I just finished making breakfast for Erina and I as we sat down in the living room to watch some TV, just to get the abuse she went through with Azami out of her head.
I mean, all I did was the old fashioned bacon and eggs, Japanese version, which Erina was alright with, even though it wasn't up to her standards.
When she turned on the TV, we couldn't believe what we were seeing.
Fumio: ...そうじゃない?(...isn't it?)
Erina: テレビ演説? (A televised address?)
Reporter: 現場から生で伺います。新監督に薙切薊が就任! (I-I'm coming to you live from the scene. Azami Nakiri, the new director, has just arrived!)
Once I sat down on the couch, I saw Erina just shuddering at seeing her father on the screen. I went up to her and just hugged her in the side, just trying to comfort her from seeing that carny piece of shit.
Azami: 遠月の生徒たちよ、よろしくお願いします。薙切薊です。 (Students of Totsuki, you have my thanks. I am Azami Nakiri.)
Like we give a fuck.
Azami: 私が目指す完璧な世界、遠月学園が生まれ変わる世界と、それに関わることについてお話します。まず第一点は、料理に関連するすべての講演会やセミナー、勉強会や団体は、ここに自主的に運営する権利をすべて剥奪するということです。 (I am about to tell you of the perfect world for which I aim, one where Totsuki Academy is reborn, and what that will involve. The first point is this: all cooking related lectures and seminars, study groups and societies, these are hereby stripped of all rights to operate autonomously!)
You gotta be fucking kidding. All the study groups, like Ikumi's bowl soc, is permanently banned?
Azami: ダイヤルはゼロになり、すべてが終わります。 (The dial is at zero and everything ends now.)
I never wanted to kill a man so much in my life.
He's so half-assed about the culinary world that I feel like if anyone put this guy's brain in a bird, that shit would fly diagonally.
Azami: 次に、2点目、学内に新たな組織を設立することです。私と十人評議会を頂点に、私が個人的に選んだ生徒からなる精鋭部隊となり、新たな料理の探求を目的とします。そこは、あらゆる美味しいものの知識が交わされる神の世界となる。そして、それは中央高級料理研究所、または「セントラル」と呼ばれることになります。今後、あなたが作るものはすべてセントラルのメンバーによって決定されます。もう自分で料理を考案する必要はありません。申し訳ありませんが、同意しない生徒はご退場いただきます。考えてみてください。今までのシステムはかなり非論理的でした。 (And now, the second point: a new organization shall be established on campus. It will be an elite corps, comprising myself and the Council of Ten at the top, as well as any students I personally choose, with the goal of seeking out new cuisine. It shall be a world of gods, where knowledge of all things delicious is exchanged. And it will be called the Central Institution for Fine Cuisine, or "Central". Going forward, everything you make will be decided by the members of Central. You no longer have to devise your own dishes. My apologies, but any students who disagree will be asked to leave. Please think about it. The system up until now has been quite illogical.)
Nah, man, Azami's contradicting himself with this bullshit.
With Erina's permission, I turned off the TV and walked outside to get some air, but Eizan and his stooges had arrived, making me walk my ass back inside.
Y/N: That fucking asshole!
Erina: Nani?
Y/N: Eizan, AKA the Walking Talking Gloryhole, is here with two of his kiss-ass yesmen is here.
When they walked in, I held myself back, lest I get in trouble even more. I really wanted to punch this fucker's mug so much that he wouldn't be recognizable at all by his peers.
Eizan: 旭星寮は校内にある唯一の寮です。あなたは今日まで経済的に自立してきました。誤解しないでください。これにより、あなたは削除の対象になりました。この寮は取り壊されることになる。遠月には役に立たない。 (Kyokusei is the sole dorm on school grounds. Until today, you've been financially self-supporting. Make no mistake, this has made you a target for removal. This dorm will be razed. It is of no use to Totsuki.)
Yuki: 「役に立たない」?!("Of no use"?!)
