To Protect Your Pure heart

Time for a an update, my mini poll results were tied so I decided this story first. I'm sorry that it's been such a long wait :( I really hope you like it! Normally this story is done in Chanyeol's POV, but I thought this update should be done in Baekhyun's POV. Just to advise this does have some rather sensitive themes at times so please proceed with caution! Let me know what you think ❤️❤️

Three Months Later!
Baekhyun pulls his outer dress robes of heavy silk closer together, in effort to fight off the night chill that's still high in the air! As quickly as he can he rushes out past the temple of fertility, he wants to be back to his room before chief hand maid notices that his sleeping cot is empty. It's been a terrible few months for everyone, he really doesn't want to cause more stress, a splash of colour against his fair skin catches his eyes and makes him smile. It feels almost foreign to have such luxury silk against his skin agin, he has missed it. Running his hands over himself gone are the somber plain  black cotton tunics and breeches, they have finally been replaced by new sky blue soft silk robes. Said robes styled with delicate gold Phoenixes and magnolia leaves, he personally  requested the pattern as a subtle show of unification and strength. Delighted that these precious robes, had to be taking out to fit his finally showing and growing bump. Baekhyun's  heart beat leaps when he feels a kick to the left side of his abdomen, to sooth those kicks he runs his hand over his bump!

Taking a deep breath and keeping one hand on his bump he leaves the temple courtyard, he can still smell the fresh rose oil on his hands and the spicy smell of star anise incense on his clothes. Items he left in tribute along with the orchids he has hand raised for his miracle in heaven. All three have been left at the feet of the wishing well in memory of their lost miracle. Baekhyun smiles softly at the memory of the tiny intricately crafted white jade Phoenix, and silk money bag sitting along side his own offering. His heart feels so full with love at how Chanyeol has made sure their miracle will want for nothing in the afterlife with such rare and precious gifts from the emperor.

He is aware thanks to Suho, that his always loving Chanyeol knows he's has been visiting the temple each day for the past three months! Just like he knows just how stressed almost secretive and over protective Chanyeol has been. He can hardly blame his love for how protective he's been, it's been A hellish couple of months! He will freely admit to anyone that the first couple of weeks after his miscarriage and the resulting stress of hearing what Sunil said were awful! 

He really struggled with the loss of one of their babies and still blames himself. He had even gone as far to deny Chanyeol access to his sacred sanctuary for the first month after his miscarriage! It was a bold move and an act he would never normally even consider, as Chanyeol has always been when he feels safe and happy. Baekhyun even remembers how he had one night holed up in the temple feeling desperately sad and refused to leave! For a time he was so beyond confused at how someone could hate him so much, all because he he carried a gift and just wanted to make the light of his life and owner of his heart happy! It all boiled down to his main fear that Chanyeol would believe Sunil, and blame him for what Yixing swears is just natures way which he had advised was sadly not always kind!

That one night in last moon cycle, was the one where Chanyeol had  followed him, at first Baekhyun had been frightened by the angry aura pulsing round the emperor as he slammed in to the temple like a fire breathing dragon. It was only when Baekhyun tried to leave did he see the despair, he watch with horror as Chanyeol dropped to his knees, with a devastated look on his face. All Baekhyun could do was fall to his own knees and cry, before those ever loving arms embraced him again and begged to know how he could help. It broke his heart to watch as Chanyeol broke down, when he finally managed to get the truth out of him. He remembers how emotional that night was, how they held each other close as they both admitted they feared each other blamed themselves for thier loss! He believed it was down to being young and soft hearted, and not being the councils choice of consort It broke his heart when Chanyeol believed it was down to blacking out when told about their miracle, his lack of protection, and placing his duties to the crown above him. A lot of tears were had before their  remaining special miracle made their own presence known with its first kick, Baekhyun remembers how their tears of despair has bloomed in to happy tears, before Chanyeol had leaned down to kiss his tiny bump whispering how the council will never be able to take him, they will never be a replacement. All before claiming his own lips in a much needed searing hot kiss that led to a night of soft and gentle lovemaking right there on the temple floor. Both of them trying to surpress their smiles in the faces of both the stern faces of their  personal guards.

Baekhyun is snapped out of his memories by the presence of his friend and guard standing at the base of the stone stairway! "Your grace we have talked about this! You cannot be sneaking around the palace before dawn in your condition, especially without telling me of your whereabouts! That pout may work with the Emperor, but it will not work today!" Baekhyun winces he knows very well that he shouldn't be sneaking around, Suho is right it's not so safe for him to be unaccompanied when half the royal guard are out hunting a fugitive on the orders of the Emperor!

