I was called to the police station and I know what Azami is gonna do: he's gonna have the cops arrest me and have Eizan be the victim in all of this.
So it's basically gonna make that piece of shit be the hero when he's clearly the fuck not.
It's like a group of masculine bodybuilders surrounding King Arthur's sword and then, all of a sudden, an anorexic kid comes out and says, "he's got this". Like, no the fuck you don't.
Anyway, when I walked in, limping with an ice pack on my quad, I saw Eizan with a scared look on his face while Erina was in there with him and many other officers.
I don't know what's going to happen, but I know that I have to wait and see.
~Erina POV~
Eizan: ばかげてる。彼は私を攻撃しました。 (This is ridiculous. He attacked me.)
Erina: 誰も信じてくれないよ、叡山。ここで証拠を入手しました。 (No one believes you, Eizan. I got the proof right here.)
Eizan: 彼は私を窓から通しました。 (He put me through a window.)
Interrogator: あなたがガラスの破片を手に取り、それで彼の足を刺したようです。 (After you apparently took a shard of glass and stabbed him in the leg with it.)
Eizan: それは真実ではない。 (That's not true.)
Erina: アザミがこれを見逃すとは思わないでください。 (Don't think Azami is gonna let this slide.)
Eizan: そうそう!素晴らしい!ありがとう! (Oh, yeah! Great! Thank you!)
Interrogator: ただし、不法侵入および不当破壊行為の罪には問われます。あなたの場合はカルマが一因となっているようですね。直視してください、あなたのキャリアはもう終わりです。もう誰もあなたを必要としていません。 (But you will be charged for breaking in and unprovoked vandalism. Looks like Karma played a factor in your case. Just face it, your career is done. No one wants you anymore.)
Eizan went silent as he knows his story's all crap and his career is over. He's finished, but I know my father will do something to help him. I just know it.
Eizan: 理解する必要があります、あなたの名前の姓は危険です。そして、あなたが彼に対して何もしなければ、彼はさらに危険になるでしょう。私たちは同じチームです! (You have to understand, Y/N L/N is dangerous. And he will be more dangerous if you don't do something about him. We're on the same team!)
Interrogator: いや、違うよ、叡山。あなたには十数件の罪があり、薙切えりなや遠月学園に二度と近づくことは許されません。このために、あなたは105年間刑務所で過ごすことになります。 (No, we're not, Eizan. You have a dozen charges on you and you are not allowed to go near Erina Nakiri or Totsuki Academy ever again. And for this, you will be spending 105 years in prison.)
When he was about to leave...
Interrogator: あなたのキャリアが台無しになり、永久にキャンセルされたので、あなたの行動が急いでいることを願っています。 (I hope that your actions were a rush because it just killed your career and you're cancelled for life.)
The interrogator left to check on Y/N as I went up to Eizan's face and stared him down.
Erina: 一度だけ言ってやる、このクソ野郎。もしあなたが再び私や私の友人に近づくことがあれば、あなたの名前があなたの頭を床に押しつけても問題ありません。 (I'm gonna say this once, you son of a bitch. If you go near me or my friends ever again, I will have no problem with Y/N putting your brains on the floor.)
Eizan smirked as if what I said was a joke, and for that, I slapped him. If he thinks that I'm not serious, he'll get more than a slap later on.
I walked out into the waiting room as Y/N was being interrogated. I hope he doesn't get charged as well. I can't see him being in jail.
Interrogator: オーナーはあなたが衣服を取りに来たと言いました、そして叡山はガラスの破片であなたを攻撃し始めました、そしてあなたは彼を板ガラスの窓から突き刺しました。自己防衛。 (The owner said you came in for some clothing, Eizan started to attack you with a shard of glass, and you put him through a plate glass window. Self-defense.)
Y/N: そういう話ですね。 (That's the story, isn't it?)
Interrogator: 聞いたところによると。教えてください、10人評議会はただあなたを恐れているのでしょうか、それともあなたが彼らのキャリアに対する脅威であると確信していますか? (From what I heard. Tell me, is the Council of 10 just afraid of you, or convinced that you're a threat to their careers?)
Y/N: それでも私は請求されているのでしょうか? (Am I being charged though?)
Interrogator: 料金はかかりません。 (No charges.)
