Home (For Now)

Now that we've gotten out of the rain, Soma came back and was confused on why Erina was here and why we all were soaked.

Soma: ナキリです。 (It's Nakiri.)

Erina: 私はここに滞在します。 (I'll be staying here.)

Soma: へー、ア太郎もね。なぜ? (Huh, and Ataro too. Why?)

Y/N: 話は長いですが、アリス、リョウ、ヒサコ、そしてあなたのおかげで彼女が逃げられるようになったというだけです。 (Story's long, but all that is Alice, Ryo, Hisako, and yours truly helped her ran away.)

Soma: うわー、逃げたんだっけ?ニース!私はそれが好きです!頑張れ、ナキリ! (Wow, you ran away, huh? Nice! I like it! Good job, Nakiri!)

Erina was going to say something, but I patted her shoulder and calmed down, lest she goes off on him, just because that we just got her out of the rain and her father abusing his power on her.

Soma: しかし、ナキリ族の他のメンバーはどうなるのでしょうか? (But what about the other member of the Nakiris?)

Hisako: アリスさんと召使はすでに帰宅しています。 (Miss Alice and her servant have already returned home.)

Soma: 彼らはちょうど出発したところですか? (They just took off?)

Fumio: お風呂はすでに引いてあります。きっと寒いですよ。体を温めて行きましょう。 (The bath's already been drawn. I'm sure you're cold. Go warm yourself up.)

Y/N: 思いつきましょう。 (Let me come up with you.)

Erina: Y/N, you have done enough. Do not worry.

Y/N: Just let me come with you, okay?

Fumio: 女性専用、君の名は。 (Women's only, Y/N.)

Y/N: わかっていますが、彼女が一人ではないことを確認したいのです。彼女に何か悪いことが起こってほしくない。 (I understand, but I wanna make sure she's not alone. I don't want anything bad happening to her.)

Fumio finally relented and let me stay with Erina as she was going in the bath.

As she stripped and going into the tub, I had to tell her this.

Y/N: Erina, let me be plain with you. There are some times that make me worry about you. Ever since Azami came back into your life, I never felt so scared for you. With your history with him, I don't want to leave you alone because something bad will happen. I know it. Don't think for a second that you're gonna be alone. I'm gonna stay with you for a good long time. I can guarantee it.

Erina teared up and hugged me as I had to do the same.

Erina: I know. I am scared about what he might do to me, but knowing how safe I am with you, I don't feel scared.

Y/N: I'm always here. I love you, you know that?

Erina: I know. I love you too.

We kissed as she finally finished stripping and got into the tub, where I sat next to her, just holding onto her hand.

We stayed like that for a couple minutes, but I felt something on the underside of her hand.

I turned it over, and I saw that she has a scar on it!

I bit my fist, so pissed off and I wanted to go crazy, but Erina stopped me.

Erina: Y/N, don't.

Y/N: How did you get this?

Erina: My father was telling me to write a resignation letter from the Council, I tried to tell him, but he—

She stopped, covered her mouth, and cried as I had to hug her and just hearing her cry just makes me feel so angry.

I mean, here's this girl I love and to hear her in pain just enrages me so much.

I know that I have to find either Azami or Eizan at some point when we're going somewhere for a date or whatever.

Erina: After a while, Eizan was ordered to hurt me. He gave me this, and I couldn't defend myself.

Y/N: Shh, Shh, you're okay. You're safe now. It's all that matters. Look, like I said, I'm not gonna leave you alone. If any of them try to hurt you, I'll be there. I guarantee it.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes as I felt so horrible seeing her like this.

I kissed her cheek and kept hugging her, not caring about the water getting on me. I didn't want to hear her cry and this is what I could do to support her.

Y/N: Just come out whenever you're ready. I'll be outside.

Erina: Arigato, Y/N. I love you.

Y/N: I love you too, Erina. So freakin' much.

We kiss as I walked out of the bathroom, just torn apart about my girl being hurt.

Seeing her like that, it hurt. No pain, upset, right?

I went back to where my friends were and Shoji and Daijo were concerned. They must've been told the whole story about Erina thanks to Hisako.