"Is my lord awake already" Baekhyun knows full well what is happening today and knows that Chanyeol will already be taking his prayers for strength. He knows what today is,the usual serene atmosphere within the palace has been missing since he found out. Baekhyun admits may be a lot younger than everyone else, but he has not been shielded from gossip as much as his love would like him to be. Plus the atmosphere outside of his sanctuary is fractious. Even now he can see the struggle in Suho's stance, he has been almost as bad as Chanyeol for wanting to keep him locked in his Hannock. "Suho I know I haven't been the most attentive person of late, but I know something is awry." Baekhyun waits as Suho motions for him to sit on the stone stairway, "your grace you must know Chanyeol only wants to keep you and your baby safe, dont you think you have been through quite some events in your 18 years of life!" "Junmyeon your stuttering," Baekhyun gently pulls on the hand of his closet friend pulling down to the step beside him. Yes Suho may be in charge of his personal security, this intelligent and patient man is more then a guard he is his closest confidant. Observing the nervousness beside him, he lets out his own sigh, he knows Suho will think he has failed him again and when Chanyeol finds out he has known all along he definitely will be restricted to his sanctuary.

Baekhyun gently takes the rather cold hand of the man next to him taking a deep a breath, "is this all because Sunil has yet to be found?" Baekhyun doesn't pay any attention to the obvious shock on the mans face beside him. "Suho you know how the maids and guards gossip, I know what's going to happen at dawn!" Baekhyun isn't really sure how he's kept the fact that he knows someone is going to be executed for trying to poison him from everyone! Especially the man who has held him in his safe embrace for countless nights, the man  he loves with all his heart his strong and confident Emperor. "Suho is it wrong to feel so conflicted over the fate of a man who willingly tried to poison me!" Baekhyun takes a deep breath as he feels a squeeze on his delicate fingers, raising his head he finds Suho's usual calm and gentle smile. "No your grace, it means your human, one we all wish to keep untouched by the cruelty that can encompass those in power. I know you understand why Chanyeol is doing this,  he hates that it has come to this,  but he has been left no choice but to do this! He has to do this to set an example, yes it's not the man he wants to pay the ultimate price, but it's the only way. His love for you and the miracle you carry are the reason he has to be ruthless with those who seek to do harm." "Is this why my lord been so secretive?" "Yes your grace, he truly has the best intentions he wants to protect you, your pure heart and wants to keep you and  your baby safe."

Baekhyun gets to his feet, of course he understands what Suho is saying and he knows the man who is going to die is far from innocent. He also knows how much Chanyeol struggled with his suffering, his miscarriage was agony it would of been torture to witness too. Turning away from Suho he takes a deep breath as he sees the wisps of brightness in the inky black sky. For too long he has been dismissed by the council as being an unsuitable consort as  Sunil's demand that his miracle is nothing but abomination ring in his ears, it's time to show this kingdom he is worthy to be called their queen. Taking a deep breath he turns to Suho "I want my face to be one of the last thing this man sees, I want to stand beside the Emperor as the rightful Queen. "I would strongly advise against it as your guard your grace, however as your friend who had to watch you suffer such an ordeal I will support your decision. I just hope Chanyeol and Yixing don't skin me alive for supporting this. Cone we must make our way to the barracks if you wish to do this as the stars are dimming we won't have long!

15 minute later as the sunrise is climbing the sky, Baekhyun finds himself in area of the palace he has never been too. Both he and Suho passed through the blue wooden gates just seconds ago, what greeted them was not what he expected. Baekhyun assumes it's an area normally used for training going by its vast open space, on one side is a raised wooden structure where a masked man is laying straw. A second man appears to be cleansing the air with some kind of the incense. Turning away from the structure Baekhyun expected to find caskets of arrows next to round multicoloured targets, hay filled mannequins for sword practice and soldiers filling the space not for it to be filled with councillors and those of the royal and place guards not on patrol.

His attention from the men in front of him is broken by the four fugues standing upon a raised Dias. One of those men he recognises instantly. Standing tall his Emperor is resplendent in his formal red royal silk robes, robes stitched with intricate patterns of the flames of fire. The gentle breeze in the air causes those robes to billow, and gloriously makes Chanyeol appear like he is rising from a fire like a true Phoenix. Baekhyun is entranced by the beauty, power and authority his love exudes in this moment. A moment that ends when he notices silence has descended upon the surprisingly full courtyard. A sudden loud "Baekhyun" indicates that Chanyeol has finally realised who is standing in the normally open space. Before he can register what is happening  Chanyeol is in front of him concern evident in his eyes. "My dove, you should not be here, I do not wish for your pure heart to be a witness of this necessary bloodshed"