Y/N: 良い。私は本気だから、あのスワイプを二度と見たくない。もし彼に再び会うことがあったら、法律が窓の外に消えたとだけ言っておこう。 (Good. I don't want to see that asswipe again because I'm serious, if I ever do see him again, let's just say that the law goes out the fucking window.)
Interrogator: なぜ叡山はあなたに好意を持っているのですか? (Why does Eizan have a liking to you?)
Y/N: 彼は私が唯一恐れていること、そしてそれが料理の世界を永遠に変えることであることを知っています。そして、私を学校から追い出そうとする彼の哀れな試みは、彼が本当に道化師であるため、私を笑ってしまいます。彼は私や私の友人の能力をまったく知りません。 (He knows that I'm the one thing he's scared about, and that's to change the culinary world forever. And his pathetic attempt of trying to get me out of the school, it just makes me laugh because of how much of a clown he really is. He has no idea of what I'm capable of, nor any of my friends.)
It all went silent for a bit before I had to say this:
Y/N: これが問題です、叡山、あなたが今尋問した男、彼はエリナをストーカーしており、私の寮の部屋を荒らしていたので、私は彼を彼の代わりに入れなければなりませんでした。私が今やったことに何か問題がありますか?言っておきますが、あの男はめちゃくちゃ頭がおかしいので、ここにいたら彼女を傷つけるでしょう。彼を閉じ込めてほしい。 (Here's the thing, Eizan, the guy you just interrogated, he was stalking Erina, he ransacked my dorm room, and I had to put him in his place. Is there anything wrong with what I just did? Because I'm telling you, that guy is batshit crazy, and he will hurt her if he stays here. I want him locked up.)
Interrogator: あなたは要求をする立場にありません。しかし、たとえ外国人であっても、彼女のために立ち上がるあなたはとても立派です。そして、叡山のキャリアは終わった、とあなたに言います。彼はプロの料理人としての人生を続けることを許されていない。 (You're not in the position to make demands. However, you standing up for your girlfriend is very admirable, even if you're a foreigner. And I'm telling YOU that Eizan's career, it's over. He's not allowed to continue his life as a professional chef.)
Y/N: まさに私が聞きたいことです。自由に行ってもいいですか? (Exactly what I wanna hear. Am I free to go?)
Interrogator: うん。これで終わりです。 (Yeah. We're done here.)
I got up, but the wound in my leg gave me a sharp pain and I really was limping, trying to walk out of the room.
Eventually, I made it out the door, but Erina saw me, teared up, and hugged me, but gently considering that my leg has been stabbed by that piece of shit. We had to go to the hospital and get me fixed up, but when we got there, it turned out to be not that serious. No arteries or anything major were ruptured as I was being stabbed by a piece of shit.
But I did have to wait three months before I could ride my motorcycle again, but I was okay with it. At least I get to stay around and heal up.
From what I know, Azami's plan to take down Kyosukei Dorm actually backfired on him thanks to Eizan's ban from Totsuki, and I was super happy it did, but I was going to pay him a little visit.
~3 Months Later~
I arrived at the school's Food War dome and Kuga, who was against Azami, in secret, managed to bring me over without anyone noticing, and it worked, quite well, really.
He even went all out by getting the production team in the back of the Dome, where he convinced them to play my song and titantron again as Azami didn't know that was here, nor do any of the students at Totsuki.
This was going to shock them, and I can't wait to shock them.
Once I was in my black and white tracksuit with the Totsuki-Gun armband, I was ready to make a shocking return to the school.
I heard that Azami had no desire to see me again, but he's wrong. I'm showing up while he's doing a speech before the shokugeki and I'm surprising everyone in the process.
From what I know, thanks to Kuga, the video and sound teams weren't yesmen, they had no desire to work for their new boss, which was awesome because they agreed to put my entrance video and song up on the screen for everyone to look at.
~5 Minutes Later~
The speech was already boring, so I had the guys play the video and song now.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
I saw that there were commentators taking part in a broadcast or whatever so it was great to hear their reactions.
Commentator 1: 待って - これは何ですか? (Wait a— What's this about?)
The students erupted as my name was on the screen and photographs from my first years were on the screen, moving in all directions, and it would happen simultaneously.
Commentator 2: それほどできない! (It can't be!)
Azami was in shock and was trying to deny that I was here, but he couldn't!
Commentator 1: 何が起こっているの? (What the hell's going on?)