Daijo: 彼女の調子はどうですか、兄弟? (How is she, bro?)

I looked at them with a pissed off look and said...

Y/N: 彼女の父親は彼女を虐待しました。 (Her father abused the shit out of her.)

Yuki: 何? (What?)

Ryoko: 本気ですか? (Are you serious?)

Shoji: とんでもない! (No way!)

Y/N: 彼女が浴槽に入っている間、私が彼女を慰めていたところ、彼女の右手の内側に傷があるのが見えました。それから彼女は、最近自分に起こったことをすべて話してくれましたが、それは黙っておいたほうがいいでしょう。それでも、もし私が追放されなかったら、私は彼女に代わってそれを受け入れただろう。 (I was comforting her while she was in the tub and I saw a scar on the inside of her right hand. She then told me everything that's happened to her recently and it's better if I kept it out. But still, if it wasn't for my expulsion, I would've taken it on her behalf.)

Ryoko: それはあなたのコントロールの外でした。それが起こることをあなたは知りませんでした。 (It was out of your control. You didn't know it was going to happen.)

Y/N: ああ、でもアザミとその手下たちが金を払うところを見たいんだ。 「中央」、お尻。彼らは遠月のすべてを消そうとしているだけです。 (Yeah, but I really want to see Azami and his stooges pay. "Central", my ass. They're just trying to erase what Totsuki is all about.)

Then, Erina came down in a night dress and uniform in hand as I thought she looked cute, even though she's hurting right now.

Erina: あ、お風呂ありがとうございました。感謝しています。 (Um, thank you very much for the bath. I'm grateful.)

Then, everyone had felt so bad that they all wanted to hug her, but knowing how much she went through, they held themselves back out of respect.

Y/N: 君たちは寝てください。私が彼女に餌をあげます。 (You guys go on to bed. I'll feed her myself.)

They all went up to their dorms as I walked her into the kitchen.

Y/N: You want something to eat?

Erina: Please.

Y/N: It can only be quick since it's late.

Erina: Whatever you come up with is fine.

Y/N: Alright.

I brought out my wok, three eggs, some cold cooked rice, cooked chicken thigh, 2 cloves of garlic, some soy sauce, salt, ground white pepper, MSG, and spring onions.

I was gonna make her some fried rice.

It's quick and easy, so no need to be fancy or anything.

Once I prepped the rice, I added a bit of salt and starch and mixed it well before moving onto the chicken thigh, which I diced into the size of each grain of rice.

Cracked three eggs, beaten them until they got a bright yellow color, minced up the two cloves of garlic, and chopped up some spring onions.

Once I had gotten the wok and the stove set up, I set the stove to medium to medium high heat, spread some oil around the wok, drained it, and put some new oil in as I put the chicken thigh and garlic in.

Once I spread that around and it heated up, I added in the eggs and scrambled them to where there will be chunks of eggs in each bite, which is the entire point of fried rice anyway.

Once the egg and everything was cooked, I added in the rice, but it was sticking together so I had to push down on the back of my ladle to break up the lumps while stir frying.

As I saw that each grain was separated, I stir fried everything together and I made sure to keep it moving.

After a minute, I seasoned with salt, ground white pepper, MSG, I poured soy sauce into my ladle, and splashed it on the side of the wok as I know I have that wok hei, the smokiness, in the dish.

A minute after stir frying, I garnished with the spring onions, stir fried for 10 seconds, and served Erina the fried rice on a plate, where she had a spoon ready.

Erina: Wow, it smells oishi.

Y/N: I try to make everything I cook for you like that.

When I served her the fried rice, and making a plate for myself, we sat down and started eating.

She took a bite and her eyes went huge.

Erina: Very delicious, Y/N. Very good.

Y/N: Thank you, Erina.

Hisako: Y/N, may I speak with you?

I saw that Hisako was about to leave and I had to excuse Erina for a moment.

Y/N: あなたは何が必要ですか? (What do you need?)

Hisako: さて、ラストネーム。エリナ様をよろしくお願いします。 (Okay, L/N. I'm asking that you look after Erina-sama.)

