Chapter 5

The next day Louis wakes up when George's alarm clock goes off at 8 am. It's not like he has to be at work at a specific time but he likes to have breakfast at home. So Louis gets off bed and brushes his teeth and hair before going to Alex's room to check on him. When he opens the door he finds his little angel sleeping on his crib. Louis smiles at the image and it's in times like this one when he realizes that everything is worthy. He closes Alex's room door as he makes his way to the kitchen. In there he washes his hands again and gets everything he needs to make chocolate chip pancakes.

"Where's Alex?" George asks; looking around.

"Oh!" Louis turns around to look at him. "Good Morning!" He smiles. "Alex's sleeping."

"Oh!" George says; sitting on the dinner table.

"Anything to drink?" Louis asks; like every single morning when George sits at the table. You might think is a stupid question to ask but George doesn't drink tea or coffee every day.

"Coffee." George says in a cold tone.

If Louis is being honest he's not even surprised that George is acting like if last night didn't happen. He was drunk anyways. Louis goes to the kitchen to make George's coffee. He goes back to the table with George's coffee in his hand when he hears Alex crying in his room.

"Oh." Louis says placing the coffee on the table. "Let me get Alex, after that I'll serve you."

"Sure." George rolls his eyes.

Louis walks to Alex's room, knowing that nothing is wrong with him. He just woke up and cry because he didn't see any of his daddies on the room. It was hard the first time that it happened because back then Louis didn't know that.

"George!" Louis says in a worried tone; trying to wake his husband. "George!"

George groans; not knowing why in the fuck is Louis waking him up before his alarm clock goes on.

"What, Louis!? WHAT!?" He screams.

"Alex is crying and I don't know why!" Louis stutters.

"You're useless!" George says as he takes Alex from Louis' arms. After a few minutes Alex stops crying. "See! That's everything you have to do! You're fucking useless!"

Louis shakes his head to get rid of the memory; still painful to think how George makes him insecure about himself, about everything he does. He takes a few deep breaths before entering his son's room; he doesn't want to worry him.

"Baby boy!" He says with a smile on his face. Alex looks at him and stops crying. "Papa is here baby, don't worry!"

Louis carries Alex in his arms; making him feel safe. Alex smiles at him; and yeah Louis knows that he can do anything as long as he has his little treasure with him.

"Hungry?" Louis asks him in a childish voice.

Alex nods; rubbing his eyes with his little fits. Louis makes his way back to the kitchen with Alex on his arms. He sits Alex in his high chair and goes back to the kitchen to serve George's breakfast. He gets the blueberry syrup and butter out and place it in the table next to the chocolate chip pancakes.

30 minutes later George leaves the flat without saying anything to Louis. If he's honest he kinda knew George wasn't going to remember this day. He hasn't remember it for 2 years in a row. He gets nostalgic as he remembers how they used to celebrate this special day 5 years ago.

"Happy 1st year anniversary!"George whispers against Louis' ear; making him giggle.

"Happy 1st year anniversary!" Louis whisper back; giving him a tender kiss.

"I have a surprised for you." George says; trying to reach his night stand's drawer.

"George!" Louis whimpers; giving him a sweet smile.

George gets a small black box out of the drawer and Louis panics. George notices his reaction and hugs him.

"George?" Louis asks in a surprised tone.

George places the little black box in Louis' delicate hands. "Open it!"

Louis stares at him for a few moments; unsure of what to do. George gives him a warm smile which is everything that Louis needs to open the box. His shaking hands open the box slowly; trying not to drop the box in the attempt. His heart sinks when he he sees the silver item in the box.

"George-e?" Louis stutters and George giggles.

"So?" George asks with a smile from ear to ear.

"Are you sure about this?" Louis asks curious; not believing it just yet.

"Yes! I've never been more sure of anything else before and if you want to do will do it tomorrow morning." George wraps his arms around Louis; wanting to make him feel safe, secure.

Louis takes the silver item and traces it with his fingertips delicately for a few moments as George admires him. He gets off bed naked and walks to where his skinny jeans landed last night. He takes out his key chain and adds the key to it.

"So I'm taking that as a yes?" George asks with a big smile on his face.

"Yes!" Louis swallows hard as he keeps repeating yes after yes after yes.

George gets off his bed and walks to Louis 'side to hug him. Louis welcomes the warm body next him feeling safe. And if you asks him that's what he loves the most about George. He makes him feel safe.

"So..." George says against Louis' hair. "Now that you said yes to moving in with me I want to asks you if you want to do it the right way."

"The right way?" Louis asks with a broken voice.

"Yes," George nods.