Commentator: 3: ディーンアザミの目を見てください! (Look at the eyes of Dean Azami!)
Azami had his hands on his head, just knowing that his reign as the administrator was coming to an end very quickly.
Azami: ああ、ファック。 (Oh, fuck.)
Speakers: Oshieteyo hito wa naze sagashitsuzukeruno?
Commentator 3: アザミを見て、彼は頭を「いいえ」と震えています! (Look at Azami, he's shaking his head "no"!)
Speakers: Kagirinaku setsunai ashita no
Commentator 2: これはできない! (This can't be!)
Speakers: Yume wo!
Commentator 1: それが私がそれがあると思う人であるならば、私はここから自分自身を出したいのですが。 私はこの子供を恐れています! (If that's who I think it is, I'd like to get myself out of here. I'm afraid of this kid!)
As I entered with a very confident smile, the people who were booing our resistance, suddenly changed to cheering because they knew that I'm here to fight for the school.
Commentator 2: ああ、私の神々、あなたの名前の姓! (OH MY GODS, Y/N L/N!)
Commentator 1: この若い男よりも台所にもっとうまくいたない人も台所ではありません! バックルアップ、子供! 彼を見て! (There's no one more meaner nor nastier in the kitchen than this young man! Buckle up, kids! Look him up)
Commentator 2: 私は今までに「Kaze Ni Nare」を聞くと思いました! アザミは警備員を学校から彼をブロックするように注文しましたが、ここでは禁止されたドアが破壊されました! (I never thought I'd hear "Kaze Ni Nare" ever again until now! Azami ordered the guards to block him off of the school, but here we are, the forbidden door has been destroyed!)
Commentator 1: この若い男は、屋台料理の専門家である遠月軍のリーダーであり、ディーン・アザミがやって来て、セントラルに反逆したとして彼を追放する直前に、あなたの名前の姓はあなたが軽視しない唯一の子供であるためです! (This young man is the leader of Totsuki-Army, a specialist in street food cooking, just before Dean Azami came in and expelled him for rebelling against Central since Y/N L/N is the one kid you do not trifle with!)
Commentator 2: 元テン二席の教え子・堂島ギンで、波切千左衛門の弟子・君の名は! (Student of the former second seat of the Ten, Gin Dojima, and the protege of Senzaemon Nakiri, Y/N L/N!)
Commentator 1: 一度トツキで彼とランチを食べた時、噛むのが怖かった! (I had lunch with him one time at Totsuki and I was afraid to chew!)
Commentator 3: ハ! 私はあなたを責めません! (Ha! I don't blame you!)
As I stepped onto the stage...
Students: KAZE NI NARE!!!
Commentator 1: 野心的な若いシェフについて話したいですか?それなら、ミスター・ラスト・ネームについてたくさんのことを言ってくれた昔ながらの人々から話を聞くのもいいかもしれません。 (You wanna talk about the aspiring young chefs? Then you might as well hear from the old timers who had plenty of things to say about Mr. L/N!)
I was staring Azami down with a smile on my face. His manipulation towards his own daughter, Erina Nakiri, who is my girlfriend no less, made me angry and it has to end, but what better way then to make my return to the school that I love so much?
Also, it looked like he decided to sweep all the fear he had displayed in front of the entire school under the carpet, but the damage has already been done. He's insecure about losing this school back to my friends and I just by this alone.
Azami: 私がこの学校を追放したのがゴキブリじゃないなら、あなたの名前は姓ですか?再びお会いできるのは嬉しい驚きですが、知っておくべきことがいくつかあります。ここは、あなたが何年も前に入学した学校ではなくなりました。ここに再度登録を試みることもできますが、残念ながら、それはもう機能しません。 (If it isn't the cockroach that I expelled from this school, Y/N L/N? What a pleasant surprise to see you back, but here are some things you should know: this is no longer the school you enrolled in years ago. You can try to enroll here again, but unfortunately that's not how things work anymore.)
The students booed him immediately when he said that as I smiled and started laughing at what he just said.
Azami: 何を笑ってるの?何がそんなに面白いですか? (What are you laughing about? What's so funny?)
To show that I'm ready for battle, I grabbed the microphone from out of his hand, and spoke into it in Japanese.
