Chapter 38
The next day when Alex comes back from school Louis and Harry talk to him.
"Buddy," Louis sits him on his laps. "We need to talk."
"Am I in trouble? I swear Baylor really wanted to.... She-e ... She was hap..."
"What happened to Baylor?" Louis raises an eye brow.
"Oh?" Alex smiles. "So this is not about what happened in the back yard?"
"No, but what happened in the back yard?" Louis asks in a serious tone, or at least he tries to speak in one.
"Nothing! So what did you want to talk to me about?" Alex tries to shift the conversation back to whatever Harry and Louis wanted to talk to him in the first place because he doesn't have a valid explanation for what happened in the back yard.
"It would be okay with you if someone else comes to live with us?" Louis asks, placing him on his laps.
"Is auntie Fizzy and Jareau coming to live with us?" He asks excited. "This house is just too big for the three of us."
"I know love," Louis smiles at him softly.
"That's why a little person is coming to live with us in less than 9 months." Harry says as he strokes his hair.
"A little person? Like a baby?"
"Yes, a baby."
Alex gasps loudly. "Papa! Is it Noah? Is she coming back?"
"No love," Louis smiles weakly. "It's not Noah, it's a baby the Harry and I made together."
"How?" Alex frowns and Louis goes white.
"Uh ...We .... I-I ...."
"I gave him a special hug." Harry cuts in.
"A special hug?"
"Yes, a special hug." Louis smiles at Harry.
"Where's the baby now?"
"The baby is here," Louis rubs his non-visible bump.
"Papa..." Alex gasps again. "The baby must be scare and alone in there."
"The baby isn't alone, it's inside of me and he/she has you and Harry." Louis explains.
"Harry is daddy."
"Yes, love." Louis smiles at him.
"The baby is going to call you daddy?" Alex asks to Harry, pulling his eye brows together.
"Of course," Harry smiles at him. "I mean, eventually the baby will."
"Oh," Alex looks at the ground. "Uh ... can I - I .... I mean you're marry to my ..."
"Come here." Harry places Alex on his laps.
"Can I call you dad, too?" Alex asks, pressing his lips together.
"Of course." Harry smiles widely, the fond is clear on his tone. "I'd love that."
"Okay dad." Alex cuddles into his chest. "I love you."
"I love you too." Harry looks at Louis who's pressing his lips together, trying to contain his tears.
Everybody's at Zayn and Niall's place for a homecoming party for the girls. It's the first time they're meeting Zayn's and Niall's family. And let's just say that everybody is nervous. All of them had been all over the moon to have them home.
"I can't wait anymore." Louis whispers to Harry.
"Be patient love," Harry smiles. "They'll be here soon, Zayn already called us telling us so."
"I know," Louis sighs. "I just want to meet them already...."
"They're here!" Fizzy yells from the front door. "Come on, come to the family room!"
Louis and Harry make their way to the family room where Fizzy, Jareau and Alex are waiting. Louis stands close to Harry as somebody opens the door from outside.
"We're home!" Niall says, letting Maia and Selena walk in first.
The two girls are beautiful, they look a like even though they're fraternal twins. Both of them have straight brown hair, brown eyes and a beautiful smile. Maia though, she has chubby cheeks and a bottom nose. On the other hand Selena have flat cheeks, thin lips and a dimple smile. Both of them smile politely at them.
"Hi loves." Fizzy is the one to greet them. "Welcome home.... I'm Fizzy and this is my daughter Jareau, my nephew Alex and his daddies Louis and Harry."
"Hi." Selena smiles at them. "I'm Selena and this is my sister Maia."
"Nice to meet you guys." Maia smiles at them as well.
"Let's go to the dining room, we made your favorite." Louis adds, rushing them to the diner table.
When Harry and Louis go with Dr. Swan for his 12 week check up, they're able to hear the baby's heartbeat. They can also hear Louis' heart beat raising because of it. When the image comes into the screen and the heartbeat sounds through the room Louis looks at Harry pressing his lips together.
"Harry," Louis whispers with tears on his eyes, holding his hand tighter. "The baby is so tiny."
"It's gonna be just like you." Harry chuckles, placing a soft kiss on Louis' temple.
"Hey!" Louis hits him playfully.
"The baby will be the most beautiful baby ever." Harry smiles at him. "I mean it's our kid ..."
"Don't say that to Alex though," Louis giggles.
"If you two don't mind I'm going to check the location of your placenta to ensure placenta praevia is not a concern." Dr. Swan says, moving the probe on his little bump. After a few seconds Dr. Swan smiles at them, telling them that everything is okay.
"I read on the internet ..." Louis bites his bottom lip. "That on this scan we can also know if the baby may suffer from Down's syndrome."