"The right way!" He says as he kneels down in one knee. "Since the first time I saw you in my warehouse with Zayn I knew there was something that I liked about you." George pauses as bites his bottom lip. "And I'm not talking about your arse or cock...."

"George!" Louis says embarrassed; blushing a burning red.

"I'm just kidding, well not I'm not but the thing is that I liked you since the first day I saw you." He smiles. "I know you went there to buy weed but somehow I could see innocence in your eyes and that make me want to get to know you." He takes his left hand and kisses each of his knuckles. "And know I have the fortune to call you my boyfriend and believe me I'm not complaining but I want to call you my husband." Louis gasps; trying not to faint. "So, would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

"Papa?" Alex says; trying to get Louis' attention who's seems to be going crazy with his train of thoughts. "Papa!?"

"Huh?" Louis asks shaking his head; making the memory faint in his head.

"You okay?"Alex asks; frowning in confusion.

"Yes, baby boy." Louis smiles at him. "I'm okay."

Louis changes Alex into regular clothes to go to the store. He wants to make a nice/romantic dinner for their 5th anniversary even though he knows George won't appreciate it. He googles a romantic recipes and when he knows what he'll need he goes to the grocery store. He decides to do Filet Mignon with Mushroom-Wine Sauce. He gets all the ingredients he needs; he wants to get flowers and candles but he knows the one from the grocery store aren't as good as the one from a flower shop. He pays for the ingredients and some sweets that Alex begs him to get. When he puts all the grocery bags in the car he makes his way to the flower shop that is close to their flat. He parks in front of Styles' Flower Shop; he can already see the flowers he's going to buy. He gets off the car and unbuckles Alex. He makes his way to the shop where a girl greets him.

"Welcome to Styles' Flower Shop!" She smiles. "How can I help you?"

"Hi." Louis says to the girl with pink hair name Gemma, according to her name tag. "Today's my 5th anniversary and I want to buy flowers to decorate my flat." He blushes when he notices the way Gemma looks at him.

"Awww that's so romantic." Gemma smiles. "And I'm guessing this is your son?" Gemma says smiling at Alex who stares at her with curiosity.

"Yes." Louis says smiling at Alex.

"Okay, what kind of flowers does she like?" Gemma asks as she walks to the shelf.

"Umm .... Er.... It's a guy." Louis finally says.

"Oh, okay. What kind of flowers does he like?" Gemma corrects herself smiling.

"He likes roses." Louis lies. "But I want your opinion on what can I get for this occasion."

"Of course, I'm here to help you." Gemma smiles again; for the bijillion time. "Come." She tells him as she walks through some tables with different kind of flowers on it. "This ones right here." She points at the most beautiful flowers Louis has ever seen. "This one are Camellias. In the language of flowers , the Camellia means I will always love you and you are the most beautiful. I am proud that you have chosen me." Gemma explains as she shows him the flowers.

Louis laughs under his breath; I mean what an irony. He used to think he'll love George forever and that he was so lucky that George chose him but everything chance when George started to act distant with him. Louis still loves him; not as much as he did at the beginning but he still does.

"So?" Gemma asks when Louis doesn't say anything.

"Oh! Yes I'm buying those." Louis smiles.

"Okay." Gemma says getting a bouquet.

"I'm getting 2 of those." Louis smiles. "And can I have roses and candles?"

"How many?"

"I don't know, how many do you think I need to make a path?"

"Depends, how long and thick is going to be." Gemma smiles. "But you know what, I have rose's petals like by themselves, they're cheaper."

"Oh, okay." Louis says putting Alex on his feet. He gets his wallet out and pays the camellias, the petals and the candles.

"Okay, if you want my little brother can help you to put them in the car." Gemma offers.

"Oh no, it's okay." Louis shrugs.

"Okay, have a nice day." Gemma says giving him a warm smile. "Happy anniversary!"

Louis puts the camellias and the petals in the car as Alex waits for him to come back. When Louis comes back for Alex Gemma smiles at him for the last time.

"Who was that?" A voice says from behind her. She turns around to see her little brother making his way inside the store from the back door.

"A customer perhaps." Gemma rolls her eyes. "Come on H, who else is going to be?"

"I don't know, maybe it was that skinny kid who always come to buy a rose whenever you're here perhaps." H says in a sarcastic tone.

"You're an idiot!" Gemma rolls her eyes again and sometimes her brother tells her that one of this day her eyes will stay like that.

"Wow!" H says looking at the book where they write down every sell; surprised to see how much the customer just spent.

"I know!" Gemma smiles. "It's for his and his boyfriend 5th anniversary!"

"That guy is lucky to have someone like him." H whispers to himself.


You all thought that Louis was going to meet Harry then didn't ya!
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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