Y/N: セントラルが料理の世界に対するあなたのビジョンに革命をもたらす唯一の方法であると宣言することもできますが、これが現実です、アザミ- (You can proclaim that Central is the only way that will revolutionize your vision about the world of cooking, but here's the reality Azami—)
Azami: ディーン・アザミです。 (It's Dean Azami.)
Y/N: クソ「ディーン・アザミ」、何でも呼んでやるよ! (Fuck "Dean Azami", I'll call you whatever the fuck I want!)
The students were immediately behind me as I kept talking.
Y/N: これが現実ですが、それはすべて幻想です。それは夢、ぼんやり、希望的、ワッシー、うっとうしい、何でも呼びたいものです。なぜなら、料理の世界は若いシェフが何かになれる場所だからです。あなたは夢を現実にするために彼らを抑えたいのですが、その代わりにあなたは安っぽい売春婦のように足を広げ、夢がコリコリになるまであなたのお尻を犯させます! (Here's the reality, it's all but an illusion. It's a dream, a fugazy, a wishy, a washy, a woozy, whatever you want to call it because the culinary world is a place where young chefs can be something. You want to hold them back so you can make your dream a reality, but instead, you spread your legs like a cheap whore and let the dream fuck your ass until it was crunching!)
That got the students cheer so hard they couldn't believe that I was degrading Azami in front of them!
Y/N: 私が大好きな学校にあなたがしたことを考えると、これ以上離れることはできません。それは私には許せないことです。私が私のためにここにいると思うなら、いいえ、私は家族、ガールフレンド、彼女が幼い頃にあなたが操作したまさにその人、そして最も重要なことに、あなたが打倒した学部長のための友人のためにここにいます、薙切仙左衛門、そして少年、その名前はあなたにとってヴォルデモートのようなものですよね? (I couldn't stay away any longer after what you've done to the school that I love so much. That is something that I can't condone. If you think I'm here for me, no, I'm here for my friends, who I call my family, my girlfriend, the very one that you manipulated when she was very young, and most importantly, the Dean that you overthrew, Senzaemon Nakiri, and boy, that name is like Voldemort to you, isn't it?)
He shuddered in fear as I continued...
Y/N: あなたは自分が遠月に起こった最高の出来事であり、この学校を次のレベルに引き上げたいと主張していますが、自分が才波城一郎に取って代わられたことにさえ気づいていません。 (You claim that you're the greatest thing that's ever happened to Totsuki and how you want to take this school to the next level, you don't even realize you've been replaced by Joichiro Saiba!)
Students: OOOOOOOHHHH!!!
Y/N: そして、はい、私は再びこの学校に入学するためにここに来たのではありませんが、皆さんの恐怖政治がもうすぐ終わりを迎えることをお伝えするためにここに来ました。数年後にはあなたが娘の結婚式に出席できなくなることは保証します。すべて接近禁止命令が出ることになるからです。 (And yes, I'm not here to enroll in this school again, but I'm here to tell you that your reign of terror is coming to an end, very, very soon. I guarantee that you won't be able to attend your daughter's wedding in a few years from now because it's all gonna come down to a restraining order.)
He started laughing and I wasn't intimidated. Instead...
Y/N: そう、好きなだけ笑ってください、なぜなら友達と私が最後になるからです、私たちには情熱があり、根性があり、愛があり、あなたはその 3 つを持っているかもしれませんが、欠けているものが 1 つあり、それが私の唯一のものです。友達も私もそう思っています、そしてそれは心です! (Yeah, laugh all you want because my friends and I are gonna have the last since we have passion, we have grit, we have love, and you may have those three things, but there's one thing that's missing, and it's the one thing my friends and I have, AND THAT IS HEART!)
The students just kept cheering as I was about to finish...
Y/N: 今言ったことは嘘だと思ったら、遠月のビジョンを見る限り、あなたはレイ・チャールズに違いありません。この学校のために戦いたい理由はたくさんありますが、一番の理由は、私がこの学校のために戦っているのはエリナだからです。私がここにいる主な理由は彼女です。彼女に二度と会うことは許されないと言うこともできますが、今言えることは、彼女はあなたのやり方に満足していません。 (Just when you think I'm lying about what I just said, then you must be Ray Charles by how you see the vision of Totsuki. I have so many reasons as to why I want to fight for this school, but the very main reason is that I'm fighting for the school is Erina. She's the main reason why I'm here. You can say that I'm not allowed to see her again, but I can tell you right now, she's not pleased by how you're running things.)