Shinji: キョクセイを倒す気か! (You're going to knock down Kyokusei?!)
Eizan: 建物と不動産そのものはセントラルが取得する。言い換えれば、それらはあなたのものではなくなります。 (The building and the property itself will be acquired by Central. In other words, they will no longer be yours.)
Shoji: もうくだらないことはやめてください! (Cut the crap already!)
Daijo: 野郎どもめ! (You bastards!)
Yuki: 私の一部が欲しいのですか?ソノファ君―― (You want a piece of me?! You sonofa—)
Megumi: よ、よ、ゆきちゃん! (Y-Y-Yuki-chan!)
Ryoko: ねえ、一子先輩はどこ?彼は十人衆の一員なのだから、彼がここにいれば、こんな奴らでも―― (Say, where's Isshiko-senpai? He's a member of the Ten, so if he were here, even these guys wouldn't be able to just—)
Shun: 彼は長い間ここに戻っていないようです。 (It seems he hasn't been back here in a long time.)
Y/N: 私を覚えてますか? (Remember me?)
I looked at him and he looked at me with his stupid fucking grin. I walked down the steps and looked to get into this fucker's face.
Y/N: 私がここにいる間、この寮を借りてみてください。 (Try taking this dorm while I'm here.)
Soma: あなたの名前? (Y/N?)
Y/N: はい、まだここにいます。私があなたのルールを守るとは少しも思わないでください。 (Yeah, I'm still here. Don't think for a second I'm gonna abide by your rules.)
Eizan: じゃあ。力ずくであなたを連れて行ったほうがいいでしょう。彼を捕まえてください、少年たち。 (Well, then. We might as well take you by force. Get him, boys.)
I was ready for a fight as they were coming at me, but I was one step ahead.
I wielded this...
When they looked to hit me, I dodged them and started punching them with the brass knuckles into their gut and then their faces.
I picked one of the yesmen fucks up and threw him into Eizan.
Eizan: それは暴行だ!逮捕できるよ! (That's assault! You can arrested!)
Y/N: 腐敗したサイコパスの下で働いていますか?あなたは私の隣の独房に一生パンと水があり続けるつもりですか?もっと欲しいところまでアザミのペニスが入ってる? (Working for a corrupt psychopath? You'd be in the cell next to me with bread and water for life? You have Azami's dick far up your ass to where you're wanting more?)
Eizan: こんなジョークが面白いと思いますか?彼らは何もしません。 (Think you're funny with these jokes? They do nothing.)
Y/N: おそらく、しかし少なくとも彼らは私の友人であり、私たちは何事にも後退しません。このフォームはあなたのものではありません、なぜならここは私たちの家であり、それを奪おうとする者と私たちは戦うからです。 (Maybe, but at least these guys are my friends and we don't back down from anything. This form won't be yours because this is our home and we'll fight anyone who tries to take it.)
Eizan: アザミに報告するから頑張ってね。ここはセントラルの寮なので、どこにも住まない生活を楽しんでください。 (Good luck with that because it's gonna be reported to Azami. Have fun living nowhere because this is Central's dorm now.)
Y/N: 本当に?ここがセントラルの寮だと思う?まず、あなたとあなたのお父さんは私のガールフレンドを虐待し、学校ではないにしても私の友達を侮辱し、それからあなたは好きなものを何でもできると思いますか?ここは中央ではありません。これは...京介です! (Really? You think this is Central's dorm? First, you and your daddy abuse my girlfriend, you insult my friends, if not the school, and then, you think you can take whatever you want? This isn't Central. This... is... KYOSUKEI!!!)
Without batting an eye, I kicked him in his balls, picked him up and threw him out of the dorm along with yesmen fucks while slamming the door on them.
Y/N: くたばれ、この女は遠月だ! (Fuck that bitch, this is Totsuki!)
Megumi: 君の名は、今何をしたの! (Y/N, what did you just do!)
Ryoko: 生徒を襲ったんだ! (You attacked a student!)