Y/N: 私にとっては何の違いもありませんが、他の人にとっては違いがあると思います。アザミがこのように家を出たことから何かを学ぶことを願っていますが、たとえ彼が人生でそうすることはなかったかもしれません。 (It won't make any difference to me, but I think it will for the others. I hope Azami learns something from her having left home like this, even though he probably never did in his life.)

Hisako: おっしゃるとおりです。物事がそんなにスムーズに進むとは思えません。 (You're right, and I doubt things will go that smoothly.)

Y/N: こいつの脳を鳥に乗せたら斜めに飛んでいくだろうな。 (I bet if you put the guy's brain in a bird, it'll fly diagonally.)

Hisako giggled, but she had to tell me this.

Hisako: 聞いてください、アザミ殿の計画の鍵を握るのはエリナ様です。彼はそう簡単には諦めないと思います。 (Listen, Erina-sama is the key to Azami-dono's plan. I don't think he'll give up that easily.)

Y/N: あなたはおそらく正しいでしょう。私が彼女の世話をします。あなたは私に知らせてくれます、わかりました。 (You're probably right. I'll look after her. You keep me informed, alright.)

Hisako: 私はします。 (I will.)

Hisako hugged me as I had to do the same, but with one arm, just to keep it respectful as she walked away.

I went back to Erina as she was still eating the fried rice I made her. I took a bite and I was really enjoying it as for the rest of the night, Erina and I talked, making sure that she didn't get emotional about her father abusing her.

I let her sleep in my dorm because why not? It only made sense since she and I are together and it's only right for her to not be alone.

~Next Day~

Erina and I decided to spend time together and go shopping, just because it made sense. I felt like this was helping her take her mind off of Azami and how Central is trying to take control of Totsuki.

As we were about to go into another shop, I saw a very suspicious car and I saw someone in it. It had to be Eizan because I remember seeing him at the Fall's Selection.

Once I looked closer, it was him.

I know what I was planning on doing and I know that I'll probably go to prison, but the joke's on Eizan: once the truth comes out about him and Azami teaming up to hurt Erina, they'll go to the can as well.

Y/N: I'll be right there.

Erina nodded and went inside the store as I walked over to Eizan's car, where he was inside.

Luckily, I had a chef's knife that I brought with me in case Eizan, Azami or any Central stooges were coming over to stalk us or anything.

When I showed it, I smiled, and stabbed the car's radiator from the front as Eizan got out of it and I put the knife away.

Eizan: 器物損壊​​、凶器による暴行、それは終身刑だ、若者よ! (Vandalism, assault with a weapon, that's life in prison, young man!)

Y/N: 共犯者による児童虐待?あなたとアザミは私の隣の独房にいるでしょう。遠月にお尻キスの仕方を教えてもらう? (Child abuse with an accomplice? You and Azami'd be in the cell next to me. They teach you how to kiss ass in Totsuki?)

Eizan: ヤバイギニア。セントラルに勝つために必要なものはあると思いますか? (Badass guinea. Think you have what it takes to beat Central?)

Y/N: 皆さんはいつでも私たちに最善を尽くしてくださいますが、私たちを壊すことはできません。それでエリナを傷つけたの?もう終わりです。次回は、クソ車のラジエーターから排出された液体ではないでしょう。 (You guys can give us your best shot any day of the week, but you won't break us. And you hurting Erina? It ends now. The next time, it won't be fluid drained from a piece of shit car's radiator.)

Eizan: 上司を脅しているのですか? (You're threatening your superior?)

Y/N: 脅してるんだよ、この馬鹿野郎。あなたとアザミは彼女から離れてください。それが私の最後の警告です。 (I'm threatening you, you dumb fuck. You and Azami stay away from her. It's my last warning.)

I walked away with a smile on my face and a boner in my pants, just happy that I was able to give Eizan a lesson about hurting someone's love of their life and Azami is gonna learn that soon enough, especially when it's his own daughter and fired the first shot.

Little did I know, Azami and Central were going to strike back.

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