Azami: 私は気にしない。 (I don't care.)
Y/N: そうですね、それなら気にしてみてもいいかもしれません、遠月軍とエリナからメッセージを送るように言われていました。 (Alright, then maybe you'll care about this, Totsuki-Army and Erina had told me to send you a message.)
Azami: それは何ですか? (And what is that?)
Y/N: これだよ、戦争したいの?戦争になったぞ、結局は我々が最後まで残って遠月は薙切仙左衛門の手に戻ることになるからだ。それは予想ではなく、ネタバレです。それは真実です。なぜなら、私の音楽が流れたとき、あなたはすべての生徒に自分の不安を示していたからです、そして私はあなたにこのすべてを話すためにここに来たのです。 (It's this, you want a war? You got a war, because in the end, we'll be the last ones standing and Totsuki will be back in the hands of Senzaemon Nakiri. That's not a prediction, that is a spoiler. It's the truth because you just showed your insecurity to every student when my music played and I made my way up here to tell you all this.)
He smirked and shook his head, but I had something in case he was going to do that.
Y/N: 信じられないんですか?これを録画しているカメラに持って行ってください。そして、ここで私はゴキブリではなく、あなたがゴキブリであることを思い出してください。言うまでもなく、あなたが女性だったらジョニー・デップのスウィーニー・トッドに似ています。私たちが勝ったら喉を切られるでしょう、なぜなら遠月軍は... (You don't believe me? Take it up to the cameras that are recording this. And I'll remind you that I'm not cockroach here, you are. Not to mention, you look like Johnny Depp's Sweeney Todd if he was a woman, who is gonna get his throat slit when we win, because Totsuki-Army is...)
I pointed in the air, same with the students, and we all yelled together...
Students/Y/N: ICHIBAN! (Number one!)
Y/N: 私の音楽をかけてください! (Play my music!)
I dropped the mic with a smile as I walked backwards for a bit without looking like an idiot by falling down the steps.
If that happened, it could've been a disaster, but hey, it didn't, so I'm glad it didn't.
However, I clapped so every student in the Food War dome would clap as well, knowing that if I didn't, well, let's just say they wouldn't be alive.
I even told them to make some noise as I walked out of the building, but I learned that there was a room where everyone can cut a challenge on any student they're challenging to a Food War, so I walked around and found it, looking to send a message.
I saw a table and a chair where the students can sit down as they send the message, but I'm not in the mood for sitting down, so here's what I did: I walked over, kicked the chair, which flew almost 15 feet away, and took the microphone from the table as I smiled.
Y/N: 一体誰とイチャイチャしてると思ってるの? (Who in the hell do you think you're messing with?)
I smiled as I kept talking in Japanese, which is probably my specialty by now since I studied the language so much and gotten use to Japan's customs and culture.
Y/N: そう、私は戻ってこないことをあなたが安心してくれるのを待っていたのです、あなたが私が当初考えていたよりもさらに腐敗していることを証明するためです。私は、このたわごとは終わったというメッセージを送るために私がしなければならないことをする適切な時期を待ちたかった、特に叡山があなたたちに加わって、たまたま私のガールフレンドである自分の娘を傷つける勇気を持っていた)ときは。 (That's right, I was waiting for you to feel secure about me not coming back, just so I prove that you're more corrupt than I originally thought. I wanted to wait for the right time to do what I have to do to send a message that this shit is over, especially when Eizan had the gall to join you in hurting his own daughter, who happens to be my girlfriend.
I kept at it as I was willing to send a message to Azami and his yesmen.
Y/N: 薙切アザミ?いや、あなたはナキリではありません、傲慢で自己中心的で利己的な小さなポンコツです。 (Azami Nakiri? Nah, you're not a Nakiri, you're an arrogant, self-centered, and egotistical little prick.)
I'm about to put the nail in the coffin for this message, and I couldn't wait to shock everyone what I got in mind.
Y/N: 遠月軍が全力で戻ってくるときは準備万端で準備を整えておいたほうがいいよ、絶対に殺すから! (You better be ready when Totsuki-Army comes back in full force and you got your stooges all prepped and ready, because we're gonna absolutely kill you!)
I flipped the table and walked away with a laugh, letting everyone know that I'm not worried about what Azami is gonna do as I got out of the building, got on my bike, and rode back to the dorm after a good day of work.
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