Chapter 8
Louis wants to walk; he wants to run to where his little angel is talking to the stranger curly haired guy, but his feet are glued to the ground.
"Louis!?" Zayn's voice at the other side of the phone pulls him out of his train of thoughts. "Did you find him?"
"Yes." He whispers again. "Sorry for bugging you but I found him already." Louis apologies.
"Is he okay?" Zayn asks less worried.
"Yes, let me call you back." He says and even before he can get an answer from Zayn he hangs the call.
"You have curly hair." Alex says delighted. "Touch it?" He asks making grabby hands.
"Sure but we need to find your mummy and daddy first." The curly haired boy tells him; making him frown.
"I don't know where Papa is." Alex makes a face.
"Don't worry we will find him ...."
"Alex!" Louis screams from where he is (a few feet away from them). "Alex!"
"Papa!" The little boy says; clapping his little fits, happy to see his Papa.
"Alexander Wood Tomlinson! Don't you dare to do that to me again." Louis says; walking as fast as he can to where his little angel is.
"Papa!" Alex smiles again. Louis gets to where he is he examines him; taking his temperature with his hand for no reason. He check his lips and makes him open his mouth to see that his two little teeth are still there. Louis grabs him and places it on his hip to turn around to see a beautiful green eyed boy smiling at him with a dimple smile.
"Thank you." Louis says with a big smile in his face.
"You're welcome." The guy keeps the dimple smile in his face.
"I'm Louis ... Louis Wood." Louis stretches his hand to shake the guy's.
"I'm Harry Styles." Harry says in a raspy voice.
"And I'm Alex." They hear the little boy giggling on Louis' arms.
"And you're in trouble Mr. Alexander Wood Tomlinson." Louis says; placing a kiss on his left cheek.
"Don't be so hard on him." Harry adds. "The first thing he told me when I saw him standing in front of me was 'Papa went bye bye, help find papa please?'." Harry says; trying to mimic Alex's childish voice. "I didn't know what he meant by 'Papa went bye bye', but when he said help I knew he was lost." Harry explains. "But then he got distracted with my curls, wanting to touch them."
"Yeah he always gets distracted." Louis says; smiling at Alex. "Well thank you so much, Harry." Louis smiles at him.
"Want play." Alex says when he hears his papa saying bye bye to Harry.
"Don't you want to go night night?" Louis asks; curious.
"No, want play please!" He makes his best puppy eyes; which uncle Zazu taught him to do them.
"But only for a few minutes ..."
"Yay!" Alex giggles; tapping his papa's chest so he can put him down.
"Be careful." Louis says as he sees him going back to the playground.
"He's really energetic." Louis hears Harry's voice from behind him.
"Yes he is and I bet he already forgot that he was lost." Louis smiles.
"That's the advantage of being a child." Harry adds; giving him another of his beautiful dimpled smile.
"Yeah ...." Louis says; getting lost in those big green eyes.
"Louis!" He hears Zayn's voice. "Louis where's the little monster!?"
"Excuse me." Louis says to Harry; making his way to Zayn's side. "He's okay, he's playing there like if nothing had happened."
"You told me you were going to call me back but you never did." Zayn complains.
"I know, I'm sorry!" Louis gives him a half smile. "But when I saw him again I just forgot ..."
"It's okay." Zayn says smiling at him. "Let me go play with him." Zayn says before walking to Alex.
"Is that your husband?" Louis hears the same raspy voice from before.
"Come again?" Louis asks; not sure if he really asked him for a husband.
"Him." Harry says pointing at Zayn. "Is he your husband?"
Louis frowns at him. "How do you know I'm married?" He asks confused.
"You have a wedding ring." Harry answers shrugging.
"Oh," Louis laughs at himself. "Of course but how do you know I have a husband?"
"Your wedding ring is different."
"How come?"
"I don't know, it's just not the same as regular wedding rings." Harry shrugs again.
"Oh." Louis says; looking at Zayn and Alex.
"So is he your husband?" He asks again.
"No, he's my best mate." Louis smiles. "My husband is at work right now."
"Oh, that's good." Harry says faking a smile.
After a few minutes Zayn and Alex make their way to Louis; which Louis is thankful for because he doesn't know what else to talk about with Harry. Louis smiles at them as Alex runs making grabby hands.
"Want to go night night." He says as Louis lulls him against his chest.
"It was nice meeting you Harry." Louis says; smiling at him.
"Bye bye 'Ally." Alex says as he yawns.
"Bye bye love." Harry caresses his hair. "Behave and don't run away from Papa."
Alex giggles to Harry's words, making Louis, Zayn and Harry laugh.
"I'm Zayn by the way." Zayn smiles.
"Harry." He smiles back.
"Okay." Louis says; wanting to push Zayn so he starts walking.
"Hope to see you soon." Harry adds. "Have a nice day!"
"You too." Is the last thing Louis says; blushing from ear to ear as he starts walking toward his car.
When they're far away from Harry Zayn looks at him smirking.
"What?" Louis asks in a annoyed tone.
"Hope to see you soon," Zayn tries to mimic Harry's voice. "Have a nice day!"
"Whatever." Louis rolls his eyes. "And beside, he knows I'm married. He even asked me if you were my husband."
"What?" Zayn frowns, "Now I'm offended."
"You would be lucky if all this." Louis says; pointing at himself from head to toe. "Was yours."
"Whatever you say Tomlinson." Zayn rolls his eyes. "Are you going home already?"