Beakhyun swallows in efforts to fight down the sudden nauseous feeling, "my lord it is my wish that this man witness how his attempt at my life has failed! He should see that the fruit of our love is strong and thriving, that we are united in this decision." Baekhyun can see that Chanyeol wants to deny his request but doesn't get chance when a deathly silence falls over the courtyard, not even the dawn chorus of birds is heard! Just as his hand is grabbed gently the sudden sound of the large drums at the end of Dias thrum out a two note dum da dum, it's a melody that sends chills down his spine. Its a sound unlike any other. "My dove, must I remind you of the last time you were witness to bloodshed!" "I am well aware of what happened when my mother lost her life! You want me to be queen and  the council to respect me, let them see I can stand with you."

Baekhyun can only watch as Chanyeol stands closer gently placing a hand on his swollen abdomen, the fluttering within him indicating their baby recognises the sudden extra heat. It's before his love nods his head and turns heading back to the dias  gently pulling him along. The once silent courtyard comes alive with whispering as they pass the council members, most  have friendly faces and bow in his presence, the odd face appears to be too stunned to do more then follow the cloud of  brightly coloured silk they wear. It's only once they are stood on the Dias with Yixing and two royal guards does the silence resume as severn men enter to the left of the courtyard, five of the men are in their palace guard uniforms and clearly guarding the one in white, who does not wear chains and has his head bowed low.

Baekhyun is surprised to see that it is Sehun who leads the men wearing green, a sudden whisper beside him answers his surprise. " My dove green symbolises fertility, I wanted to make a statement," Beakhyun nods it's A very impactful statement to make, one that warms his heart as he rest a hand on his abdomen. Watching as Four of the guards break the ranks to stand in front of the Dias as Sehun and a promising guard named Hung Woo guide the man up the on the wooden structure. The nausea he felt just now returns ten fold when he glimpses the man kneeling in the hay, as the four guards in front of the Dias light incense a potent mix of magnolia, amber root and ginseng. His breathing gets stuck in his throat when he sees that the man kneeling is young, not as young as himself but young enough to be swayed to commit evil acts. Bile rises in his throat when he realises this young man is clearly a servant and has most likely just acted out his masters demands. Baekhyun can clearly see the effects of years of service to Sunil have not been kind, he is so relieved there are recent signs of trauma, no wonder Chanyeol has been so secretive about the man sentenced to death.

A glint of bright light takes his attention from the man kneeling in the hay, Hung Woo is kneeling with his arms outstretched holding a long sword. "Sehun is cleansing his sword my dove, the blade that carries out this task must be free of impurities." Baekhyun takes a deep breath as it gets harder and harder, to stop the bile rising in his throat he really can't make a scene here by throwing up. He has never been more grateful when Chanyeol squeezes his hand before he takes a step forward. The next thing he becomes aware of as he watches Sehun pour water over his sword is Chanyeol's booming voice. "Today marks a sad day in our kingdom, a member of this court has chosen to flee rather then die with what little honour he deserves. The young man that kneels before you has provided the evidence of such treason, treason I'm sad to say has been committed by one I once called brother! This man has admitted it was him who placed the anconite in the store cupboard in an attempt to poison the Queen I know this man is not the mastermind of the plot, yet has chosen not to give up the whereabouts of his master! Whilst i commend him for his loyalty, his actions have left me no choice but to make an example out of him. I stand here as not just an Emperor of this great kingdom, but as a husband and as a man. A man who saved his loved one from the poison but could not save him from the cruelty of men in power. Therefore Wang Sunil is henceforth stripped of his titles,  his lands will be returned to the people and his house will knocked down. Kim Jil I spare you any further guilt, we will pray for your peace may the gods have mercy on your soul!"

It all happens so quickly, one minute the man on his knees opens his eyes locking on to his own! The next an ancient chant is heard from all the men as flash of bright white silver is seen slicing through the air like butter. Baekhyun hears the telling fud of a heavy object hitting the Dias and the clatter of the sword hitting the ground. The once yellow hay painted with crimson specks and the headless body still twitching is all to much for him, as he stumbles back in to strong arms of his emperor who catches him effortlessly,"breathe my dove it is over!" The last thing he sees as he struggles to keep conscious are the cloaks of Suho and the guards on the Dias erected to create a wall of privacy. He whispers out "I'm sorry" before his strength leaves him and deep blackness consumes him.

How was that everyone, have no fear Baekhyun is ok just fainted I promise.

I hope I have explained this ok, I'm not entirely happy with this update as i but great at explaining nasty bloody things. I have tried to honour ancient practices such as the incense and praying for the soul.


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