"Of course," Dr. Swan keeps moving the probe. "Let's measures the fluid at the back of the baby's neck, here you can see it." She points at the screen. "And it looks like everything is okay." She smiles at them. "So far is a healthy baby!"
"Good," Louis smiles softly.
"Well, that's everything for today." Dr. Swan gives him a wash clothe so he can clean the gel off his bump. "I'll see you for your 20 weeks scan, don't forget that's when you can know if you're having a baby girl or a boy."
"Of course," Louis keeps smiles.
"Okay, I'll see you in 8 weeks then." Dr. Swan says as she leaves the room.
"Hey beautiful," Harry whispers to Louis' bump. "The doctor said you're okay and that's everything that matter right now." He places a soft kiss. "I can't wait to have you in my arms and hold you tight, making sure you feel safe." He strokes Louis' bump gently. "I love you."
"The baby loves you too." Louis replies, stroking Harry's curls gently. "And I love you too."
"And I love you Louis Styles, so fucking much."
"Come and give me a kiss." Louis kisses him gently. "We have to go before they kick us out of here."
When they go back home Fizzy, Jareau and Alex are waiting for them. Their family knew they were going to the scan today so they planned to go to their place so they could tell them about their baby.
"So when is the baby coming home?" Alex frowns when he sees Harry and Louis empty handed.
Harry picks him up on his arms and places him on his hip.
"The baby's still here." Louis says placing his hands on his bump. "She or he needs to grow up and when she or he is ready she or he will come out."
"How she got there?" Alex asks, looking at his bump confused.
"This is gonna be good." Fizzy chuckles. "Come on guys explain to him how the baby got there."
"Tone it down a notch, Félicité!" Louis scolds her and she just rolls her eyes at him.
"You know how much I love your papa, right?" Harry asks and waits for Alex to nod. "Well, when two people love each other they can make babies."
"How?" Alex asks, still confused.
"A special hug!" Harry says nervous, hoping that Alex would believe him, but then he remembers they talk about this before. "Remember the special hug we talked about?"
"A special hug, really?" Fizzy whispers to Louis.
"Sh! This might work." Louis says, waiting for Alex reaction.
"You know you'll have to give him the talk someday, right?"
"Yeah and that day doesn't have to be today though...."
"Ohhh..." Alex says delighted, interrupting Louis and Fizzy's conversation.
"Yeah." Harry nods, chuckling.
"So when is she coming home?"
"The baby will come home in 6 months." Louis smiles at him.
"I can't wait!" Alex says excited.
And he isn't the only one who can't wait to have the baby home either.
Two weeks later Louis and Harry are in the family room watching a film. Alex is fast sleep on the couch next to them and Baylor is by his side, sleeping as well. They're joined completely, Louis' right ankle hook under Harry's left. Harry's arms wrap around Louis body and his two big hands are place where their baby is growing healthy and strong.
"Can we start thinking about the names already or it is too soon?" Harry whispers, not wanting to wake Alex and Baylor.
"Is never too soon for that." Louis smiles.
"If it's a girl what do you want to name her?" Harry asks, resting his chin on Louis' shoulder.
"I don't know.... I want a unique name, you know." Louis sighs. "A name that nobody else has...."
"It can be a combination of our names..." Harry suggests.
"Larry?" Louis chuckles.
"For a boy is okay," Harry shrugs.
"But I want it unique." Louis complains.
"Okay, let's think for a girl first and then we move into boys."
"Okay ...." Louis babbles. "What about ..... Nina? It's a cute name."
"How is that a combination of our names?" Harry teases him.
"It's not, you silly." Louis hits him playfully. "But it's a cute name."
"It is, I'm not gonna lie.... it even sounds right Nina Styles Tomlinson." Harry says, testing the name out.
"Is she gonna have a middle name?" Louis wonders.
"Yeah...."Harry thinks for a moment. "Louise!" He snaps his fingers.
"Noooo!" Louis shakes his head. "I couldn't talk Fizzy out of it but with you ..." He bites his bottom lip. "It's different." He palms his dick through the trousers.
"You're going to be the death of me." Harry adds, his dick flinching under Louis' touch.
"Her middle name isn't going to be Louise, right?" Louis smiles seductively.
"No no no no!" Harry shakes his head. "Nina Louise doesn't sound right."
"I know," Louis goes to leave wet kisses on Harry's neck, making him moan.
"Louis-s ....." Harry tries to stop him. "We can't-t ... not here, Alex ...."
"I know," Louis stops kissing him. "Let's go to our room ....."
Harry stands up in record time, the hardness on his trouser needs to be taking care of soon or he will die. Louis kisses Alex's forehead and follows Harry to their room upstairs. Harry's trouser are gone when Louis enters the room, Harry is sited on the bed, palming himself.