"Yeah, Alex wants to sleep and I need to cook dinner." Louis smiles at his sleepy Alex in his chest.
"Oh, okay." Zayn says. "Call me if anything happens."
"Yeah," Louis smiles at him. "I would invite you over but ...."
"I know, Lou." Zayn interrupts him. "I know."
"Bye Zee." Louis hugs him.
"Bye Lou." He hugs him back. "Bye little monster." Zayn kisses Alex's forehead.
Louis buckles Alex making sure that the seat belt is doing what is suppose to do. He gets in the driver's side and turns on the engine. He gets to his flat in 15 minutes, with a sleepy Alex in the back seat. He parks the car and unbuckles himself. He looks at Alex through the rear mirror; the minutes he was lost comes to his mind. He shakes his head trying to get rid of them. He gets out of the car and opens Alex's door. He gets the nappy bag and place it on his shoulder; right after that he unbuckles Alex and carries him on his arms. With difficulty Louis makes his way to his flat and when he's there he opens the door to an empty flat. He puts the keys on the coffee table; making his way to the couch to lay Alex there. He looks at the time and it's 3:25 already so he go to the kitchen to make dinner. 45 minutes later the dinner is ready and Alex is watching telly when Louis goes to talk to him.
"Baby boy." Louis says in a sweet tone; making Alex smile at him. "We can not tell daddy about today."
"Why?" Alex asks curious.
"He will get mad if we do." Louis tries to explain him. "What happened today is a big no no for daddy." Louis tries to explains, Alex knows what a big no no mean so Louis hopes he doesn't say anything when George gets there.
"Okay." Alex says; putting his attention back to the telly.
George gets home at 5:17, he kisses Louis on the lips making him feel uncomfortable; not because he doesn't like it but because it's new for him. After that he goes to play with Alex; like he does every day. Louis as always offers him to serve dinner but George tells him they'll eat later.
"How was your day?" George asks.
"It was good." Louis lies, faking a smile.
"Yeah," Alex says; playing we his toys. "I see 'Ally."
George looks at Louis confused; waiting for him to explain without him asking. When he realizes Louis isn't saying anything until he asks him (because that's the way he taught him) he asks. "Who's 'Ally?"
"Er..." Louis begins. "Alex met him at the park today."
"Him?" George starts yelling. "Are you cheating on me?"
"W-what? No!" Louis says scared.
George walks to him and grabs him by his shirt. "Don't you dare to lie to me." He whispers against his face. "Why did he met Alex?"
"Papa." Alex says in a scared tone; watching how daddy gets mad at Papa.
"G- george, you're scaring him." Louis whispers.
George let go of his shirt; walking to Alex. He carries him in his arms to his room. Louis knows what comes next. When George comes back he grabs him by his forearm and drag him to their room.
"Who the fuck is 'Ally?" George asks; throwing him to the ground.
"He's nobody." Louis whispers; rubbing his forearm.
"Is he your swain? Did he met Alex because you're planing to run away with him?" George screams. "Answer me!"He hits Louis.
"N-no." Louis cries. "I don't even know him.... I haven't even seen him before today." Louis tries to explains.
"Don't lie to me you slut!" George hits him again. "I bet he had been fucking you all this time I was disgusted to touch you!" He says unzipping his chinos. "Tell me how much of a cockslut you are! Tell me how he fucks you! Tell me how you let him use you because you're a fucking cockslut who loves to be fuck!"
"SHUT UP!" He yells; hitting him. "I'm going to give you what you want cockslut!" He says; taking Louis jeans down. "I'm going to fuck you so hard that when ever he does again you will remember me, you will remember your husband!"
"No, George-e please...." Louis begs.
"Don't worry, you'll love it! I know you will! You're a cockslut and having a cock up your ass is what you love the most." George says pulling down his own boxers. "Now come here and let me fuck you so hard and deep that every time you walk you will feel me."
"George-e." Louis cries, wanting to get away. "Please don't."
George pulls Louis' boxers down and makes him bend over on their night stand. Without a warning or lube George pushes one of his finger inside Louis; making him scream.
"That's how you scream when you're with him?" George asks; fucking his finger into Louis.
"Geo-george please stop-p." Louis cries in pain."
With his free hand George pulls Louis' hair, whispering dirty things in his ear. Louis writhes in pain when he feels George pushing another finger in. "G-george ... Please-e hurts-s." Louis begs with tears running down his cheek.
"Considerate yourself lucky that I'm prepping you." George says pulling his hair. "Next time I'm just gonna stick my cock in you ass!"
When George gets his two fingers out Louis knows what's coming next. He's disappointed at himself for even thinking that George could changed. George gets inside him in one go, not giving him time to adjust to the intrusion.
"George-e please-e stop-p." Louis cries into the mattress.
"SHUT UP YOU COCKSLUT!" George says; fucking into him harder.
George keeps screams profanities at Louis as he keeps fucking him harder. Louis hears Alex crying and that when he decides to make him stop again.
"George-e." Louis whispers. "Alex's crying ... please stop-p." He lets a loud moan escape his mouth when George hits his sweet spot.
"Look at you!" George says; hitting the spot over and over again. "Fucking cockslut!"
A few thrusts later George comes deep inside Louis, making him feels disgusting and sticky. George pulls out and get his pants up. Louis cries in silence; waiting for him leave like he always after he rapes him. With tears running down his cheek Louis realizes that George hasn't change and he never will.
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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