[25] Transition Au
T.W. Minor Tansphobia, and Anxiety (I don't think I had anything else triggering in this, but if I missed one, let me know.)
Virgil sighed and tapped his pencil against the desk, he couldn't wait until he got out of the school and didn't have to see these people anymore. There were worse people in the school but he was convinced none of them liked him, even his so-called friends.
At least maths wasn't as bad as it could have been, he understood what they were doing and it was one of the last classes he had, it wouldn't be long before he left the school for good and packed to leave the country for a while.
It had been a long time coming, they'd been planning the move for about five years and Virgil couldn't be happier that it was eventually happening. Maybe he should be upset that he was leaving his entire life behind, but he really couldn't care less. It was a chance for him to start over, be who he felt he was and not be ridiculed for it.
As the bell rang, he sighed and made his way to his friends, where they had one more class of the day, before they got to go home and it would finally be the summer holidays.
He smiled and let his friends link arms with him. He was pretty open about a lot of things, who he had a crush on, what he did in his downtime, but one thing he wouldn't ever open up to them about was why he got his hair cut the way he did or one of the main reasons he was happy to get away from everyone he'd known since he was 4.
His mum knew and understood everything, she knew it was coming, ever since he'd asked for his hair to be short since he was nine. He wasn't ever the kid to wear skirts and dresses, and he definitely wasn't the kid to be the normal flowery girl his mother had thought he was going to be. Instead, he was a guy, inside, and soon outside too.
She'd agreed that a move would have been the best thing for him, especially since his soon-to-be-stepdad knew who he was more than his biological dad did. His stepdad knew he was male and never treated him any different, even if he had known him since he was six, and was the cutesy girl his mother always wanted.
His dad, on the other hand, thought he was this adorable little girl, who threw a hissy fit one weekend, and just refused to see him for no reason, which wasn't true. Ever since he'd brought up the idea of being a guy, he'd been shot down, and forced into dresses and skirts. He was told that there was no way he was a boy. He was born a girl and he would always be a girl.
He looked at the people around the room, knowing it would most likely be the last time he ever saw them and, for some reason, the thought didn't bother him, he was happy that he got to get away from them all, and he got to be who he really was.
He wasn't Violet, the little girl who couldn't do anything for herself, who hated her dad for 'no reason'. He was Virgil, the guy who stood up for himself and never let anyone shoot him down, no matter what was said. He didn't let people's view of him bother him, nor did he listen to how bad of a parenting job his mother had done. He was happy.
"Violet, come on, we're in groups and we're just talking." His best friend of the last year, Cam, spoke up. It wasn't that he hated the idea of her knowing what was going on in his head, it was more that, if he told her, everyone else would know, and he didn't want that.
His plans, when he left the country, was to change most of his social media, and not let any of his old friends see it, so they wouldn't know what he'd been hiding for the last six years. He didn't want to lose contact with them, but sometimes, not talking to them was easier so he didn't have to push them away.
"So, are you excited about the move?" Elsie asked, smiling over at him. She was his cousin, yet the word hadn't reached her yet, and he felt guilty leaving her family out of the loop.
"Of course I am, but I'm also terrified." He smiled weakly and glanced to the teacher. She wasn't one he liked very much, and there were a few instances where he didn't get along with her very well.
"We're going to miss you," Amy spoke up, sending him a small smile.
"Yeah, I'll miss you guys too, but you could always write to me, or text me, and I'll always try to reply." He wasn't lying, but he hoped they didn't try to contact him, it would be easier if they didn't.
They spent the rest of the class talking and spending time together, knowing it would be the last time they all spent the time together. He was planning on seeing Cam, Elsie, and Amy over the break, but that would be it. They were going to have a movie night and spend a day together.
They'd planned it for one of his last weekends in the country. The eighteenth of August.
He smiled at his friends and looked down to his bag, they'd gotten him gifts, and he felt bad that they spent money on him because he was leaving. If he wanted the gifts, he wanted them to represent him, not who they thought he was.
As the bell rang, the Virgil walked out with Cam, Amy, and Elsie. They walked to the back gate, and gave hugs, promising to keep in contact and to see one another one more time before he left.
Maybe he wouldn't miss school or the country, but he would miss his friends.