"See what you do to me?" He asks, stroking his cock.
"Oh yes, I see." Louis giggles, walking seductively towards him. "Let me take care of that ..."
"But our lemon?" Harry says, talking about the baby.
"It's a peach now," Louis smiles softly. "And our peach will be okay."
No matter how many times Louis tells Harry that he and the baby are okay when they're making love Harry is always extra careful with them. And this time isn't the exception either, not matter how much Louis' tight ass begs him to go faster and harder. When they finish Harry cleans the cum out of Louis' body. He traces his fingertips gently along Louis' curves. Is his favorite thing to do after making love, he loves to traces unknown patters on Louis' skin.
"Haise!" Louis says out of nowhere.
"Uh?" Harry stops his movements for a second.
"Haise." Louis repeats. "It's a combination of our names in girl version." He explains softly.
"Haise." Harry says, pronouncing it with so much love.
"Haise Anne Styles Tomlinson." Louis says, adding the middle name.
"Really?" Harry bites his bottom lip.
"Yeah, she'd love that." Louis kisses his bare shoulder.
"Were you thinking about name while ...."
"No!" Louis laughs. "It came to me after."
"Okay," Harry kisses him softly. "And if it's a boy?"
"Hmmm ...." Louis puts his thinking face on. "Spencer!"
"Yeah, I mean if you want you can choose the middle name or the first name."
"William." Harry says, smiling at him.
"Really?" Louis makes a face. "Do I have to change you mind about that too?" he asks, eyeing Harry's cock.
Harry chuckles, shaking his head.
"What about Edward?" Louis suggests. "Spencer Edward Styles Tomlinson."
"I like it." Harry smiles. "It was my grandfather's name so I'm not arguing on that."
"Good because I love it." Louis wraps his arms around him, wanting to rest for a little bit more before going to the family room to wake Alex and Baylor.
When the 20 weeks scan comes around Harry and Louis, like the rest of the family, are ready to know if it's Haise Anne Styles Tomlinson or Spencer Edward Styles Tomlinson. Anne cries when Louis and Harry told her the names for both of the sex. She's so emotional when Harry tells her that if it's a girl their naming her after her, but when he tells her about Edward Anne literally burst into tears. Her father's name was Edward, he literally made Anne that woman she is today. He passed away when Harry and Gemma where little but they know everything about him through Anne.
"Thank you." Anne reaches out and runs her fingers through his fringe, he immediately leans into the touch.
"You don't need to thank me for that." Louis smiles softly.
"I know," Anne keeps running her fingers through his fringe. "That's not why I'm saying thank you for.... Thank you for making him happy, thank you for giving him the happily ever after he deserves. He's a hopeless romantic and knew he had to get his fairy tale eventually."
"In that case thank you for raising him how you done, he's the man he is today because of you..... he's one of the best thing that ever happened to me." Louis adds, looking at Harry who is buckling Alex in the car to go to the scan.
"And you're the best thing that ever happened to him." Anne assures him.
"Stop scolding him mum!" Harry teases her. "We have to go now, you can keep scolding him when we're back from the scan."
"Bye love." Anne hugs him and kisses him on the cheek.
"Bye Anne," Louis repeats her actions.
"We'll see you after that scan okay." Harry wraps his arms around her.
"Good luck and text me when you know the sex."
"Nice try but you'll have to wait and vote like everybody else." Harry chuckles.
Harry drives to Dr. Swan's office. He notices how nervous Louis is, he's biting his bottom lip hard. He reaches out and drags it out, smiling at him softly.
"Everything will be okay." Harry assures him.
"I know." Louis whispers. "But I can't help being nervous."
"I love you." Harry says, knowing that hearing those three words always calms him down.
"I love you, too." Louis intertwines their fingers, he bring Harry's hand close to his mouth and kisses his knuckles.
20 minutes later they get to Dr. Swan's office. The receptionist walks them to the room. Dr. Swans enters the room after them and sits on his leather brown chair.
"Hi Alex." She smiles at him. "How are you?"
"I'm good Dr. Swan!" Alex says excitedly. "And you?"
"I'm doing fantastic, thank you!" She looks at Louis after. "I'm guessing you're ready."
"More than ready!" Louis smiles.
"Okay then, lay down on the bed for me and pull your shirt up." She says, getting the ultrasound machine ready.
"Today we're going to check the baby's heartbeat, we're going to ensure that the baby is developing properly, to check the baby's estimated size and to see how the baby, placenta and umbilical cord are positioned." She explains as she pours the gel on Louis' bump. "Would you like to know the sex?"
