wait a second..." he said as his goggles started glowing red, a danger sign appearing on them. He started to panic as he knew what this meant.

"Turtles! Why are you trying to stop my plans?!" Draxum questioned, somehow not noticing the disaster happening behind him, "We are all in this this together!"

"Uhhh, hey! I don't know if this part of your plan, but the lab's about to explode!" Everyone began jumping around in a panic, trying to break out of their restrains.

Finally, Draxum looked back just in time to see everything going to hel- a really bad place.

"Aw nuts-"

And just like that, he was crushed and died, but not really because this series still needs an antagonist, even though that really should have killed him—

The giant pillar snapped in half, all the ooze-filled mosquitos flying out. A metal beam fell on the dog creature's cage, allowing it to jump out free. He immediately teleported over to (Y/N), purring in their lap. "Puppy!" they cooed, happy to see the creature still safe.

"Little guy!" April exclaimed, looking over at the dog thing, "Can you do your thing and get us outta here?"

It chirped, teleporting everyone out of their strange restraints and out of the lab right before they could be crushed. Mikey grabbed the portal do-hickey thing and drew on a nearby wall, opening up another portal and letting them all jump through.

They all landed on the ground one by one. Donnie made sure to keep (Y/N) in his grasp so they couldn't be injured by the fall.

Mikey dropped the strange device, and upon impact, it broke. "Oh no! Splinter's do-hickey!"

"Man.." April said, before the dog creature teleported into her arms. "Are you okay boy? Or girl? You sure were good through all that mayhem. Hey, Mayhem! That's a cute name!"

They looked over and ruffled (Y/N)'s hair, making them laugh. "And you weren't too bad out there yourself, kid! (Y/N), right?"

(Y/N) confirmed it with a nod and a grin. "(Y/N) (L/N)!"

"We just defeated a boss villain!" Raph exclaimed proudly as they all went into an Epic Pose™, "We're heroes! We deserve a name, like... Mad Dogs!"

"Mad Dogs?" Leo questioned, "You don't think something, like, Ninja Mutant.. Turtle Teens, or... I dunno, we'll keep brainstorming."

They all hummed in confusion as they watch another one of those mosquitos fly by. They all watched in shock and a bit of horror as a whole swarm of them flew by and into New York.

"Huh... That can't be good," Donnie said as they stared off into the distance.

"We should go, people's blinds are starting to open," Leo said, prompting everyone to start running away.

"Man, today was crazy!" April exclaimed as they all hid in a nearby alleyway. She let out a deep breath before looking over at (Y/N). "Well, I think now's a good time to bring you ho—"

"No!" Leo yelled, quickly placing a hand over April's mouth.

"Hey, (Y/N)? Can you go play with Mikey for a bit?" Raph asked, patting (Y/N)'s shoulder, "We gotta talk to April for a moment."

"C'mon, (Y/N)!" Mikey excitedly called out, waving to them, "I found a bunch of chalk rocks! We can draw on the sidewalk together!"

(Y/N) excitedly rushed over to Mikey, just as April removed Leo's hand form her mouth.

"What is happening?" April questioned, looking at the three of them, "We gotta bring (Y/N) home, we can't just kidnap them!"

"Technically, we already did—"

"It was surprise babysitting," Leo said, interrupting Donnie, "And we know we should bring them back home. The only problem is that they cried the last time we mentioned it."

"Perhaps I could scower the internet to see if there's any information about (Y/N) or their family," Donnie suggested, "I'm sure they're worried sick about their child. They must have reported this situation to the police. Perhaps I can find a news article about them."

"Sounds good!" Raph said, "You go do that!"

"Do that I shall," Donnie said, tapping away at his tablet. It only took him a few moments to find info on (Y/N) and their mother, and it... definitely wasn't what he expected.

"You guys.." he said, looking around, "You need to see this." He held his tablet out for Raph, Leo, and April to see, and as they read, their eyes went wide.

"Mother and child (M/N) and (Y/N) (L/N) gone missing after home invasion," Raph read aloud, making sure to stay quiet enough so (Y/N) couldn't hear him. "If you find any signs of either, please contact authorities immediately."

"So that's why they were so upset when home was mentioned!" Leo said, coming to a realization.

"The poor kid!" April said, looking back at the child with a pitying expression, Mayhem letting out a sad chirp as well.

"Well, we can't just leave them alone to fend for themselves!" Leo said, "And we did say they could come over anytime they want, so..."

"Oh, so we really are going to kidnap them this time?" Donnie questioned, putting his tablet away.

"No! It's just... surprise adoption!" Raph exclaimed.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Leo called over to (Y/N), "You want us to surprise adopt you?"

"Yeah!" (Y/N) exclaimed, immediately jumping up, "Oh! But I left my bag somewhere! Can we go get it?"

"Of course we can!" Mikey exclaimed, hopping up as well. "Come on! Let's go!"

"This should be a good enough spot," Donnie said, tucking (Y/N) into bed. Everyone showed (Y/N) around the lair and let them choose where they wanted to stay and, lo and behold, they chose Donnie's room because they thought it looked cool.

"Thank you, Donnie!" they smiled, cuddling up in the blankets and laying down on their side to smile at the purple masked turtle.

Donnie had to admit, they did look pretty cute. He let out a small chuckle and pat their head. "No problem. If you need anything, wake me up." He got down and laid down in his own bed. "Well, goodnight (Y/N)."

(Y/N) let out a yawn as they closed their eyes, curling up into their covers. "Night night, Donnie..."

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