Summer flew by, he said goodbye to the people in his writing group, who had accepted him as a boy since he'd started there. They'd published an anthology, and performed at the summer literary festival, one which Virgil had won the competition for the year before.
His last session there brought tears and many goodbyes. He would definitely miss them and having people critique his work, but also being able to meet more new people. He'd made many good friends through the group.
He spent the rest of the afternoon in town with his mother and sister, going out to eat, buying some clothes for the move, and seeing his aunt.
He would miss a few people in his family, his grandparents on his dad's side mostly, and a few of his aunts.
As they got home, Virgil pulled out his phone and dialled his grandmother's phone number, hoping she was home, so he could arrange a day to meet up, in the few days he had left.
He had five days left. One was spent with friends, one would be with his grandmother, two would be at his other grandmother's house, and the fifth would be the day they fly out, and he would see his dad, and say goodbye.
He took a deep shaky breath and looked over to his sister, who was on her phone, headphones in.
"Are you excited?" His dad spoke up. It was one of the first real interactions they'd had since his dad had shut down his transitioning.
"Yeah, I guess I am. I'm really nervous too." He smiled weakly and hugged his coffee closer to his body, waiting for the heat to consume him and make him melt. Why he'd agreed to come in his dad's car, he didn't know. Either way, he was going to feel left out because his mother and grandmother were in one car, and he his sister and dad were in the other.
He sighed and looked at the GPS. Twenty minutes away.
His phone lit up and he saw his mum calling.
"Hey, mum."
"How close are you guys?"
"Twenty minutes or so." He smiled weakly.
"Well, we sent the cat through to be put on the plane and everything, because it was nearing the time we needed to do that.
"Right. Okay."
"I'll see you soon, sweetie."
"See you soon."
He put the phone down and looked at the road ahead, seeing the airport come into view. His heart lurched slightly, and a small smile tugged at his lips.
As they pulled into a parking space, Virgil tugged at his flannel sleeves. Maybe he was nervous about leaving everything he knew behind, but he knew it was for the best. Maybe.
He climbed out of the car, and picked up his backpack from the back seat, knowing it was the last time he would be in his dad's car.
"I got you guys a gift." His dad spoke up, drawing Virgil's attention to him.
He rummaged in the trunk of the car and pulled out two small packages, handing one to Virgil, and the other to his sister.
As Virgil unwrapped it, he smiled weakly. His dad had given him a bracelet that had belonged to him, and Virgil had seen him wear a few times, and a small locket, showing how much he cared, even if it wasn't said sometimes.
They walked to the departure part of the airport and checked in, deciding that doing it earlier would be better and the queue would be shorter.
"I know I haven't been the best dad." Virgil stopped, turning to look at his dad, who had stopped a few steps back, speaking so Virgil's mum couldn't hear. "And for that, I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me, and we can fix things, eventually."
"It took you six years to finally accept me for me? You complained about me getting my hair cut you complained when I never 'developed' the way the other girls did, you pushed me to dress like a girl, even though I hated it, and you never once thought 'I wonder how this affects Virgil.' You just kept pushing me away, making me hate you even more, to the point I wanted to leave your house and never go back there. So no, you haven't been the best dad, and like hell I'm going to just forgive you because you make a stupid statement, thinking it makes you look like the better guy. I'm only being nice to you for Daisy's sake. I want nothing to do with you. This move is the best thing that can happen to me, because maybe then, I can actually be myself."
Maybe his words were harsh, and maybe he could have gone about it in a different way, but he didn't care, he had to get his point across, and he had to be understood. He was sick of being told he was just a 'confused little girl'. No, he wasn't. He was Transgender, he was a boy, and no one could tell him otherwise.
His dad seemed to get his point and backed off, leaving him to do whatever he wanted to do, which at that moment, was not being around him.
Before long, he was boarding the plane with his mum, and he was leaving the country he'd grown up in behind.
The first day of school came around far too quickly, and he found himself panicking, worrying about everything that could go wrong, he just hoped that he seemed to fit the part and wasn't going to get ridiculed for being a 'girl'.
He stood at the bus stop and fiddled with his jacket, trying to stay calm, reminding himself that it would be okay, he wouldn't be the only new person. Hopefully.
He jumped as someone tapped his shoulder, and he pulled his headphones out, turning to face them.