Y/N: クソ「学生」、あのクソ野郎が私たちの家を破壊しようとしているんだ。私がそれに耐えると思う? (Fuck "student", that prick wants to take down our home. You think I'm gonna stand for it?)
Soma: 私たちも同意しますが、そのようにする必要はありませんでした。 (We agree, but you didn't have to do it like that!)
Y/N: なぜだめですか?つまり、あなたたちが何もしないつもりなら、私は自分の手で問題を解決するほうがよいでしょう!エリナはどこですか?彼女をどこかに連れて行きます。 (Why not? I mean, if you guys aren't gonna do anything, I might as well take matters into my own hands! Where's Erina? I'm gonna take her out somewhere.)
I then walked back up the stairs and got to Erina who was dressed and ready to go.
We walked down, got onto my bike, and we rode over to Tokyo so we could get Central out of our heads, but was going to happen next will piss me the fuck off.
~A Few Hours Later~
After the date with Erina, we rode back to the dorm, but when we walked in, Megumi came running down in a panic.
Megumi: エリナさん、お名前は!誰がやったのかは分かりませんが、誰かがあなたの部屋を荒らしたのです。 (Y/N, Erina-san! I don't know who did it, but someone ransacked your room!)
We ran up to my room and the whole place was TRASHED! My bed was ripped apart, the curtains were torn down, clothes were everywhere, and I was dreading to see this: the picture frame of my mom and I getting broken and the picture itself ripped in half.
I walked in as Megumi was very concerned and Erina was worried about what happened.
Megumi: 誰がこれをやったか知っていますか? (Do you know who did this?)
Y/N: 中央。 (Central.)
Megumi: なぜ? (Why?)
Y/N: エリナ。 (Erina.)
Seeing the picture of my mom and I torn up, I put it down before saying...
Y/N: この野郎は死んだ。(This fucker's dead.)
Erina: とても。 (Very much.)
I left the dorm and called Hisako, who she and I traded numbers in case she gets me information about what's going on with Central.
Hisako: あなたの名前は? (Y/N?)
Y/N: エイザンはまだ街にいます。 (Eizan's still in town.)
Hisako: 知っています。 エリナに会いに寮に行きます。 彼は東京の代官山 Tサイトで買い物をしています。 (I know. I'm going to the dorm to see Erina. He's shopping at DAIKANYAMA T-SITE in Tokyo.)
Y/N: それがどこにあるか知っています、ありがとう。 (I know where that is, thanks.)
I hung up, got on my bike, and rode over to DAIKANYAMA.
Luckily, I've been friends with the owner since I moved to Japan with my mom, rest in peace, and since I'm gonna be giving Eizan a piece of my mind, I think I'm gonna get off scot-free with what I plan on doing.
I parked my bike, got off, and went inside the store, where I was looking for Eizan, and conveniently enough, he was at the entrance of the store, but he didn't see me.
When I got close to him, I smiled as I waited for him to see me.
After a second, he saw me and tried to run, but I grabbed him before he could try to escape.
I threw him through the plate glass window as a lot of attention came from people walking around. As I walked through the window, I started laying in punches onto him.
He then took a shard of glass and stabbed it in my quad! I screamed in pain, but I soon forgot about it as I kept laying it into him.
Once I felt like it was enough, I got off of him and started kicking his face as it was so bloody and busted up, nobody could recognize him!
At the ledge of the road, I kicked him in the ribs with a smirk, but I was not happy.
I said in Japanese...
Y/N: もし、もう一度私たちに近づいたら、私はあなたを殺します。 (If—if you go near us one more time, I'll kill you.)
I gave him one last kick to his face as he was laying on his back spread eagle, bloodied and struggling to breathe. I say good riddance because he deserved every single of the beating I gave him for threatening my girlfriend's safety and wanting to go to war with me.
Eventually, I had to get help with the wound on my quad, but hey, at least Eizan is gonna lose his place on the Council of 10 after this.
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