"Of course." Louis and Harry say in sync, making them smile.
"It's good to see that both of you agree on that one." She smiles, she moves the probe around Louis' bump. "Okay .... Everything looks fine and I'm glad to tell you that you're having a baby girl."
All of them gasps at the same time, making Dr. Swan chuckle.
"Papa! Papa! I'm having a baby sister." Alex says excited.
"Yes love," Louis smiles at him, right after he looks back at the screen. "Hello there Haise Anne Styles Tomlinson." He whispers, wanting to control the tears.
"I love you so much."Harry whispers against his temple.
"Congratulations!" Dr. Swan smiles again. "I'll be seeing you when this little girl is ready to come or if anything happens but I'm rooting more for the first option." She gives him a wash clothe to clean off the gel.
"Thank you so much." Harry shakes her hand.
Dr. Swan leaves the room. Louis, Harry and Alex make their way to the lots. The whole ride back home Louis is talking to Haise, telling her excited he is to have her in his arms already. Alex joins him as well, he tells her he can't wait to take care of her. Which makes Louis cries, he's definitely blaming the hormones. They get home and like they planned the entire Styles/Malik/Horan/Tomlinson family is on their family room waiting for them.
"So!?" Gemma attack him. "Tell us!"
Louis walks to the family room without saying anything. When he gets there Anne smiles at him, he smiles back but doesn't say anything about the baby's sex.
"Everybody's paper is on the jar, right?"
Some yes's, of course's are hear in the room and Louis smiles.
"Harry come here!" Louis says and Harry stands behind him, wrapping his arms around him. "Open the jar then and see what you guys think."
9 rooting for a girl, 5 for a boy and 13 piece of paper later Louis smiles at them and say the news. All of them make sure to assure Louis that they didn't want a specific gender, the go for the gender they did because f the old bump's shape trick. Every single one of them congratulate Louis and Harry, so when they're done the move on the the next part.
"And her name is ...... drum roll please?" Louis says and everybody hit their laps. "Haise Anne Styles Tomlinson."
Some "that's beautiful", "what a gorgeous name," and "She's gonna love it" are hear through the room as they hug him again. Harry smiles at Louis, he loves to see him happy and this is the happiest he had ever seen him. He loves her baby girl so much because even when she's not born yet, she's bringing so much joy to their family. _
It's been three months, some days were easier than other. Sometimes woke up in the middle of the night with cravings, wanting the weirdest thing ever. Other time he just wanted Harry to make love to him. In between work, the pregnancy and home Louis was always so busy and that why Fizzy offered to plan Alex's and Jareau's birthday party. Alex's going to be 8 and Jareau is going to be 4, it's also that year that Jareau will start school and finally Fizzy is going to get her fashion design degree. June 17 comes around and fortunately Fizzy has everything ready for the birthday party. They in the middle of the party when Louis let out a sharp cry. Harry runs to him to sit him down but he just keep grinding his teeth.
"Louis? Love are you okay?" Harry asks in a worried tone. "Gemma! Get the car ready!"
Louis let out another sharp cry, holding his bump tight.
"Zayn help me lift him! We're taking him to the hospital!" Harry says in a steric tone.
Zayn and Harry get Louis to the car, Harry tries to take the driver's side but Gemma pushes to the back seat where Louis is lie down.
"I'm driving!" Gemma scolds. "Just go with him, I'll take care of taking both of you to the hospital alive!"
Gemma brakes to many traffic laws on her way to the hospital and thankfully there aren't cops on the streets. When she gets there a nurse tries to take care of them but Louis screams at her that he wants Dr. Swan.
"I heard you were here." Dr.Swan's voice comes into the room as she enters.
"Hello-o." Louis tries to take deep breath like he learned in the classes he went to.
"Let's see what's happening here." She says, getting closer to Louis. She examines him and let's out a loud sigh. "She's not going to born just yet, it's your body the one getting ready to give birth."
"He's getting a C-section." Harry comments confused.
"Of course, but the procedure is the same." Dr. Swan explains. "The body has to get ready for it."
"This didn't happened with Alex." Louis whispers in pain.
"Every pregnancy is different, but let me tell you what to do so it won't be so painful."
"Okay." Louis smiles at her weakly. "But she's okay, right?"
"She is." Dr. Swan smiles.
After she gives him instructions on how to make it less painful she leaves the room. Louis hugs Harry tight, trying to feel safe.
"Everything will be fine." Harry whispers. "She's fine!"
Louis nods and smiles at him. "I love you."
"I love you too." Harry kisses him softly, he goes down to Louis' bump and kiss it. "I love you too Haise!"
Their baby is fine and that's everything that matters to them.
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
Follow, vote and comment :)
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