A male, slightly taller than him, with light brown hair and green eyes smiled at him, and he felt a small smile tug at his own lips.
"Are you heading to GHS?" He spoke up, once he finally had Virgil's attention.
"The... High school?" He managed out, trying to not sound too idiotic, but when it came to talking to people he didn't know, he was rather hopeless.
"Yes, the high school." The boy he was stood with sent him a fond smile, clearly sensing how nervous he was. "I'm Roman, I can help you with it if you like?"
"Um, sure..." He wrapped his headphone wire around his hand a few times, trying to focus on talking rather than how he felt, but it was easier said than done.
"I never got your name?"
"Oh..." Virgil shifted slightly, not used to introducing himself. "Virgil."
"It's different, and not what I expected, but I like it."
Virgil smiled softly and turned his attention to the bus pulling up in front of them. He followed Roman onto the bus, awkwardly perching next to him, trying not to take up too much room, whilst still being able to fit onto the seat.
"So, what made you move here, of all places?"
"Parents." Virgil looked out of the front of the bus, watching the way it went, trying to take in the few things he'd seen.
"You don't talk much?"
Virgil looked to Roman, shrugging slightly. "Don't have much to say."
"For someone who moved to a whole new country, surely you'd have things to say. Like, why you moved, what your home was like, what your first impressions were, that kind of stuff."
"Another country... How'd you know?"
"That's not an American accent."
"Fine, I guess... England." He smiled weakly. "I'm from England, I moved because my mum was getting married again... It also helped when it came to me being myself. People don't know me here, so I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not."
"A Girl?"
"I... How...?"
"The way you carry yourself and don't take this the wrong way, but up close, your face..."
Virgil sighed. "Yes. I was born a girl... I'm not... I just..."
"You don't have to explain yourself to me."
"I don't? It's all I've had to do since I got here. 'Why're you dressed like that?' or 'You're just confused.'"
"I get it, being gay is kind of the same way."
"Trust me, I know. A trans kid who is also gay? Yeah, that's concerning to some."
Roman let out a small laugh and shook his head. "Some people are just plain ignorant, and at the end of the day, you don't have to be what they want you to be, you're you, and that's all that matters."
"Yeah... My dad was like that... He basically gave me a hard time for cutting my hair and wearing clothes that covered up..." He trailed off and looked to the headphones in his hands.
"Look, I'm not asking you to tell me everything, I don't want you to feel pressured into anything, just... I'm there for you if you need a friend, and if you want to, come and sit with me at lunch, meet my boyfriend and... And maybe you two will click too, he's the most trustworthy person I know, and I'm not just saying that. He's genuinely sweet and just wants the best for everyone else."
"Yeah, maybe I will." Virgil looked up as the bus came to a stop and he noticed they were outside the school.
"Do you want to come with?" Roman offered as they got off the bus.
"Where are you going?"
"To my boyfriend, silly."
"Then sure, I could use some more friends, I guess."
"You're a kind of friend, aren't you?"
"Yeah, sure." Roman smiled and liked arms with him, leading to a small tree in the courtyard, where another male sat waiting.
Virgil hung back as Roman and Patton hugged and shared a kiss. He didn't want to intrude, but he kind of needed the friends, and if he could tell his mum he met some kids, she'd be thrilled, but he didn't know if now was the time.
Before he had the chance to back out, Roman pulled him over, enthusiastically introducing him to his boyfriend, babbling on about how great he was.
Virgil wasn't really paying attention to what was being said, only the way he looked. He was wearing a light blue t-shirt, with a light grey hoodie tied around his waist, a pair of tan khaki pants, and on his wrist, he had a rainbow bracelet and a pink, blue and white one that Virgil recognised as the transgender flag.
"Your bracelets." Virgil cut Roman off, not really caring about what he was talking about. "The pink one..."
"Oh yeah, my sister is transgender, so I got it to support her." The new male, Virgil hadn't got his name, or if he had, he wasn't listening, seemed bubbly and happy.
"I like it..." He smiled weakly and tugged at the bottom of his jacket, somewhat pulling it tighter around him.
"I can show you where I bought it if you'd like? Maybe one weekend?"
"I'd like that."
Just as a comfortable silence settled over them, Roman shrieked and ran off, grabbing another male, causing just as much confusion in him as it had in Virgil.
