Date (In Between Episodes)

Melanie's POV

I got up with a happy feeling in me. It was strange, but I ignored it. I went to Aphmau's house, and went into Zoey's room first, to check up on Alexis and Levin.

"Melanie! Guess what! Alexis is smiling, and she said something!" I was face to face with a happy Molly. I creased my eyebrows together.

"What? Really??" I asked, overjoyed.

"Yes!! Aphmau went to build a shrine for Lady Irene, and I think that's the reason why Alexis is showing signs of coming back!" Molly cheered. I smiled for her, then looked at Alexis. She had moved a bit, and there was a smile on her face.

"That's great, Molly." I said. Then, I went to check up on Laurence.

"Melanie!!" My helm was yanked from my head, and I saw Laurence.


"Laurence, h-how did you know w-where I was?" I asked. Laurence grinned.

"I got my vision back!" He said. I widened my eyes.

"Really!?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah!" He said.

"Did you tell Aphmau yet?" I asked.

"Yep. She knows already." He said.

"That's great, Laurence." I sighed.

"So, I was hoping you would let me take you out on that date..." Laurence said. I smiled.

"Of course Laurence." I said. He smirked.

"Now I can finally see that beautiful smile of yours." He said. I blushed.

"And I can see you blushing." He said. I frowned.

"H-hey!" I cried, pouting as I put my helm back on. Laurence laughed.

"I'll see you later, then." Laurence said. I smiled to myself before leaving.


I walked into Cadenza's house, completely not ready for how I was going to ask for this.

"Cadenza? Um, I was asked out on a date and-"

Cadenza ran up the stairs, out of breath.

"A date!? Well then, say no more! I've had this outfit ready for a while, and now it's ready to be used!" Said Cadenza, handing me a dress. I walked into the closet and put it on. A/N Picture above!

"Oh, Cadenza... It's beautiful!" I said, twirling around. She smiled.

"Ok, you can take it." Cadenza said, smiling. I thanked her, put my armor back on, and left.


I put on my clothes, and even though I told Garroth not to, he insisted on taking off his helm the entire date. He would just stay at home the whole time.

"Garroth, I'm serious. You don't have to-"

"Melanie, it's fine. Besides, my post is over anyways. I was planning on staying home." Said Garroth. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I said. Then, I hugged him.

"I gotta go. Bye, Garroth!" I said, waving before I left.

I walked out the door, and Laurence was there.

"Oh! Hey Laurence! I thought I was gonna meet you at Aphmau's house?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nope. Here, put this on." Laurence said, handing me a blindfold. I raised an eyebrow.

"Anything I should know?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No. Now trust me and put it on." He ordered. I sighed and placed it over my eyes, tying it at the back of my head.

"Alright, now what?" I asked. Laurence grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers, and started to pull me somewhere.


"Ok. You can take off the blindfold now." I took off the blindfold, and smiled when I saw what lay in front of me.

A small picnic was laid out, the checkered red and white blanket with a small brown basket in the middle.

"Aw Laurence, you made a picnic?" I asked, sitting down. Laurence sat next to me, nodding.

"Yup. On the menu- sandwiches. It's all I can make." He admitted. I laughed.

"Well, I'm sure they'll be delicious." I said, opening the basket.


"That was really good, Laurence!" I exclaimed, putting all the trash in the basket.

"It was ok..." He said.

"No, you have to give yourself more credit then that!" I scolded. He sighed.

"Come on, time for a walk." Laurence said, pulling me up onto my feet.

"Where are we-"

"Do you trust me?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes.

"Of course I do." I said.

"Then you'll let me take you on a walk." He said. I smiled.

"Alright, let's go." I said, holding his hand as he led me into the forest.

I looked around, smiling. The forest was now dark, the stars dotting the purple sky. The moon shine down on us.

"This is beautiful." I murmured.

"Not more beautiful then you." Laurence said. I blushed. Then, I remembered Kawaii Chan telling me I had nature magicks.

"Hey Laurence... The other day Kawaii Chan told me I had nature magicks. Do you mind if I-"

"No, go ahead. Try them out." Laurence said. I smiled.

"Thanks." I said, walking up a bit.

I wonder what she meant by nature magicks. Just nature? Or anything else?

I thrusted my hands forward, and a pulse of energy was flicked before me.

I wonder if I can control animals... I wondered.

Then, I clenched my fists together and closed my eyes shut, thinking of a certain animal. A buzzing noise filled the air, and I opened my eyes. Fireflies filled the air, lighting up the dark forest.

"Woah!" Laurence gasped. I grinned, then tried something else.

Trees... Trees... Trees...

The trees that were about the hight of six feet then started to grow more and more until they reached the sky.

"I didn't know I could do that!" I cried.

"Well, I think it's pretty cool." Said Laurence. I smirked.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah. Now, if you could do fire, that'd be awesome too." He said. I narrowed my eyes, and flicked my hands towards him, with an image in mind.

A ring of fire circled around Laurence, making him jump.

"Woah! How are we going to-?"

Then, I used my hands and rain poured down, turning off the fire. I stopped the rain, and realized that we were now all wet.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry Laurence!" I said, laughing. Laurence joined me.

"It's ok, Melanie. That was cool, though." He said. I smiled.

Then, we walked to the docks, which were empty.

"Melanie, I've been wondering... Do you love me back?" Asked Laurence.

"Wha- LAURENCE! What kind of a question is that!?" I asked. He grinned.

"So you do love me." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course I love you, Laurence. It shouldn't even be a question." I said. Laurence chuckled.

"It was just a question." He said. I narrowed my eyes.

"Why would one ask such a question?" I asked. He tilted his head, giving me a mischievous smile.

"So I can make sure you don't mind me doing this."

Laurence caressed my chin with his hands, leaning into me and giving me a deep, but soft kiss. I kissed him back. His hands moved from my chin to my waist, pulling me closer to him. I held onto him with my arms around his neck, not wanting him to leave like last time.

I deepened the kiss as Laurence pulled me closer to his body. His soft, warm lips caressed mine, and I wished we could stay this way forever.

I pulled apart to breath, still in Laurence's embrace.

"It feels nice to be able to pull apart without one of us in danger of being turned into a Shadow Knight." Laurence admitted. I smiled, then pecked his lips with mine.

"Well, I have to go." I said, pulling away from him. Laurence nodded, taking my hand in his.

"I'll take you home." He said.

A/N AWWW!!! The feeelssss!!!!

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