"Logan, this is Virgil, I think you'd like him."
"Roman, I do not need you to introduce me to everyone you meet, I am capable of making my own friends, and getting a boyfriend by myself." The other male, Logan, spoke, causing Virgil to let out a small laugh.
Patton grinned and pulled Virgil in for a hug, rambling on about how cute he was.
"I... I uh..." Virgil managed to wriggle his way out of Patton's grip and gripped onto his backpack strap. "I need to find my class... I should go..."
"I can show you around?" Logan offered, noticing how Roman didn't pay him much attention.
"I'd appreciate that, thanks." He handed his schedule over to Logan and trailed behind him as he walked off.
"So why Roman?" Logan spoke up.
"He approached me at the bus stop..."
"I have known him since freshman year, and I do not know how I still tolerate him."
"He seems nice enough, maybe too loud sometimes, but a nice person... What about his boyfriend?"
"Patton?" Logan glanced at him. "Patton's a nice guy, looks out for everyone. I do wonder why they ended up together, in my opinion, Patton could do better than Roman, but they are happy, and who am I to ruin that?"
"I guess the heart wants what it wants..."
"That is true."
Logan turned to him, having stopped walking. "This is your class, I will hopefully see you at lunch, you seem to share fourth period with Roman, so he will undoubtedly drag you to lunch."
"Okay. Yeah, sure." He smiled weakly. He watched as Logan walked away and walked into the classroom.
As lunch rolled around, Virgil found himself feeling slightly less anxious about how his first day was going. He seemed to be enjoying his classes, and he had a feeling it wasn't going to be too difficult.
He sat on the floor next to Roman, who was busy talking to Patton, and not really caring too much about Virgil at that moment, not that Virgil cared, he was thankful to just sit in silence for a bit.
"How's your first day going, Virgil?" Patton spoke up, pulling him from his thoughts.
"It's pretty good." He shrugged, taking a bite out of his apple. "People seem nice." He spoke after a few minutes.
"Good." Patton smiled. "Do you maybe want to exchange numbers? So we can talk more?"
"I guess?"
"Patton does not bite," Logan spoke as he sat next to Virgil, apologising when he noticed he'd made Virgil jump.
"I'm aware..."
"Maybe we should add him to the group chat." Roman suddenly spoke up, smiling widely at Virgil.
"And subject him to that, I think not."
"Don't be such a spoilsport, specs!"
"I can barely keep up with it, how do you think he will?"
"I can speak for myself..." Virgil spoke up, pulling his knees to his chest.
"My apologies."
"What do you say, Virgil?"
"Sure, then I have an excuse for being antisocial, and my mum will be proud."
Roman grinned and added Virgil to the chat.
A few weeks later, Virgil realised his feelings for a certain male had spiked, yet he wasn't sure how to go about approaching the situation.
He and Logan had been talking a lot since the first day, and he realised how easy talking to Logan was. He'd even told Roman about his stupid crush. Little did he know, Logan had told Patton about a crush he had developed on Virgil.
One morning, Logan and Virgil found themselves alone before school, Roman and Patton had either not shown up, or staged something for them.
"I seriously dislike them right now," Virgil muttered, rolling his eyes at the response he got from Roman. "You'll thank me later, see you in class." He read aloud.
"That's not much better than Patton's response either. 'You need to talk to him, and I mean really talk to him'."
"Why do you need to talk to me?"
"I like you, a lot." He managed out.
"Even though..." Virgil looked down and gasped softly when Logan's hand rested atop his own.
"In spite of that."
"You mean it?" Virgil frowned and looked up at him.
"Of course I do."
Virgil smiled and ducked his head, trying to hide his blush.
"Would you do me the honours of going on a date with me?"
"I'd love to."
From then on, Virgil and Logan grew closer, and as the time passed, they soon became boyfriends, sharing many memorable moments and being able to have one another as their own, not letting anything come between them.
3666 words
This has been in my drafts since October 12th (2018), and I have been working on it for over a week now, you have no idea how hard this was to write. I could have abandoned it, but I liked the idea of basing Virgil around my move, kind of. Of course, not everything was the same, and not everything is good, but yeah... This was kind of based around my life two and a half years ago, so... Yeah, please don't be too mean about the oneshot.
Hope you enjoyed
Take care
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